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TED: Jay Walker.

English Mania
( while listening to the video you have to fill the gaps with the words given below the text.)

Religious mania – there is ________________, weeping, ________________.

Manias can be good, manias can be ________________ or manias can be
Listen as Chinese students practice their English by screaming it: “I don’t want to let
my parents________________ ... Most ________________ I don’t want to let
myself down.”
Why English? In a ________________ word: opportunity. Imagine a student taking a
________________ test for three full days. Her score on this one test
________________ ________________ her future.
80 million high‐school Chinese students have already taken this ________________
test. The intensity to learn English is almost ________________, unless you
________________ it.
Your ________________ language is your life but with English you can become a
part of wider ________________ ‐ a ________________ conversation about global
problems, like ________________ or ________________.
And now English is becoming a language of problem‐________________. Not
because America is ________________ it, but because the world is
________________ it.
So English mania is a ________________ point, like the ________________ of
electricity in our cities.
English ________________ hope for a better future.

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