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Gender is the state of being male or female.

Development is the process of starting to experience

or suffer from an ailment or feeling.

Gender Development is a process of being a man and woman.

Developing is need for everyone who wants to be a great person. Great is the best we hear for
everyone but great is not the best for me because if we want to be a great we need to respect
other people or nationality. Discrimination is the one who kill equality in this world that’s why
so many approach to develop every individual to know what are we gonna do. This is not also
for man and woman also in lesbian and gay because equality is for everyone.

So many approaches for gender development and I’m so happy to hear that they help everyone
who abuse to fight and to support for them. I’m the one who respect all people because I respect
myself to develop who I am like now for making myself fight this life.

Be a model to our students in this word, model is not only for a good appearance but in also good
relationship to everyone and give them a lesson in life. Our parents is our model they give a
lesson and support of what are we going to do in life.

In every theories we see the differences between man and woman like in biological woman
produce to give birth. In social aspects man is more sociable than woman but social cognitive
theory our knowledge and emotional aspects are the best to develop our mind and body.In
environmental theories ,our surroundings is the one who change and develop individual person.
All theories of gender development are correct both aspects need to take the responsibility to be a
model for everyone and be who you are.

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