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Task 1 - Electromagnetic waves in open media

Individual work


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2020 16-03

introducing the document's described, it is developed applied the concepts of physics and
electromagnetism-,to determine the behavior of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in
a vacuum. using mathematical methods to solve application exercises. using mathematical
methods to solve application exercises.

Questions: (write with your own words)

1. What do you mean propagation medium open for electromagnetic waves?

open media propagation mean that the wave stretch freely without encontry
obstacles or changes s in the characteristics of the transmission media.

2. Within the propagation mediums, what is mean by the tangent of losses?

The relationship between the conduction current and the displacement current
in a specific medium is constant whose value depends on the parameters of
the medium and the frequency of the applied signal.

3. Of what physical variables does the value of the tangent of losses depend?

The conduction current density is Jc = σ E and the displacement current density

is Jd = jωεE. Its magnitude will br ωεE. Therefore, the loss tangent tan δ = Jc /
Jd = σ / ωε is the required expression.

4. How are the propagation medium classified from the tangent of losses?

a) Perfect dielectrics: they do not have conduction current,

they do not have losses due to Joule effect. 𝑇𝑎𝑛(𝛿) = 0 𝛿 = 0.

b) Good insulators: they have driving current and have losses due to Joule.
but this effect is almost negligible compared to the capacitive effect, they
are also called “low loss dielectrics”. 𝑇𝑎𝑛(𝛿) → 0+ 𝛿 → 0+ .
c) Dissipative dielectrics: they have both effects, and neither is negligible
compared to the other. both have affects and neither is negligible
compared to the other. 𝑜 < 𝛿 < 𝜋/2

d) Good conductor: they present polarization current, they have capacitive or

charge accumulation effects, but the conduction current and the losses
due to joule effect are much more significant. 𝑇𝑎𝑛(𝛿) → ∞ 𝛿 → 𝜋/ 2 .

e) Perfect conductor: they do not polarization current, they do not have

capacitive or charge accumulation effects. 𝑇𝑎𝑛(𝛿) → ∞ 𝛿 = 𝜋/2

5. What are the propagation parameters of the waves through a medium?

The propagation, attenuation and phase constants, as well as the intrinsic

impedance of a medium, are called propagation parameters. Table 12 shows a
summary of the propagation parameters in open media according to the
classification based on the loss tangent

γ = propagation constant []

∝: attenuationconstant [Np/m]

β=Phase constant [Rad /m]

n=intrinsic impedance [ohm]

Application exercises:

1. Calculate the tangent of losses Tan (δ) and the angle of losses δ of the medium
chosen in Table 1, if through it travel an electromagnetic wave E of frequency
f =CCC MHz. Note that CCC are the first 3 digits of your identification number:

Media σ [S /m] εr [ ]
1. Copper 5.80 x 107 1
2. Sea water 4 80
3. Vegetable soil 1.00 x 10−2 14
4. Dry soil 1.00 x 10−4 3
5. Sweet water 1.00 x 10−3 80

f =102 MHz

σ 5.80 x 107
tan ( δ )= =
ωε 1
2 π (102 MHz )(1)( x 10−9)
36 π

tan ( δ )=1.023 x 10 10

δ =tan−1 ( 1.023 x 1010 )

δ =89.999
2. According to the result obtained in point 1, classify the behavior of the chosen medium
according to one of the 5 options in Table 2:

agree with the table 2 the behavior of the chosen medium:

it’s a good conductor

3. According to the classification obtained in point 2 and using Table 3 shown below, calculate
the following propagation parameters of the wave in the chosen medium:
a. Propagation constant  (gamma).
ω=2 π (102 MHz)

σ =5.80 x 107 s /m
μo =1.2566 x 10−6

¿ √ j(640884901,3)(5.80 x 107 )(1.2566 x 10−6 )

¿ 152822.586+152822.586 i

b. Attenuation constant  (Alpha).

√ πf σ μ o
¿ √ π (102 MHz)(5.80 x 107) ¿ ¿
¿ 152822.586 Np/m

c. Phase constant  (Beta).

√ πf σ μ o
¿ √ π (102 MHz)(5.80 x 107) ¿ ¿
¿ 152822.586 rad / m

d. Intrinsic impedance  (Eta).

√ jω μo /σ
¿ √ j(640884901,3)(1.2566 x 10−6)/(5.80 x 107 s /m)
¿ 0.002635+0.0026635 i

4. According to the results obtained in point 3 and using the following equations, calculate the
propagation characteristics of the wave in the chosen medium:
a. Propagation speed v p .
vp =

vp =
v p =4193,653 m/s

b. Wavelength λ.


c. Speed factor f v

f v=
3 x 108
f v=
3 x 108
f v =1.397 x 10−5

d. Refractive index n

1.397 x 10−5

5. According to the parameters obtained in the previous points and knowing that the maximum
value of the E wave is 120 V /m, calculate:

a. The penetration depth of the δ pwave in the medium.

δ p=

δ p=
δ p=

δ p=6.543 x 10−6

b. The power Po transmitted by the wave in the medium.

|E 2X 0|
Po =

n=√ (0.002635)2+(0.002635)2

n=3.726 x 10−3

tan ∅=

tan ∅=1
∅ ¿ tan −1 1

∅ ¿ 45
(120V /m2 )
Po =
2|3.726 x 10−3|
(120V /m)2
Po =
2|3.726 x 10−3|

Po =1366389.915V /m 2

c. The % lossesof wave amplitude per unit length.

% losses=( 1−e−2 x ) x 100 %

% losses=( 1−e−2(152822.586)(1) ) x 100 %

% losses=( 1 ) x 100 %
% losses=100 %

They all propagate in a vacuum at a constant, very high speed. which contains
parameters that allow it to determine the relationship between the conduction and the
deployment current, as in the case of the loss tangent, According to its result we could
define whether the means by which it is transported is a good driver or not.
and from these findings we can define variables such as constant propagation,
constant attenuation, intrinsic impedance and constant phase


Bibliography 1:

 M., & Maroto, J. (2014). Plane electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves in free

space. From Maxwell's Equations to Free and Guided Electromagnetic Waves: An
Introduction for First-year Undergraduates. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
(pp. 49-60)

Quesada-Pérez, M., & Maroto-Centeno, J. (2014). From Maxwell's Equations to Free

and Guided Electromagnetic Waves: An Introduction for First-year
Undergraduates. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Recovered from

Internet video.
Wilmer Hernan Gutierrez Ramos. (2015). Caracterización de un medio.

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