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Environmental Protection

NOx Emissions
Part 1

Mike Bradford and Rajiv Grover,
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
Pieter Paul, itrogen oxides, or NOx, are a combination of nitrogen oxide,
Jacobs Consultancy Nederland B. V. NO, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2. As part of the Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990 (CAAA), the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and state agencies have promulgated regulations
NOx emission requiring stricter control of NOx emissions from stationary point sources.
Compliance planning requires serious homework.
standards are The emission control requirements of the existing, as well as future, regula-
becoming very tight, tions require an understanding of NOx-emitting sources, pollution prevention
opportunities, emissions reduction technologies, costs of controls, and impacts
especially in the on existing operations and plant safety. This article, Part 1 of a two-part series,
Houston area and first presents some general information about NOx control, then discusses NOx
reduction through process changes and/or energy efficiency improvements,
in Southern California. and by using the latest generations of burners. Part 2, which is scheduled to
appear in the next issue, will cover post-combustion NOx reduction using se-
Among the technologies lective catalytic reduction (SCR), selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) and
available to meet catalytic oxidation/scrubbing.
When evaluating these technologies, remember that in many cases
these standards are retrofitting the NOx controls has positive side benefits. In many instances, the
process modifications installation of NOx controls will result in better energy efficiency and in lower
maintenance requirements. This article also discusses areas where the side
and energy efficiency benefits should be considered.
improvements, as Summary of de-NOx technology
well as advanced burner Table 1 lists various technologies available for NOx reduction. It lists the
approximate reduction that can be achieved by each technology and the ap-
designs and flue gas proximate NOx concentration that can be achieved firing natural gas. Table 2
recirculation. lists the most likely NOx control options for areas like Houston and Southern
California that have tight NOx control requirements. The following sections
discuss the main technologies in more detail.

42 March 2002 CEP

Table 1. NOx reduction technologies.

Technology Approximate Approximate Approximate

Reduction, % Emissions, Emissions,
lb/MMBtu ppmv @ 3% O2

Process modifications Standard Burners Base Case 0.14 120

Plants can make various process modi- Process Modifications Up to 100% N/A N/A
fications and/or energy efficiency im-
Low-NOx Burners (LNB) 60% 0.06 48
provements to reduce NOx emissions. Ultra-Low-NOx Burners 80% 0.03 24
Some of the standard NOx reduction tech- (ULNB), First Generation*
nologies also have the side benefit of im- ULNB, Current Guarantee 89% 0.015 13
proving energy efficiency. Level
ULNB, Currently Being 95% 0.007† 6
Boilers can be replaced with a cogenera- Developed
tion system. This option has a number of
Flue Gas Recirculation 55%‡ 0.025 22§
advantages. The boilers can be replaced (FGR)
with a more-efficient system that generates Water or Steam Injection 50% to 60% 0.06 20
power as well as steam. It is less expensive at Gas Turbines
to install emission controls on one big unit
Selective Noncatalytic 40% 0.033§ to 0.085 27§ to 70
than on a number of smaller units. And, Reduction (SNCR)
technologies such as an SCR can be used Catalytic Scrubbing 70%# 0.017§ # to 0.044 14§ # to 36
that can achieve greater NOx reductions Selective Catalytic 90% to 97% 0.006§ to 0.015 2.5§ to 12
compared with using burners alone. Reduction (SCR)
Inefficient heaters can be replaced with Notes:
more-efficient heaters. In most cases this will * Can potentially fit in opening for existing burner, avoiding shutdown.
not be an economical approach. However, if † Levels achieved during "shop tests." At the time this article was written, these NO levels had
a heater is a candidate for replacement, the not yet been demonstrated in fired heaters in the field; 0.012 lb/MMBtu has been demonstrated
in boilers with FGR and firing natural gas.
extra benefit of NOx reduction may sway the ‡ On boilers; little data available on fired heaters.
economics in favor of replacement. § Level that can be achieved assuming LNBs are installed in combination with the technology listed.
A heater can be provided with a new con- # The injection of ozone upstream of the scrubber can reportedly achieve a 95% NO reduction,
vection section or the existing convection but low operating temperatures are required.
section can be upgraded. These modifica-
tions can be used to preheat the process fluid, thus improving tion has been prompted by the new regulations proposed for
the heater’s efficiency and decreasing the firing rate. The the Houston area.
lower firing rate results in less NOx generation, plus the reduc- If new burner technology meets the proposed require-
tion in fuel costs could pay for the modification. Note that ments, it will be the most economical NOx reduction alterna-
modifications to the convection section are often required to tive. If the new burners can fit in the existing hole, the instal-
provide the proper temperature for installation of an SCR. lation cost may be very low, and it may be possible to install
However, an increase in energy efficiency may be a side bene- the burner without a plant turn-around. Installing new burners
fit of installing an SCR. may have a number of additional advantages: it does not in-
Better heater controls can be installed to allow tighter con- crease, and could even decrease, operating costs; the new
trol of the excess air. Tighter controls could also be used to burners may be able to better match the capacity of the
reduce the oxygen concentration in the flue gas. A reduction heater; and if the existing burners are old, this may be an op-
in the oxygen concentration in the flue gas from 6% to 2% portunity to reduce maintenance costs.
reduces the firing rate by only a few percent. But this still has However, new burners alone may not be able to meet the
two advantages. The lower firing rate marginally decreases most stringent requirements for large fired heaters. Additional
the NOx generation and less NOx is generated if the oxygen disadvantages of burner replacements include: the latest gen-
concentration is low. In general, a decrease in oxygen con- eration of ULNB has not been fully tested; ULNBs tend to
centration from 6% to 2% reduces the NOx generation by ap- have smaller-diameter fuel tips and thus plugging is more of
proximately 30% (Figure 1). Combining the above two bene- a concern; for large units, the plugging of leaks in the heaters
fits results in a NOx reduction of a little over 30%, just from will be critical; upgrades to the control system will probably
improving the control of excess air. be required; and significant modifications may be required to
Sealing the heater can also reduce the oxygen concen- fit the larger burners into the firebox.
tration in the firebox, improve heater efficiency and im-
prove safety. Similar to the upgrade in controls, this can be Impacts on standard burner NOx generation
an additional advantage from the installation of ultra-low- NOx forms in fired heaters in three ways: “thermal NOx,”
NOx burners (ULNB). “fuel NOx,” and “prompt NOx. ” Thermal NOx forms because
of local hot spots in the flame. Fuel NOx results from the
Standard, low-NOx and ultra-low-NOx burners burning of fuels containing organic nitrogen, some of which
Burners have been undergoing rapid development due to is oxidized into NOx. The latter type of NOx formation tends
pressures to reduce NOx formation. The latest stage of evolu- to be negligible with natural gas and fuel gas firing. Prompt

CEP March 2002 43

Environmental Protection

Table 2. Likely NOx control options.

Unit Options

All • Replace boilers with cogeneration systems.

• Replace inefficient heaters with new, more-efficient heaters
units were retrofitted with LNBs for NOx reduc-
or with a hot-oil system. tion. LNBs by themselves will not achieve the
• Provide new or upgrade existing convection sections to Houston area standards, but the installation of
improve energy efficiency. LNBs or better burners may be required in con-
• Upgrade heater controls to reduce excess air requirements.
• Seal heaters to minimize heat losses.
junction with other technologies such as SCR. If
an existing unit is currently equipped with LNBs,
Fired Heaters • First or second generation ULNBs. NOx levels below 0.01 lb/MMBtu can be achieved
< 40 MMBtu/h • Possible dilution of fuel gas with steam or flue gas by installing an SCR.
recirculation, for systems with high firebox temperatures or
air preheat.
Characteristics of LNBs include long flame
lengths and large-diameter burners. These charac-
Fired Heater • Latest generation of ULNB or SCR. teristics could preclude the installation of new
40–100 MMBtu/h • ULNBs will require firebox sealing and may require the burners. ULNBs also tend to have a large diame-
installation of tighter controls.
• SCR may not be economical for some cases, if the area is
ter, but have shorter flame lengths and may be eas-
congested or if tie-ins are expensive. ier to retrofit.

Fired Heaters • Latest generation of ULNBs or SCR. Ultra-low-NOx burners

> 100 MMBtu/h • Downfired reformers will require SCRs.
• ULNBs will require firebox sealing and will require the
LNBs use staged fuel to reduce NOx. By con-
installation of tighter controls. trast, ULNBs reduce NOx by inducing the internal
circulation of fuel gas within the heater.
Boilers • ULNBs with FGR. There currently are at least three generations of
• Larger units may also require SCR.
ULNBs. The first generation may meet the Houston
Gas Turbines • Repowering: the use of gas turbine exhaust as combustion and California requirements for small heaters. The
air for boilers and furnaces. advantage of these units is that it may be possible to
• Cogeneration: installation of a heat recovery unit. retrofit them into the openings for existing burners
• Combined cycle operation.
• SCR combined with some other technology such as water
without a shutdown. A second generation of ULNBs
or steam injection or dry low-NOx burners. provides lower NOx emissions than the first genera-
tion. In addition, some of the burners currently under
Incinerators • LNBs with or without FGR, waste-heat recovery, SCR, development may be able to meet the requirements
SNCR or catalytic oxidation.
for large fired heaters in the Houston area.
A typical application for ULNBs is in a verti-
NOx forms because of the transformation of N2 into NO at cal cylindrical fired heater, which has burners mounted in the
the edge of the zone of rich hydrocarbon flames. floor firing upward. Figure 4 is a view of one of the latest ver-
Standard burners typically result in NOx formation in the sions of ULNBs, viewed from inside the heater.
0.12 to 0.14 lb/MMBtu (100 to 120 ppmv) range. A number Most ULNBs use internal flue-gas recirculation to dilute
of factors influence this number. and cool the flame. These burners require tight oxygen con-
Figure 1 shows the relationship between oxygen concen- trol, so air leaks into the heater must be minimized and tight
tration and NOx generation. The lower the excess air (% O2), controls are required.
the lower the NOx. In addition, vendor guarantees will be based on the fire-
Figure 2 shows the relationship between firebox tempera- box temperature — the lower the temperature, the better —
ture and NOx generation. High firebox temperatures result in and will be based on the type of fuel used. Some vendors like
higher NOx formation. high-hydrogen fuel gases, because it is easier for the fuel to
The effect of air preheat on NOx formation is illustrated in internally entrain and recirculate fuel gas. However, some
Figure 3. Air preheat increases efficiency and can increase vendors do not like fuel gas because hydrogen burns hot and
heater capacity. But, the air preheat comes with a NOx gener- because NOx emissions will be higher burning fuel oil.
ation penalty — the higher the preheat temperature, the high- Advanced control systems may be required to ensure the
er the flame temperature, so more thermal NOx is formed. performance of the burners. Control modifications that may
This applies to standard burners and LNBs. While not fully be required include: the installation of a continuous emission
tested, recent data indicate that air preheat has a much lower monitoring system (CEMS), the use of oxygen analyzers
impact on the NOx from ULNBs. near the bridgewall and/or in the floor of the heater, automat-
Fuel gas containing hydrogen tends to burn hotter and ic controls on stack dampers, and automatic modulation of
thus tends to produce more NOx than the firing of natural gas. the burner inlet registers.

Low-NOx burners Flue gas recirculation

Many existing units are equipped with LNBs. This has Flue gas recirculation has been used extensively on boilers
been a standard for new fired heaters, plus a number of older to reduce NOx. Recirculating the flue gas reduces the oxygen

44 March 2002 CEP

0.8 0.4
Combustion Air Preheat 10% Excess Air
0.7 Temperature
1,000 ˚F

NOx Emissions, lb/MM Btu

NOx Formation, lb/MM Btu

Oil-Fired Conventional Burner
0.5 800 ˚F

0.3 650 ˚F
0.2 Gas-Fired Conventional Burner

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Combustion Air Preheat Temperature, ˚F
Oxygen Content of Flue Gas, % O2
■ Figure 3. Impact of air preheat on NOx generation.
■ Figure 1. Oxygen content in stack gas vs. NOx formation.


Excess Air = Constant

Relative Thermal NOx Emissions




■ Figure 4. ULNB inside a fired heater. Photo courtesy of Callidus Technologies.
the suction of the FD fan. The installation also requires some
0.9 method of introducing the recirculated air into the burners. For
1,300 1,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900 FD systems, the air can be added to the existing plenum. For
natural-draft (ND) systems, the burners can be modified.
Firebox Temperature, ˚F
FGR can be economical in fired heaters with air preheat sys-
■ Figure 2. Impact of firebox temperature on NOx generation. tems if induced-draft (ID) and FD fans are already available, so
new fans are not required, and if the existing air preheat system
increases the NOx levels. FGR can also be economical in sys-
concentration and thus reduces flame temperatures. Reported tems using an SCR, because the SCR will already be providing
flame temperatures are 3,500°F with no recirculation, and an ID fan that can be used to recirculate the gas.
2,900°F at 20% FGR. Figure 5 shows the NOx reduction that Only a small number of fired heaters are equipped with
can be achieved with and without preheat in a boiler. FGR. This is partially because fired heaters tend to have
Because of the much higher volumetric heat release, the lower firebox temperatures, so there is less need for FGR. In
combustion zone within a boiler tends to be inherently hotter. addition, many fired heaters do not have FD fans, and it can
This causes NOx concentrations tend to be significantly high- be more expensive to install FGR in natural-draft heaters.
er than in a typical process heater. To achieve very low NOx Some users are also concerned that tube leaks in process
in a boiler, FGR is required. heaters can recycle hydrocarbons back to the firebox and can
The installation of FGR requires a motive force to recycle potentially cause a fire or explosion. However, there are no
the flue gas. This has typically been accomplished using a re- known cases of fired heaters exploding because of FGR, so
circulation fan, but if there is already a forced-draft (FD) fan this fear may not be justified.
installed, some recirculation can be educted in the discharge or Historically, recirculation rates in the 15% to 20% range

CEP March 2002 45

Environmental Protection

80 500˚F Preheat
NOx Reduction, %

No Preheat
60 less expensive than SCR on boilers. It can be used in combi-
nation with ULNBs to achieve very low NOx concentrations
40 in boilers. And it can be used to recirculate flue gas into the
fuel gas to reduce the heat of combustion of the fuel and thus
20 reduce flame temperatures.
The disadvantages of FGR include: It could require the
0 conversion of fired heaters to FD, although in theory, air could
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 be recycled to the inlet plenums. It has a higher investment
Flu Gas Recirculation, % cost than the installation of ULNBs alone. For fired heaters, it
may not work in combination with ULNBs that depend on in-
■ Figure 5. NOx reduction vs. recirculation rate. ternal flue gas recirculation. It may be necessary to increase
the capacity of the FD fan and to install a new recycle fan.
And the higher power consumption increases electrical costs.
have been used, with NOx reductions in the 40% to 55%
range. Recirculation of 40% is the maximum stochiometri- Relative costs of alternative technologies
cally possible. The latest regulations have been forcing recir- The technologies in Table 1 are listed in approximate
culation close to 40%, for NOx reductions as high as 70%, order of cost. The following additional comments should be
but these systems require very tight control systems to main- noted. All of the technologies except for SCRs have relatively
tain flame stability. low investment requirements — for example, the installation
FGR has several advantages. It reduces both thermal NOx of ULNBs in existing fired heaters is in the $100,000 to $1
and prompt NOx by reducing the flame temperatures. It is million per heater range. There is essentially no operating
cost increase to install new burners, including ULNBs, and
there is even a potential energy savings. FGR, SNCR, catalyt-
Further Reading ic scrubbing and SCRs have significant operating costs; cat-
alytic scrubbing tends to have the highest operating cost.
Bradford, M., and R. Grover, “Comprehensive Review of NOx Reduc-
SCRs have a high investment cost ($1 million to $4 million
tion Technologies,” presented at the AIChE 2001 Spring National
Meeting, Houston, TX, (Apr. 22–26, 2001).
per fired unit). CEP

Bradford, M., and R. Grover, “Just Say NOx — A Review of Nitrogen

Oxide Reduction Technologies for Chemical, Petrochemical, and MIKE BRADFORD is the environmental manager for Jacobs Engineering Group,
Refining Industries,” Environmental Protection, II (12), pp. 31–33, Inc. (5995 Rogerdale Rd., Houston, TX 77072; Phone: (832) 351-7085;
49 (Dec. 2000). E-mail: He has over 35 years of experience in
Cetinkaya, B., et al., “Control Flue Gas Emissions,” Hydrocarbon Pro- process engineering, especially the design of environmental control
cessing, 79 (7), pp. 55–62 (July 2000). systems. He has over 30 papers and publications on environmental topics,
including over ten papers on NOx control. He has a BS in chemical
Grover, R., and M. Bradford, “NOx Abatement — A Comprehensive
engineering from Ohio Univ. and an MS in chemical engineering from
Review,” presented at the Eighth Annual South Texas Environmental
Northwestern Univ. He is a member of AIChE.
Conference 2000, Corpus Christi, TX (Oct. 2000).
Hamilton, D. M., et al., “A Novel Approach to the Removal of Nitro- RAJIV GROVER is the environmental section manager for Jacobs Engineering
gen Oxides (NOx) From Waste Incinerator Flue Gas Streams Using Group, Inc. (5995 Rogerdale Rd., Houston, TX 77072; Phone: (832) 351-
the Shell DeNOx System,” presented at the International Incinera- 7088; E-mail: He has over 18 years of experience
tion Conference, Savannah, GA, sponsored by the Univ. of Maryland in environmental compliance and environmental process engineering. He
(May 6–10, 1996). has over ten papers and publications on environmental topics, including
Holland, C. D., “Special Report — A Summary of NOx Reduction Tech- several on NOx regulations. He has a BTech in chemical engineering from
the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, and an MS in chemical
nologies,” The Texas Institute for Advancement of Chemical Technol-
engineering from the Univ. of Pittsburgh. He is a member of the Air and
ogy, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, Special Report 1 (2000).
Waste Management Association and the Water Environment Federation.
Lovblad, R., et al., “NOx Reduction from a Recovery Boiler by Injection of
an Enhanced Urea Solution (NOxOUT® Process),” Presented at TAPPI PIETER PAUL is the environmental principal engineer at Jacobs Consultancy
Environmental Conference, San Antonio, TX, (Apr. 7–10, 1991). Nederland B.V. (Plesmanlaan 100, 2332 CB Leiden; Phone: +31-71-582-7382;
Paul, P., and O. Maaskant, “Catalytic NOx Emission Reduction at a Fax: +31-71-582-7050; E-mail: He has over 23 years
Cogeneration Plant in the Food Industry,” presented at NOXCONF of experience in process engineering, especially in the design of
— NOx and N2O Emission Control Conferene, organized by environmental control systems. Presently, he works in the Safety, Health &
ADEME (Agency for Environment and Energy Management), Paris, Environment (SHE) Dept. of Jacobs Consultancy. He joined the company (the
former Comprimo) in 1982, and his areas of specialization include wastewater
France (Mar. 2001).
treatment, waste and flue gas treatment, and biotechnological processes. He
Topsoe, Nan-Yu, “Catalysis for NOx Abatement,” in “Proceedings of
has extensive experience in the design and troubleshooting of de-NOx
CATTECH — Catalyst Technology,” Baltzar Science Publishers, pp. installations and works as a consultant and engineer in off-gas, flue gas and
125–133 (Dec. 1997). wastewater treatment projects. He has published numerous articles on these
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Alternative Control Tech- subjects. He has an MSc in biochemical engineering from Delft Technical Univ.
niques Document — NOx Emissions from Process Heaters (Re- He is a member of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society, the Netherlands
vised),” Publication No. EPA-453/R-93-034, EPA, (Sept. 1993). Biotechnological Society, and the Netherlands Society for Water Management.

46 March 2002 CEP

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