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ERP Implementation Failure at HP

ERP Implementation Failure at HP

About the HP case
About the HP case
About Hewlett Packard
About Hewlett‐Packard
• Founded in 1938 by Bill Hewlett and David Packard ‐
as an electronic instructments company
• The customers were engineers and scientists
• HP launched its first minicomputers in 1974
HP launched its first minicomputers in 1974
• First Personal Computer in 1981
• HP was the second largest computer manufacturer in 
HP as the second largest comp ter man fact rer in
What did HP try to achieve by 
implementing an ERP system?

The 90’s: SAP R/3
• Shorter lead and delivery time
• A global distribution system
A global distribution system
• Cost savings
What did HP try to achieve by 
implementing an ERP system?
The 00’s: MySAP
• Handle complex
Handle complex orders
• Faster shipping and operational efficiency
• Reduce IT costs
IT costs
• Increased transparency
• Improve forecasting
• Embrace new business models fast
• Reduce complex infrastructure
• Unite HP and Compaq systems
What were the implementation issues
related to the ERP implementation?

• Project Team Constitution
• Data Integration Problems
• Demand Forecasting Problems
Demand Forecasting Problems
• Poor Planning and Improper Testing
• Inadequate Implementation Support/Training
Were there any benefits obtained by 
implementing the ERP system?
• EE‐commercecapabilities
bili i for sellingcustomized
f lli i d B2C 
products (1998)
• Faster forecasting
F t f ti
• Improvedforecastingaccuracy
• Maximumavailabilitycombinedwith
l bl b d h minimum 
• Bettercustomerrequirementsplanning
B tt t i t l i
• Optimizedresource management
• Betterresponse to requirements of localmarkets
• Weaknesses in organisation exposed (lessonlearned?)
How could HP prevent some of the implementation 
issues from repeating themselves when implementing 
the ERP system for their PC business division?

What is a good ERP‐implementation procedure?

• Defining the requirements
• Developing a plan
• p gy
Implementation of technology
• Usertraining
Final comments
Final comments

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