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These are Facebook post that introduces our campaign and asks people to donate or get involved.
In these posts, it can help to give some context to make sure our audience knows the why behind
our ask. In this we can include a link to the campaign page, where people can learn more or
This type of post seeks to mobilize our supporters by showing them that we are already well on
our way to success. Donors want to be part of a winning team, so we use Facebook to show
community that we are halfway or almost to our goal. We can link to our campaign page so
people can contribute.


We should also follow up on Facebook to show what our community accomplished through a
campaign. Share the amount we were able to raise and remind donors what that money will

Facebook is also a great tool for organizing and promoting events. We can create an event page
to share with supporters and invite large groups or individuals. Facebook events can also be used
to track RSVPs, although they are usually an unreliable headcount. If we want an accurate gauge
of attendees, create an event page on Classy, where supporters can RSVP for free events or
register and purchase admission to ticketed ones.

Facebook posts promoting events usually fall into categories similar to fundraising campaign
 Announcement/Appeal to Register
 Progress Update (on the amount raised, number of tickets sold, or how many spots are


 The world outside can be a dark place, those who have nothing depend on the generosity
and loving-kindness of people with a giving spirit. When you give to the less fortunate,
you add to their lives - and by adding to theirs, you add to yours too. #charity #NGO
#SanthiNilayamfoundationtrust #Covid_19
 Education can give struggling countries and poverty-stricken areas a fighting chance. By
investing in education, the people can be given the chance to solve their own problems.
#charity #NGO #SanthiNilayamfoundationtrust #educatepoor
 Let us choose anyone this week and do a random act of kindness to him or her. Grinning
face with smiling eyes A random act of kindness is a nonpremeditated, inconsistent
action designed to offer kindness towards the outside world. #NGO
#SanthiNilayamfoundationtrust #kind #helpall

 Santhi Nilayam foundation trust has spent a creative and amazing day with us. We had
an art workshop in which our students made these file folders using old paper and

#NGO #education #educationforall #childrensngo #genderequality


 Govt officials & every Indian please help people walking on roads for their hometown
please show some kindness don't take pictures for posts help them anyhow.

#PMO #Covid_19 #coronavirus #BJP #NGO #India #help #Narendermodi

#SupremeCourtofIndia #SanthiNilayamfoundationtrust

Caring for others is a tenement of humanity, and it is generally regarded as a standard for human
decency. It is held to such a high esteem probably because it’s relevant to everyone — everyone
has the ability to be cared for, and everyone has the ability to care for someone else.

Do you literally need to care for others? No — you won’t suddenly die if you stopped caring for
other people.

Are you always rewarded for caring for others? No, but many people make it their job to care for
others; others simply enjoy it without financial recuperation.

Are you a bad person if you don’t care for others? No, caring about yourself is a natural thing to

BUT, it would be nearly impossible for you to avoid caring for others completely. In one way or
another, you probably “care” for others indirectly, whether by buying their products, being their
friend, or not hitting them with your car.
So we should see the good in caring other people.

Also there are a lot benefits to this:

 You may need their care sometimes also and if you have cared for them they will
care for you in return.
 If you lived alone on this planet your life would have been without any purpose and
you would have had no real gain. People make it important and add to the purpose you
could have in life. It makes life more meaningful. By taking care of them you are
showing your appreciation to them for being there.
 It makes you happier.
 It makes you do more things; being selfish can have its limits, but involving yourself
in selflessness can result in an infinite result.
 God likes it.
 The reason He likes it is also because it allows you to overpower them. By being
helpful towards the people you get some sort of a strength over them; and then by this
way, you can become their ruler over the world.
 Taking care of people can have other non-ulterior benefits too: it makes our society
more lively, the world a pleasant place to live, and you get to finish off oppression over
the people by making sure everyone is being taken cared off leaving no room for
anyone’s oppression.
 It helps you too in many ways by winning people over and making them like you -
which is a great feeling to have.
 People are of many benefits. Some of them can be cute and cuddly, some can be
rough and rude. The cute and cuddly you can like for yourselves and they give you lots
of joys. The rough and rude you can also take in and turn them cute and cuddly for
someone else. This all will happen if you will take care of the people - it will make the
cute and cuddly stay, and the rough and rude to change their ways.
 It makes a man famous. Stories of generosity and unselfish behavior can become the
tales of times. And result in all sorts of other richly rewards - like the Nobel peace
prize for instance. Did you ever hear of anyone ever winning the Nobel peace prize for
being selfish and mean? He skipped the ceremony because he was so selfish.
 It opens your mind. Having people off your mind can leave room for a lot of other
things. If you are not thinking about people with love and concern, chances are you are
getting grumpy because of them. And grumpiness results in closed mindedness - you
may lose out on your Nobel prize for Physics or Chemistry too because of this.
 It makes the passage of the time easier. If you have come here, you might as well
live it through, and by helping people out, you are making the passage of time less
 Don’t you like to be appreciated? Who better to appreciate you then other people?
The benefits of having people around you are immense, and caring for them even more
so - it opens to all sorts of opportunities to get appreciated.
 It makes for the more rational approach. You want to live in life, you like to live in
life, and no one adds better colors to it than other people. So take care of them, keep
them happy, and also remain happy in return as a result of it.

To :


Subject: Make poor children’s life better through donation.

Hello "Name" ,
Greetings of the day this is Shashank from  Santhi Nilayam foundation trust.
We have created a fundraising campaign for poor children whose families are not able to spend
money for their education. 
The fundraising is of total sum amount of Rs 20 lakh.
we have almost reached our fundraising goal and are only a few lakhs behind for the initiative.
Can you please held a helping hand to the poor children so that they can study and be a part of
India's bright future?
You can do the donations here-

*link for payment of donation*

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