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SY 2020-2021

Grade 9
Quarter 1
Name ______________________________________________

Section ______________________________________________

Subject Teacher ______________________________________________

Class Adviser ______________________________________________


in the Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc.
Strictly not for Public Circulation

Foreword to Parents and Students

Welcome to Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc. Modular Learning Modality for school year 2020-2021. This
Module was prepared for use in the Archdiocesan Notre Dame Schools of Cotabato (ANDSC) system. Whenever
necessary and appropriate, the Subject Teacher made some revisions in order to best suit the needs of your
particular school.
This set of Modules will be used with an accompanying official textbook available for sale or rental from
the school. For the schools that do not use a textbook, the subject teacher will provide another set of texts or
excerpts that will serve as Substitute of the textbook, which is called Appendix Text. On a regular basis, the
student will be directed to do some activities in his/her Activity/Assessment Notebook. Make sure you have these
3 sets of Materials for your classes: 1) Modules; 2) Textbook or Appendix Texts; and 3) Activity/Assessment
For our Blended Learning, the school will use online technologies to support our Modular Learning
Delivery: the use of online classrooms, links, video presentations, social media, emails, live calls, webinars, etc.
Furthermore, the students are highly encouraged to find supplementary ways of learning like reading materials,
multimedia, online resources, and the aid of the people in the homes. It goes without saying that the parents are
the best partners of the school in the education of their children. Now, more than ever, your children need your
support in the delivery of learning.
We are hopeful that despite its few disadvantages, this new approach to education will yield the most for
our students. We also hope that this pandemic will soon end and we can see you face to face. At the beginning of
this school year, may I introduce to you the Vision-Mission and Core Values to be adapted by all the ANDSC
schools starting this school year 2020-2021. Our Module Designers have tried their best to incorporate these
treasures in the Modules.
Thank you for choosing Notre Dame.
Rev. Fr. Arnold L. Fuentes, DCC
Notre Dame of Masiag, Inc., a member of the Archdiocesan Notre Dame Schools of Cotabato, providing quality
education rooted in the gospel values and Marian ideals, envisions to be a center of excellence in the holistic development
of human persons, equipped with knowledge and life-enriching skills who are successful and responsible citizens
contributing to the transformation of society.
We commit ourselves to provide innovative programs for dynamic learning experiences in a safe and conducive
environment; foster a culture of peace, understanding and solidarity; develop leadership and exercise social responsibility;
participate in nation building and promote love for country; and collaborate with the local church in its mission of
N Noble A Notre Damean demonstrates high moral principles that embody nobility of character
especially honesty and integrity.
O Obedient A Notre Damean exemplifies fidelity to God and loyalty to country; follows school
policies, rules and regulations; and practices desirable family values.
T Transformed A Notre Damean displays positive disposition in life and an acceptable level of self-
confidence and maturity, and shows capacity for teamwork, collaboration and solidarity.
R Respectful A Notre Damean shows high esteem and regard to oneself, others, the community,
country, nature, environment, and other faiths and cultures.
E Enlightened A Notre Damean demonstrates academic excellence, critical and reflective thinking, and
guided by one’s conscience, makes good decisions and actions based on wise judgment.
D Disciplined A Notre Damean wills and obliges to do what is right and expected, and exercises self-
control in one’s dealings with the world and others.
A Accountable A Notre Damean displays commitment and responsibility in performing one’s tasks, and
shows leadership capacities and sense of volunteerism and initiative.
M Marian A Notre Damean emulates Mary’s virtues especially faith in God, generosity,
humility, prayerfulness, purity, simplicity, and service.
E Empathetic A Notre Damean shows sensitivity and understanding of the feelings, ideas, beliefs,
cultures, traditions, and experiences of others; and shows compassion, friendship,
kindness and love.


The learner . . . The learner . . .

demonstrates understanding of lifestyle maintains an active lifestyle to influence the
and weight management to promote physical activity participation of the community
community fitness.  practices healthy eating habits that
support an active lifestyle

The advancement brought about by science and

technology has made life easier. Unfortunately, the
luxury of just pushing a button or clicking a mouse is
leading us to a sedentary lifestyle.
In order to meet the demands of daily routines
and activities, it requires a fitter and healthier mind
and body which can be achieved through active
participation in physical activities like sports
This module dares to answer this pressing
concern as it introduces you to the world of sports
officiating; its basics which include both the personal
and professional qualities that an officiating official
should possess.

Real life experiences and challenges will be

given relative to sports officiating to help you
enhance your fitness, management skills, and
positive behavior such as integrity, teamwork,
discipline, sound judgment and impartiality.
Circuit Training- an exercise system where a series of exercises are done continuously to station
by station until all the exercise are executed by the participant.
Eating Habits- individual or group practice of consuming sustenance.
Hand Signals- gestures used by sports officials to communicate to the players and audiences
specifically game related events, like fouls, points and the like.
Health Related Fitness-component of physical fitness that is a necessity for daily living.
Healthy Lifestyle- Healthy habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc., that
together constitute the mode of a healthy living condition of an individual or community.
Sports officiating- a system of managing a sports, specifically on implementing the game rules and
keeping order in the duration of the game.
Team Sports- a sport activity played by 3 or more players per team.

www.interaksyon. com
football hand signals for referees

 Reference:Complete Guide to FITNESS and HEALTH, Barbara Bushman, Ph. D.,American College
of Sports Medicine, 2011, pp. 268-272
 Alias, Ben Taat,(1996), ISTAF International Referee Course in Conjunction with 1996 World Youth
SepakTakraw Championship Seoul Korea.
 Galvez Tan, Jaime Z.,et al ,(2009),The Health Curriculum in Philippine Basic Education,Vol. 2,
KenzarGraphics,Quezon City.
 Mc Tighe, Jay, Wiggins, Grant (2004), Understanding by Design (ProfessionalDevelopment
Workbook), ASCD, Alexandria,Virginia. USA

The learner...
 Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments . (Week 1/Day 1-2)
 Assesses eating habits based on the Philippine Food Pyramid/ My Food Plate. (Week 1/Day 3)

 determines risk factor (obesity, physical inability, poor nutrition, smoking) for
 Major non- communicable diseases. (Week 1/Day 4)

 Distinguishes among facts, myths and misinformation associated with eating habits. (Week
1/Day 5)
 Monitors periodically one's progress towards the fitness goals. (Week 2/Day 1-3)
 Performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency situations in physical activity and
sports settings ( e.g. Cramps, sprain, heat exhaustion recognizes the needs of others in a real life
and meaningful way. (Week 2/Day 4-5)
Part I. PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire)
Let’s assess if you are ready for participating in physical activities by taking the Physical
Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q). Copy the template below and accomplish it in your
activity /Assessment notebook.

Questions Yes No

1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and
that you should only do physical activity recommended by a

2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?

3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not
doing physical activity?

4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or have you ever

lost consciousness?

5. Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee,

hip) that could be made worse by a change in your physical

6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs for your heart


7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical

Explore (Week 1)
Answer the Assess and Learn to determine
your BMI. Solve it on your activity
/Assessment notebook.
Code F1 P.E
What is weight management?
Weight management refers to a set of
practices and behaviours that is necessary to keep one's weight at level. It is a long-term approach
healthy living and lifestyle. This includes a balanced and healthful to healthy eating combined with
physical activities and exercises. Energy intake and energy use must also be balanced.

Assess and Learn

Lifestyle and Weight Management

One sentence summary: Think over the concept discussed and write a one sentence summary of
the ideas about lifestyle and weight management.
What are the classifications of weight?
1. Underweight means that a person weighs less than the healthy range for his or her age, gender,
and height
2. Normal or healthy weight means that a person's weight is in the healthy range for his or her age,
gender, and height.
3. Overweight means that a person weighs more than the healthy range for his or her age, gender,
and height.
4. Obese means that a person weighs much more than the healthy range for his or her age, gender,
and height.

To determine your weight classification or weight status, it is not enough that you measure your
weight using a weighing scale. The weight status of a person can be determined using the Body Mass
Index (BMI) as a tool.
BMI is defined as a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of his or her height in
BMI =Weight (kg) Height (m)
The following charts the classification of weight in relation to the BMI.
For Adults:
BMI Weight Classification
<18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal or Healthy Weight
25.0-29.29 Overweight
30.0 or higher Obese

Waist Circumference
Important information that you need to know is the circumference. Measuring the waist
circumference is a good way of determining the visceral fats which contribute to greater risk of
cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Waist Circumference Chart
MEN Women
Risk level Centimeter Inches Centimeter Inches
High >100 >40 >90 >35
Normal 100 40 90 35
Low <100 <40 <90 <35

Nutrition and Weight

When you consume basically the same number of calories as you expend, your body weight
remains relatively stable. If you want to gain weight, you must manipulate this balance between calories
consumed and calories expended.
Gaining Weight
Some people have difficulty in gaining weight. This can be a result of a higher-than-normal basal
metabolic rate or higher physical activity level. When weight gain is a goal, the focus is on gaining
muscle and not fat weight. To do this in a healthy way, you should consume more frequent meals with
healthy snacks. For example, in addition to three main meals, consume three snacks per day. Consuming
about 300 to 500 calories per day more would result in about a 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week weight gain.
Healthy snacks include yogurt, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cereal with milk, fruit smoothest and
turkey sandwiches. It is also important to continue to exercise to ensure that the weight gain is mostly
muscle. In particular, resistance training will be an important factor for building muscle. Although it will
take some time, the slower the weight gain, the more likely it will be to be muscle gain not fat or water
Losing weight
Weight loss is a more common goal than weight gain. Losing weight involves a negative energy
balance. This can be achieved by increasing exercise and decreasing caloric intake.
Firm- Up
Assess and Learn
Refer to appendix 1 pages 12-14 of this module
read and answer the Assess and Learn in your
activity/ Assessment notebook.
Code F1 P.E
Ask the guidance of your parent or
guardian to find out your weight status and
your risk level of having cardiovascular diseases. Your weight and height should have been measured in
advance. Vascular disease and diabetes.
1. Compute your BMI.
2. Plot the intersection of your BMI and your age on the BMI for age charts on the previous
page(consider your gender).
B. Waist Circumference: You will need a tape measure for this.
1. Measure your waist circumference using tape measure.
2. Refer to the Waist Circumference Chart to find out you risk level of having cardiovascular
C. Complete the statements below based on the results of your measurement.
I can say that I am_____________________(weight status) and I am at __________(risk level)of
having cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Knowing this, I shall____________________________________________________________.



In this part of your lesson, you will go deeper and further. You will be given opportunities to
reflect and understand the relevance of officiating to your fitness and well-being. Activities will be
provided for you to integrate weight management, healthy lifestyle and officiating and its fitness
benefits which will in turn be beneficial for you and your community.

Answer the Assess and Learn in your activity notebook.

Code F1 P.E
In the previous stages, you
have found out the nutritional
requirements of a person and its influence to one’s performance. In this activity, you will consider
yourself an official and prepare a balanced meal for you.
Prepare a balanced meal for a sports official based on his/her nutritional requirements.
You will need:
 Paper plate or improvised paper plate  Scissors
 Cut out picture of food and drinks  Pencil and Coloring materials
 Paste/glue
Here’s how:
1. Choose a sport that you want to officiate.
2. Review the nutritional requirements and the fitness components needed by the official in the
chosen sport.
3. Consider yourself an official of the chosen sport, paste/draw on your paper plate the food and
drinks you plan to take regularly.
4. Make your work presentable and be guided with the following criteria:
Suggested Rubric



Creativity Several of the One or two of the One or two graphics The student
graphics or objects graphics or objects or objects are made does not
used reflect an reflect student or customized by the make or
Exceptional creativity student, but the ideas customize any
degree of the items
of student in their creation are typical rather than
creativity in their and/or creative
creation and/or display.
Class time is used Class time is used Class time is not Class time is
Time and wisely. Much wisely. Student can always used wisely, not used wisely
Effort time and effort go have put in more but student does and the student
into the planning time and effort at some additional put in no
and design home. work at home. additional
The student gives The student gives a The student gives a The student\'s
Accuracy and a reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations are
ability to explanation of explanation explanation of how weak and
defend how every item is of how most items most items related to illustrate
work accurate to the are related to the the basis. difficulty in
basis. For most basis. For many of understanding
items, the the items, the how to relate
relationship is relationship is clear items to basis..
clear without without explanation.
5. Support it with a brief explanation and be ready to answer the
questions of your teacher. Write it on your activity/ Assessment notebook.

Processing Questions:
1. How did you feel about the activity?
2. What were your considerations in identifying food to eat?
3. How is it different from your daily menu?
4. How does nutrition affect one’s officiating performance?
5. Is it really necessary that an official is of normal nutritional status? Why and why not?
LESSON II. Readings: BASIC FIRST AID (week 2)
First aid is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly
taken ill. It includes self-help and home care if medical assistance is not available or delayed.

Objectives of First Aid:

 To alleviate suffering
 To prevent added/further injury or danger
 To prolong life


In your appendix 2 of this module information

about First Aid and answer the access and Learn.

Common Injury Encountered by Officiating Officials and Athletes

A Sprain is caused by torn fibers in a Heat exhaustion is a response to

ligament. Swelling and bruising are some heat characterized by fatigue,
signs and symptoms weakness and collapse due to
inadequate intake of water to
compensate for loss of fluids
during sweating


 Remove any clothing or jewelry  Have the victim lie down with his/her feet
around the joint elevated.
 Apply cold compress at once  Keep the victim cool
 Elevate the affected joint.  Give him/her electrolyte beverages to sip or
 The victim’s physician may make a salted drink.
recommended an over the counter  Monitor the victim for signs of shock.
anti-inflammatory medication  If the victim starts having seizures, protect
appropriate for the victim’s general him/her from injury and give first aid for
health convulsions.

A fracture is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one-time injury to the bone
(acute fracture) or from repeated stress to the bone over time (stress fracture).
The most common symptom of a stress fracture is pain at the site that worsens with weight
bearing activities.
Tenderness and swelling often accompany the pain. This is very important for the coaches to
recognize and refer the athlete to the trainers or the team physicians.
When the two bones that come together to form a joint become separated, the joint is described
as being dislocated. Contact sports such as football, basketball and lacrosse, as well as high impact
sports that can result in excessive stretching or falling, cause the majority of dislocations. A dislocated
joint is an emergency situation that requires medical treatments.
R.I.C.E method
 Rest the injured part, especially for the first 24 to 48 hours after the injury – this is the most
critical time of treatment. Avoid any activity that causes pain or makes it worse. Use crutches if
the leg, foot or ankle is injured. Support an injured wrist, arm or shoulder with a sling. Tape an
injured toe or finger to its healthy neighbor.
 Ice is an excellent anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling and pain. Apply an ice pack or cold
compress for 10 to 15 minutes as soon as possible after an injury. Repeat each hour for the first 3
or 4 hours, then 4 times a day for the next 2 to 3 days. Protect your skin with a thin cloth. If ice
packs are not available, a packet of frozen vegetables in a cloth will do.
 Compression also reduces swelling. Use elastic bandages for at least 2 days. Check that the
bandage is snug, but not too tight. Take the bandage off at night.
 Elevation drains fluids from injured tissues. Elevate the injured area whenever you are sitting or
lying down. Try to keep the injured area at or above the level of the heart.

Processing Activity: DO this Activity in your activity/Assessment notebook

Injuries may happen anytime, anywhere. List at least 3 factors that can cause injuries.
Explain why they can lead to injuries.
How important is knowledge and skills in applying appropriate first aid techniques to an injured
officiating official or athlete?
Transfer: News Sports Report!!!
Perform the activities based on the students’ preference of learning
Goal lifestyle and weight management for community fitness.
A. Event Planner
- Your task is to arrange an future event for the physical
enhancement for the member of the community.
B. Professional Cameraman
- You need to coordinate with a classmate who assumed the role of
an event planner.
C. Professional Official Of the Team Sports
Role - You are going to officiate the event of the game until the end
D. FNRI Member
- Gather information from the youth or the players of the activity
organize by your classmates about their lifestyle
E. First- Aider
-Prepare a presentation about first aid measure in the case of injury
and emergency.
Audience P.E Teacher, Classmate
The group will act the role of the singer performers, performing 20th
Situation century music.
Product/ Performance Photo Essay
Standards Use Rubrics for Product/ Performance Found in the Appendix

Sample Format

This article is about competitive swimming as a recreational activity. For the general article on
human movement in the water, see Swimming.
"Swimmer" redirects here. For other uses,,,,,,,,

For those who can have internet connection you

can search for a sport picture and download the
picture and print the picture and paste and write
some news about it for 100 words. Do this
activity in the given format bellow! .And for
those who don’t have you can cut picture the
available magazine in your house!!



Refer your answer in the rubrics below.

Photo Essay Advance 5 Proficient 4 Approaching Developing 2 Beginning 1

Rubrics Points Points Proficient 3 Points Point

The image is The image is The image is The image is

appropriate to appropriate to appropriate to appropriate to
Visual Text the topic, the topic, the topic, the topic, show The image is
60% evocative, evocative and evocative and perspective of appropriate to
Photography’s visually show unique show the theme. the topic.
/ Images captivating perspective of perspective of
and show the theme. the theme.
perspective of
the theme.

Style Spelling Correct Spelling and Spelling and Spelling and

and Grammar Spelling and grammar used Spelling and grammar grammar
40% grammar used with grammar require require
effectively considerable require considerable thorough
almost all of accuracy and moderate editing editing.
them effectiveness editing


Appendix 1

What are some of the eating habits of Filipinos?

Among Filipinos, eating is not just for sustaining oneself with energy needs but also for having a
strong cultural element like social communication with family, friends, and social groups.

Given our customs and traditions, the following are some eating habits that have been developed
among Filipinos which may not be observed by other nationalities.
1. Filipinos eat more than three times a day – three full meals and two snacks.
2. Filipino eats a lot of rice. This staple food is found in almost all Filipinos meals.
3. Filipinos are found of “eat all you can” eating habit .Filipino homes usually cook more than
4. Filipinos are great advocate of festivities. Feasts are usually celebrated with so much food.
5. Filipinos like to use condiments for dipping or sawsawan fried food is found more enjoyable to
eat when dipped in condiment.

Does the eating habits of Filipinos satisfy the Philippines food pyramid?
The food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) of Department of Science and Technology
(DOST) has come up with an illustration called the “Pinggang Pinoy” to serve as a guide for Filipinos
in consuming the right amount of food
in every meal. This visual guide will
help you to adopt a healthy eating

Pinggang Pinoy – Healthy Food

The “ Pinggang Pinoy” is
presented in a per-meal basis showing a model of the right
food group proportion to meet the energy and nutrient needs
of Filipinos.

FNRI suggested a one day sample menu to guide us to healthful eating. Each meal contains a
variety of food from the three food groups. The amount of water to be taken for a day is also included.
What is the nutritional status of the Filipino adolescents?
The table below shows the result of the 8th National Nutrition Survey of the Food and Nutrition
Research Institute on Filipino adolescents. The survey was conducted from June 2013 to April 2014,
covering all 17 regions of the country, 79 provinces, 45,047 households, and 172, 323 individuals.
Prevalence of Malnourished Children 10-19 Years Old
Wasting Overweight Stunting
12.4% 8.3% 31.5%

Trends in the Prevalence of Malnutrition among Filipino Children, 10-19 Years Old

Trends in the Prevalence of Malnutrition among Filipino Children, 10-19 Years Old

30 Stunted
20 Wasted
0 Weight/Obese2013
2003 2005 2008 2011
Top Regions with the Highest and Lowest Prevalence of Malnutrition


10.08-19. years old (121-228 months)
Zambaonga Peninsula Cagayan Valley
CALABARZON Northern Mindanoa
Western Visayas Zambaonga Peninsula
Central Luzon Zambaonga Peninsula
Based on the result of the survey, almost one-half of Filipino adolescents are malnourished.
That’s why it is important for you to know the right food group proportion to attain a healthy weight



A. Create a sample one-day menu for a person who is underweight and another one for a person
who is overweight. Include the estimated amount of food recommended. Example: two cups of
rice, one piece medium sized banana, etc.


B. Answer the following questions based on the menu you created.
1. What did you consider in the menu for the underweight person? How about for the
overweight person?
2. Compare the amount of the food you prepared. Explain why you planned it in such way.
3. In preparing a menu for a person, what are some of the things you need to consider?
C. Track your learning based on your answers in the previous activity about sustaining a physically fit body.
Answer the following questions.
 Where am I going?
 Where am I now?
 How will I get there?
D. Assess your family’s food composition. Compare it against the food composition as suggested in
the Philippines Food Pyramid. Answer the question below after completing the table. Write your
answer in your PE activity/assessment notebook.


1. Do you think your food composition is based on the Philippine Food Pyramid? Why or why not?
2. Do you think your family’s food intake is sufficient to sustain your daily energy needs? Explain
your answer.
3. What are the activities that you and your family regularly do? Give concrete example.
4. Do you think your daily activities burn equal amount as your food intake? Why or why not?
5. Are there risks in having the kind of meals you are taking at home? Please elaborate.
6. Considering your food intake and your physical activities, do you think these will sustain a
physically fit body? Why?

Appendix 2
It is good to be engaged in physical activities without experiencing cramps, sprain, strain, or
heat exhaustion. However, these accidents are unavoidable in playing team sports. Hence, it is not only
important to be ready for any physical activity but also to be knowledgeable on first aid application in
case of emergencies.
What should you do when the injuries and emergency situation happen?
The first-aid treatments for cramps are the following:
1. Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle
2. Ice massage to the cramped muscle is a must
3. If you are experiencing leg cramps, straighten the leg fully and bend over by grabbing the end of
the toes. The cramp will eventually be relieved.
4. Apply muscle pain relief cream
5. Drink beverages containing potassium, such as water with salt
B. Sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. This may be caused by falling, twisting, or being hit by an
C. Strain is a stretched or torn muscle or tendon. This may be caused by twisting or pulling a muscle
or tendon during a physical activity.
What are the first aid measures in cases of sprain and strain?
Make sure to stop activity right a way
Think R.I.C.E. for the first 48 hours after the injury:
o Rest: Rest the injured part until it feels less painful.
o Ice: Wrap an icepack or cold compress in a towel and place over the injured part immediately.
Continue for not more than 20 minutes at a time, four to eight times a day.
o Compression: Support the injured part with an elastic compression bandage for at least two
o Elevation: Raise the injured part above heart level to decrease swelling.
If swelling or severe pain is experienced, bring the injured to the doctor.

D. Heat Exhaustion is a condition that occurs after you have been exposed to a high temperature.
What should one do in case of heat exhaustion?
 Get out of the heat and rest in a well-ventilated room.
 Drink plenty of water or fruit juices
 Remove any tight or unnecessary clothing
 Take cool shower, bath, or sponge bath
 Apply other cooling measures such as fans or ice towels

Appendix 2.1


This self-assessment activity will give you the opportunity to reflect and assess on your own
learning about first aid.
3 things I learned today about first aid for cramps
2 things I found interesting about first aid for sprain and strain
1 question I still have about heat exhaustion

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