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EMR0010.1177/1754073917735902Emotion ReviewKotsou et al. Improving Emotional Intelligence


Emotion Review
© The Author(s) 2018
ISSN 1754-0739

Improving Emotional Intelligence: A Systematic
DOI: 10.1177/1754073917735902

Review of Existing Work and Future Challenges

I. Kotsou
Department of Psychology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Chaire Mindfulness, Bien-Etre et Paix Economique, Grenoble École de Management, France

M. Mikolajczak, A. Heeren and J. Grégoire

Department of Psychology, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique

C. Leys
Department of Psychology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Emotional intelligence (EI) can be defined as the ability to identify, express, understand, manage, and use emotions. EI has
been shown to have an important impact on health, relationships, and work/academic performance. In this article, we present a
systematic review of 46 EI intervention studies on adult populations in order to assess their outcomes. Overall, these findings provide
some support for the efficacy of EI programs. However, important limitations in most of the studies restrict the generalizability of
their results. We discuss the contributions and limitations of these studies and make recommendations for the development and
implementation of future interventions.

emotional intelligence, emotions, review, training

The ability to identify, express, understand, manage, and use ments (Hogan et al., 2010; Jaeger, 2003; Marquez, Martin, &
emotions is known as emotional intelligence (EI; Mayer & Brackett, 2006). The recent popularity of EI and its influence
Salovey, 1997; Petrides & Furnham, 2003). There is strong on various aspects of life has inspired a profusion of EI inter-
evidence that a high level of EI predicts better psychological ventions (Daus & Cage, 2008). A systematic review of the
and physical health (Martins, Ramalho, & Morin, 2010; existing research is important as it will allow us to under-
Schutte, Malouff, Thorsteinsson, Bhullar, & Rooke, 2007), is stand the methodological shortcomings of previous emo-
related to better social and intimate relationships (Lopes tional intelligence programs, thereby allowing us to improve
et al., 2004; Lopes, Salovey, Côté, & Beers, 2005), and plays EI protocols. In the first part of this article we will explore
an important role in outcomes related to work (Daus & the main professional fields that are interested in EI training.
Ashkanasy, 2005; Joseph & Newman, 2010; Newman, In the second, we will discuss the findings of previous
Joseph, & MacCann, 2010; O’Boyle, Humphrey, Pollack, research, highlight some of their limitations, and conclude
Hawver, & Story, 2011; van Rooy & Viswesvaran, 2004; van with recommendations for the development of future inter-
Rooy, Viswesvaran, & Pluta, 2005) and academic achieve- ventions.

Corresponding author: Ilios Kotsou, Department of Psychology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, Bruxelles 1050, Belgium.
2  Emotion Review 

Studies on the Perceived Importance of EI the bibliography of the articles obtained revealed additional
Training in Different Environments sources. We used the PRISMA Checklist as a guideline for a
systematic and comprehensive review (Moher, Liberati, Tet-
The first domain that has focused on improving EI in adults is zlaff, & Altman, 2009). The flow diagram (Figure 1) illustrates
that of organizational leadership and performance. This is the selection process.
because EI has been shown to play a role in effective leadership There were few eligibility criteria, since the literature on EI
(Coté & Miners, 2006; Rosete & Ciarrochi, 2005; Sy, Tram, & improvement is scarce. Studies were included in the review if
O’Hara, 2006) and professional success (Côté, Gyurak, & they met the following criteria:
Levenson, 2010). Since then, EI has also entered into the cur-
riculum of many other sectors. One such sector is that of medi- 1. The study must be presented as an intervention testing
cal education: many of the core competencies of medical increases in EI as a primary outcome, and must contain
professionals are related to interpersonal skills associated with at least one EI measure as the dependent variable.
patient interaction (e.g., empathic communication; Evans & 2. The intervention must involve face-to-face training with
Allen, 2002; Grewal & Davidson, 2008; Ruckdeschel & van a teacher/instructor (not just a software or an Internet
Haitsma, 2004) or intrapersonal skills involved in managing device).
delicate and stressful situations (e.g., emotion regulation). EI is 3. The study should aim at improving EI as a whole, rather
targeted as a key ability in a medical resident’s curricula (Arora than just one dimension (e.g., facial emotion recogni-
et al., 2010; Taylor, Farver, & Stoller, 2011). For example, EI tion).
appears to be important in training obstetricians and gynaecolo- 4. The study must be published in English in an indexed
gists to improve the patient–doctor relationship and to increase peer-reviewed journal.
patient satisfaction (Pilkington, Hart, & Bundy, 2012). 5. The sample must be comprised of adults (i.e., all child
In the public sector, EI is related to the efficiency and social or adolescents studies were excluded).
skills of public managers in local governments (Berman & West,
2008). EI also appears to be an important skill in the training of A total of 1,135 articles were first identified. After a first
academics, as it underlies academic interpersonal and intraper- screening, we excluded 1,001 studies that did not obviously fit
sonal capabilities critical to teaching and interacting with students with our review (e.g., because they were not about EI interven-
(Oberst, Gallifa, Farriols, & Vilaregut, 2009). In the judicial sector, tions). Of the 134 studies remaining, 88 were excluded because
EI abilities are considered to be crucial for effectively representing of duplicates and because: (a) the rationale of the intervention
a client, due to the importance of developing trust, cooperation, was based on a construct different to that of EI (e.g., mindful-
and collaboration (Reilly, 2005). Ultimately, EI is seen as being ness, meditation), (b) the intervention was published in another
integral to numerous professions, which has led to an increase in language (e.g., the study of Lee, 2014, which was published in
research examining EI enhancement. In the next section, we will Korean). Several articles were excluded because they did not
critically review the existing studies on EI improvement. report an intervention study or they did not have an EI measure
as a dependent variable (e.g., Yilmaz, 2009, which examined the
effect of an EI training on anger rather than an actual EI meas-
A Systematic Review of EI Training Studies ure). Some studies were excluded because there was no actual EI
intervention: for example, in Dulewicz and Higgs’s article
The purpose of our systematic review of EI research is to answer
(2004), Studies 2 and 3 were excluded because EI was measured
the following questions:
twice without an intervention between the two measurements (in
one study the authors reported a continuous improvement initia-
Is there a systematic effect of EI interventions on increasing
tive and the other was in the context of a yacht race). We excluded
proceedings of conferences or conference articles (e.g., Murray,
What are the consequences/correlates of any possible improve- Jordan, & Ashkanasy, 2006). In some cases there were two arti-
ment? cles that reported different aspects of the same study (Beigi &
Shirmohammadi, 2011; Dadehbeigi & Shirmohammadi, 2010;
What are the limitations of these studies?
Hodzic, Ripoll, Bernal, & Zenasni, 2015; Hodzic, Ripoll, Lira, &
What recommendations can be made? Zenasni, 2015). In such cases, both references are reported in the
same cell (see Table 1). Lastly, the N was not taken into account
as an exclusion criterion: hence, some studies could be under-
Method powered.
Literature search. Relevant studies published until June
2016 were identified via the Scopus and Science Direct online Data recorded and presentation of studies.  A total of 46
databases using combinations of the following keywords: emo- articles met the inclusion criteria. The details of these studies
tional intelligence, emotional competence; and intervention, are presented in Table 1. For each study, basic information is
training, improving, improvement, change, development, and provided regarding sample characteristics, design (i.e.,
increase. Research on other sources (e.g., Google Scholar) and whether there was a control group), modules, intervention
Kotsou et al. Improving Emotional Intelligence  3

Figure 1.  Selection flow diagram for the studies.

Note. Adapted from the PRISMA selection flow diagram (Moher et al., 2009).

content, the type of EI dependent measure used, whether there [MSCEIT], Salovey & Grewal, 2005), a trait would be meas-
was a follow-up, correlates (other than EI), and whether there ured with a questionnaire, of which there are many (e.g., the
were significant results. We used numbers to refer to these Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire [TEIQue], Petrides
articles in the text. Each article and its number can be found & Furnham, 2003; or the Bar-On Emotional Intelligence
in Table 1. Inventory [EQ-i], Bar-On, Maree, & Elias, 2007).
Among all studies, nine measured EI with an ability test (i.e.,
a performance measure such as the MSCEIT) and 37 used trait-
like measures (i.e., self-reported measures such as the EQ-i or
The analysis of the EI development literature shows that the the TEIQue). Of the nine studies that used the MSCEIT, two
number of studies has increased in the last few years: of the 46 studies (12 and 37, reported significant increases for two subdi-
studies we unearthed, 30 were published in the last 6 years. mensions of the MSCEIT. The results of two other studies (7
Overall, 39 out of 46 studies report significant results, on at and 8) were significant only for one subdimension of the
least one dimension of an EI measure. That being, the propor- MSCEIT (Subdimensions 2 and 3, respectively). One study
tion of significant results does not give an accurate overview of (11), a randomized study, showed meaningful results on the
the field. We will now review the strengths and weaknesses of total EI score from pre- to posttraining (i.e., an increase of
the studies and start by addressing an important point, that is, around 15% in EI). However, this study did not measure any
the question of the definitions of EI itself. outcomes of increased EI, nor did it feature a follow-up assess-
The question of whether EI is an ability (Salovey & Grewal, ment. Another (Study 9) reported negative results: levels of EI
2005) or rather an emotional personality trait (Petrides, Pita, & actually decreased following the intervention. In Study 10, the
Kokkinaki, 2007) is an ongoing debate in the field of EI. These level of attrition was too substantial for pre- to posttest com-
different viewpoints have consequences for the measurement of parisons, while Studies 29 and 42 had no significant results
EI: ability would be measured with a performance-like test related to EI (p >.05). These mixed results suggest that, in the
(e.g., the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test case of ability EI measures, the field of EI is still in need of
Table 1.  Overview of EI intervention studies.
The table is based on the PICOS framework (population, intervention, control, outcome, study design; Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2009), which is an established organizing framework for
qualitative research. It makes reference to the sample (columns C, D, E), nature of the intervention (column G), comparison group (column H), outcomes (columns J, K, L, M, N, O), and study design
(columns D, E, F). The significance level of the results is provided for the EI measure, with the p value just after the intervention (results of the difference between Time 1 and Time 2) in column “K,”
and after follow-up, if there was one, in column “L.” The same indicator was used for the correlates of EI, that is, the p value just after the intervention, column “N,” and after follow-up, column “O.”
4  Emotion Review 


Study Study Sample Active group Control group Randomization Format of the intervention Format of Follow-up (if EI measure p p after Correlates p p after
No. n + mean age n + mean age control there was one) Time follow-up Time follow-up
+% +% condition 1–Time 2 1–Time 2
females females

1 Abe et al. (2013) Medical students 55 No N/A Half day (2 hr) workshop No control 1 year TEIQue-SF ns .04 No - -
21.5 years on mental health group
56% female
2 Beigi & Bank employees 68 No N/A 8 x 120 min EI course No control No ECI-2 ns1 - • Service quality2 ns2 -
Shirmohammadi 35.1 years group ECI-2 360°
(2010, 2011) 15% female
3 Boyatzis & MBA executive 45–65 years No N/A MBA No control Over 2 years LSP - From .10 to No - -
Saatcioglu (2008) students program group EAQ .001
4 Chen, King, Attendees of 16 No N/A 2 full-day EI workshops, No control No EQ-i .05 - No - -
Cochran, & the Leadership 39 years a 1-hr coaching and group
Argabright (2014, Institute 56% female feedback session, and two
Study 1) 75-min webinars
  Chen et al. (2014, Attendees of 14 No N/A 2 full-day EI workshops, No control No EQ-i .05 - No - -
Study 2) the Leadership 45 years a 1-hr coaching and group
Institute 79% female feedback session, and two
75-min webinars
5 Cherniss, Grimm, & Managers 81 89 Yes One meeting a month (3 Inactive No ECI-2 .001 - No - -
Liautaud (2010) 30% female hr) plus a 2-day 2-night control group3 ECI-2 360° .013
retreat each year
6 Clark, Callister, & Business course 121 113 No A semester management Inactive No EQ Map .05 - No - -
Wallace (2003) students 46% female* course control group
7 Clarke (2010a) MBA students 80 22 No 1 day 1 day No MSCEIT Dim 1 ns - No - -
30.4 years + 14 weeks of team-based individual Dim 2 .001
31% female learning learning Dim 3 ns
Dim 4 ns
8 Clarke (2010b) Project managers 53 No N/A 2-day EI training No control 6 months MSCEIT Dim 1 ns ns • Empathy ns neg
40 years group Dim 2 ns ns • Team work ns .05
60% female Dim 3 ns .01 • Conflict ns .01
9 Codier, Kamikawa, Nurses managers 24 No N/A Weekly peer sessions No control No MSCEIT neg4 - No - -
& Kooker (2011) 49.2 years over a group .05
6-month period
10 Codier, Freitas, & Nurses 31 No N/A EI check-in rounds of No control No MSCEIT nr - No - -
Muneno (2013) 5-min duration over 10 group (no posttest
months measures)
Table 1. (Continued)

Study Study Sample Active group Control group Randomization Format of the intervention Format of Follow-up (if EI measure p p after Correlates p p after
No. n + mean age n + mean age control there was one) Time follow-up Time follow-up
+% +% condition 1–Time 2 1–Time 2
females females

11 Crombie, Lombard, Cricket players 24 24 Yes 10 three-hour EI sessions Inactive No MSCEIT .001 - No - -
& Noakes (2011) 21 years control group
100% male
12 Dacre Pool & Qualter College students 66 68 No 11 weekly EI classes Inactive No MSCEIT Dim3 .01 - No - -
(2012) 24 years 22 years x 2 hr control group Dim4 .05
53% female 57% females ESES .01
13 Dugan, Weatherly, Physician 22 No N/A 8-hour EI + continuous No control Every year for 3 EQ-i .001 - • Patient nr6 -
Girod, Barber, & residents 43 years mentoring group years5 satisfaction
Tsue (2014) 32% female
14 Dulewicz & Higgs Retail managers 59 No N/A 4 EI days over 4 weeks No control No EIQ .01 - No - -
(2004, Study 1) 36.3 years (1 month) group (only one
39% female measure at 6
15 Fletcher, Leadbetter, Medical students 34 36 No One 4-hr EI workshop and Inactive No EQ-i .01 - No - -
Curran, & O’Sullivan 21.3 years 7 sessions over 7 months control group
(2009) 59 % female
16 Gignac, Harmer, Sales 29 21 No 11 EI hours over 3 months Inactive No Genos EI .009 - Increase of sales .05 -
Jennings, & Palmer representatives 38.9 years control group Genos EI ns
(2012) 53% female* 360°
17 Gorgas, Greenberger, Emergency 19 17 Yes 2-hr EI session + feedback Waiting list 6 months ESCI7 .34 .05 No - -
& Way (2015) medicine 48% female
18 Grant (2007) Postgraduate 23 20 No 13-week, spaced learning 2 days, block No SEIS .01 - • Coaching skills .05 -
students in the 50.9 years 45% Females coaching training intensive
active group, 70% female coaching
sales managers in training
the control
19 Groves, McEnrue, & Business students 75 60 No 11-week EI leadership Inactive No EISDI .001 - No - -
Shen (2008) 28.83 years program control group
63% female*
20 Hen & Sharabi-Nov Teachers 186 No N/A 56 hr No control No SSREIT .001 - Empathy (Iri): ns -
(2014) 37.1 years (14-week EI training) group • Fantasy ns
87% female • Empathy ns
• Perspective .002
• Personal distress .015
21 Hodzic, Ripoll, Lira, Unemployed 41 41 Yes 2.5-day EI training Waiting list 6 months TEIQue-SF ns ns • Reemployment
& Zenasni (2015); adults 32.7 years 36.4 years and 1 year (for 1 year after ns .01
Hodzic, Ripoll, 93% female 79% female unemployment) • Employability .05 .27
Bernal, & Zenasni • Self-efficacy .05 .08
(2015) • Coping .05 .01
• Developing Hr23 .05 .05

Kotsou et al. Improving Emotional Intelligence  5
Table 1. (Continued)

Study Study Sample Active group Control group Randomization Format of the intervention Format of Follow-up (if EI measure p p after Correlates p p after
No. n + mean age n + mean age control there was one) Time follow-up Time follow-up
+% +% condition 1–Time 2 1–Time 2
females females

22 Jaeger (2003) Graduate students 31 119 No8 One semester course + EI General No EQ-i .026 - • Academic ns9 -
6  Emotion Review 

management performance
23 Jahangard et al. Borderline 15 Yes Twelve 45-min EI sessions Treatment as No EQ-i .01 - • Depression .001 -
(2012) inpatients 24 years over 4 weeks usual
53% female
24 Karahan & Yalcin Type 2 diabetes 18 18 Yes 12 weekly EI classes x Waiting list 3 and 6 EQ-i .001 .001 • Burnout .001 .001
(2009) mellitus patients 53 years 52 years 1.5 hr months10 • Anxiety .001 .001
50% female 50% female • HbA1c .001 .001
25 Kirk, Schutte, & Adult employees 46* 24 Yes 3 daily 20-min emotion Neutral No AES .01 - • Positive affect .01 -
Hine (2011) 35,1 years* writing sessions writing ESE .05 • Workplace .05
71% female* incivility
26 Kotsou, Nelis, Working adults 72 60 No 2.5-day EI training with Waiting list 1 year TEIQue .001 .001 • Perceived stress .001 .001
Gregoire, & 38.24 years 38.85 years 1 month Internet TEIQue 360° .001 .001 • Cortisol levels11 .001
Mikolajczak (2011) 68% female 67% female follow-up • Somatic .001 .001
• Life satisfaction .001 .001
• Quality of .001 .001
• Peer report .03 .03
quality of
27 Kruml & Yockey MBA students 78 No N/A 7-week vs. 16-week No control No EQ-i .001 - No - -
(2011) 28.6 years leadership curricula group
59% female
28 Latif (2004) Pharmacy Not reported No N/A A semester management No control No Ad hoc EI .05 - No - -
students course group measure
29 Meyer, Fletcher, & Dental practice 15 No N/A 1 day experiential course No control No MSCEIT ns - No - -
Parker (2004) employees 39.28 years group
47% female
30 Moriarty & Buckley Undergraduate 82 80 No 24 sessions in 12 weeks of Lectures on No WEIP-5 ns12 - No - -
(2003) business students 49% female team learning organizational
31 Muyia & Kacirek Executive 43 No 9 days over a No control No EQ-i .61 - No - -
(2009) education 35% female 3-month period group
32 Nelis, Quoidbach, College students 19 18 No 4 weekly classes x 2.5 hr Inactive 6 months TEIQue - .0813 No - -
Mikolajczak, & 21 years 20.5 years EI training control group ERP-Q - .01
Hansenne (2009) 79% female 83% female EMA - .05
TAS20 - .02
STEU - ns
DOE - ns
33 Nelis, Quoidbach, College students 29 29 No Three 6-hr sessions of EI Inactive 6 months TEIQue - .01 • Changes in
Hansenne, & 20 years 20 years training control group ERP-R - .01 personality:
Mikolajczak (2011, 72% female or STEU - .01 extraversion, ns .01
Study 1) Six 3-hr sessions neuroticism, ns .02
agreeableness, ns .01
conscientiousness ns ns
Table 1. (Continued)

Study Study Sample Active group Control group Randomization Format of the intervention Format of Follow-up (if EI measure p p after Correlates p p after
No. n + mean age n + mean age control there was one) Time follow-up Time follow-up
+% +% condition 1–Time 2 1–Time 2
females females

34 Nelis et al. (2011, College students 34 31 No Three 6-hr sessions of EI 2 groups: No TEIQue .02 - • Somatic .01 -
Study 2) 21 years 21 years training theater TEIQue 360° ns complaints
74% female 81% female or improvisation ERP-R .01 • Mental disorders .05
and Six 3-hr sessions EI training • Happiness .05
27, training and • Life satisfaction ns
20 years inactive • Social .03
93% female control group functioning
• Employability .04
35 Nooryan, Gasparyan, Physicians and 53 53 No 10 sessions of 2 hours, Inactive No EQ-i .001 - • Trait anxiety .001 -
Sharif, & Zoladl nurses 33.19 years 31.6 years twice weekly mental control group • State anxiety .001
(2011) 31% female 31% female health training
36 Pérez-Escoda, Teachers 57 35 No 30 hours of EI training in Inactive No CDE-A .001 - • Stress .001 -
Filella, Alegre, & 42 years* sessions of 1 hr a week, control group • Institutional .001
Bisquerra (2012) 80% female* for 30 weeks, over a climate
period of 9 months
37 Peter & Brinberg Overweight 4914 Not N/A A 75-min EI session Bogus effort No MSCEIT - • Calorie intake ns -
(2012) students 20.5 years reported14 group Dim 1 .02 • Weight ns
36% female Dim 2 .05
38 Sharif, Rezaie, Nurses 25 27 Clinical trial15 2-day EI workshop Inactive 1 month EQ-i .02 .01 • Mental health .02 .03
Keshavarzi, 36.3 years 33 years control group
Mansoori, & 100% female 100% female
Ghadakpoor (2013)
39 Slaski & Cartwright Middle managers 60 60 No 4 days of EI training over Inactive 6 months EQ-i - .001 • Health - .001
(2003) 37 years 37 years a month control group (no measure EIQ - .001 • Morale - .001
40% female 40% female immediately • Distress - .001
after the • QOWL - .002
training) • Subjective stress - .001
• Performance ns
40 Turner & Lloyd- Project managers 24 Not reported No 2 weeks of EI training Not stated 6 months16 ECI - .01 • Job satisfaction - .01
Walker (2008) ECI 360° ns17 • Job performance ns
41 Vesely, Saklofske, & Teacher candidate 23 26 No 5 x 1.5 hr of EI training Inactive 1 month TEIQue-SF ns • Stress ns  
Nordstokke (2014) students 26.5 years* over 5 weeks control group WLEIS .001 • Anxiety ns
89% female* • Teacher efficacy ns
• Satisfaction ns
with life
• Resiliency ns
42 Wagstaff, Hanton, & Sports 25 No N/A 3 EI workshops (total 8 No control 3 months18 MSCEIT ns • Relationship .001  
Fletcher (2013) organization hr) over 18 weeks group quality
43 Yalcin, Karahan, Type 2 diabetes 18 18 Yes 12 weekly 1.5-hr EI Waiting list 3 and 6 months EQ-i .001 • Well-being .001  
Ozcelik, & Igde mellitus patients 54.33 years 51.17 years classes • Quality of life .001
(2008) 50% female 50% female • Health status .001

Kotsou et al. Improving Emotional Intelligence  7
Table 1. (Continued)

Study Study Sample Active group Control group Randomization Format of the intervention Format of Follow-up (if EI measure p p after Correlates p p after
No. n + mean age n + mean age control there was one) Time follow-up Time follow-up
+% +% condition 1–Time 2 1–Time 2
females females

44 Wing, Schutte, & Australian adults 175* 5519 Yes 20 minutes of writing, 3 Writing about 2 weeks Assessing ns20 • Satisfaction ns  
Byrne (2006) 40.30 years* times on 3 consecutive positive Emotions with life
8  Emotion Review 

64% female* days plus 1 session 2 experiences Scale

weeks later only and
a writing
only control
45 Zijlmans, Embregts, Medical staff 34 26 No21 2 days of EI training + EI Not stated No EQ-i .001 - No - -
Gerits, Bosman, & 36 years feedback sessions over 4
Derksen (2011) 79% female months
46 Zijlmans, Embregts, Medical staff 76 138 Yes 1.5 days of EI training + Not stated 4 months EQ-i .01 .01 • Task coping .0122 .01
Gerits, Bosman, & 36.6 years* (2 groups) 6 EI feedback sessions of • Emotion coping ns .01
Derksen (2015) 36% female 42% female 90 min • Avoidance ns .01

Note. AES = Assessing Emotions Scale; CDE-A = Emotional Development Inventory for Adults; DOE = Dimensions of Openness to Emotional experiences; EAQ = External Assessment Questionnaire; ECI = Emotional Competency
Inventory; ECIU = Emotional Competence Inventory (University Version); EIQ is a tailored questionnaire; EISDI = Emotional intelligence self-description inventory; EMA = Emotional Management Abilities Test; EQ-i = BarOn Emo-
tional Quotient Inventory; ERP-Q = Emotion Regulation Profile Questionnaire; ERP-R = Emotion Regulation Profile–Revised; ESCI = Emotional and Social Competency Inventory; ESE = Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale; Genos EI = Ge-
nos Emotional Intelligence Inventory; EQ Map = Emotional Quotient Map; IRI = Interpersonal Reactivity Index; LSP = The Learning Skills Profile; MSCEIT = Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test; neg = result contrary
to the hypothesis; nr = not reported; ns = nonsignificant; SAQ = Self-Assessment Questionnaire; SEIS = Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale; SSREIT = The Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test; STEU = Situational Test
of Emotional Understanding; TAS20 = Toronto Alexithymia Scale; TEIQue = Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire; TEIQue-SF = Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form; WEIP = Workgroup Emotional Intelligence
Profile; WLEIS = Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. 360° = a 360° instrument is scored by the subject himself but also by others (peers, managers etc...) thus the term 360-degree.
*Statistics for the total sample, training, and control group.
1Results were significant (p < .01) for the subdimension “Relationship management” related to the self and others, as well as the self-report dimension “Teamwork.”

2Results of the Condition x Time interaction are not reported, but service quality improved numerically more in the control group.

3An inactive control group is just a comparison group that does not undergo the intervention, or another group that is not listed on a waiting list to undergo the intervention later.

4Although the 15 remaining participants reported benefits for the intervention at Time 2, the EI scores measured with the MSCEIT actually declined.

5It is not clear which of the participants were assessed over the study: some joined after the first or the second wave of assessments.

6There was an increase in the department’s percentile ranking between the 3 years before EI training (89% in 2002, 90% in 2003, and 85% in 2004) and for 6 of the 7 years after EI training.

7It was described as “Hay EI survey” in the article.

8The author reports that “In one of the five sections, the instructor introduced . . . emotional intelligence” but it was not described as a standard randomization process.

9The author reports only correlations but they are significant in both groups.

10These results are for the follow-up at 3 months, results are maintained at 6 months.

11Cortisol levels were assessed only at 1 month, not at the immediate follow-up.

12The authors report a significant difference for one dimension out of 10, so, even if full statistics were not reported, it is highly improbable that a positive result could be found for the overall EI.

13These are the results for the ANOVA, Time x Group including Times 1, 2, and 3.

14The study does not clearly report the sample.

15This study is supposed to be based on randomization, but the intervention group and the control group belong to two different hospitals; therefore, it is not possible that participants were individually randomized.

16The Time 2 measures were at 6 months after the end of the intervention, there was no measure immediately after the intervention.

17There were some negative effects on the self-reported EI scale but the statistics are not reported.

18Only three participants were given this 3-month coaching follow-up.

19Of the 175 participants returning questionnaires at pretest and immediate posttest, 58 were in the positive writing plus cued emotional regulation condition (Group 1), 62 were in the positive writing only condition (Group

2), and 55 were in the control condition (Group 3).

20Participants in the emotion regulation condition at posttest scored significantly higher on emotional intelligence than those in the control group, but this difference was no longer significant at follow-up. There was no differ-

ence at any time taking into account the interaction between the three groups.
21The authors report that the selection was “mostly random.”

22Results were significant only compared to the Control Group 2.

23Developing Critical HR is an ability that permits to attract and keep imporant partners for the entrepreneurial process (Hodzic et al., 2015)
Kotsou et al. Improving Emotional Intelligence  9

more rigorous, controlled studies before conclusions can be impact of emotional writing on life satisfaction) reported sig-
drawn about the positive effects of these interventions. nificant positive results. Three studies assessed the effect of an
Of the 37 studies using trait-like measures, the measure that EI increase on physical health indicators, two on somatic com-
was most used was the EQ-i (14 studies, 30%). Of the 14 studies plaints (26 and 34) and one (study 24) on HbA1c levels, a gly-
using the EQ-i, 13 reported a significant increase in the total EI cemic indicator in diabetes. All these studies found improvements
score, only one did not report a significant result at all (Muyia & in the EI intervention condition. These promising findings sug-
Kacirek, 2009). Of the 23 other studies, only four did not report gest that increasing various aspects of EI often has meaningful
a significant EI increase (see Table 1, column k). results on psychological health and that the effects of EI on
It is important to note that using a measure of EI does not physical health are worth further investigation.
imply using a conceptual model for the intervention. Moreover,
the studies we report on used more than 20 different measures
and since it would be inappropriate to combine results from dif- Relationship-Related Outcomes
ferent measures when it is not clear that they measure exactly EI is also thought to impact social relationships (Côté, DeCelles,
the same construct, our conclusions will therefore have to be McCarthy, van Kleef, & Hideg, 2011), but only three studies
tentative. Another important point is that most of the interven- (26, 34, 42) have investigated—with success—the impact of EI
tions we gathered did not provide the necessary information to improvement on the quality of relationships. Given the impor-
evaluate their possible conceptual model; therefore, the results tance of social relationships and social support in well-being,
reported in the next sections combine studies using different EI more research in this area would be beneficial.
measures. Because EI is supposed to increase academic perfor-
mance, work performance, relationship outcomes (e.g., the
quality of relationships), mental and physical health, we will Conclusion
now review the studies in relation to these outcomes.
Taken together, these results suggest that groups receiving EI
interventions improved compared to control groups. This is in
Work-Related Outcomes line with the results of a recent meta-analysis, based on the
results of 24 studies and 28 samples, that concluded that EI train-
As noted in the Introduction, EI is associated with many impor- ings are effective interventions that improve durably EI (Hodzic,
tant work-related outcomes such as increased management skills Scharfen, Ripoll, Holling, & Zenasni, 2018). Nevertheless, it is
and work satisfaction performance. Of the 11 studies (2, 8, 13, important to keep in mind that the field of EI interventions is
16, 18, 21, 25, 36, 39, 40, and 41) targeting work-related out- relatively new and heterogeneous, which makes comparisons
comes, eight reported significant results. There were improve- between studies difficult. As an example, more than 20 different
ments in teamwork, conflict management (Study 8), patient EI measures have been used across studies (see Table 1).
satisfaction (Study 13), coaching skills (Study 18), employabil-
ity and reemployment (Study 21), workplace incivility (Study
25), institutional climate (Study 36), and job satisfaction (Study Limitations and Recommendations Related to
40). Three studies assessed work performance (Studies 16, 39, Research Design Characteristics
and 40) and only one reported significant results (an increase in
So far it appears that many studies lack a clear theoretical or
sales, Study 16). Given that the link between EI and performance
methodological rationale and do not report information con-
remains unclear, further investigation is called for.
cerning the training content, or include flaws related to some
parts of the research design. We will now focus our discussion
Academic-Related Outcomes on these limitations and on how to improve the process of
developing more useful and effective EI interventions, after
In the two studies assessing teaching performance, there was no which we will highlight some future research directions.
significant result related to teaching efficacy (Study 41) or
teachers’ empathy (Study 20). The small number of studies and
mixed results point to the need for additional research in these Control Group
fields. Control groups are critical to evaluating interventions because
they allow us to exclude the possibility that the effect of the
intervention is merely due to the group setting and that the
Psychological and Physical Health
very same effects would have been observed with any group
As highlighted by numerous studies and meta-analyses, EI is activity (e.g., a “Hawthorne effect,” or a placebo effect).
related to psychological and physical health (Martins et al., Active control or waiting list groups are preferable because
2010; Mikolajczak, Petrides, Coumans, & Luminet, 2009). they also allow motivation biases to be controlled for: partici-
Fifteen studies (21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, pants in the intervention group may have a greater motivation
44, and 46) assessed changes in psychological health and well- to change than participants of a no-waiting list control group,
being, and all of them (with the exception of Study 41 on the which could impact the outcome. Two thirds of the studies
psychological health of candidate teachers and Study 44 on the reviewed (29) included a control group but these control
10  Emotion Review 

groups were inactive control groups in most cases (80%). Intervention Content
Only five studies (Studies 17, 21, 24, 26, 43) used a waiting
list control group, five studies (Studies 18, 25, 34, 37, 44) used In several studies, either the intervention assessed was not
an active control group (e.g., drama improvisation). We rec- empirically designed to improve EI or no information about the
ommend the use of active control groups, that is, groups that intervention content was provided. Out of the 46 studies
engage in another activity comparable in duration to that of the reviewed, 28 reported a primary EI intervention (Studies 2, 4, 8,
EI intervention (e.g., a relaxation training group that runs for 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37,
the same duration). 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46). In eight studies (Studies 3, 6, 18,
As an example of good practice, Nelis et al. (2011) assessed 19, 22, 27, 28, 31) the intervention concerned leadership, man-
an intervention with an EI intervention group and two control agement, or coaching. In five other studies (Studies 5, 7, 9, 10,
groups: one inactive control group and one active (drama 30) the intervention was related to team or peer learning, feed-
improvisation) control group. While the EI intervention group back, or process design. Two studies (25 and 44) were based on
showed the greatest improvement in psychological health, the a writing paradigm (writing about one’s emotional experiences).
active control group also showed a significant improvement, One study (1) was a mental health intervention (consisting of
whereas the inactive control group showed no change. lectures and discussions on grief and mental health). Lastly,
Study 29 assessed a “ropes and challenges” intervention. Results
show that interventions that are not specifically EI training inter-
Subject Allocation ventions such as peer sessions (Codier et al., 2011), check-in
Only 11 studies (studies 5, 11, 17, 21, 23, 24, 25, 38, 43, 44, 46) rounds (Codier et al., 2013), or ropes and challenges (Meyer
used a randomized controlled design. Ideally, participants et al., 2004) have less impact than a relatively short (2.5 days on
would be randomized in order to avoid motivation or demand average, plus a follow-up) and specifically EI-based intervention
effects. (e.g., Nelis et al., 2011; Slaski & Cartwright, 2003).
Among the 25 studies that claimed EI-based content, only
five (24, 26, 33, 34, 43) offered a detailed summary of the inter-
Long-Term Assessment vention. The use of empirically based EI-specific interventions
There are several reasons why the long-term effects of EI inter- would help not only the dissemination of effective tools, but
ventions should be assessed. First, because time has an impact would also open the possibility to better replicate, assess, and
on learning retention (Saks & Belcourt, 2006): long-term understand the effect of these interventions. Therefore, given
assessment is essential to assess sustained learning transfer and the variety of interventions and the lack of theoretical rationales
the acquisition of EI competencies. Second, trait-related out- that could have guided their elaboration, we recommend the
comes are relatively stable and may take time to change. Some development of interventions that would ideally be (a) specifi-
of the studies reported here show that EI improvements may cally EI-based, (b) constructed according to a specific, clear,
not be detectable immediately after an intervention (Abe et al., and well-documented conceptual framework, and (c) using
2013; Clarke, 2010b; Gorgas et al., 2015) because they may exercises that are based on scientific evidence. We also recom-
occur only after a certain time period (e.g., after 6 months). In mend the publication of more detailed training protocols. An
a recent article, Nelis et al. (2011) reported that a 6-month fol- example of good practice comes from a Karahan and Yalcin’s
low-up revealed changes in personality traits that did not mani- (2009) intervention study (Study 24). In their article, there is a
fest at the short term, including a significant decrease in two-page table with the aim, theme, and activities of the 12 EI
neuroticism and a significant increase in agreeableness. These modules of their intervention. In the case of organizations that
results suggest that it may be important to have follow-up already utilize EI concepts, we recommend that tailored inter-
assessments in order to evaluate changes that take time to man- ventions should be designed that are related to specific perfor-
ifest. On the other hand, any results that occur shortly after an mance outcomes.
intervention may just be due to people’s increased knowledge
of EI from the intervention, which may not translate into abili-
EI and EI Correlate Measures
ties or behaviors that would last for the long term. Only about
a third of the studies (Studies 1, 8, 13, 14, 17, 21, 24, 26, 32, 33, There were many different EI measures used in the 46 studies we
39, 40, 43) assessed the long-term outcomes of the interven- reported. Overall, 37 used a self-report measure, six used both
tions (i.e., at a minimum follow-up period of 6 months). In sev- self- and peer report measures, and nine studies used an ability
eral studies, the effects of the intervention were assessed only measure (the MSCEIT). Only 10 studies used multiple EI meas-
immediately after the intervention. We recommend long-term ures. We recommend using at least self-report and peer report
(and ideally multiple) assessments in order to allow changes in measures or self-report and ability measures and to assess relia-
EI to be detected and to verify that they are maintained for a bility between measures in order to avoid relying only on an
long period of time. As an example of good practice, in their EI individual self-reported assessment of EI. For example, Gignac
intervention study of diabetes patients, Karahan and Yalcin et al. (2012) used a self-report and 360° measure of EI (Study
(2009) assessed the outcomes of their intervention at three time 16), and in study 34, Nelis et al. (2011) used self-report and peer
points: immediately after the intervention, 3 months later, and report trait EI measures and a vignette-based measure of emotion
6 months later. regulation, the Emotion Regulation Profile–Revised (ERP-R).
Kotsou et al. Improving Emotional Intelligence  11

Multisource information about the possible benefits of EI of the intervention. In order to clarify the real effect of EI, future
improvement is also important to minimize problems associated investigations should be more rigorous in their research reporting.
with self-report data. An example of a well-designed interven- For instance, we recommend the use of tools designed for report-
tion study in the workplace context is from Slaski and Cartwright ing trials (Luce et al., 2009) such as the CONSORT checklist
(2003). This study used informant-rated assessments of perfor- (Merrick et al., 2008), to ensure common standards in designing
mance (the line manager’s rating on 16 organizational perfor- and reporting studies. The CONSORT checklist is an evidence-
mance factors) in conjunction with self-report measures of based set of recommendations for reporting randomized trials and
psychological health and perceived stress. interventions (

Biological and Behavioral Indicators Future Directions

Objective indicators as behavioral or biological measures are Effect of the Participant Characteristics
necessary in order to demonstrate the potential benefits of EI
interventions in a robust way. Two studies have used biological In one study, neither gender, age, or cognitive abilities were
markers: Study 24 used levels of hemoglobin HbA1c (Karahan related to EI improvement (Kotsou et al., 2011). However, it
& Yalcin, 2009), which is related to diabetes, and Study 26 used must be noted that correlational studies have found that the
levels of cortisol (Kotsou et al., 2011), which is related to stress. development of EI is related to age and gender (Cabello,
Related to behavioral measures, two studies can serve as good Navarro Bravo, Latorre, & Fernández-Berrocal, 2014; Joseph &
examples. Study 21 (Hodzic, Ripoll, Lira, et al., 2015) com- Newman, 2010). This suggests that such potential moderators
bined the assessment of reemployment self-report measures and may still request future investigation. There is not a minimum
real reemployment rate 1 year after the intervention and showed level of baseline EI required to obtain improvements (Nelis
that the average unemployment delay was shorter for the EI et al., 2009). However, lower levels of baseline EI correspond to
intervention participants, compared to the control group. The greater improvements (Kotsou et al., 2011); participants with a
other study, Study 34 (Nelis, Kotsou, et al., 2011), used an in- high initial level of EI may not even experience significant
basket situation exercise (participants were given a problem that changes (Kruml & Yockey, 2011). The same trend has been
they needed to solve and were recorded during the process), reported in a study looking at the effects of an EI intervention on
with independent judges assessing participants’ employability emotional writing (Kirk et al., 2011), which showed that only
on a behavioral measure, and showed an increase of employa- participants who were initially low or moderate in self-efficacy
bility in the intervention group. increased significantly in self-efficacy at posttest. Ethnic origins
and cultural differences could also impact EI improvement. In
countries where immigration is prevalent, such as in the US and
Sample/Participants Selection most European countries, participants could be from very dif-
The vast majority of the studies reviewed here were conducted ferent origins (e.g., Asian, African), which is often not reported.
on well-educated people. Twenty studies were conducted with a Because cultural contexts affect emotion regulation processes
student sample (MBA students, college students, or medical stu- (Butler et al., 2007), for example due to various cultural emo-
dents), seven studies with managers or sales representatives, five tional norms (Leys, Licata, Marchal, & Bernard, 2011), it may
studies with employees (teachers, banking sector employees, or be worth investigating to what extent or under which circum-
other working adults), seven studies were conducted on medical stances emotional intelligence processes may produce differen-
staff, three on patients, one on members of a sports organization tial outcomes based on cultural context. Potential moderating
(coaches, club directors), and one on cricket players. In order to effects of participant characteristics still need to be investigated
ensure the generalizability of the results, it is important to con- in order to better understand the conditions of emotional change
duct studies on samples representative of the general population on the groups/subgroups that would benefit the most from these
or on specifically targeted samples (clinical samples). As an interventions.
example, for her study on unemployment, Hodzic et al. (2015)
recruited a community sample of 78 nonworking adults. Effect of the Intervention Format
Is there a differential effect of different training settings or dura-
Limitations and Recommendations Related tion on EI improvement? Several scholars (Kotsou et al., 2011;
Nelis et al., 2011) have reported consistent results with different
to Research Reporting
intervention formats (3 days or 2.5 days with 1 month follow-up
Research reporting quality is necessary in order to ensure its rep- or six weekly 3-hour sessions). Kruml and Yockey (2011)
licability. In this regard, many studies fail to report important assessed whether the way in which the training was delivered
information. Some of them lacked important elements such as (face-to-face and hybrid online and face-to-face) and training
information about the sample and inferential statistics on the out- length (between a 7-week and 16-week curriculum) would lead
comes. As an example, in one study (Study 9), the EI pre–post to different outcomes. They reported no differences in the effec-
scores declined, but the authors nevertheless stated that the study tiveness between the different settings. While comparing a
provided descriptive and anecdotal evidence for a positive effect long-term (13-week, spaced learning; n = 23) with a short-term
12  Emotion Review 

(2-day, block intensive; n = 20) coaching skills training pro- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
gram, Grant (2007) reported that EI increased only with the The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
long-term intervention. Therefore, EI improvement may occur to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
only after a sustained effort. Is follow-up, whether face-to-face
or online, necessary to ensure sustained learning transfer?
Further investigation is needed to answer this question. References
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