PHD Mcqs

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QUESTION # 1, 2, 23, 57, 58, 59, 60 IS MISSING


3. Business firms typically seek solution to problems.

A. Optional
B. Maximal
C. Satisfactory
D. Minimal

4. Which of the following is a means of upward communication?

A. Employee handbooks
B. Open door policy
C. Employee contracts
D. Directives

5. What is the term which refers to two or more people having a unifying relationship?

A. Group
B. Committee
C. Organization
D. Entity

6. Bureaucratic leader is leadership

A. Rule centered
B. Subordinate centered
C. Group centered
D. Boss centered

7. According to Abraham Maslow, the most elevated type of need is .

A. Physiology
B. Self actualization
C. Esteem
D. safety

8. Each manager is highly qualified specialist. In a organization.

A. Matrix
B. Functional
C. Staff
D. Line

9. Successful functional of the manager cannot be performed without.

A. Motivational
B. Staffing
C. Organizing
D. Planning

10. The role of “staff” in line and staff organization is:

A. Responsibilities
B. Advisory
C. Authoritative

11. Managerial planning is a .

A. All level function

B. Top level function
C. Lower level function
D. Middle level function

12. Which of the following of management are closely related:

A. Planning and staffing

B. Planning and control
C. Staffing and control
D. Planning and organizing

13. Principles of unity of command means .

A. Proper delegation to subordinates
B. A fixed place for every person
C. To receive order from one person only
D. Unity of direction

14. The corporate president job could be described as requiring:

A. An aptitude for security operations

B. Accounting operations ability
C. High administrative ability
D. High technical ability

15. Managerial planning should take place:

A. None of these
B. After the constraints of the managerial efforts determined
C. After facts are known about the future
D. Before doing work

16. In the communication cycle, the process of translation of signals into ideas is called

A. Feedback
B. Response
C. Decoding
D. encoding

17. Which of the following not a technique for interpersonal conflict management?

A. Planning a delay
B. Using outside force
C. Procedural changes
D. Giving in

18. Which of the following is a basic characteristic of good objectives?

A. They should not be specific as to time

B. They should be measureable
C. They should be challenging but attainable
D. They should be expressed verbally

19. Which human resource document outlines the qualification required for the jobholder?

A. Job description (job specification/ position description/job profiles)

B. Job application
C. Job specification
D. Job announcements

A job announcement is the first point of contact that a new employee makes with your
organization. ... Use your announcement to attract the best applicants possible by including
the most important information for the position.

20. People-centered leadership is described as:

A. All of these
B. Follower-oriented
C. Permissive
D. Democratic (participative)

21. Thinking in terms of phases in planning helps to:

A. All of these
B. Insure acceptance of the plan by all concerned or affected by it.
C. Coordinates the separate activities within the plan
D. Keep the planned efforts on schedule
E. Reduce the plan to a simple series of actions

22. According to Herzberg, which of the following is a maintenance factor?

A. Recognition
B. Responsibility
C. Work itself
D. Salary
24. Which of the following are organization characteristics factors that impact corporate culture?

A. Size
B. Location
C. Autonomy
D. Formalization

25. Which is the term used to define the number of subordinates directly controlled by a

A. Investment span
B. Span of management
C. Departmentation
D. Division management

26. Pictures, slides, films fall under

A. Visual communication
B. Reporting
C. Audio-visual communication
D. Body language

27. If each line in the inside address in started after leaving a small gap. It is known as

A. Address form
B. Indented form
C. Correct form
D. Block form

28. The primary measure of the effectiveness of a manager is

A. How busy the person is

B. The result obtained
C. The total size of the organization
D. The number of employees employed
29. Which of the following is an attribute of a participative culture?

A. Increased turnover
B. Individual problem solving
C. Worker autonomy
D. Increased worker stress

30. The inside address should be written

A. Above the date

B. Above the salutation
C. Above the heading
D. Below the salutation

31. Amie agrees with the ----------that the grass is always greener on the side of the fence.

A. Fortitude
B. Conformation
C. Maxim
D. Penchant
E. Perpetuity

32. Awkwardly tall and prone to tripping over her own feet, Grace felt her name was truly

A. Benevolence (kindness)
B. Garrulity
C. Universality
D. Preoccupation
E. misnomer

33. Choose the letter pair of words or a word whose relationship is most similar to that expressed
by the capitalized pair.


A. Gravity: Irritant
B. Acrylic: Emulsion
C. Polish: Floors
D. Oil: Lubricant
E. Gasoline: refined

34. Choose the letter pair of words or a word whose relationship is most similar to that
expressed by the capitalized pair.


A. Topple: Stabilize
B. Bilk (cheat): Cheat
C. Abscond (escape): depart
D. Deplete (reduce): Drain
E. Boost: elevate

35. Choose that word or pair of word which best completes the meaning of the sentence.

How does not tolerate even the slightest ________ that rules that he has set out for the students.

A. Obedience of
B. Fraction of
C. Respect for
D. Deviation from
E. Adherence to

36. When Melinda arrived in the impoverished city, she was immediately by bands of
children begging for food.

A. Exacerbated (aggravated)
B. Rebuked (reprove)
C. Infiltrated (penetrate)
D. Accosted (stopped)
E. Bedraggled (messy)

37. Choose that word or pair of word which best completes the meaning of the sentence.
No longer -------------------by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for
humanity, many people try to find intellectual-------------------- for the lost certainty in astrology
and in mysticism. (Religion)

A. Hampered (disadvantage)- equivalents

B. Sustained (continuous) – substitutes
C. Restricted – Parallels
D. Reassured – justification
E. Satisfied – reasons

38. Choose that word or pair of word which best completes the meaning of the sentence.

The city‘s tax law both _______ and _________ incredibly complicated and completely out of

A. Cosmopolitan (multi culture) – obsolete

B. Quiescent (inactive/ calm) –fossilized (fixed)
C. Obfuscated (confused) – ubiquitous (omnipresent)
D. Bereft (graving)- inconsequential (unimportant/ minor)
E. Byzantine (scheming/ plotting) – antiquated (old fashion)

39. Must we be subjected to your complaints all day long?

A. Wholesome (healthy)
B. Gleesome
C. Awesome
D. Fearsome (Awesome)
E. Tiresome (dull)

40. Choose the letter pair of words or a word whose relationship is most similar to that expressed
by the capitalized pair.


A. Trowel: bricklayer
B. Typewriter: author
C. Brush: painter
D. Wagon: farmer
E. Scissors: tailor

41. After fighting the fire alarm fire, the firefighter could not relax enough to
unwind and get some rest

A. Overwrought (tense/ stress)

B. Durable
C. Pliable (flexible)
D. Treacherous (unfaithful)
E. Amicable (friendly)

42. Choose that word or pair of word which best completes the meaning of the sentence.

The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it
may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in western society
during the current decade is -------

A. Cautiously (carefully)
B. Uniquely
C. Disturbingly (disturb)
D. Perennially (regular)
E. archetypally

43. The rate of violent crime in this state is up to 30 percent from last year. The fault lies entirely
in our court system: Recently our judges have been so lenient (humane/soft) that criminals can
now do almost anything without fear of a long prison term.

(The argument above would be weakened if it were true that)

1. The state has hired 25 new judges in the last year to compensate for deaths and
2. Polls show that 65 percent of the populations in this state oppose capital punishment.
3. 85 percent of the others in the nation have lower crimes rates than does this state.
4. White collar crime in this state has also increase over 25 percent in the last year.
5. 35 percent of the police in this state have been laid off in the last year due to budget cuts.

44. Choose the letter pair of words or a word whose relationship is most similar to that
expressed by the capitalized pair.


A. carol (song): sonneteer

B. Song: poem

C. Cradle (support): gondola

D. Night: morning

E. Birth: marriage

45. In 1992 5 percent of every dollar pain in tax went to support the unemployment citizens. In
1998 8 percent of every dollar pain in tax went to such funds, although that unemployment rate
has decreased in 1998 than in 1992.

(each of the following, is true, could explain the simultaneous increase in percent of every dollar
paid in tax to support the unemployment citizens and decrease in the number of unemployment
rate Except)

A. The number of tax evaders rose sharply between 1992 and 1998.
B. Income for tax has significantly decreased since 1992.
C. The individual has paid more tax than did enterprises during this period
D. On average, people paid less tax in 1998 than in 1992.
E. On average, each unemployment citizen received more money in 1998 than 1992.

46. A woman introduces a man as a son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to
the woman?

A. Son
B. Cousin
C. Grandson
D. Uncle

47. In a party of 35 people there are twice as many women as many children as men. How many
of each are there?

A. 7 men, 12 children and 18 women

B. 5 men, 12 children and 20 women
C. 7 men, 10 children and 18 women
D. 5 men, 10 children and 20 women

48. Six members of a family ABCDE and F are travelling together. B is the son of C but C is not
the mother of B. A and C are married couple. E is the brother of C. D is the daughter of A. F is
the brother of B. How many male members in the family?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

49. A green grocer received a boxful of tomatoes and on opening the box found several had gone
bad. He then counted them up so that he could make a formal complaint and found that 68 found
mouldy, which was 16 percent of the total contents of the box. How many tomatoes in the box?

A. 215
B. 430
C. 425
D. 420

50. Find the analogy between the following items. Bank is related to money in the same way as
transport is relate to

A. Goods
B. Road
C. Speed
D. Traffic
51. If friend is coded as HUMJTL, how can candle be written in that code?


52. Given the five pair of numbers below, for which pair is the ratio of the smallest number to
the larger number 2 to 3.

A. 8, 12
B. 6, 10
C. 5, 15
D. 4, 9
E. 3, 6

53. If ab=5 & a+b=6 then a-b will be

A. 8
B. 7
C. 4
D. 9

54. A man pays 20% of his income for his income tax. If his income tax amount to Rs.3200.
What is his income?

A. 17000
B. 13000
C. 15000
D. 16000

55. If the same number is added in the numerator and in the denominator of 7/12the new fraction
is ¾. Then the number is

A. 1
B. 8
C. 6
D. 5

56. The slope of the line 2x + 3y =6 is ---------

A. 2/3
B. -3/2
C. 2
D. 2/3,

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