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What is snow ball sampling? Why it is called so? Give an example.

Snowball sampling

It is a socio metric sampling method and also known as network, chain referral or

reputation sampling method. In this method the researcher starts collection of data from the

person who is known to the researcher. At the end of the data collection the respondent will be

asked to provide the contact information of another respondent who can give relevant

information regarding this area of study. These processes are repeated and get more respondents

and relevant information to the researcher. Snow ball sampling is more useful when there are

small possibilities to get the information regarding the population or the population is unknown.


1. Aim: To compare difference in parent’s behavior towards their special child and normal


2. Target Population: Parents of Special Children.

3. Sampling Technique: Snowball Sampling Technique

4. Tool: Questionnaire

Criteria for sample: Couple who has two children, one who is special child and second who is

normal child. Both children should be of school age. Approach any couple whom you know fits

the criteria and request them to provide you with data. After collecting data from them, request

them to provide you with reference of other couple, who will fit in criteria. (Parents may also

request other couple to provide you with data). And so on you keep approaching different

couple, until you collect required amount of data.

Merits of Snowball Sampling:

1. It’s quicker to find samples: Referrals make it easy and quick to find subjects as they

come from reliable sources. An additional task is saved for a researcher; this time can be

used in conducting the study.

2. Cost effective: This method is cost effective as the referrals are obtained from a primary

data source. It’s is convenient and not so expensive as compared to other methods.

3. Sample hesitant subjects: Some people do not want to come forward and participate in

research studies, because they don’t want their identity to be exposed. Snowball sampling

helps for this situation as they ask for a reference from people known to each other. There

are some sections of the target population which are hard to contact. For example, if a

researcher intends to understand the difficulties faced by HIV patients, other sampling

methods will not be able to provide these sensitive samples. In snowball sampling,

researchers can closely examine and filter members of a population infected by HIV and

conduct a research by talking to them, making them understand the objective

of research and eventually, analyzing the received feedback.

Demerits of Snowball Sampling

1. Sampling bias and margin of error: Since people refer those whom they know and

have similar traits this sampling method can have a potential sampling bias and margin of

error. This means a researcher might only be able to reach out to a small group of people

and may not be able to complete the study with conclusive results.

2. Lack of cooperation: There are fair chances even after referrals, people might not be

cooperative and refuse to participate in the research studies.

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