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Discuss the following questions:

a. How did the application of scientific management affect the production of the Ford
Model T?
-Industrialists wanted to find a way to improve productivity. The theory of scientific
management involved deeply analyzing the production process so that creating products
could be done effectively and efficiently. Industrialists such as Henry Ford applied this theory
and became very successful.

b. How were the production workers affected by the employment of scientific management
in Ford’s Model T factories?
- Ford applied the scientific management strategy in its mass production plants by
dividing and subdividing operations into clear specialized phases of labors. This task
specialization allowed unskilled workers, with a very small number of exercises, to perform
their single repetitive tasks efficiently in order to inhibit delays in the production process.

c. Did the solutions implemented by Ford effectively address his worker’s problems?
-Yes,because by applying scientific techniques, like varying the speed, feed and
shapes of cutting tools, Ford found the key production factor was the interchange-
ability of all the parts so that they can be most easily per-formed at high velocity and
attached to each other.

d. Should Ford be more concerned with improving production methods or improving the
welfare of his employees? Justify your answer.
-Improving the welfare of his employees, because his production of car is very high
also the quality is pretty good but the welfare of his employees is not pretty good
because their wages is ranging only in 5 dollars for 12 hours of work even though the
prices of product on that era is cheap but I think that range of wage is not suited for
their job and also Ford must applied accident insurance because they are working on
a workplace that is prone on accident.

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