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The economic growth and strength of any nation is determine by the development of
manufacturing industries because these industries helps in eliminating the modern issues like
the poverty and the unemployment of any nation. But these industries also play a vital role in
pollution which led to the many diseases. International standard organisation (ISO) took this
issue very seriously and set new standard (ISO 14001) related to the environment. The ISO
14001 describe the necessity for an environmental management system (EMS) that an
organization can use to improve its environmental performance. This standard is applicable to
any industry regardless of its nature, size and type, which makes this as more user friendly to
the industries. The environmental management system (EMS) is a set of all tools and
processes that enable an industry to improve its operating efficiency by reducing the
environmental impact.
Need of EMS
An EMS helps an organization to deal with its continuously demands in a more efficient,
systematic and cost effective manner w.r.t environmental conditions. This is a pro-active
approach which can help any organisation while addressing the non-regulated and non-
compliance issues like energy conservation and health or safety issue of employees
respectively. This can be done by consistent evaluation, review and continuous improvement
of an organization environmental performance. The basic elements of an EMS systems are
1) Reviewing the organizational environment objectives;
2) Examining its environmental impacts;
3) Setting environmental targets to decrease environmental impacts;
4) Establishing new programs to meet these goals;
5) Examining and measuring the progress in acquiring these goals;
6) Ensuring the employees environmental understanding and awareness; and;
7) Continuously examining and improving the progress of the EMS.
EMS under ISO 14001 Standard
An EMS system helps an organization to improve its environmental performance
continuously. EMS system follows a repeating cycle as shown in fig. The organization first
dedicate to an environmental policy and then uses these policies to create a plan which sets
goals and objectives to improve the environmental performance. After that, the organization
implement those plans and evaluate its environmental performance in order to check whether
the goals and objectives are being achieved or not. If not, then corrective action needs to be
taken. After evaluation, the next step is to review the outcomes of evaluation. The top
management review the result of this evaluation process and set new goals and objectives in a
revised plan. The organization then implement this revised plan and check whether this works
fine or not and hence the cycle repeats and continuous advancement occurs.
& policies

Review Planning

Evaluation Implementation

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