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Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering college

Kovilvenni -614 403

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Max.Marks:50 Internal Assessment Test-II Date&Session:17.09.2020&AN

IV Year / VII Semester /
Duration:1½ hrs Mechanical (A&B) Subjectcode:ME8099
Prepared by:
Mr.A.MUTHUSAMY Subject Name: Robotics Reg.No

PART-A 10X2=20

1. Name some feedback devices used in robotics.

2. List any two unique features of a stepper motor.
3. List any four important factors to be considered in the selection and design of grippers
4. What is a RCC device? For what purpose is it used in a robot?
5. List the types of encoders?
6. Define tactile array sensor.
7. Classify the position sensors
8. List the type of encoders
9. What is mean by Tactile sensor
10. List the function of machine vision system

PART-B 03X10=30

1. Discuss the types of drive systems used in robots?

2. Explain with a neat diagram of magnetic and vacuum grippers?
3. Explain the principle of the following sensors and also mention how they are used in robots.
(i) Piezo elecric sensor
(ii) Inductive proximity sensor
(iii) Touch sensor
(iv) Slip sensor

Bloom’s Definition Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Question Part A 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 7

Numbers Part B 2,3 1

Part A 18 2
Part B 20 10

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