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Awesome Campaign Ideas #1

For a few years now I've been writing down ideas for Tabletop RPG campaigns. Every time one pops in
my head I add it to the file. I don't run games as often as I used to, but that doesn't mean the ideas
stop coming. So I figured why not share them with others who can use them when I can't. Welcome to
Awesome Campaign Ideas.


After the assassination of Arch Duke Farro a seer was consulted to find the culprit. The seer could not
pinpoint the assassin. Instead they implicated several individuals in the crime, with assurance that
one of them was the culprit.

The court decided to exile all of the suspects instead of risking any more dead bodies. As they
boarded the boat bound for exile, the suspects were given a note. It read "Working together is the key
to finding the Stone of Solace. Another boat will arrive in three months to pick up anyone in
possession of the artifact."

You are those exiled suspects. Did one of you really murder the Duke? Does that even matter now that
you need to work together? What is this mysterious stone and why does someone want it?

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