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Developing a Testable Hypothesis

For each of the following scenarios, develop a testable hypothesis as well as identify the
investigative question, cause, effect, independent variable, and dependent variable.

Scenario 1
Kelly and Jack are playing in the park.  Jack rolls a marble down the small playground slide. 
Kelly proposes the idea that the marble would travel at a faster pace if it is rolled down the
longer slide.  This discussion leads to the following investigative question.  After reading the
investigative question and hypothesis, identify the cause and effect, the controlled variables in
the experiment, and the variable being tested in the experiment.  Record your answers on your
Investigative Question: What happens to the speed at which a marble travels when the height of
a ramp is changed?
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:

Scenario 2
Andy's nightly chores include washing the family dishes.  His mother tends to cook everything
that she prepares a bit too long.  Because of this, Andy spends a lot of sweat, effort, and time
washing the dishes.  He sees a commercial on television that claims that brand X dishwashing
detergent cuts through grease better than its competitor brand Y.  Andy writes the following
investigative question and hypothesis.  Identify the cause and effect in Andy's hypothesis, identify
the controlled variables and the variable being tested in the experiment.  

Scenario 3
Marissa is an extremely curious sixth grader.  During a snow day she noticed a truck spreading
salt all over the road.  After the truck went past Marissa's house, she put on her snow boots, hat,
and gloves and went to the edge of her driveway and made an observation.  From her
observation, Marissa designed the following investigative question for an experiment she later
conducted.  Write a hypothesis (identifying the cause and effect), identify the controlled
variables and the variable being tested in the experiment.  

Scenario 4
Will works for a greenhouse in his local town.  He learned how to conduct a controlled
experiment in his science class.  He decides to practice this newly gained scientific knowledge
and design a controlled experiment that deals with the proper conditions to grow seeds.  Will
writes down the following investigative question.  Write a possible hypothesis (identifying cause
and effect), identify the controlled variables and the variable being tested in the experiment.  
Scenario 5
Ali's favorite food is microwave popcorn.  She loves microwave popcorn so much that she can't
stand to waste the un-popped kernels in the bottom of the bag.   The next time Ali goes to the
grocery store she buys all the brands of microwave popcorn that the store has.  With these
brands of popcorn she writes the following investigative question and conducts an experiment. 
After reading the following investigative question write a possible hypothesis for the experiment,
identify the cause and effect, the controlled variables, and the variables being tested in the
Investigative Question: What affects the amount of popped kernels you get when you
microwave popcorn?

Scenario 6
Mr. C., a sixth grade science teacher notices that Harry, one of his students, is making a paper
airplane in his class.  As a punishment, Mr. C. gives Harry the following investigative question
and instructs him to design an experiment to find the "best" airplane.  Mr. C. does not give him
any directions on how to accomplish this task, or what the word "best" means.  Look at 
following investigative question and help Harry in his quest to design the "best" airplane by
writing him a hypothesis (identifying cause and effect), identifying the controlled variables, and
the variable being tested in his experiment.
  Investigative Question: What can affect the flight of a paper airplane?

Scenario 7
Bob is a Cub Scout and his trying to create a winning "Pine Wood Derby" race car.  The kit that
he receives from Scout Master contains many different size wheels.  Because of Bob's desire to
win, he decides that he will design an experiment to see which set of wheels will give his car the
highest velocity.  To start his experiment he writes the following investigative question.  After
reading the investigative question, design a hypothesis, identify the controlled variables, and the
variable being tested in the experiment.
 Investigative Question: Does the size of the wheel affect the velocity of the car when rolled
down a ramp?

Scenario 8
Biologist Bill is planning to conduct a long term study dealing with the preferred habitat of
earthworms.  Before beginning the experiment Bill writes the following investigative question. 
After reading the investigative question, write a hypothesis, identify the controlled variables and
variable being tested in the experiment.
Investigative Question: What habitat will an earthworm prefer?
Scenario 9
Brock is trying to decide which of two skateboards to buy. He wants the one that will give him
the longest ride off of a ramp. Write an investigative question. Remember the effect must be
measurable.  Also, write a possible hypothesis for this experiment, identify the controlled
variables, and variable being tested in the experiment.

Scenario 10
Donna is a very clumsy individual. She uses a lot of paper towels to clean up her spills. Help her
to find the most suitable paper towel.  Write an investigative question. Remember the effect must
be measurable.  Also, write a possible hypothesis for this experiment, identify the controlled
variables, and variable being tested in the experiment.

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