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Module 16

Matching Networks and QWT


1 Introduction

2. Input Impedance of a transmission line

3. Concept of Matching Networks

4. Insertion loss

5. Quarter Wave Transformer

6. Numerical Examples on QWT

7. Applications, Advantages and Limitations of QWT

8. Characteristic Impedance

9. Summary

Objectives: - After completing this module, you will be able to know about

1. The concept of matching networks.

2. Insertion loss.
3. Use of Smith chart in designing of QWT
4. Applications, advantages and limitations of QWT.

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

1. Introduction

In the earlier module, we have studied how to use Smith Chart for determining the radially scaled
parameters like reflection coefficient. Transmission coefficient, VSWR, Return loss etc. As we know, the
main purpose of transmission line is to have nearly hundred percent transmission of the RF signal to the
load without much loss of power. For this it is essential to achieve matching of input and output
impedance of the transmission line to the source impedance and load impedance respectively. . We
know that the conditions for matching a transmission line for 100% transmission and that for maximum
power transfer are different. Generally, the source impedance is matched with the impedance at the
input side .However; it may not be the case with the load impedance. It can be different in different
applications and may not match with the impedance at the output terminals of the line. What to do in
such a case? There are various ways to overcome such types of mismatches. In this module, let us
discuss about the concept of matching networks comprising of reactive components and a techniques
known as quarter wave impedance transformer or simply QWT making use of a piece of transmission
line of length λ/4 for matching purpose. Smith Chart plays an important role as a graphical tool in the
designing of both of these matching techniques.

2. Input Impedance of a transmission line

One of the important quantities of prominent importance is the input impedance of a transmission line
generally denoted by Zin. Let us revise our knowledge about the terms input and output impedance of
an electrical circuit. in brief.

Consider the circuit with generator across the input terminals and load impedance at the
output terminals.

The impedance between the input terminals with load impedance ZL connected but generator
removed is called as the input impedance of circuit and is given by

Z in = Z1 + [ (Z2 + ZL) // Z 3 ]

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

The impedance across the output terminals with generator having impedance Zg present but
load impedance ZL removed is called as the output impedance of the circuit and is given by

Z out = Z2 + [ (Z1 + Z g) // Z3 ]
= Z2 +

Knowing the value of Z 1, Z 2, Z3 and ZL/Zg we can calculate Zin and Z out using the rules of complex

The choices of either Z 1 , Z2 or Z 3 equal to zero, we can get different types of filter network. For
example, with Z 2 = 0 we obtain L type filter. Such filters and combinations thereof, play an
important role in what is known as matching networks. Let us try to understand the term
“impedance matching network “with the help of few simple examples.

3. Concept of Matching Networks

Now, consider a simple resistive network. Here we want to match the 10 Ω resistance ( RL )to the 6Ω
resistance( RS . )This means, with Rs removed, the impedance i.e. resistance across the terminals A and
B must be equal to 6 Ω. For this we cannot place a simple short circuit between terminals P and A and
between terminals Q and B .We can easily understand that it will not serve the purpose of matching.
One of the acceptable solutions is to join terminals P and Q to terminals A and B respectively and
connect a resistance R of 15 Ω between terminals A and B as shown in the following circuit.

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

It can be easily verified that with RS removed, the resistance between terminals A and B, will be 6Ω.

RAB = R // RL = (R  RL)/ ( R + RL ) = (15 x 10)/(15+10)= 150/25 = 6 Ω = RS.

Hence, we can say that R = 15 Ω in parallel with RL serves the purpose of the desired matching. Hence it
is a matching network.

What will the matching network in this problem if the source resistance RS of 6 Ω is to be matched with
the load impedance RL of 10 Ω ? The answer is simple. The matching network is a single resistance of 4
Ω connected between terminals P and A with a short circuit between terminals Q and B as shown.

Is it so easy for any given load? Definitely not. Can a resistor in parallel with 6 Ω will do the needful of
matching the source resistance of 6Ω to the load impedance? Certainly NOT- because it leads to a
negative value (- 15 Ω) of R which is not a practically acceptable solution

Now consider another circuit as shown involving ac source which is little bit complicated as compared to
the earlier resistive circuit. It be noted that the choice of letters to denote input and out put terminals is

Z L = 20 + 10 j Ω , Z S = R S = 50 Ω , f = 400 MHz, Z L is to be matched with Z S

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

In this circuit, it is expected to match the load impedance ZL=20 +10j Ω to the source
impedance RS= 50 Ω at signal frequency of 400 MHz. In this case, what will be the network
which can give the desired impedance? The calculations are not as easy as in the earlier
problem with resistive network.

Matching networks of different types can be found as a solution. One of the solutions is as
shown. N.B:- Z L is to be matched with Z S

Z L = 20 + 10 j Ω , Z S = R S = 50 Ω , f = 400 MHz

Answer :- X L ≈ j 14.50 Ω → inductor , X C ≈ - j 40.82 Ω →capacitor

We can verify numerically that with source removed, the impedance of Z PQ across the terminals
P and Q has the desired value of 50 Ω. The calculations are as shown.

ZPQ= (ZL +XL) // XC = (ZL+XL) x XC / (ZL+XL+XC)

XL= j 2π f L ≈ j 14.50 Ω , L = 5.767 x10 -9 H , f = 400 x10 6 Hz

XC= -j/ (2π fC ) ≈ -j 40.82 Ω , C =9.746 x10 -12 F.

ZL=20 +10 j Ω

ZPQ = 50  0 0 Ω.

We can have another solution for the same problem as a matching network as shown.

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

X’ c = - 34.50 j Ω ( capacitor) , X’ L = 48.82 j Ω ( inductor ) , Z L = 20 + 10 j Ω

Z S = R S = 50 Ω , f = 400 MHz

Note that in this case also, we have the value ZPQ=50 Ω as desired. Thus we have two matching
networks for the same circuit.

ZPQ = ( ZL + XC’) // XL’ = ( ZL + XC’ ) XL’/ ( ZL+ XC’+ XL’) XC’ = - j 2 π f C’ = - j 34.50 Ω ,
C’= 11.53 x 10 -12 F , f = 400 x 10 6 Hz , XL’ = j 2 π f L’ = j 48.82 Ω , L’= 16.24 x 10 -9 H.
ZPQ = 50  0 0 Ω

We are familiar with the terms “star and delta networks” also known as “T and PI networks”.
Let us see the use of these networks as matching networks between source and load. It be
noted that the two physical quantities namely source impedance and frequency of signal are of
direct concern in designing of matching networks .Hence, many a times source symbol is not
shown in the circuit diagram. See the circuit as an example of pi type of matching network. The
designed values of components are as shown.

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

The given and designed values of components are as shown.

Z L = 20 + 10 j Ω, Z S = R S = 50 Ω, f = 400 MHz, Q = 3

Zc = - 25 j Ω (capacitor), C = 15.915 pF

Za = 16.62 j Ω (inductor), La = 6.631 nH

Zb = 10 j Ω (inductor), Lb = 3.979 nH

As an example of T type of matching network, see the circuit as shown. In the earlier module
we have discussed about the computation of network impedance. It will be a good numerical
computational exercise to verify the matching of the input and output impedances of these two
circuits to the source and load impedance respectively.

The given and designed values of components are as shown.

Z L = 20 + 10 j Ω , Z S = R S = 50 Ω , f = 400 MHz , Q = 3 , Z 1 = - 42.27 j Ω ( capacitor)

C = 9.414 pf , Z 2 = 86.60 j Ω ( inductor ) , L1 = 34.458 nH , Z 3 = 50 j Ω ( inductor )

L 2 = 19.89 nH

Thus, for a given load impedance ZL, we can obtain matching networks comprising of reactive
components like capacitors and inductors. Note that inclusion of resistors is not recommended
due their power dissipative nature. The designing of matching networks comprising of
capacitors and inductors can be tedious and may not give the desired level of accuracy due to
non-availability of components with exact values. Use of many on line sources available on the
internet can be made effectively to design the desired type of matching network. We can study

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

the effect of variation in circuit parameters such as signal frequency, source impedance, load
impedance etc. on the values of the reactive components used in the matching network.

As an example, with Pi network discussed above, have a look at the effect on values of reactive
components due to change in source and load impedance. Which values undergo a change
under variation in source or load impedance?

Table: - Pi network

f = 1 GHz, Quality factor (Q) = 3, ZL = RL + j XL, ZS = R + j X

Sr no R X RL XL L nH C1 pF C2 pF

1 40 0 50 30 4.93 10.53 9.71

2 40 10 50 30 5.00 11.20 9.71

3 40 10 40 10 3.95 12.55 12.55

4 40 0 50 0 4.49 10.53 9.55

Also, as an additional example, in the case of T network, have a look at the effect on values of
reactive components due to change in source and load impedance.

Table: - T network

f = 1 GHz, Quality factor (Q) = 3 ZL = RL+ j XL, ZS = R + j X

Sr no Rs Xs RL XL Ls nH C pF LL pF

1 40 0 50 30 19.10 2.25 16.28

2 40 10 50 30 17.51 2.25 16.28

3 40 10 40 10 19.51 2.38 17.51

4 40 0 50 0 19.10 2.25 21.05

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

4. Insertion loss

Now consider a transmission line of length L having generator with impedance Zg at one end
and the load impedance ZL at the other end as shown. Let Z0 be the characteristic impedance
of the transmission line.

We know that for no reflection at the receiving end we must have, Z0 =ZL. In general ZL may
not match with Z0.Especially with real Z0 and complex ZL, ZL  Z0. Such mismatch will give rise
to return loss and mismatch loss as discussed in one of the earlier modules. Also, use of
matching network gives rise to what is known as “Insertion Loss” which mainly depends upon
the composition of matching network and imperfection of components therein.

Insertion loss is the loss of signal power resulting from the insertion of a device in
a transmission line or optical fiber. It is denoted by IL and is expressed in decibels (dB).

If the power transmitted to the load before insertion of the device is PT and the power received
by the load after insertion is PR, then the insertion loss in dB is given by,
IL= 10 log 10 ( P T / P R ).

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

The energy absorbed by the transmission line in the direction of the signal path is measured by
Insertion loss in dB/meter or dB/ feet. Insertion loss of a cable varies with frequency; the higher
the frequency, the greater is the loss

Advanced electronic instruments such as Network analyzer, have many attractive features of displaying
the Smith chart, plot the measured data on it and showing the calculated impedance at the marked
point in a several marker formats. Use of such instruments incorporating display of Smith charts and
analyzing the data, is highly useful for computations of insertion loss. It be remembered that,
Transmission coefficients are commonly referred to as gains or attenuations, while reflection
coefficients relate to return losses and VSWRs.

Measurements of Insertion loss are useful in troubleshooting a given network. High insertion
loss can contribute to poor system performance and loss of coverage.
The accurate and repeatable measurements of insertion loss can be made with the help of
some advanced instruments - Site Master, for example.

5. Quarter Wave Transformer

Instead of using a matching filter networks, can we not have some other simple electrical
system? The answer is “Yes, we do have “. Let us discuss about one of such systems. Consider
the following system, Let λ be the wavelength of the signal transmitted along the transmission

To match the load ZL with Z0, the original length L of the given transmission line –also called as
feed line in some other systems - is increased by inserting a piece of another transmission line
of length λ/4 with characteristic impedance Z0 ‘between the output terminals of the receiving
end of the original transmission line and the load impedance ZL. This technique involving the
use of trans mission line of length λ/4 is known as QWT meaning Quarter Wave Impedance
Transformer. With this the new system, becomes as shown.

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

With such insertion of a small segment of transmission line of length λ/4, It can be shown that,
or . For a given ZL, to achieve the matching condition Zin = Z0, we can
calculate Z0’ and select the small segment of transmission line made up of appropriate material of the
Line accordingly. The QWT is many a times referred in the literature as a /4 transformer.

The result , can be derived by finding the limiting value of Zin for a lossless transmission
line as the electrical length βL → π/2.

= .

Note that, here, , and tan ( )

6. Numerical Examples on QWT

Let us see a simple numerical problem related with QWT. The problems read as shown.

Problem: - A loss less transmission line in air with characteristic impedance 50Ω is to be
matched with a load of impedance 180Ω at a frequency of 6 GHz using a QWT. Determine the
smallest length L and the characteristic impedance of the QWT.

Here , since the transmission line is loss less and is in air, we have

Phase velocity = c = 3 x 10 8 m/s. With frequency f= 6 GHz = 6 x 10 9 Hz, we obtain

λ= c / f = 50 cm. Hence, L = λ / 4 = 12.5 cm.

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

For perfect matching we must have Zin = Z0 = 50 Ω. Hence the desired characteristic impedance
of the QWT can be obtained as

= 30 Ω.

Thus for matching we have to select a transmission line of length 12.5 cm with characteristic
impedance 30 Ω. Any deviation from these values will give rise to a return loss, mismatch loss
and insertion loss to some extent.

Generally, for a lossless transmission line, the characteristic impedance Z0 of the line is real.
While using QWT for impedance matching, the nature of load namely real or complex becomes
another issue. Have a look at the formula for Characteristic impedance Z0’ of the QWT:
. Accordingly if the load impedance ZL is real then obviously the
Characteristic impedance Z0’ of the QWT will also be real and can be realized easi ly. However,
if ZL is complex, then will also be complex which will not match with real Z0 .In such a case
QWT cannot be used.

To overcome this difficulty, another section of the transmission line with characteristic
impedance Z0 of appropriate length L1 = t λ is connected between the QWT and the load as
shown. The length L1 is so selected that its input impedance Z1 is real.

This real impedance Z1 is converted into a real input impedance Zin with the help of a QWT
having real valued characteristic impedance Z0’. The wires having characteristic impedance Z0’
are used in QWT so that the matching condition Zin =Z0 is satisfied.

Let us see one example so as to have better understanding of this technique.

Problem:- In the diagram shown earlier, find

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

i) the smallest length L1 of a lossless line of characteris tic impedance Z0 =50 Ω to be connected
between QWT and the load and

ii) the characteristic impedance Z0’ of the QWT so that the load impedance ZL = 20 + 65 j Ω
matches with the transmission line having characteristic impedance Z0 =50 Ω.

We will use Smith chart to find the value of normalized impedance z1 and the length L1 .For this
follow the stepwise procedure as follows.

Step 1: Calculate and plot the normalized load impedance zl on the smith chart .Let point P
represent the normalized load impedance zl.

Normalized load impedance zl = ZL/Z0 = (20 + 65 j )/ 50 = 0.4+1.3 j

Join points O and P. Extend the line OP towards P to meet the distance scale marked with
“Towards the Generator ”at point T. Note the reading “ k λ” at point T. From point T move on
the distance scale to reach the point B on the s mith chart in the direction “Towards the
Generator”. The total radial distance traversed in this way from T to reach B gives the value of
required Length L1. Note that, L1 = (0.25-k) λ if the point T is on the upper half circumference,
i.e. 0 < k ≤ 0.25 and L1 = (0.25+0.5-K) λ = (0.75-k) λ if if the point T is on the lower half
circumference of the circle i.e. 0.25 < k ≤ 0.5.F

In the problem under consideration, we have k = .015. Hence L1= (0.25-0.15) λ = 0.1 λ.

To determine the real normalized impedance z1, draw a circle of radius OP with O as its center.
Note the reading at point of intersection W’ of the circle with radius OB of the smith chart. The
reading at point W’ represents the value of real normalized impedance z1.

Use this value of real normalized impedance z1, to obtain the required input impedance Z1
using the formula: Z1 =Z0 x z1
Electrodynamics and Microwaves
Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

In the problem under consideration, we have z1 = 7.0. Z0 = 50 Ω. Hence, Z1= 50 x 7 = 350 Ω.

Thus knowing the value of Z1= 350 Ω, we can obtain the required value of the characteristic
impedance Z0’ of the QWT using the relation derived earlier as shown.

Z0’= = = = 132.287Ω.

We can verify the fact that value of Z1 is real by using the analytical formula for calculating the
impedance of a transmission line at a distance d from the load as shown.

L1= λ/10 , β L1 = (2π/λ ) ( λ/10) = π/5 , tan( βL1) = tan( π/5 ) ≈ 0.6283.

Z0 = 50 Ω, ZL = 20 + 65 j Ω. , Z1 =

≈ 350  0 0 Ω.

As an exercise, try to calculate and verify the values of L1, Z1 and Z0’ corresponding to the
values of Z0 and ZL shown in the Table.

Sr No Z0 Ω ZL Ω L1 Z1 Ω Z0’ Ω

1 50 50 +50 j 0.088λ 131 81

2 50 100 -50 j ? ? ?

7. Applications, Advantages and Limitations of QWT

There are many applications of QWT. For example, many a times, we need to provide DC power
to active devices such as switching transistor or varactor diode connected to a transmission
line. We know that ideally DC voltage source has zero impedance. Hence , DC voltage source if
connected directly will result in a transmission line short circuited at its input. Hence, the dc
source is connected to the transmission line via a QWT. Due to this, the short circuit is
transformed in to an open circuit and the signal transmitted on the line remains unaffected.

The QWT has a property of providing Zin as a dual of the load impedance. Hence it is used in
inverters .Due to this property, QWT can also be used as a component in many types of filters.

What do we understand by the term dual of the load impedance? The dual of impedance is
nothing but its reciprocal or algebraic inverse representing admittance. On similar line, we
understand the term dual of a network as the network whose impedances are the duals of the

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

original impedances. In the case of a black-box network with multiple ports, the impedance
looking into each port must be the dual of the impedance of the corresponding port of the dual
Though simple and useful, QWT suffers from some drawbacks. For example, i) For a given load
impedance ZL and the characteristic impedance Z0 of the feed line , if it is not possible to have a
transmission line used as a QWT with desired characteristic impedance Zo’ having adequate
level of precision , then the QWT matching technique cannot be used for impedance matching .

ii) QWT can be used to match the load to the feed line only at one frequency. Any deviation
from the original signal frequency causes changes in the load impedance ZL and characteristi c
impedance Z0 of the transmission line. The frequency dependence of ZL and Z0 , in turn change
the value of Z0’ . Thus, for matching the line at some other frequency, we have to select
another transmission line with new value of Z0’. This fact is described by saying that QWT has
low band width.

Here, in the case of QWT, the phrase low bandwidth indicates the fact that only little variation
from the original or central frequency is tolerable so as not to allow much change in the
component values. How to increase the bandwidth? To increase the bandwidth we may think of
using many QWTs in series with the fed line. However, there are some disadvantages in this

. As we know now, the major problem faced with QWT is its low band width. A single circuit
matches only at a single frequency .Obtaining a good match over an extended frequency range
may require many elements. The more the number of components, the more is the
propagation of error in the calculations which can affect the reliability of the matching action.
Finding the precise values and their realization may become a challenging job.

We are familiar with the term “bandwidth“. It is a term which tells us roughly the range of
frequency over which the response of the circuit is nearly the same as expected within the
specified limit .The quality factor Q is another term which couples the central frequency and
the bandwidth through the relation Q = bandwidth / central frequency. The desired value of Q
depends upon the type of desired performance .For example, for amplifiers BW is expected to
be large while for resonant circuits BW is expected to be small.

In principle , all complex loads can be matched with the help of networks comprising of reactive
components like capacitors and inductors and sometimes a single transmission line, Still then
why sometimes matching becomes so difficult? A little thought over this question, we
understand that for loads with a large reflection coefficient, the element values may be
practically difficult to realize. This is particularly there for distributed circuits.

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

One has to think over an important challenging issue about designing aspects of QWT

8. Characteristic Impedance

From the discussion made so far, we note that, in the technique of impedance matching us ing
QWT, characteristic impedance plays an important role. Let us note some points related with
characteristic impedance.

1) The characteristic impedance is also called as surge impedance or natural impedance. It

depends upon the geometry and materials of the transmission line.
2) For a uniform line, characteristic impedance is independent on its length.
3) A lossless line is defined as a transmission line that has no line resistance and no
dielectric loss. The characteristic impedance of a lossless transmission l ine is purely real.
4) Underground cables normally have very low characteristic impedance.

Characteristic impedance of a coaxial cable mainly depends upon the size, spacing between the
conductors and dielectric used between the conductors. At ordinary frequencies, Characteristic
impedance of a coaxial cable depends in an exponential manner of upon the logarithm of the
ratio of diameters of the outer and inner conductors. From the documented data we
understand that most coaxial cables have a characteristic impedance of 50, 52, 75, or 93 Ω. The
RF industries use standard type-names for coaxial cables. The characteristic impedance
depends upon the standard. For example, in the case of USB standard the characteristic
impedance is 90 ± 15%. Such technical data is very important for designers.

In electric power transmission, the characteristic impedance of a transmission line is expressed

in terms of the surge impedance loading (SIL), or natural loading. It is the power loading at
which reactive power is neither produced nor absorbed.
Improper loading of the transmission line , results in absorption or supply of reactive power.
When the line is loaded below its SIL, it supplies reactive power to the system which in turn
tends to raise the system voltages.
When the line is loaded above SIL, the line absorbs reactive power, tending to depress the
This effect is known as The Ferranti effect. This effect describes the voltage gain towards the
remote end of a very lightly loaded (or open ended) transmission line. Friends, so many points
can be discussed regarding quantities like characteristic impedance and others related with
transmission lines of different types. However we will stop here.

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

9. Summary
 Networks of different types comprising of reactive components can be used for
matching a transmission line with a given load.

 Use of matching networks or systems give rise to insertion loss.

 The QWT has a property of providing Zin as a dual of the load impedance.

 QWT has low band width.

 DC source can be connected to the transmission line via a QWT.

 Smith chart plays an important role in designing QWT and reactive matching networks.

Multiple choice Questions:

Q1:-In a resistive network ,a resistor (2.3Ω) is connected in series with a parallel combination of
four resistors with resistances 20 Ω , 10Ω , 5Ω and 20 Ω .The effective resistance across the
output terminals of the network will be equal to

a) 4.8 Ω b) 5.3 Ω c) 6.0 Ω d) 6.3 Ω

Answer :- a)

Q2:-The effective resistance of a parallel combination of four resistances 10Ω , RΩ, 20Ω and 20Ω
is 2.5 Ω. Then R =

a) 1 b) 1.5 c) 2 d) 5

Answer :- d)

Q3:- With conventional meanings of the symbols, the insertion loss (IL) in dB is given by the

a) IL = 10 Log10(PT/PR)
b) IL = 10 Log10(PR/PT)
c) IL = 20 Log10(PT/PR)
d) IL = -20 Log10(PT/PR)

Answer :- a)

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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

Q4:-If the power received by the load after insertion of a device is 10 % of the power
transferred to the load before insertion of the device, then the insertion loss will be

a) 0.01dB b) 0.10 dB c) 1.00 dB d) 10 dB

Answer:- d)

Q5:- A QWT transforms the real load impedance ZL (48 Ω) in to the characteristic impedance Z0
(75 Ω) of a lossless transmission line. Then the characteristic impedance Z0’ of the line used in
QWT will be

a) 40 Ω b) 50 Ω c) 60 Ω d) 80 Ω

Answer: - c)

Q6:-The electrical length of QWT is equal to

a) π / 8 rad b) π / 4 rad c) π / 2 rad d) 3π / 2 rad

Answer: - c)

Q7:- A lossless transmission line in air can be matched with a load resistance of 100 Ω at
frequency f GHz using a QWT of smallest length 12.5 cm .Then f =

a) 0.6 GHz b) 1.25 GHz c) 6 GHz d) 8 GHz

Answer: - a)

Q8:- A section of a transmission line of the smallest length L1 and characteristic impedance Z 0
(50 Ω) connected between QWT and the load transforms the complex load impedance ZL in to a
real impedance Z 1. If the smallest value of L 1 is 0.3λ then Z L =

a) 20 -70 j Ω b) 70 + 20 j Ω c) 20 - 32.5 j Ω d) 32.5 +20 j Ω

Answer: - c)

Q9:- A section of a transmission line of the smallest length L1 and characteristic impedance Z 0
(50 Ω) connected between QWT and the load transforms the complex load impedance ZL (30 –
100 j Ω) in to a real impedance Z 1 Ω. Then L1 =

a) 0.155λ b) 0.225λ c) 0.345λ d) 0.435λ

Answer: - d)

Q10:- When a DC source is connected to a lossless transmission line via a QWT,

Electrodynamics and Microwaves
Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

a) The signal transmitted goes on decreasing exponentially along the line

b) Power transferred at the input of the transmission line is increased
c) Short circuit is transformed in to an open circuit
d) Open circuit is transformed in to a short circuit

Answer: - c)


Quadrant IV: Learn more

Reference books
1.Microwave Devices and Circuits by Samuel Y. Liao, Prentice Ha
2.Microwave Engineering, by David M Pozar, 4ed Wiley, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3.Electromagnetics (Fourth edition )John D Kraus, McGraw-Hill International Editions

Useful web links




iv) Tapers++transformers and+ matching+...




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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT








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Electronic Science 16. Matching networks and QWT

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