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Geotechnical Investigations

Geotechnical Engineering (CV332)

Dr. Shamsher Sadiq

Shamsher (2020)-23rd Sep, 2020 Soil Mechanics (CV332)

• Course overview & outline

• Purpose of Geotechnical Investigation
• Phases of Geotechnical Investigation
• Geotechnical Investigation Program
• Investigation/exploration methods
• Soil Identification in field
• Number & Depth of Boreholes
• Soil Sampling
• Groundwater conditions
• Lab & Field Tests
• Geotechnical/Soil Report

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Course Overview & Outline

Chapter 1: Geotechnical Investigations

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Course Overview & Outline
Chapter 1: Geotechnical Investigations

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Course Overview & Outline

Chapter 1: Geotechnical Investigations

Chapter 2: Shear Strength of Soil

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Course Overview & Outline
Chapter 2: Soil Shear Strength

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Course Overview & Outline

Chapter 1: Geotechnical Investigations

Chapter 2: Shear Strength of Soil

Chapter 3: Bearing Capacity of Soil and

Settlement of Shallow Foundations

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Course Overview & Outline
Chapter 3: Bearing Capacity of Soil and Settlement of Shallow Foundations

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Course Overview & Outline

Chapter 1: Geotechnical Investigations

Chapter 2: Shear Strength of Soil

Chapter 3: Bearing Capacity of Soil and Settlement of

Shallow Foundations

Chapter 4:Deep Foundations

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Course Overview & Outline
Chapter 1: Deep Foundations

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Course Overview & Outline

Chapter 1: Geotechnical Investigations

Chapter 2: Shear Strength of Soil

Chapter 3: Bearing Capacity of Soil and Settlement of

Shallow Foundations

Chapter 4:Deep Foundations

Chapter 5: Stability of Earth-Retaining Structures

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Course Overview & Outline
Chapter 5: Stability of Earth-Retaining Structures

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Course Overview & Outline

Chapter 1: Geotechnical Investigations

Chapter 2: Shear Strength of Soil

Chapter 3: Bearing Capacity of Soil and Settlement of

Shallow Foundations

Chapter 4:Deep Foundations

Chapter 5: Stability of Earth-Retaining Structures

Chapter 6: Slope Stability

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Course Overview & Outline
Chapter 6: Slope Stability

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Course Overview & Outline

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Course Overview & Outline

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Course Overview & Outline

Note:1) For each chapter there will be a quiz and assignment. 2)Mid exam will be from first three (03) chapters. 3) Final exam
will be from all the contents.
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Purpose of Geotechnical Investigation

• To evaluate the general suitability of the site for the proposed project.
• To enable an adequate and economical design to be made.
• To disclose and make provision for difficulties that may arise during
construction due to ground and other local conditions.

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Phases of Geotechnical Investigations

• Scope of GI depends on
• Type, size and importance of structure
• Local building codes
• Client & Engineer’s familiarity with the soil at site
• GI has three (03) components
• 1st- Prior to Design
• 2nd- During design phase
• 3rd – During construction phase

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Phases of Geotechnical Investigations

• The 1st component is typically extensive and conducted in phases

• Phase I: Desk Study
• Phase II: Preliminary reconnaissance
• Phase III: Detailed Scope exploration
• Phase IV: Lab testing
• Phase V: Geotechnical Report writing

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Phases of Geotechnical Investigations

• Phase I: Desk Study

• Collection of available information (site plan, type-size and importance of structure,
loading conditions, previous reports, geological, topographical maps, GIS map etc.)

• Phase 2: Preliminary Reconnaissance

• Site visit to provide general overview of topography and geology of site, usually
Engineers take Phase I gathered information while conducting site visit and take
following notes:
1) Photograph of sites and neighborhood
2) Access to site for workers and equipment
3) Sketches of all fences, utilities, walkways, drainage system, electricity and water etc.
4) Current state of existing structures nearby the site, evidence of damages
5) Exposed geological and hydrological features

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Phases of Geotechnical Investigations

• Phase III: Detailed Soil Exploration

• Determination of geological structure which should include the thickness, sequence and
extend of soil strata
• To determine the ground water table
• To obtain the disturbed and undisturbed soil samples
• To conduct in-situ tests

• Phase IV: Lab Testing

• To classify soils
• To determine soil shear strength, failure stresses, stress-strain responses, permeability,
compressibility etc.

• Phase V: Geotechnical Report Writing

• Clear description of soil at site, method of exploration, soil stratigraphy, lab tests method,
ground water location, interpretation of soil shear strength parameters

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• Course overview & outline

• Purpose of Geotechnical Investigation
• Phases of Geotechnical Investigation
• Geotechnical Investigation Program
• Investigation/exploration methods
• Soil Identification in field
• Number & Depth of Boreholes
• Soil Sampling Next lecture
• Groundwater conditions
• Lab & Field Tests
• Geotechnical/Soil Report

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