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Chat Session #1 Guide Questions

 1.  When is the 21st century? What is being referred to as the 21st century changing landscape?
 2.  Think of some examples of what was mentioned in the short essay written by Ms. Rosalia
Santos as changes occurring in the 21st century:
           2.1. changes in values of Filipinos
           2.2. changes in the way people communicate
           2.3. changes in the lifestyle of Filipinos which affect the environment
3. . View this video from You Tube entitled: “Our 21st Century Classroom in Surrey, BC”
       Just click or search from You Tube this URL:  : 
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4. Relate  what you saw in the video to what you read from Lesson 1 of Module 1:
        What did you see in the video which illustrates what was said in the module as the “ new
learning environment of  the 21st century”?
5. The changes in the 21st century landscape were capsulized into the STEEP ( Social,
Technological, Economic, Ecological / Environmental, Political).  Think of some real life
situations which you can attribute to each of these five changes in the 21st century landscape .
Use this format as you reflect on your response: 
         “ Before, it was/used to be/there was ……. …….………..  Now it is…………………”
6. Pages 21-24 of the module discussed the critical attributes in the 21st century. Be able to
explain each of these . You also think of some practices which you are doing which can
exemplify any of these attributes.
7. Among the new parameters of learning in the 21st century , is the new process of learning ( p.
33). What did you see in the video “Our 21st Century Classroom in Surrey, BC”, which can
exemplify this new process of learning?
8. In relation to the new process of learning in the 21st century, what can be the implication of
this statement :
      “ Any lesson you create, no matter what tools are used, should be :
RELEVANT ( to what?),
9.    This course in GURO21 is suppose to prepare/gear you up to become  a 21stcentury
teacher. From what you have read from lessons 1 and 2 of module 1, what makes a 21st century
teacher different from the teachers of the previous century ?
10.  What did you see from the video which demonstrated:
          10.1. that the experiences given by the teacher to the students should be “ENGAGING”
rather than just “ENTERTAINING”?
          10.2. problem-solving, collaborating
 11. Using what you read from Lesson 1 about changes in the learning environment,  in the
content of learning and in the learning process, types of learners and spaces/dimensions of
learning,  be able to make your own description of what a 21st century classroom should be.
12. Based on the characteristics of a 21st century classroom, make an assessment of your own
current classroom and decide if  (a) it is still a very traditional classroom, (b)  it is developing into
a 21st century classroom, or (c)  it is already a 21st century classroom. Be ready to justify your
assessment of your classroom.
13. Reflect on this question: Can you still be a 21st century teacher even in a classroom which
has no advance technology equipment? Be ready to justify your response,
 14. Page 41 of the module stated that “ a desire to learn continuously  is a mark of a
21st century learner.  This means that every individual should be a lifelong learner. Who is a
lifelong learner? Why is this necessary in the 21st century?  The focus therefore of the
21st century teaching-learning process is  to make each learner  “LEARN HOW TO LEARN” .
What does this mean? Is DepEd already espousing this? How?        
 15. The fundamental principles for reshaping 21st century education are organized into the
        15.1. What is the essence of each of these four pillars?
        15.2.The first of these four is Learning to Know which should make each one an
AUTONOMOUS LEARNER ( pp. 46-47).  Be able to explain this in terms of the attributes and
skills which each one should have, including teachers.
16. Under Learning to Know are the seven 21st century literacies.   What skills should one
possess to consider himself literate in each of these seven?
              16.1 When can you say that you are literate in each of these?
              16.2. What is the difference between ICT literacy and Media Literacy?
17. Please read the critical incidents /vignette provided in Lesson 1. These are situations,
stories, practical applications enclosed in boxes to illustrate/highlight some concepts presented
in the Lesson.   

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