Flow Phenomena in Advanced Rocket Nozzles - The Plug Nozzle: G. Hagemann, H. Immicht, M. Terhardt

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Flow Phenomena in Advanced Rocket Nozzles - The Plug Nozzle

G. Hagemann*, H. Immicht, M. Terhardt*

*DLR, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt, Space Propulsion

Lampoldshausen Research Centre, D-74239 Hardthausen a. K., Germany

^Dasa, Daimler-Benz Aerospace, Space Infrastructure,

Ottobrunn, D-81663 Munich, Germany

Abstract Abbreviations
In recent years, plug nozzles have gained a renewed ARPT Advanced Rocket Propulsion
interest in space business. In principle, this nozzle Technology Programme
concept offers a continuous altitude adaptation up to ESA • European Space Agency
its design pressure ratio. But, the flow adaptation FESTIP Future European Space Transpor-
achieved with this advanced rocket nozzle concept tation Investigations Programme
induces shocks and expansion waves resulting in exit SSTO single-stage-to-orbit
profiles far away from idealized one-dimensional flow
profiles, and inducing additional losses which may
lower the theoretically achievable performance under Introduction and Literature Review
idealized conditions by several percents. These flow Experimental, analytical and numerical research
phenomena observed in experiments and numerical on Aerospike- or plug nozzles has been performed
simulations of different altitude adaptive plug noz- since the 50's in the United States1"7, Russia8,
zles are highlighted and discussed in this paper. A Europe9"18 and Japan19. It has been proven that
numerical approach for plug nozzle flowfield simu- the Aerospike nozzle concept provides in principle a
lations is presented, which is based on the method continuous altitude adaptation up to its design pres-
of characteristics. First results obtained with this sure ratio. The name Aerospike was firstly given to
method are encouraging. Predicted flow topology the toroidal plug nozzle with a full length central
is well comparable with Schlieren images and wall body, due to its spike-form. Meanwhile, this name
pressure measurements of recent plug nozzle exper- is practically used for all plug nozzle concepts, even
iments performed in Europe. with truncated central plug bodies. The truncation
eliminates the huge length of the plug, and makes
this nozzle concept more feasible. Different design
Nomenclat ure approaches exist, including toroidal or linear plug
Symbols nozzles. The expansion might occur fully external,
CF thrust coefficient or could also be realized as a primary internal ex-
h height pansion followed by a further external expansion.
k coefficient Furthermore, the toroidal or linear thrust chamber
1 length and throat could be replaced by a cluster of nozzle
m mass flow rate modules, again either with a conventional bell-type
P pressure geometry, or with rectangular nozzle modules.
t width Nevertheless, additional losses are introduced by all
€ area ratio geometrical deviations from the ideal plug, and thus
e angle due to truncation and clustering. To get inside into
these different loss origins, research programmes on
Subscripts linear and circular clustered plug nozzles are cur-
a ambient rently performed in Europe. Within the frame of
b base area the ESA FESTIP Technology Programme sub-scale
c chamber cold gas tests of linear plug nozzles are being per-
max maximum formed by Dasa at the high speed wind tunnel of
w wall the Technical University of Dresden, see Ref. 10, 11.
Copyright ©1998 by the authors. Published by the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with permission. 1
interaction of comp.- /exp.-waves interaction of comp.- /exp.-waves
with shear layer .Xv with shear layer

open wake at ambient pressure

shear layer

straight characteristic
(design Mach number)

shear layer .---,'-"--•"" shear layer

barrel shock

expansion waves

straight characteristic
(design Mach number) trailing

Figure 1: Flow phenomena of a plug nozzle with full length (left column) and truncated central
body (right column) at different pressure ratios pc/pa, off-design ( Pc/Pa < (pc/Pa)design top, pc/p a >
(Pc/Pa)design bottom) and design pressure ratio (center)
Experimental and numerical results gained by the pressure prediction requires a strong mesh refine-
authors are used in the following to illustrate the ment in the complete base region. To avoid an im-
different flow phenomena observed in plug nozzles. mense number of grid points, a numerical approach
is presented in this paper which is used for the sim-
But it must be mentioned that despite of all former
ulation of the inviscid supersonically expanding flow
research, this nozzle concept has not yet achieved
hardware application. This might change in the near along and behind the plug body, and is based on the
method of characteristics. The idea of this approach
future, since a linear plug nozzle is chosen as part
is not new, and method of characteristics, still in use
of the propulsion system of the United States X-33
for conventional rocket nozzles20, have been applied
SSTO-demonstrator vehicle.
to plug nozzles already in 60's, see e. g. Ref. 5. But
also for plug nozzles it is still of interest, as computa-
Flowfield analyses methods tional turn-a-round times are orders of magnitudes
Recently, numerical methods solving the Euler- lower compared to other numerical methods, and
and Navier-Stokes equations have been success- therefore enables large parametrical studies. Fur-
fully applied to the flowfield calculations of plug thermore, by following the system of left- and right-
nozzles7'10"14'17. It has been shown that base pres- running characteristics* in the flowfield, all flow phe-
sures for truncated plug nozzles can be well pre-
dicted with Navier-Stokes solvers by a sufficient fine * Characteristics can be considered as propagation lines of
disturbances introduced in the flowfield. Expansion waves are
resolution of the shear layers in the base region, and characterized by diverging characteristics of the same family
thus of momentum exchange of the exhaust flow with (e. g. right-running), whereas characteristics of compression
the recirculating base flow17. But a reliable base waves converge, or even cross each other, see e. g. Ref. 21.
• nozzle throat with Mach number = 1.0

•free-jet boundary

B——HPc/pamb = 20
e—opjp^, = -\00
___________________ .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 . 1.0
0.0 0.2 °-4 °-6 °-8 1
-° x-jxis. length / 1OM
x-axis, length /1^
Figure 2: Calculated •wall pressure data of the FESTIP linear sub-scale plug nozzle at different
pressure ratios (left), and left- and right running characteristics in flowfield at two pressure ratios
(right), Pc/Pa = 8 (top) and pc/pa = 200 (bottom) (inviscid analysis with method of characteristics)

nomena in the inviscid core can be qualitatively illus- Thus, only the first part of the nozzle contour acts
trated. Flow regions strongly dominated by viscous as an expansion contour down to the point where
effects, as the base region, are modeled within this the first right running characteristic which feels the
method by analytical models. This approach has ambient pressure meets the contour. When passing
been validated with other numerical schemes applied this characteristic, the flow is adapted to the ambi-
for plug nozzle flowfield calculations14. ent pressure, and is inclined towards the centerline.
The further slope of the plug contour, designed as
clean expansion contour at its design pressure ra-
Mechanism of Altitude Adaptation tio, deviates the uniform exhaust flow outwards, and
The full length contour of a plug nozzle, either for thereby generating compression waves which run to-
a linear or a toroidal one, is designed for a given wards the outer free-stream shear layer. The in-
expansion ratio or pressure ratio to generate an one- teraction of the compression waves with the shear
dimensional exhaust flow profile. Straightforward layer triggers a further expansion downstream, and
design methods for the full length plug body have finally a system of recompression shocks and expan-
been proposed by Angelino1 or Lee2, and the con- sion waves adapt the exhaust flow to the ambient
tour results as a streamline at the design pressure pressure. The characteristic barrel-like form with
ratio, cancelling out all expansion waves emanating several inflections of the shear layer results from
from the outer nozzle lip. For linear plug nozzles, the various interactions of compression and expansion
full length contour follows from a simple Prandtl- waves with the shear layer, and turbulent diffusion
Meyer expansion centered at the outer throat lip2. enlarges the shear layer further downstream of the
This most simple assumption is no longer valid for throat. The evidence of the overexpansion and re-
toroidal plug nozzles, and the contour should be compression processes is inferred from up- and down
designed with the more sophisticated method of variations of plug wall pressure profiles, observed in
characteristics1. The application of the latter ap- various cold flow tests and numerical simulations.
proach also has the advantage of taking account for In general, these wall pressure rises are not strong
non-uniform inflow profiles in the throat region. enough to trigger flow separation in case of turbulent
Figure 1 summarizes the principle flow phenom- boundary layers. Tests with steps, ramps, but also
ena for plug nozzles with full length and truncated with nozzles have shown that turbulent boundary
central bodies at different off-design (top and bot- layers can withstand a pressure rise up to a factor
tom) and design (center) pressure ratios, observed of w 3 without separating from the wall22.
in experiments and numerical simulations, see also At the design pressure ratio, see Fig. 1 (left column,
e. g. Ref. 10 - 12. For pressure ratios lower than center), the characteristic with the design Mach
the design pressure ratio of a plug nozzle with well number should be a straight line emanating to the
contoured central body, the flow primarily expands tip of the central plug body, and the shear layer is
along the central plug body to the ambient pressure.
layer is parallel to the centerline, and all one-family
design data characteristics .downstream of the design character-
chamber pressure PC 8.75 bar istic, either left- or right-running, are also parallel,
driving gas air indicating uniform exhaust flow. At off-design con-
mass flow rate m 5.95 kg/s dition, e. g. Pc/Pa = 8, the system of recompression
design pressure ratio PC /Pa 200 waves and expansion waves adapt the supersonic ex-
geom. area ratio e 12.65 haust flow to the ambient pressure, see Fig. 2. Cal-
plug width t 0.214 m culated wall pressures featuring the typical up- and
plug height h 0.192 m down variations due to the pressure adaptation are
Table 1: Design parameters of linear sub-scale also shown in Fig. 2. But it must be mentioned that
plug nozzle, tested within the FESTIP-study the wall pressure calculation performed with the in-
viscid method of characteristics cannot account for
parallel to the centerline. viscous, dissipative effects, and that the amplitudes
At pressure ratios above the design pressure ratio, of the up- and down variations are therefore slightly
the wall pressure distribution remains constant, and overpredicted14.
the plug nozzle behaves as a conventional nozzle, the
loss of its capability of further altitude adaptation
included. Figure 1 (left column, bottom) shows the Effect of Truncation
flowfield at higher pressure ratios. The truncation of the central plug body, advanta-
To illustrate again the flowfield and wall pressure de- geous due to the huge ideal length of the well con-
velopment of a full-length plug nozzle, Fig. 2 shows toured body, results in a different flow and perfor-
the system of left- and right-running characteristics mance behaviour compared to the full length plug.
at two pressure ratios, design and off-design. The At lower pressure ratios an open wake flow estab-
design parameters of this plug nozzle are included lishes, with a pressure level practically equal to the
in Table 1. The data correspond to the FESTIP lin- ambient pressure (Fig. 1, right column, top). At a
ear sub-scale plug nozzle. But within the FESTIP certain pressure ratio close to the design pressure
study, only truncated configurations were tested as ratio of the full length plug nozzle, the base flow
shown in Fig. 3. The plug contour was designed suddenly changes its character and turns over to
with the method of Angelina1, and then truncated
at three different plug lengths, as 5%, 20% and 40%
of its ideal length. - sonic inflow, throat
At its design pressure ratio p c /p a = 200, the shear
• compression
• expansion
lip shock
at this point,
x = 0.006 m,
wall pressure is first oundary
adapted to ambient pressure,
see also Fig. 8

40% plug

Figure 4: Characteristics (top) and Schlieren-

image (bottom), FESTIP linear plug nozzle with
Figure 3: FESTIP linear sub-scale plug nozzle 20% plug, pressure ratio pc/pa = 4.2
sonic inflow, throat sonic inflow, throat
expanding flow region
expanding flow region
compression waves free-jet boundary

free-jet boundary
at this point, x = 0.02m, at this point, x = 0.07 m,
plug wall pressure is first plug wall pressure is first
adapted to ambient pressure, adapted to ambient pressure
see also Fig. 8
homogeneous flow
(straight shear layer, and
compression waves characteristics are parallel) weak expansion wave:

Figure 5: Left- and right-running characteristics Figure 6: Left- and right-running characteristics
(top) and Schlieren-image (bottom), FESTIP lin- (top) and Schlieren-image (bottom), FESTIP lin-
ear plug nozzle, pressure ratio Pc/Pa = 10.4 ear plug nozzle, pressure ratio pc/pa = 33.5

the closed form, characterized by a constant base -sonic inflow, throat

pressure that is no longer influenced by the ambient expanding flow region
pressure. Analyses indicated that shorter plug bod- free-jet boundary
ies with higher truncations trigger an earlier change
in wake flow at pressure ratios below the design
pressure ratio. At the transition point the pressure
within the wake approaches a value which is below plug wall pressure no
ambient pressure, and the full base area induces a longer influenced by
ambient pressure
negative thrust (Fig. 1, right column, center). This
expansion waves meet the
thrust loss depends on the percentage of truncation shear layer, compression
and the total size of the base area. Published exper- waves are induced
imental data and numerical simulations revealed an
increasing thrust loss for shorter plug bodies, since
the total base area increases.
Beyond the pressure ratio at transition, the pressure
within the closed wake remains constant. A further
decrease of the ambient pressure is resulting there-
fore in a positive thrust contribution of the total base
For 20%-plug body tested within the FESTIP study,
see Fig. 3, Schlieren images and the system of left-
and right-running characteristics at four pressure ra- Figure 7: Left- and right-running characteristics
tios are shown in Figs. 4 - 7 . At these four pres- (top) and Schlieren-image (bottom), FESTIP lin-
sure ratios, an open wake flow is observed with a ear plug nozzle, pressure ratio p c /pa = 56.5
base pressure practically equal to the ambient pres-
sure. Results of the inviscid method of characteris- At the lowest pressure ratio p c /p a = 4.2 (Fig. 4),
tics compare well with the Schlieren images. Differ- a lip shock is centered at the end of the plug body,
ent flow phenomena are emphasized in the Figures. due to a higher base pressure than the upstream
0.7 The closing of the wake can be determined with the
p/pa = 4.2 (moc)
- pjp, = 10.5 (moc)
method of characteristic by tracing the last right-
0.6 t j - P/P. = 33.5 (moc) running characteristic emanating from the sonic
P</P, = 56.5 (moc) throat towards the centerline. The transition occurs
>0.5 0Pc/pa = 33.5(exp.)
when this characteristic meets the point on the lower
shear layer in the wake of the plug, where the trail-
ing shock is induced, as shown in Fig. 9 (the calcu-
lation procedure with the method of characteristics
is terminated as new calculated points along charac-
teristics fall beyond the trailing shock. Its trace is
calculated with the oblique shock equations and the
known flowfield conditions). For reliable transition
predictions, an analytical model is required either
for the wake radius, see Fig. 9, or for the base pres-
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 sure itself. For the wake radius dependence on the
x-axis, length / [m]
inviscid Mach number at the plug tip, an empiri-
Figure 8: Wall pressure data of linear sub-scale cal relationship published in Ref. 6 is used. In the
plug nozzle at different pressure ratios (moc: in-
work of Fzcfc18, an overview on different base pres-
viscid analysis with method of characteristics;
exp: experiment) sure models and its accuracy is given, and based on
this analysis an analytical base pressure model orig-
inally proposed in Ref. 4 was selected as alternative:
- sonic inflow, throat
CF,max,l-D — Cp.core
uniform flow Pb = k-
free-jet boundary
trailing shock
with the ideal thrust coefficient CF,max,i-D at the
nozzle design pressure ratio, its real thrust contri-
bution of the profiled plug part without base area
denoted cp.core, the ratio of base to throat area e^,
trace of last right-running and an empirical coefficient k = 0.648, see Ref. 18
characteristic emanating
from the throat for further details.
Base pressures during open wake conditions can be
influenced by base bleed injection. This has not yet
Figure 9: Left- and right-running characteristics been investigated within the frame of the FESTIP
in flowfield at pressure ratios pc/pamb ~ 60, near research, but former experiments have shown that a
wake transition
small amount of bleed gas expanded into the base
region slightly increases base pressures during open
wall pressure. At the pressure ratios p c /p a = 10.4 wake conditions, and thus has a positive influence
and 56.5, upstream wall pressures are higher than
on the plug nozzle efficiency3. The net gain in per-
the base pressure, and an expansion fan accelerates formance not only depends on the amount of bleed
the flow to the base pressure. At the intermedi- gas, as for higher bleed gas mass flow rates even a de-
ate pressure ratio p c /p a = 33.5 (Fig. 6), the plug crease was observed, but also on the geometric form
end wall pressure and ambient pressure are almost of the injection orifices, see e. g. Ref. 3 for further
equal, and only a very weak expansion is observed.
Therefore, the lower shear layer separating the base
flow and the supersonic exhaust flow has almost the
same slope as the contour at its truncation. Corre- Lip Shock
sponding wall pressures are shown in Fig. 8 which It has been mentioned above that the lip shock for-
compare very well with computed wall pressure data mation strongly depends on the pressure difference
presented in Ref. 11 and 12. Thus, the formation of lip wall pressure to base pressure. But even for
of an expansion wave or a lip shock at the end tip lower base pressures, compression waves are induced
strongly depends on the pressure difference between due to viscous effects not considered in the presented
upstream wall pressure and base pressure. During inviscid analyses. Due to the finite boundary layer
open wake conditions both phenomena may occur, thickness, the supersonic flow near the tip fails to ne-
whereas for closed wake conditions the base pressure gotiate the plug corner, and overexpands to a pres-
is always lower than the upstream wall pressure. sure slightly below the base pressure5. This is also
expanding flow expansion fan

lip shock

plug body / sonic line

* -~, -*^

0 -,.;_,,.
vnrtp.x "* ~ _ *
shear layer

underexpanded flow,
expansions waves emanate
towards free-jet boundary.
Figure 10: Flow conditions near end of plug body

driven by a small viscous vortex centered at the tip

in the base. The subsequent recompression of the Figure 12: Left- and right-running characteristics
near throat exit, inviscid analysis of an underex-
flow to the base pressure induces compression waves
panding nozzle flow, FESTIP sub-scale model 1
contributing to the generation of the lip shock, even nozzle
in case of an expansion fan centered at the tip. But
is has been pointed out by the research of Mueller et
a/.5 that due to turbulent boundary layers, the lip nal nozzle to the constant pressure shear layer also
shock is barely visible, as it is also the case in the contribute to the formation of the barrel shock12.
Figs. 5 - 7.
Influence of Plug Contour
Barrel Shock or Bow Shock The model 1 tested within the FESTIP programme
The generation of the barrel- or bow shock is quite was a purely external expansion nozzle. After pass-
ing the linear throat the flow expands directly onto
similar to the lip shock. The finite boundary layer
the plug surface. For nozzles with higher design
thickness and a small viscous recirculation zone lo-
cated at the upper nozzle exit drives a flow expan- Mach numbers, this approach becomes unfeasible,
because the throat and the thrust chamber must be
sion to pressures lower than the ambient pressure.
inclined with the tilt-angle 0 following the Prandtl-
Depending on its strength, the subsequent recom-
Meyer relations. For the design Mach number of
pression to the ambient pressure induces compres-
sion waves which coalesce to the barrel shock, as the FESTIP nozzle, M = 4.23, a tilt-angle of Q =
shown in Fig. 11. Furtherly, the underexpansion of —67.84° is required. An internal expansion up to a
certain Mach number reduces this tilt-angle signifi-
cantly. For the FESTIP model 2, an internal expan-
,,---- shear layer sion to M = 2.84 was chosen10, and thereby reducing
the tilt-angle of the nozzle modules to 0 = -21.81°.
Different contour approaches for the internal expan-
\ sion are shown in Fig. 13 and 14. In principle, a
barrel- or bow shock
non-symmetrical primary nozzle could be used to ac-
expansion fan celerate the flow to the desired uniform primary exit
Mach number, see Fig. 14. In case of a symmetri-
design characteristic cal, bell-shaped nozzle, a wind-tunnel contour could
liZ""1"—• sonic line be used, which of course would be very long. Both
methods would be straightforward, and the last part
Figure 11: Flow conditions at the exit of the in- of the external expansion contour is equal to the
ternal expansion nozzle ideal one, see Fig. 13.
the exhaust flow for pressure ratios below the design For the FESTIP model 2, a conventional bell-type
pressure ratio accelerates the flow upwards, gener- was chosen as internal expansion nozzle. But with
ating expansion waves which emanate towards the this bell-shaped linear nozzle the definition of the
constant pressure shear layer. At the shear layer, the plug contour following the expansion after the exit of
expansion waves are reflected as compression waves the bell nozzle by assuming a simple Prandtl-Meyer
contributing to the barrel shock, see also Fig. 12. expansion at the outer lip is no longer straightfor-
In case of an internal expansion nozzle, further left- ward due to inhomogeneous flow distribution in the
running expansion waves emanating from the inter- exit of the bell-shaped module. A contour design

0.1 ^r jdeal nozzle, FESTIP model 1

--- ideal nozzle, int.-ext. exp.
0.09 -- FESTIP model2

_ 0.07
" 0.06
! 0.05
"• 0.04




-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

x-axis, length / [m]
Figure 13: Different plug nozzle contours, full
Figure 15: Schlieren-image, FESTIP linear plug
length plug
nozzle with 34% plug, model 2, pressure ratio
Pc/Pa = 9.4
•gf 0.09
" 0.08
.1 0.07
2 0.06 —— ideal nozzle. FESTIP model 1
— - - ideal nozzle, int.-ext. exp.
0.05 — - - FESTIP model 2
-0.09 -0.06 -0.03 0 0.03 0.06
x-axis, length / [m]
Figure 14: Different plug nozzle contours, throat

method using the method of characteristics would

be needed to account for the inhomogeneous exhaust
flow, resulting in a partly wavy-like plug contour.
For the model 2, an approximative design method
was chosen for the contour definition. In a first step
an equivalent linear plug contour without internal
expansion (i. e. similar to the model 1 contour) was Figure 16: Schlieren-image, FESTIP linear plug
nozzle with 34% plug, model 2, pressure ratio
defined by application of the method of Angelina1.
Pc/Pa = 68
This contour was matched to the bell-shaped mod-
ule outlet by requiring the same (ID-) Mach number suit in a wall pressure rise near the end of the plug
at the position of the module outlet. In a next step body. Further details and analyses are presented in
this contour had to be modified slightly to adapt it Ref. 10 - 12. These undesired results stresses the
to the divergence angle of the module10. importance of well designed plug nozzles with ap-
Figures 15 and 16 show Schlieren-images of the ex- propriate methods.
haust flow at off-design pressure ratios p c /p a = 9.4 This importance is also stressed from results ob-
and 68. At the outer exit of the inner nozzle, a bow tained with most simple, conical or ramp-like central
shock is generated penetrating towards the plug con- plug bodies, for circular of planar configurations re-
tour. Both, the bow shock and the non-optimized spectively. Hot-run test with a truncated, toroidal
contour trigger flow separation for the lower pres- sub-scale plug nozzle performed at DLR in 1970 re-
sure ratio. But also at higher pressure ratios with vealed also flow separation from a conical plug body
no further influence of the ambiance on wall pressure before reaching its truncated end13. In addition, re-
distribution as shown in Fig. 16, wall pressure profile cent results on experiments with plug nozzles pub-
is far away from an ideal profile, and the inhomoge- lished by Tomita et a/.19 also featured flow separa-
neous exhaust flow together with the internal shock tion from the central plug body for conical contours.
induced in the throat region of the nozzle module re- Reason for this undesired flow separation is that
free shear layer
above plug body

obligue shock in
central cross section
of a module
traces of oblique shocks
on plug body

trace of shear lay

on plug body

Figure 17: Multi-dimensional flow effects in clustered plug nozzles

conical contours do not delete the expansion waves ent pressures through both end sides. End plates,
which emanate from the outer nozzle lip towards the as foreseen for the linear plug nozzle of the X-33
contour. As result, the expansion waves are reflected demonstrator vehicle, could be used to avoid this
and the flow overexpands along the conical plug con- ambient pressure penetration.
tour, and finally separates at a certain pressure ratio
p w /pa as observed for conventional overexpanding
nozzles. Figure 18 illustrates this flow behaviour, Flow Effects due to Clustering
which may occur for pressure ratios below the de- The above discussed plug nozzles with toroidal or
sign pressure ratio. linear thrust chambers and throats have inherent
For linear plug nozzles, special attention must be disadvantages regarding
addressed to the influence of both end sides, from
• control of constant throat gap during manu-
where the ambiance disturbs the expanding flow-
facturing and thermal expansion (—» side-loads,
field resulting in an expansion of the flow normal
to the main flow direction and therefore inducing an thrust vector deviations),
effective performance loss. Especially for truncated • cooling of toroidal or linear throat with tiny
plug nozzles, the change of wake flow behaviour may throat gaps,
strongly be influenced by the penetration of ambi- • control of combustion instabilities in the
toroidal or linear combustion chamber.

expansion fan compression waves are induced where

These disadvantages can be avoided by replacing the
expansionjvaves meet the free-jet boundary toroidal or linear thrust chamber by several modules,
either with circular or rectangular exits. However,
""•^-..T— jet boundary
shock clustering induces additional performance losses,
flow separation due
which may rise up to a few percent, due to exhaust
to overexpansion gas interactions of adjacent module nozzles. These
of the exhaust flow flow interactions result in a quite different flowfield
jet boundary structure when being compared with toroidal or lin-
ear plug nozzles. Additional shocks are induced
Figure 18: Influence of plug contour on flowfield which influence the complete flowfield. Figure 17
development emphasize the essential flow phenomena observed in
experiments and numerical simulations14'17'19. Ex-
tensive experimental and numerical research on clus-
tered plug nozzles with different geometrical con-
ambient pressure. pa = 22 mbar
figurations is currently performed within the ESA
ARPT Programme in Europe15"17.

Influence of Ambient Flow

The performance of circular or linear plug nozzles is
adversely affected by the external air stream flow,
i.e. the aspiration effect of the external flow reduces
slightly performance, see e. g. Ref. 3. Additional per-
formance losses depend on the shape of the launchers
tail and on the integration of the plug nozzle. The
loss due to the shape of the launchers tail is named
boattail drag3. Additionally, the external flow re-
duces the pressure in the recirculation zone formed
above the nozzle exit in the tail of the launcher, and
this pressure drop results in the lip drag. Boattail-
and lip drag causes performance losses during noz- ambient pressure, pa = 22 mbar
zle operation at any pressure ratios. Furthermore,
the exhaust gas adapts to the reduced lip pressure
rather than ambient pressure, which results in an
additional overexpansion loss at pressure ratios be-
low design pressure ratio, and also favors an earlier
wake flow closure for truncated plug nozzles. Cold-
flow tests showed that the effect of external flow on
performance is confined to only a narrow range of ex-
ternal flow speeds with Mach numbers nearly unity, Figure 20: Pressure isolines above exit of internal
with performance losses in the range of one to two expansion nozzle, with (top) and without exter-
percent3. nal flow (bottom). Pressure interval 3.0 mbar <
Figure 19 illustrates the flowfield of an internal / ex- p < 23.0 mbar, Ap = 0.5 mbar
ternal expansion sub-scale plug nozzle at its design
pressure ratio with and without slightly supersonic at the nozzle tip, and the stronger barrel shock for
ambient flow. It can be seen that both flowfields are the ambient flow case. The latter is induced due to
in principle similar, except of the recirculation zone the reduced pressures in the recirculation zone. Fig-
ure 20 shows the corresponding static pressure iso-
lines above the exit of the internal expansion nozzle,
both with and without external flow. Assumed am-
bient pressure in both simulations is pa = 22 mbar.
The external flow reduces the lip pressure in the re-
circulation zone to pnp w 5 mbar, and thus to a
pressure significantly lower than the ambient pres-
recirculation zone with sure. This pressure drop causes the lip drag, and
reduced static pressure,
induces overexpansion of drives the already above discussed overexpansion of
the exhaust flow
the exhaust flow. For this configuration, a degra-
dation in performance of-1.2% is calculated, which
compares well with experimental data published in
Ref. 3.

Former and actual research on different types of
plug nozzles, including linear, toroidal, and clus-
Figure 19: Effect of ambient flow tered nozzle configurations have shown that their

altitude compensation capability for higher ambi- [2] Lee, C. C., "Fortran Programs for Plug Nozzle
ent pressures at pressure ratios below their design Design", NASA TN R-41, March 1963
pressure ratio is indisputable, but they lose this ca-
pability for pressure ratios above the design pres- [3] Wasko, R. A., "Performance of Annular Plug
sure ratio. Compared to an ideal expansion, addi- and Expansion-Deflection Nozzles including
tional performance losses are induced in this noz- External Flow Effects at Transonic Mach Num-
zle concepts, mainly due to non-isentropic effects bers", NASA TN D-4462, April 1968
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