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Assignment # 2

Epidermis of plants
Course Title:
Plant systematic, Anatomy and development
Course Code:
Submitted by:
Rubab Rana
Reg. # :
Submitted to:
Prof. Sundas Ashraf
Submission Date:
22th june, 2020
Table of content
Sr. no. Content Page no.

1 Epidermis 3

2 Origin of epidermis 3

3 Epidermal proper cells 4

4 Specialized epidermal cells 4-5

5 Stomata 5-6

6 Types of stomata 6

7 Epidermal appendages 7

8 Root hairs 8

Epidermis, in botany, outermost, protoderm-derived layer of cells covering
the stem, root, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed parts of a plant.

The epidermis and its waxy cuticle provide a protective barrier against mechanical injury, water
loss, and infection. Various modified epidermal cells regulate transpiration, increase water
absorption, and secrete substances.
Different type of cells:
 Epidermal cells
 Stomatal cells
 Guard cells
 Many type of hairs
Outer walls:
Epidermal cells contain fatty substances ,the cutin,which form a layer called cuticle.
 Stomata serves for gas exchange.
 The epidermis usually exists throughout the life of those organs which donot undergo
secondary thickening.
 In case of secondary thickening ,the epidermis is replaced by periderm.
Shoots :
Protodermal cells
Root cap or outermost layer of
cortex>Epiblema or Rhizodermis in roots
Single layer of cells
In some plants:
Protoderm cells divideand their
derivativesmay divide again and again
Absorboing tissue of aerial roots also a
multi serate epidermis.
The cells of inner layers of multiserate
epidermis of leaves usually acts as water
storing tissue.

Composition of epidermis:
 Epidermis proper cells:
The epidermis proper cells vary in shape in most of the these are tubules in leaves
these are irregular in shape while instem and leaves of the monocots these are
elongated .
Primary pit_field and plasmodesmata are often found in the walls espially on
radical and inner walls of the epidermal cells.
The cutical proper is formed by the secretion of cutin to the surface of the cell
walls and this process is called cuticuiarization .The cuticular laryer is formed by
deposition of cutin between the cellulose microfibrils of the outermost walls laryer
where pectin and hemicellculose may also be present and the process of deposition
of cutin is called cutinisation

 Specialized epidermal cell

In certain pteridophytes gymnosperms many species of graminae and certain dicots
fibre like epidermal cells are found
In graminae some of the epidermal cells
elongated and are termed as long cells another
type of cells called short cells are present
above the veins.these cells are of two types
silica cells and cork cells these cells usually
occur in pair and contain silica bodies.

Lithocytes and myrosin cells are epidermal cell.

 Lithocytes
These cells are usaually large than epidermal cells and contain cacium carbonates
crystals arranged in bunches
 Myrosin cells:
These are sca like cells scattered in epidermis.
 Myrosin:
These cells are found in found among thmembees of cruciferae.
The continuity in epidermis is interrupted by
minute openings.
 Guard cells:
These are inter cellular spaces each of which is
limited by two specialized cells termed the guard
cells.the guard cells together with the opening
between them the stomata pore or aperture
constitute the stomata(plular=stomata) in many cells
the stomata are bordered or surrounded by two or
more cells.which are morphologicall different from the epidermal cells and
functionally connected to the stomata
 Stomatal apparatus
.These are know as subsidiary or accessory cells.the stomata together with the

subsidiary cells is termed as stomatal apparatus.

Types of stomata
On the basis of ontogenic releationship.
1. Mesogenous stomata:
The stomata in which the subsidiary cells have a common origin with the guard
2. Perigenous cells:
The stomata in which the subsidiary cells develop from the protodermal cells
adjacent to the stomatal mother cell.
3. Mesoperigenous cells:
The stomata in which the cells are surrounding the stomata are of dual of origin.
Types of stomata:
On the basis of neighbouring cells:
Anomocytic or Ranunculus Type:
In this type the guard cells are surrounded by many cells similar I size and shape
to epidermal cells e.g in members of Ranunculaceae.
Cruciferous type:
Guard cells are surrounded by there subsidiary cells of unequal size.
Paracytic or rababcioustype
Guard cells are accompained by one or two subsidary cells
Diacytic type
In this type each stoma is surrounded by two subsidary cells.
Actinocytic type
In this type many subsidary cells are with theirlong axes perpendicular to the
outlines of guard cells surround the stoma.

In monocots following types of stomatal complexes are distinguished:
I. The guard ceels are surrounded by 4 6 subsidary cells as in Canaceae.
II. The guard cells arw surrounded by 4 5 subsidary cellsof which two are
roundish and smaller than rest and are situated at the ends of the guard cells
as in palmae.
III. The guard cells are accompained literally by two subsidary cells one on each
side as in memebers of Graminea.

Epidermal appendages:
All unicellular and multicellular appendages of the epidermis are known as
More massive structures such as warts,some secretory structures and spines which
consisits of epidermal as well as sub epidermal tissues are termed as emergences.
Types of trichomes:
The trichomes are glandular and non glandular
The trichomes which are not involved in the
secration of various substances
 Gossypium(cotton)

 Glandular trixhome
That are involved intsecreation of variois substances such as salt solution and
 Salt secreating trichomes
They may be hair like hav8ng a large secratory cell at the top of narrow stalk.
 Nector secreating trichome
Found in calyx and corolla
 Mucilage secreating trichome
Found on the membranous sheath arising from the base as in Rumex.
 Gland of carnivorois plant
Secreats the mucilage or chemicals for the capturings or attracting the insects.
 Terpene secreating teichome
Glandular hairs secreate essential oils as in labitaceae
 Colleters
The trichomes secreating sticky secreations such as bud scales of rosa
 Stinging hairs
Having a bladder like base and narrow needle like upper part as in utica.
 These are tubular elongation of epidermal cells.
 They are branched in very few plants.
 The root hairs begin to form beyond the meristematic zone of young roots
where the epidermal cells can still elongate.
FUNCTIONs of epidermis:
 The epidermis carroes the following functions:
 It act as protective layer
 Protects the internal organs against mechanical injuries.
 Helps in prevention of exceesive loss of water.
 The presence of stiff hairs in certain plants protects these against the grazing
animmals .
 In some xerotypes,the epidermis store water and food.

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