Problems Encountered by Police Personnel in Conducting Drug

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Ranie B.


Problems Encountered by Police Personnel in Conducting

Drug-Related Operations in San Jose, Batangas. Comment [V1]: SETTINGS

For over two decades how law enforcement has been on

the front line in the “war against drugs”. The government

was spends billions of pesos each year on drug enforcement

efforts, and state and local police agencies spend a

significant percentage of their total budgets on drug

enforcement activities (Kappeler, 2006). This country are Comment [V2]: LITERATURE

alarmed of the growing number of drug related problem,

thus, agencies were assigned to control and as much as

possible to evaluate drug dependence and drug pushing cases

and make it a top priority for it is one of the causes of

major crimes.

The history of human race has also been a history of

drug abuse. Since earliest times, herbs, roots, bark,

leaves, and plants have been used to relieve pain and

control disease. In and of itself, the use of drug does not

constitute an evil; drugs, properly administered, have been

a medicinal blessing. Unfortunately, certain drugs also

initially produce enticing side effects, such as felling of

“feeling good” elation serenity and power. What began as

something of a recreational activity evolved in time into a

problem of dependence and abuse (Vidal, 1998). Comment [V3]: LITERATURE

The use of illegal drugs has spread at an unprecedented

rate and has reached every part of the globe. No nation has

been immune to the devastating problems caused by drugs

abuse. At the same time, a broad spectrum of the world

community has demonstrated intense concern over the

problem: the insidious long term of chronic drug use and

its import on the user, the family, the community, and the

society. Reasons for this concern include related increase

in crime, drug-related automobile incidents, those which

take on the job, learning disabilities and other mental

health problems, family disruption and health problems,

including interference with normal reproductive function

and long term damage of the brain, heart and lungs. Comment [V4]: RATIONALE

According to the United Nation and Drug Abuse Control,

“No country is untouched by the drug scourge, whether it is

used as a production base, as a transit point or as a

market”. Truly the problem of drug abuse and trafficking Comment [V5]: LITERATURE
cannot be solved overnight, but only through continuous co-

operation among countries. Drug traffickers must understand

that strong measures will be taken, laws will be enacted

and enforced, and strict drug control will become a


Reports of drug related crime are common in the

Philippine media. The main concern tends to be towards

shabu which gets the most media attention. It does seem

that illegal drug use is on urgent need to educate young

people as to the dangerous of drug use, and there is also a

great need to help those who are already addicted to escape

their misery. Failure to do this could mean there will be

further deterioration with in many Filipino communities.

A US government report in 2009 conclude that illegal

use of was a significant problem in the Philippines due to

corruption and poor enforcement. There was particular Comment [V6]: LITERATURE

concern expressed about the amount of methamphetamine

(shabu) and cannabis production in the area. Drug addiction

appears to be a rise in the Philippines. They are believed

to be as many as 6.7 million drug abusers according to

figures from 2004 – is dramatic increase from 19.72 when

there was only believed to have been around 20,000 drugs

users in the Philippines. That drugs that has most abused

in the Philippine. Continues to be alcohol they are second

highest consumers of alcohol drinks in South East Asia


According to the statistics of Dangerous Drug Board AY

2013, there are total of 3,266 of drug abuse in the

Philippines. Ninety-three percent of it is male and seven

percent is female. Comment [V7]: LITERATURE

In view of the above, the researchers were prompted to

discover the problems encountered by police personnel in

conducting drug-related operations. In addition to this, it

is also the intention of the researchers to determine the

kinds of operations that San Jose Police Station are

pursuing to stop illegal drug proliferations, sale and use. Comment [V8]: OBJECTIVES

Through this study as well that the effectiveness of this

police operations and activities against illegal drugs will

be divulged. The results of this study will better equip

the researchers in their future professions and especially

if they will be dealing with this problem as part of the

regular police operations. Comment [V9]: OVERALL PURPOSE

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