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Scaling the Heights (vocabulary)

I. Match the word with the definitions:

1. accomplish a. an instance of defeating or being defeated
2. achieve b. continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
3. insist c. settle or find a solution to a problem
4. persist d. achieve or complete successfully
5. resolve e. the neglect or omission of expected or required action
6. solve f. bring about/ reach by effort/ skill or courage
7. defeat g. demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal
8. failure h. find an answer to, explanation for, means of effectively dealing with a problem
II. Underline the word(s) that have the following meaning:
a. describing one who is brave: 1. bold 2. gutsy 3. mediocre
b. putting other people first: 1. ruthless 2. selfless 3. merciless
c. being over emotional: 1. sentimental 2. upbeat 3. confident
d. someone who does what they want: 1. headstrong 2. obstinate 3. candid
e. making decisions without thinking: 1. rash 2. cautious 3. reckless
f. easily upset or irritated: 1. touchy 2. sly 3. crafty
g. describing positive virtues: 1. noble 2. virtuous 3. vain
III. Fill in the gaps with the missing words choosing from:
( considerate, wise, adaptable, conceited, inflexible, fearless, apprehensive, ignorant)
1. I have always been ____________ of other people’s needs and wishes.
2. I find it difficult to deal with ________________ people who are always anxious or fearful that something bad will happen.
3. One who is _______________will never acknowledge other people’s success.
4. How __________________ of you to let me know in advance that the meeting was cancelled.
5. Nowadays employers are looking for ______________ workers, who can change themselves rapidly to the present days’
IV. Choose and underline the correct phrasal verb:
1. to impress smb greatly – blow away/ break through
2. to wait – pull off/ hang on
3. to have a problem – fall through/ come up against
4. start working or studying hard – get ahead/ knuckle down
5. not to happen – fall through/ break through
6. succeed in doing smth difficult or unexpected – pull off/ get ahead
7. make progress in your career – blow away/ get ahead
V. Replace the highlighted words with their synonyms:
(to work around the clock, by a mile, to be under fire, to go for smth, without a hitch, to have a lot on one’s plate)
1. I know you can do it, you will do it, just do it. - ___________________
2. Our trip went without any temporary impediments. - ________________
3. The Minister of Health has been criticized for unsuccessfully dealing with the Corona Virus spreading. - ________
4. You are by far some of my best students I have ever had. - ______________
5. Since the beginning of the school year I’ve had a lot of work to do. - _________________
6. That is why I have been busy day and night. - _________________________
VI. Paraphrase the sentences:
1. Johnny, I have asked you three times to be quiet, now wise up and get on with your assignment. _____________
2. Why do some newspapers dumb down some of the words they use? Do they think their readers are not clever enough to
understand challenging vocabulary? _____________________________________________________
3. Maria is box clever; she always comes up with innovative ideas before anyone else. ________________________
4. Tim asked me if we should be doing anything to help the environment. I told him that was a no-brainer and that his
question did not even require an answer. _______________________________________________________
5. My brother is travelling around Europe, but I am not worried about him because he is very streetwise and knows how to
take care of himself. ____________________________________________________________________
6. Mike is a bright spark in our class; everybody wants to befriend with him. _______________________________

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