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Running Head: Innovative Business idea


Running head: Innovative Business Idea 2

Table of Contents

Resource analysis..................................................................................................................................3

7M Resource Analysis.......................................................................................................................3

Identification of opportunities and threats in the business environment................................................6

Personal value Analysis.......................................................................................................................10

Problems or Gap Identified……………………………………………………………………………10



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We will be generating an innovative business idea for the business of Cleansing C that deals
with Calamansi juice. In this manufacturing industry, we will be defining the threats and the
opportunities for the business to survive. There will be a determination of the factors that are
related to the environment with the inclusion of socio-cultural, technological, economic, and
other aspects. An analysis of the resources would be done taking into consideration the 7Mas
as the resources that are internal to the business of Cleansing C (Del Bosco, Chierici &
Mazzucchelli, 2019). We will be determining whether there are enough resources to start the
business of the provided choice and the sustainability elements are present. There would also
be a personal value analysis for the representation of the philosophy, outlook, aspirations, and
the guiding principles of the businesses in this report.

Resource analysis
We will be analyzing the resources of the business firm of Cleansing C dealing with
Calamansi juice. As it has been identified that there are several benefits of Calamansi juice
and initiating a business dealing with the same is identified to bring enough profits for the
business (Alimi & Alinezhad 2017)

The goal of the business firm is to promote good health and well being of every individual as
Calamansi is recognized to have natural benefits for the human body. There is a detoxifying
of the body and boosting of the immune system along with certain other benefits like
regulation of glucose cholesterol and insulin levels. Calamansi juice also helps in the
reduction of mucus and dealing with stomach issues. Therefore, Cleansing C has set the goals
and objectives of well being and good health. For establishing their business fully-fledged we
will be analyzing the resources that would include the 7Ms. The strengths and the weaknesses
in regards to the seven defined resources will be identified from the analysis. This 7M
analysis will be helping in the estimation of the resources that are present and can be
acquired for better functioning and reaching out to the objectives. The gaps and the issued
will also be identified in the weaknesses and threats that are imposed on the business.
(Karimi, Biemans, Lans, Aazami & Mulder, 2016).

7M Resource Analysis
Resources Strengths Weakness

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Money It has been identified that the

proponent has an available
amount of P 150,000 for
investing in the initial stage
of the business but for
gathering all the required
efficiencies and starting the
business, there is a need for
another P 65,000.
Materials It has been identified that the
costs incurred in the
marketing of Calamansi
come from the provinces of
supply. For the business of
Cleansing C, it is defined that
the proponent will be
acquiring fresh Calamansi for
the extraction of juice from
the Calamansi farmers
producing for Oriental
Mindoro. They will be
providing for the farm inputs
and starting of the business
(Richter, Kraus, Brem, Durst
& Giselbrecht, 2017).
Machines It is recognized that the
pieces of equipment that are
required for the process sing
of the Calamansi and
extraction of the juice are
available in the local market.
Therefore the proponent will
not face any issue in
establishing the processing

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units for Calamansi juice

Methods It has been identified that the
methods for the preparation
of Calamnsi juice are not
very critical. It is identified
to be a recipe that is inherited
and is a simple extraction
process from the Calamnsi
fruits. It has been there for
several generations and
therefore a need for special
techniques is not required for
the business of Cleansing C.
Manpower It is identified that although
the process of Calamansi
juice extraction is easy there
is a need for workers that are
diligent towards the business
and are highly skilled for
making use of the pieces of
equipment engaged in the
business firm.
Management It has been found out that the
management team and the
owners are not properly
educated and have received
any kind of training for the
management of the business.
It would be a very first
venture for the marketing of
Calamansi juice. Therefore,
they might lack behind in the
implementation of

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appropriate techniques as
they are not much
experienced concerning
businesses (Burlacu. 2017).
They also have a lacking of
experience in selling the
Moment The company of Cleansing C
is recognized to be fully
dedicated to working full
time for the making of the
Calamansi juice bottles to be
marketed. They are paying
every other attention and
detail to the extraction of
juice from the fruits for
reaching out to the objectives
of good health and well being

Identification of opportunities and threats in the business environment

We will be analyzing the threats and the opportunities that are imposed by environmental
factors. It is identified that the factors of the environment like the political, technological,
socio-cultural, and other factors influence the operations of the business. The revenue
generated and the investments made are influenced by these environmental factors. A
business must make an identification of the threats and opportunities imposed on the business
by the external environment. Thus we will analyze for identifying the same in the following

Environmental Factors Opportunities Threats

Technical and technological It is identified that the
business of Cleansing C has a
lot of opportunities as several
newly launched technical

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equipment can be used in the

business for the extraction of
juice from the Calamansi
juice. The technological
advances with evolution have
also made the process of
packaging easier. Thus there
lies an opportunity for
Cleansing C to utilize
technological advances.
Socio-cultural The opportunities also lie
with the socio-cultural
environment as there are a lot
of benefits of Calamansi
juice. There are several
health benefits concerned
with Calamansi juice and it is
recognized to be legendary
for its impact on health
(Amini & Alinezhad, 2016).
Natural The natural environment is
partially to impose a threat
on the business of Cleansing
C as there can be lesser
production of good quality
Calamansi through certain
seasons of the year and the
production of juice might get
Political These factors have an
inclusion of guidelines and
rulings from the government
bodies on the information
that is nutritional on drinks

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and food, therefore, there is a

need for meeting the
standards for food safety and
labeling that directly or
indirectly affects the areas of
potential opportunities and
accessing of new markets.
There is a threat of trade
tariffs imposed on these.
Economic The economic situation can
have an impact on the price
that is premium and the
availability of cheaper
substitute products. There is
an inclusion of a level of
taxation that can have an
impact on the business of
Cleansing C.
Peace and Order The peace and order of the
environment can be an
opportunity for the business
of Calamansi juice as in a
peaceful environment every
individual desire to live a
healthy life.
Government Programs The government programs
impose a threat as they affect
the innocent areas of the
trade agreements the business
of Cleansing C might enter
and bar the possibilities of
entering into the new
segments of markets
(Brugman, 2020).
Population trends The population trends are

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likely to provide an
opportunity for the business
as the juice is identified to be
one of the most important
health elements. The
youthful generation engaged
in physical exercise validates
the consumption of juice. It
is also identified that
consuming juice by elderly
people also has potential
benefits for their health.
Therefore, population trends
are opportunities for the
business of Calamansi juice.
Global environment The global environment is
important for the reliance on
natural ingredients and their
commitment to sustainability.
There is a creation of
opportunity as there will be
an improvisation of the
manufacturing techniques
and offsetting potential costs
by reduction of wastage

Personal value Analysis

The personal value analysis reflects the factors that the proper extraction of quality materials
must be followed for the maintenance of the quality of the Calamansi juice. The guiding
principles that are laid down for the business are: It must pertain to the nutritional value that
is beneficial for the health and well being of the stakeholders of the business. There is an

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identification of the factor that all the natural ingredients must be used for the manufacturing
process of Calamansi juice from the fruits so that there are no added preservatives that could
affect the health of the stakeholders and clients negatively.

The ways by which the business would intend to satisfy the customers revolves around the
following factors like the quality of the products that can be offered at a defined price. The
customers will be satisfied if the quality of the product is remarkable and they are receiving
potential benefits from the consumption of the juice. There can be a high price and high
quality of the products or higher quality and low price for gaining more profits from the
maximization of sales for the business.

Problems or Gap Identified:

During the study following problems and gaps have been identified;

- It has been found out that the management team and the owners are not properly
educated and have received any kind of training for the management of the business.
- There is need of additional investment of P 65,000
- They are not much experienced concerning
- The natural environment is partially to impose a threat on the business of Cleansing C
as there can be lesser production of good quality Calamansi through certain seasons of
the year and the production of juice might get affected.
- There is a need for meeting the standards for food safety and labeling that directly or
indirectly affects the areas of potential opportunities and accessing of new markets.
- They affect the innocent areas of the trade agreements the business of Cleansing C
might enter and bar the possibilities of entering into the new segments of markets

Calamansi juice allows the human body to enjoy a lot of benefits. For the defined business of
Cleansing C, the analysis of resources has been done. There is an identification of the
opportunities and the threats that are imposed by the external environment. We have made a
discussion on the personal values that need to be met for the satisfaction of the customers and
the fulfillment of the goals and objectives set by the business.

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