Super Final Thesis - 3

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Origin and Justification of the Study

In the world of information technology, many inventions came out and

they are now available in the market today. Personal computers, laptops,

tablets are some of these gadgets that have an access to unlimited

information about anything in the world. Computers may not be able to store

as much as the user want specially that some computer’s memory has small

capacity so that only small amount of information can be downloaded into it.

Due to technology’s outstanding performance, most of the people rely

on its capability, and also useful for our daily lives. The Bachelor of Science in

Computer Technology students often encounters problems in reformatting

computers and laptops. One of their problems is where to save their back up

files when the need for reformatting of the laptop device arises. Also, most of

students with laptops have the practice of charging their power bank and/or

smart phones in their laptop device. Laptop batteries are not suitable for

Smartphone charging and such. And power outages often occur in this area.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology (BSCompTech) Senior

Students often encounter problems in terms of reformatting computers and

laptops. One of their problems is where to save for back up files when the

need for reformatting of the laptop device arises. Also, most of BS-Computer

technology senior students with laptops have the practice of charging their

power back and/or smart phones in their laptop device.

According to Mr. Robyn P. Tolentino, one of the Instructors of

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College (ZCSPC)-Ayala Extension

Classes, said that “the importance of such device is a must for students and

educators alike due to the work demand of the educational system and role of

the gadget industry and how it plays its part of the educational system”. He

also added that the need of a gadget that serves as a multi-purpose which

can handle different roles is now a necessity to the current society.

The proponents believed that most files or information inputted in the

computers are taken from the internet and then transfer to other electronics

device. These are miniature electronic devices designed to store files and

have it available to transfer or open files to any computer at any place any

time. But computer or laptop has limited ports and so, only few

gadgets/devices can be connected into it. If more gadgets are needed to be

connected in the computer which is not possible unless there is a special

device available, then any user will conveniently be able to use the computer.

It is in this scenario that this thesis is borne to address this problem.

The device is created for the professional, students and mobile gamers

so that they would not experience the same problem. It is more comfortable

and user-friendly. This is because the user can charge his mobile phone while

the user is transferring or copying files through computer or laptop. The Solar

UHPC (USB, Hub, Power Bank, Card Reader) Drive is a multi-purpose device

because it can improve the work of the user through providing multiple ports

and with internal 32 gigabyte memory storage. But the device has a limit to

charge if there is no heat energy and electricity. Also the device cannot

transfer file even faster than the latest because the device has 2.0 or 480


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to provide answers to the following problems:

1. What are the acceptability of the Solar UHPC (USB, Hub, Power
Bank, Card Reader) Drive in the market as part of an alternative multi-
purpose device in the modern society?

2. How do the different features and functionality of this Solar UHPC

(USB, Hub, Power Bank, Card Reader) Drive can prove in the claim of
being a multi-purpose device?

3. What is the effectiveness of Solar UHPC (USB Hub, Power Bank,

Card Reader) Drive?

Significance of the Study

The study about the Solar UHPC (USB, Hub, Power bank, Card

reader) Drive is significant to the following.

Students- The study about the Solar UHPC (Usb, Hub, Power bank,

Card reader) DRIVE is significant for the Students due to its functionality.

Students nowadays have too many things to do as part of their curricular

requirements and needs different device to serve those purposes. In this

sense, students now have to use only one device to serve multipurpose task

which requires them in their studies.

Education- The study about the Solar UHPC (USB, Hub, Power bank,

Card reader) Drive is significant to the Educators and Education because it

allows educators to use the said product, instead of bringing too many

devices at school to serve the purpose of quality education. In this sense,

Educators can perform a quality bringing files in a multipurpose device which

can aid them in teaching.

Teachers- The study about the Solar UHPC (Usb, Hub, Power bank,

Card reader) DRIVE is significant to the Educators and Education because it

allows educators to use the said product, instead of bringing too many

devices at school to serve the purpose of quality education. In this sense,


Educators can perform a quality bringing files in a multipurpose device which

can aid them in teaching.

Researchers- The study is significant to the Researchers due to its

profitability and marketability in modern society’s market. In this sense—the

study, Solar UHPC (USB-Hub, Power Bank, Card Reader) Drive can be used

by every individual and can be the next marketable device to serve the

purpose of many.

Economy- The study about Solar UHPC Drive is significant to the

economy due to its marketability and the functions of the product. In this

sense, instead of buying with different devices which would serve the

purpose, the consumers in the market now has the chance to buy one device

which can serve different purposes, such as storing data, USB Hub, Power

Bank and Card Reader.

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study were to:

 Design and Construct the Solar UHPC (USB, Hub, Power Bank, Card

Reader) Drive.

 Test and evaluate the functionality of the constructed device by the

Electronics and Computer Technology Professors.

 Demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the Solar UHPC

(USB-Hub, Power Bank, Card Reader) Drive.


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study was focused on the development of the Solar UHPC Drive

in terms of constructing and designing. The proponent constructed the device

for the student’s problem by using the Solar UHPC Drive. This study delimited

on School, House, and other place. Computers such as laptop, and other

gadgets are needed for this device, it has many features like card reader,

USB hub, storage and battery backup. By the use of USB ports students can

charge gadgets, save and transfer files.

The Device is more comfortable or easy to use not to saturate the

user. Because they can charge any mobile phone even though the user was

transferring or copying files through computer or laptop. The Solar UHPC

Drive is a multi-task device because it can improve the work of the user. But

the device has a limit to charge if there’s no heat energy and electricity. The

device transfer files due to storage capacity of 32 GB and a speed of 2.0 or

480 mbps.

The Solar U.H.P.C Drive is delimited in five features and these are

Storage device, Card reader, USB hub, battery backup/Power bank and Solar

panel. For the Storage device it is delimited only to a Storage capacity of 32

Gigabytes. While Card reader is delimited in a Multi-slot readers. The USB

hub is delimited in port that has only four ports. Lastly, the Power bank is

delimited to a Battery capacity of 3000 Mah; and the Solar panel is dependent

in the presence of the sun.

The study was conducted at Zamboanga City State Polytechnic

College (ZCSPC)-Ayala Extension Classes during the first semester of

School year 2018-2019 with selected fifty (50) students who enrolled in Ayala

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College (ZCSPC)-Ayala Extension

Classes as respondents. The respondents were randomly selected from third

year and first year students from the Bachelor of Science in Computer




This chapter dealt with the survey of Related Studies and findings of

related literature that may help and contribute to enrich the present research

study to have a better and clear perspective of the research process. Some

survey and ideas that were parallel to the present research study were


Related Literature

Deborah (2016) described the SD card reader. One of the most

common types of flash memory media is the flash memory card a small card

containing one or more flash memory chips, a controller chip, Other electrical

components and metal contacts to connect the card to the device or reader

being used. Flash memory cards are available in a variety of formats such as

Compact Flash (CF), Secure Digital (SD), Multi Media Card (MMC), Picture

Card (PC) and memory Stick (MS). A compact flash is a memory card that

uses flash memory technology to store data on a very small portable device

used as removable memory for higher-end digital photo and video cameras. A

secure digital a card that is tiny flash memory card designed for high-capacity

memory and various portable devices such as e-books, digital camera, music

players, digital video and personal computer. A multi media card is a tiny

memory card that uses flash memory to make portable among various

devices such as e-

books music players and etc... A MMC offered range of storage capacities up

to 128 MB. Flash memory cards are the most common type of storage media

for digital cameras, smart phones, and other portable devices. Flash memory

cards can also store data for personal computer, as needed, as well as to

transfer data from a portable device (digital camera or tablet for instance) to a

computer, Flash memory cards are available in capacities up to 512 GB.

On the other hand, Chelsea Gohd (2017) discussed about the Solar

Revolution in which she said that any piece of energy converting technology,

in order to maximize the amount of energy produced, one can either increase

the quality of converters themselves. Although producing the initial was

expensive, this experiment—and others like it—are crucial to show the upper

limits of what is possible in solar technology.

Meanwhile, Jean Andrews (2016) defined USB port in his book entitled

“A+ Guide to Hardware” that it is the most popular ports for slower I/O devices

such as printers and modems. USB is much faster than regular serial or

parallel ports and uses higher-quality cabling. USB is also much easier to

manage because it eliminates the need to resolve resource conflicts

manually. USB allows for hot-swapping and hot-pluggable devices. These two

terms mean that a device can be plugged into a USB port while the computer

is running and the host controller will sense the device and configure it

without your having to reboot the computer. Some I/O devices that use a USB

connection are mice,

joysticks, keyboard, printers, scanner, monitors, modems with cell phone

charger and flash drive. A USB host controller which for most motherboards is

included in the chipset, manage the USB bus. Sometimes a mother boards

has two USB controllers; each is enabled and disabled in CMOS setup. As

many as 127 USB devices can be daisy chained together using USB cables.

In a daisy chain, one device provides a USB port for the next device. A USB

cable has four wires, two for power and two for communications. The two

power wires (one carries voltage and the other is a ground) allow the host

controller to provide power to a device. The connector on the host computer

or hub end is called the A-male connector and the connector on the device

end of the cable is called the B-male connector. The A-male connector is flat

and wide and the B-male connector is square. Gary said the USB port, short

for universal serial bus port, can connect to 127 different peripherals together

with a single connector. Devices that connect to a USB port include the

following: mouse, printers, digital camera, speakers and you can also charge

your cell phone and you can also put the flash drives. USB ports on mobile

devices usually are smaller than those on personal computers.

Moreover, Fouzia Begum (2016) published a book entitled “DIY Solar

Power Make Your Own Solar Power Bank Charger” she said slice Your

Power Bills in Half Nothing is an unpredictable as this society we live in today.

With bills burning a hole in your pockets, you also have to think about

skyrocketing gas prices, family upkeep and basically trying to keep up a good

enough appearance for your daily upload to the internet. With the difference

between the night in complete darkness and having a fully powered house

becoming increasingly expensive, one can only look to the heavens for some

sort of alternative energy. What if I told you this book not only told you deeply

about this miracle energy source but also how to build one with your own two

hands and the items you find around your house every day with the possibility

of not more than one or two electric shocks. Not only will this power source

serve your energy needs but it's last you for a really long time. This source is

none other than the sun that we take for granted and occasionally curse at.

This book will couple giving the knowledge of both harnessing the power of

the sun as well as channeling its power into a power bank charger that you

can take with you everywhere.

This (DIY) “Do it yourself” guide is here to serve two kinds of people.

The first are those who don't trust anything they build their hands and will

guide them to purchasing the perfect readymade power bank charger that

you'll never have the chance to regret. The other are those who love a

challenge and will

guide them smoothly on how to double down and create their own solar

power bank chargers that'll save them more than a few bucks of their hard-

earned money.

Lastly, Gary Shelly and Misty E. (2010) defined a USB hub that is a

device plugs in a USB ports in which you plug cables from USB devices. USB

hubs are self –powered or bus-powered. A self-powered USB hub draws

power from an electrical outlet, whereas a bus-powered USB hub draws

power from the USB bus in the computer.

Related Studies

Dr. Yuval Yarom and Ms. Robyn Mills (2017) make USB Connection

snooping easy. USB are the most common interface used globally to connect

external devices to computers. Computer can be used to leak and share


information, tested in more than 50 different computers and external USB

hubs and found 90% of them can share information to an external USB


In addition, David Smurthwaite 2012 conducted a study about

designing a new portable USB device. The portable USB device such as a

storage drive or card reader has a built-in pass-through hub connection.

Instead of clogging up the USB port availability of a computer or other host

device, the device provides an extra USB female receptacle on the device to

allow the computer

to flow information or power charge to another USB device connected to the

female receptacle

However, Jim Mckelvey 2010 developed a card reader device that

includes a housing having a slot for swiping card to complete a financial

transaction between a buyer and seller. A read head reads data stored on the

magnetic stripe. The read head has sufficient impedance to set amplitude of a

signal indicative of data stored on the magnetic stripe. An output jack is

adapted to be inserted into a microphone input associated with a mobile

device for providing the signal indicative of data stored on the magnetic stripe

to the mobile device.


Moreover, Todd West, et al. (2018) conducted a study about the

Universal Serial Bus transmits differential data over twisted-pair cables

originally designed for signaling at 12Mbit/s. Because of the recent

specification of a 480Mbit/s signaling speed with the existing cabling, the high

frequency behavior and temporal response of these cables is of interest. In

this work, two- and three- dimensional field solvers are used to characterize

the field behavior within the cables. The results are used to perform SPICE

simulations of complete time-domain USB packets, which indicate that

existing cables support the higher bit rates well, and that the quality of

signaling is not limited by the cable construction. The simulations match well

with the limited measurement data available for 480Mbit/s signaling. The USB


based on electromagnetic models and SPICE simulation was able to predict

the time-domain effects present in measured data. It is expected that similar

simulations will benefit the signal integrity studies of other high-speed

connection schemes and will enhance public domain information.

Lastly, Park and Jinsoo (2018) present their invention relates to a

semiconductor memory device having the present invention relates to a

semiconductor design technology, in particular data transmission lines. In

general, the semiconductor memory device is a volatile memory device such

as DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), SRAM (Static Random

Access Memory) (volatile memory device) and a PROM (Programmable Read


Only Memory), EPROM (Erasable PROM), EEPROM (Electrically EPROM); it

is separated by a flash memory device (non-volatile memory device

(nonvolatile memory device) such as a flash memory device). The biggest

feature that separates a volatile memory device and the nonvolatile memory

device is whether retention of the data stored in the memory cell after a

certain period of time.

In other words, the volatile memory device is not stored data stored in

the memory cell after a certain period of time is, the nonvolatile memory

device is saved, the data stored in the memory cell after a certain period of

time. Accordingly, in the case of volatile memory devices, and the re-flash

operation it should be done as required to retain data, in the case of the non-

volatile memory devices do not have such a refresh operation. This feature of

the non-

volatile memory device is widely used these days as storage media for

portable devices, because it is suitable for low power and high integration



The conceptual model which guided this study depicted in the form of

paradigm shown in figure 1.

Alternative ideas from Related Studies and Literature

Gathering Data
INPUT Supplies and Materials
Tools and Equipment



Figure 1
Conceptual Model of Solar UHPC Drive

Figure 1 showed the inputs of the study which was based on the ideas

taken from related studies and related literature, the supplies, materials, tools

and equipment’s, and also the total cost and materials needed in the

construction of the Solar UHPC Drive.

Throughout the study, the processes involved in the development of

Solar UHPC Drive includes; Designing, Constructing, Testing and evaluating

the product.

The output of the study is the completed product which is the Solar

UHPC Drive.

Operational Definition of Variables

The following terms are used in the study:

Card Reader - is a data input device that reads data from a card shaped

storage media.

Equipment - the necessary items for a particular purpose.

Gadgets - a small mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially an

ingenious or novel one.

I/O Device- an input device sends information to a computer system for

processing and an output device reproduces on display the results of the


MMC (Multi-Media Card) - is a type of tiny memory card standard that is used

to store data among different compatible portable devices.

Power Bank- is a portable charger designed to recharge your electronic

gadgets when you’re on the move.

Solar Panel- a panel designed to absorb the sun’s rays as a source of energy

for generating electricity or heating.

Storage device- is a device component used to store data.

Switch - a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit.

USB Hub- is a device that expands a single universal serial bus (USB) port

into several so that there are more ports available to connect devices to a host

system, similar to a power strip.




This chapter includes the Solar UHPC (Usb, Hub, Power bank, Card

reader) Drive supplies, materials, tools and equipment. The construction cost

of this Study. Procedures, try-out and revision and construction time frame.

Bills of Materials

The production cost to materialize this technical feasibility study

included the cost of the supplies and materials.


Table 1
Supplies, Materials and Cost
1 Pc Solar Panel ₱50.00 ₱ 50.00
1 Pc Circuit board & Battery 200.00 200.00
1 Pc USB Hub 150.00 150.00
1 Pc Soldering lead, 60/40% 15.00 15.00
1 Pc SD Card Reader 190.00 190.00
1 Pc Storage device 400.00 400.00
2 Pcs Sand Paper 15.00 30.00
1 Pc Epoxy 100.00 100.00
3 Pcs Mighty bond 15.00 45.00
2 Pcs Paint Spray 200.00 200.00
1 Pc Glass 100.00 100.00
1 Pc Sticker 100.00 100.00
TOTAL COST ₱ 1,580.00

Table 1.showed the quantity, unit, item and description and cost of the

supplies used in the construction of the project which is the Solar UHPC

Drive. The total cost of this materials used in creating the Solar UHPC

Drive is worth of ₱1,580.00 Php in which the most expensive material utilized

in this gadget was the storage device that cost ₱ 400.00 Php.


Desoldering Used when electronic components need
Pump to be removed from a circuit.

Soldering Iron Used to join the terminals by melting the


Diagonal Cutting the wire to its desire length.

cutting Pliers

Multi-Tester Used to test electronic components and

Personal Computer Used to test if the gadget is effective.

Tools considered shaping, form or finishing examples are the handy tools.

Equipment’s also tools supplies needed for a special purpose or act of

equipping something examples are the electronic device.

Project Design

Table 2

Tools and Equipment

Table 2 showed the tools and equipment used in the construction of the SOLAR

Project Design

Figure 2 showed the project design of the study that comprises the

following features: four ports of USB Hub with individual switches; power bank

that can supply current up to 3000mAh; storage device that can store data up

to 32 Gigabytes; card reader that can insert a micro SD card up to 128


Gigabytes; and lastly solar panel that can produce 5 volts of current to the

power bank.

Figure 3.
The Block Diagram of the Project

Figure 3. showed the diagram of the Solar UHPC Drive and its

functionality. In the first diagram, it showed the function of the Solar UHPC

Drive as a storage device to flash drives, Micro SD cards, Computers and

other devices. In the Second Diagram, it showed the function of the Solar

UHPC Drive as a Power bank to android phones and the use of the solar

panels of the product to charge other chargeable devices.





Figure 4.

Structural flow of Current of the Solar UHPC Drive

Figure 4 showed the structure of the current and flow of data in the

solar UHPC drive, the main USB Hub control the flow of the current and data


distribute to the other components and the connections are VCC, D+, D- and

ground. While the solar and power bank have a separated connection to the

main hub.

Computer was the one to process or read its driver from the Integrated

circuit of the main circuit or hub. Integrated circuit control the flow of the

current and data to distribute to the other (IC) Integrated Circuit of other

devices. It show every connection are VCC, D+, D- and ground of all circuit

board. The first hub is the main where to distribute a 5 volts current and flow

of data to each devices such as storage device, external hub and the Card

reader. The Solar power bank need both energy solar and electric current.

Solar panel gives 5 volts but it depends on heat energy of the sun and the

Circuit board control the flow of electric current and also battery stored the

energy that was absorb from Solar panel


The Construction and Procedure of the Project

Step-by-step Process

Picture 1. Preparation of the Tools and Materials.

Step 1. Shows the tools and

Picture 2. Cutting the USB Connectors.
equipment needed for the

Solar 2. Illustrates
Drive. the cutting of

USB Connectors with the proper

hand tools.

Picture 3. Measuring of Solar UHPC Drive casing.

Step 3. Shows how to

measure the Plastic casing

of Solar UHPC Drive.

Picture 4. Preparing the Solar UHPC Drive.

Step 4. Demonstrate how to

cut the Casing of Solar

UHPC Drive using hacksaw.


Picture 5. Connecting the USB connector to the USB hub.

Step 5. Demonstrates how to

connect the USB connectors to

the printed circuit board of the

USB hub using the soldering iron

and soldering lead.

Picture 6. Connecting all the components of Solar UHPC Drive.

Step 6. Shows the different

connections of the power bank,

USB hub, solar panel, and Card

reader of Solar UHPC Drive.


Picture 7. Adhering all the Plastic edges.

Step 7. Combining all the

plastic using epoxy and

mighty bond for covering all


Picture 8. Furnishing the Solar UHPC case.

Step 8. Final Furnishing of

the Solar UHPC Drive case.


Picture 9. Evaluating the finish product of SOLAR UHPC drive.

Step 9. Testing the

functionality of the Power

bank, USB hub, Card

reader, Storage device.

Try-out and Revision

Try-out and revision shows the major component of the Solar UHPC

(USB, Hub, Power Bank, Card Reader) Drive was noted, tested, and

evaluated. The purpose of try- out and revision are mainly to identify the parts

defect and to improve its capability and functionalities for greater accuracy.

Table 3
Defect Noted and Revisions Made
Defected Noted Revisions Made
MMC Card Reader Replace a new MMC Card Reader
The USB Hub Burned Replace a new USB Hub
The Power Bank Burned Replace a new Power Bank
The micro SD Card Reader Burned Replace another Micro SD Card

Table 3. Showed the defects found during the try- out, the Solar UHPC

Drive defected during the wiring, MMC Card Reader, USB hub, Power bank

and micro SD Card reader also damaged while wiring and soldering.

Therefore, the proponents replace the following devices to continue the



Work Activities and Time Consumed

Work Activities Time Consumed (In hours)

Preparing the Supplies and Materials 3 hours
Painting Job 5 hours
Assembly Work 6 hours
Try and Revision 10 hours
Putting Sticker 1 hour
Total Number of Hours 1 Day and 1 hour

Table 4. Showed the work activities and time consumed in making the

gadget/project and it shows clearly that the device was constructed within 1

Day and 1 hour. The proponents have a hard time on trial and revisions of the

gadget in which it took 10 hours in revising the MMC Card reader, USB hub,

Power bank and Micro SD Card reader of the Solar UHPC Drive.



This chapter presents the completed project in terms of its features,

interrelationship, capabilities, limitations, and operation procedure,

maintenance and safety control measures.

Product Structure

1. The essential features of the Solar UHPC (Usb, Hub, Power

bank, Card reader) Drive in terms of:

1.1 components and parts

a. Card reader

b. Power bank with solar panel

1.2 Functionality

a. USB Hub

b. Power Bank

1.3 Usability

2. Parts, function and interrelationship


The Solar UHPC (USB, Hub, Power bank, Card reader) Drive

consists of different functional parts.

 Card Reader – to allow read the information from memory/SD


 Power bank- to allow the phone to charge.

3. Capabilities and limitations

 The device has the capability to read the Memory Card.

 Solar UHPC Drive shares information through Laptop or PC and

other storage devices.

 The limitation of our device is lack of USB port because it has

only 2 USB Port of a laptop.


1. This selection describes procedures, maintenance, safety and control

measure operating procedures.

The following steps are to be followed in using the Solar UHPC (Usb,

Hub, Power bank, Card reader) DRIVE.

A. Plug the connector of your P.C to the power outlet.


A. Turn on the power switch of the P.C.

B. Connect the Solar UHPC Drive to P.C.

C. Test it, if it will be function.

D. Insert the Memory Card to the Memory Card Reader.

E. Insert the USB / Flash Drive to the USB Port.

F. Insert the phone cord to the power bank port.

Then test all the components of Solar UHPC Drive which is the USB / Flash

Drive, power bank with solar panel, Memory Card and wireless mouse.


Below are some steps to be followed to prevent the device from

damaging and maintain its effectiveness:

 Unplug the Solar UHPC Drive to the PC.

 Clean the Solar panel.

Safety and Control Measures

 Make sure your hands are dry when using the device.

 Proper handling and usage should always be followed.

Sources and Methods of Collecting Data


The researchers gathered data through the use of the primary data.

The primary data were gathered by giving away structured questionnaire to

the selected students in different departments using random sampling to a

total of (84) student respondents and (11) Experts for a total of (95)


Effectiveness of the Solar UHPC (USB Hub, Power Bank, Card Reader)


In the evaluation ratings, eighty (80) respondents in total, rated the

effectiveness and usefulness of the gadget, through the use of numerical data

based on the survey given on table 5 below. The researchers used the

adjectival descriptive below.

Descriptive Rating

4.6 And above - Strongly Agree

3.56 - 4.50 - Agree
2.71 - 3.55 - Neither
1.86 - 2.70 - Disagree
1.0 -1.85 - Strongly Disagree

Table 5

Students Rating

SOLAR UHPC DRIVE Total of 5 4 3 2 1 MEAN

QUESTIONNAIRE Respnds (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD)
1. The USB hub of the Solar UHPC
Drive reads flash or it can detect 84 53 23 6 2 0 4.57
phone storage.
2. The card reader of the Solar UHPC
84 58 20 6 0 0 4.65
Drive detect your SD card.
3. The wireless mouse work in the
84 52 28 4 0 0 4.62
Solar UHPC Drive.
4. The Solar UHPC Drive have a
84 58 18 7 1 0 4.63
Functional storage Devices.
5. Your phone charge if you connect
your cord to the Solar UHPC Drive
84 56 25 2 1 0 4.67
while the Solar UHPC Drive is
connected to a Laptop or a Pc.
6. Your phone charge in the other USB
port while the Solar UHPC Drive is not 84 55 21 7 1 0 4.58
connected to a laptop or a pc.
7. The Solar UHPC Drive is functional. 84 56 24 3 1 0 4.65
8. The Solar UHPC Drive is very usable
84 57 21 4 1 1 4.61
or helpful.
9. You would you use this Solar UHPC
84 58 20 5 1 0 4.64
Drive if you have one.
10. This Solar UHPC Drive will be
84 59 20 5 0 0 4.69
Sellable in the Market.
TOTAL 4.63
Interpretation : STRONGLY AGREE

Table 5. Showed the evaluation of the (84) student respondents in the

given survey by the proponents to come up with a numerical data in giving

social analogy to the product; Solar UHPC Drive, which garnered a total

mean of 4.63 that falls under the descriptive ratings of ‘’Strongly Agreed.’’

It therefore implied that based on the result gathered from the

students, the Solar UHPC Drive is effective and efficient to use.


Questionnaire Respondent (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD)
1. The USB Hub of the
Solar UHPC Drive reads
(84) 54 22 6 2 0 4.57
flash or it can detect
phone storage.

There are 84 total respondents, 54 of them are strongly agreed, and 22

agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 6 were

Neutral and lastly 2 Disagreed due to non-functional and incompatibility of the

USB Hub with their device.


Questionnaire Respondents (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD)

2. The card reader of the

Solar UHPC Drive detect (84) 58 20 6 0 0 4.65
your SD card.

There are 84 total respondents, 58 of them are strongly agreed, and 20

agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 6 were



Questionnaire Respondent (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD)
3. The wireless mouse work (84) 51 29 4 0 0 4.62
in the Solar UHPC Drive.


Questionnaire Respondent (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD)

4. The Solar UHPC (84) 57 19 7 1 0 4.63

Drive have a Functional
storage Devices.
There are 84 total respondents, 51 of them are Strongly Agreed, and

29 Agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 4 were


There are 84 total respondents, 57 of them are Strongly agreed, and

19 Agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 67 were

Neutral and lastly 1 Disagreed due to non-functional and incompatibility of the

USB Hub with their device.

Total 4
Responden (A MEAN
Questionnaire (SA) (N) (D) (SD)
t )

5. Your phone charge if

you connect your cord to
the Solar UHPC Drive
(84) 55 26 2 1 0 4.67
while the Solar UHPC
Drive is connected to a
Laptop or a Pc.

There are 84 total respondents, 55 of them are Strongly Agreed, and

26 Agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 2 were

Neutral and lastly 1 Disagreed due to non-functional and incompatibility of the

USB Hub with their device.


Questionnaire (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD) MEAN

6. Your phone charge in (84) 54 21 8 1 0 4.58

the other USB port while
the Solar UHPC Drive is
not connected to a laptop
or a pc.

There are 84 total respondents, 54 of them are Strongly Agreed, and

21 Agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 8 were

Neutral and lastly 1 Disagreed due to non-functional and incompatibility of the

USB Hub with their device.

SOLAR UHPC DRIVE Total 5 4 3 2 1

Questionnaire Respondent (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD) MEAN

7. The Solar UHPC

(84) 56 24 3 1 0 4.65
Drive is functional.

There are 84 total respondents, 56 of them are Strongly Agreed, and

24 Agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 3 were

Neutral and lastly 1 Disagreed due to non-functional and incompatibility of the

USB Hub with their device.

SOLAR UHPC Total 5 4 3 2 1

DRIVE Respondent (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD) MEAN
8. The Solar UHPC
Drive is very usable or (84) 57 20 5 1 1 4.61

There are 84 total respondents, 57 of them are Strongly Agreed, and

20 Agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 5 were

Neutral and lastly 1 Disagreed due to non-functional and incompatibility of the

USB Hub with their device. And for some reason 1 strongly disagreed to the

power of Solar UHPC drive’s capability and reliability.


SOLAR UHPC DRIVE Total 5 4 3 2 1

Questionnaire Respondent (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD)
9. You would you use
this Solar UHPC Drive if (84) 58 19 6 1 0 4.64
you have one.

There are 84 total respondents, 58 of them are Strongly Agreed, and

19 Agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 6 were

Neutral and lastly 1 Disagreed due to non-functional and incompatibility of the

USB Hub with their device.

SOLAR UHPC DRIVE Total 5 4 3 2 1

Questionnaire Respondent (SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD) MEAN

10. This Solar UHPC

Drive will be Sellable (84) 58 21 5 0 0 4.69
in the Market.

There are 84 total respondents, 58 of them are Strongly Agreed, and

21 Agreed for the usefulness and compatibility of the USB Hub, while 5 were


Table 6

Experts Evaluation


Total of
(SA) (A) (N) (D) (SD) MEAN

1. The USB hub of the Solar

UHPC Drive reads flash or it can 11 7 4 0 0 0 4.63
detect phone storage.
2. The card reader of the Solar
11 7 4 0 0 0 4.63
UHPC Drive detect your SD card.
3. The wireless mouse work in the
11 5 5 1 0 0 4.36
Solar UHPC Drive.
4. The Solar UHPC Drive have a
11 7 4 0 0 0 4.63
Functional storage Devices.
5. Your phone charge if you
connect your cord to the Solar
UHPC Drive while the Solar 11 7 4 0 0 0 4.63
UHPC Drive is connected to a
Laptop or a PC
6. Your phone charge in the other
USB port while the Solar UHPC
11 7 4 0 0 0 4.63
Drive is not connected to a laptop
or a pc.
7. The Solar UHPC Drive is
11 7 4 0 0 0 4.63
8. The Solar UHPC Drive is very
11 7 4 0 0 0 4.63
usable or helpful.
9. You would you use this Solar
11 7 3 1 0 0 4.54
UHPC Drive if you have one.
10. This Solar UHPC Drive will be
11 5 5 1 0 4.36
Sellable in the Market.
TOTAL 4.56
Interpretation: STRONGLY AGREE

Descriptive Rating

4.6 and above - Strongly Agree

3.56 - 4.50 - Agree
2.71 - 3.55 - Neither
1.86 - 2.70 - Disagree
1.0 -1.85 - Strongly Disagree

Table 6. Shows experts’ evaluation to the product Given the evaluated

and computed mean for each item, the total mean for experts’ evaluation

garnered 4.56 that falls under the descriptive ratings of ‘’Strongly Agreed.”

As a result that based on the result gathered from the Experts, the Solar

UHPC drive is effective and efficient to use.

With the combined result of the respondents and panel of experts it

gives an average of 4.60 with the descriptive rating of “Strongly Agreed.”

So, it show that most of the respondents found out that the Solar UHPC drive

is effective and efficient to use.



This chapter presents the findings, conclusions and recommendations.


The main concept of the study was to design and construct a Solar

UHPC (USB, Hub, Power Bank, Card Reader) Drive. This mini

equipment/device can help the users to work easier and more comfortable.

The purpose of Try-out and revision are mainly to identify the parts

defect and to improve its capability and functionalities for greater accuracy.

The Solar UHPC Drive is functional true to its claims as a Storage device,

Card Reader, USB Hub and Power bank. The Solar Panel use for charge the

cell phone. USB HUB that expands a single Universal Serial Bus (USB) port

into several so that there are more ports available to connect devices like

keyboards, mouse, Flash drive and also you can charge your android phone.

Based on the result gathered, The Solar UHPC Drive met the

expected result from respondents and panel experts. So, the Solar UHPC

Drive is effective and efficient to use as an alternative multi-purpose device.


On the basis of the findings, the following conclusions drawn:

1. The Solar UHPC Drive is a hand carry device usable as a storage

device, power bank, card reader and USB Hub.

2. The Solar UHPC Drive can be an alternative multi-purpose device.

3. The proponents believed that through a further study the device, the

Solar UHPC Drive is upgradable in terms of specification and functions.


In consideration of the findings and conclusions generated the

following were recommended:

1. Light Indicator for the Power bank feature should be added this is

accurately to detect the Power bank’s battery level when it is in full

charge or in low battery.

2. To add further features and functions like Bluetooth speaker, audio

jack socket and etc. in the improvement of the study in terms of the

usability of the said gadget.

3. To conduct further research in the improvement of the Solar UHPC

Drive in terms of design, functions, features and marketability of the


4. To conduct further studies in changing the weight of the said gadget

and make it even lighter by the use of a lighter battery.

5. The proponents further recommend to increase the battery capacity of

the power bank that can give a high power supply.


Electronic References

Chelsea Gohd – 2017, Scientist Creating Absorbent Solar Cell. Retrieved from


David Smurthwaite, Jon Anderson, Daniel Hogan “USB device with pass-

through hub connection” Retrieved from https://US20130179610A1

Dr. Yuval Yarom and Ms. Robyn Mills (2017) “USB connections make

snooping easy - University of Adelaide” Retrieved from

Deborah Morley-2012, “Understanding Computers in a Changing


Retrieved from

Fouzia Begum (2016) “Solar Panel Improvement 1950-2016 for solar, by

Solar, to Solar”

Retrieved from 54347697X

Gary B. Shelly, Misty E. Vermaat (2010) “Discovering Computers 2011:

“Brief - Page 247 - Google Books Result” Retrieved from

Jean Andrews - 2016 “A+ Guide to Hardware” Retrieved from

Jim Mckelvery, Xuancong Wen, Jack Dorsey (2010) “Card Reader

Device” Retrieved from .com

Park and JInsoo (2018) “Semiconductor memory device” Retrieved from


West, Todd and Jandhyala, Vikram. (July 21, 2018). “Universal Serial Bus

Signal Integrity Analysis for High-Speed Signaling”. Retrieved from

bus_signal_integrity_analysis_for_high-speed_signalling .

Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines

Ayala, Zamboanga City
SY: 2018-2019

September 05, 2018

ZCSPC-Ayala Extension Classes

The 4th year Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology of Zamboanga City
State Polytechnic College, are currently conducting a research study entitled,
Solar UHPC Drive (USB hub, power bank, card reader) as part of the partial
fulfillment of the requirements in Bs Computer Technology .
In this connection, the researchers would like to ask permission from your
good office to distributing questionnaires to student of our school. The result
will help us in determining to which instrument or means that our research
can be beneficial for the good of the researchers.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your Positive response.

Respectfully yours;

Jonathan A. Benico
Jay Ruselle R. Elentorio
Rhea mae V. Galgo
Jonard D.S Mosqueda
Lordjohn L. Maquipoten
Nurfaida F. Sadikal
Annie T. Betongga

Noted by;


Thesis Adviser

Appendix B



Directions: Below are the statements that describe how effective the
Solar UHPC Drive. Please check the corresponding remark to your honest
Evaluation using the Scales below.

Description Evaluation Rating Description

Strongly Agree (SA) 5

Agree (A) 4
Neither (N) 3
Disagree (D) 2
Strongly Disagree (SD) 1

UHPC DRIVE 5 4 3 2 1
1. The USB hub of the
Solar UHPC drive reads
flash or it can detect phone
2. Does the card reader of
the Solar UHPC drive
detect your SD card?
3. Does the wireless mouse
work in the Solar UHPC
4. Does the Solar UHPC
drive have storage?
5. Does your phone charge
if you connect your cord to
the Solar UHPC drive while
the Solar UHPC drive is
connected to a Laptop or a
6. Does your phone charge
in the other USB port while
the Solar UHPC drive is not

connected to a laptop or a
7. Does the Solar UHPC
drive is functional?
8. Does the Solar UHPC
drive is very usable or
9. For you would you use
this Solar UHPC drive if
you have one?
10. Are you going to buy
this Solar UHPC drive if
they have it on the market?


Respondents Signature

Appendix C

Curriculum Vitae

Name Jonathan A. Benico

Address Talisayan, Zamboanga City

Birth date Sept. 17, 1998

Age Single

Father’s Orlando F. Benico

Occupation Teacher

Mother’s Name Cherry A. Benico

Occupation Housewife

Educational Background

ELEMENTARY Ayala Central School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2011

Secondary Ayala National High School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2015

College Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College-

Ayala Extension Classes

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2019

COURSE Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology


Curriculum Vitae

Name Annie T. Betongga

Address La Paz Zone 1, Zamboanga City

Birth date Oct. 13, 1998

Age Single

Father’s Name Oscar V. Betongga

Occupation Vendor

Mother’s Name Melba D. Tatsado

Occupation House Wife

Educational Background

ELEMENTARY Ayala Central School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2011

Secondary Ayala National High School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2015

College Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College-

Ayala Extension Classes

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2019

COURSE Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology


Curriculum Vitae

Name Jay Ruselle R. Elentorio

Address La Paz Zone 1, Zamboanga City

Birth date September 15, 1997

Age Single

Father’s Name Joel V. Elentorio

Occupation Seaman

Mother’s Name MA. Rosella R. Elentorio

Occupation Teacher

Educational Background

ELEMENTARY Talisayan Elementary School

Location Talisayan, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2010

Secondary Ayala National High School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2014

College Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College-

Ayala Extension Classes

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2019

COURSE Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology


Curriculum Vitae

Name Rhea Mae V. Galgo

Address Ayala, Zamboanga City

Birth date Nov. 29, 1998

Age Single

Father’s Name Roxan Galgo Sr. (Deceased)

Occupation Fisherman

Mother’s Name Marivel V. Galgo

Occupation Housewife

Educational Background

ELEMENTARY Ayala Central School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2011

Secondary Ayala National High School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2015

College Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College- Ayala

Extension Classes

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2019

COURSE Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology


Curriculum Vitae

Name Lordjohn L. Maquipoten

Address Ayala, Zamboanga City

Birth date July 18, 1997

Age Single

Father’s Name QUIRINO T. Maquipoten (Deceased)

Occupation Security Guard

Mother’s Name Josefina L. Maquipoten

Occupation Worker

Educational Background

ELEMENTARY Ayala Central School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2011

Secondary Ayala National High School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2015

College Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College- Ayala

Extension Classes

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2019

COURSE Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology


Curriculum Vitae

Name Jonard D.S Mosqueda

Address La Paz zone 1, Zambo City

Birth date Sept. 4, 1997

Age Single

Father’s Name Felix S. Mosqueda

Occupation Carpenter

Mother’s Name Rosario D.S Mosqueda

Occupation Factory Worker

Educational Background

ELEMENTARY Cadalagan Elementary School

Location Cadalagan, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2011

Secondary Ayala National High School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2015

College Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College- Ayala

Extension Classes

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2019

COURSE Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology


Curriculum Vitae

Name Nurfaida F. Sadikal

Address Labuan, Zamboanga City

Birth date July 5, 1998

Age Single

Father’s Name Abdulrahman L. Sadikal


Mother’s Name Fatma F. Sadikal


Educational Background

ELEMENTARY Labuan Central School

Location Labuan, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2011

Secondary Ayala National High School

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2014

College Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College-

Ayala Extension Classes

Location Ayala, Zamboanga City

Year Graduated 2019

COURSE Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology

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