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Singelast tnkeyle - ST tied BT nase - Transforms and tatkal Dipourkel Fenty Unit I - ‘Partial Digfecantil Sqyuations | of Panal Affeantial CAyabion. Solutions of Bbandact bypu | dat Order’ ‘pata dipfeesntial enya ¥ Sli ti Linear partial okiffety Lagrangess (inear 22ynation ran \Cquations of Gfecond. and Figher or wi ; Conskant Coefficients oF beth ‘Pemogencous an Non Romoganeous bybes Formation Differential Exjustions: A clitferential Ayuation 15 an eeyuation that relates one or move functions and theiv Autivatives . Example: ye = oni x | where ay iS a clevivabive 4 J with | ce ‘Yesbet lo mn. Ordin ditferen tial Zajuation 5: An Ordinay cbfferntial eaywalion if a clyfecantial equation Cenlaining one ov move functions of one independen? Vaviatle anc the clevivatives of those functions. Sxamle: 2b. = at ample: “2 He 3 . Scanned with CamScanner 1D tel Differertial (Eqmations: J “aati 1) Partial differential equation is a ey : leauabion that Savolves | tivo! oF | mores Pacis ot ariables , On Unknown funckion and. pattie Wbaatgalies of the unlsneen ; Function ith veep bo the Sndlependeat Variables. . mort od bear Camp: BE 4222 co. beeen any wide Nobakions: , Pep ae) t a2) 1K dice Whwieqoay 7 as Ps ve ' as ’ t Formation | Pata l hype etl , Bayusltion s: Type I: Elnitelios of arbibar ‘Constants. The No. of arity Constants Lhe No. of aes Pret - Variables. *voblem 4 ) Walp Form g PDE %y abrnaig fe orton aaa fem tz an thy + a+ Be. [Solution : ; Given : Ts antly + abab® ma oO Diffeeantiabins oO Prostially loth Hite 24g dp2h ca 9 @ on qth =b —-© Scanned with CamScanner waite ta) Initnoes} i Ig Rabati @® and Oo © Q ado hothley Pay Ly + Pay : aa Pte deauived “PDE usbich . me te aybi roy ol fom Ha PBE by’ danity ‘the ai il a ant b fom ZL =(n-@) ee Ceo He shin Solution: 1 ko { Given: te Oe a Tegel by +1 - th yee @ nhy Disferentatig © matey wil = 2 . atn-ad In i ibs aebay al La bad, mo z ores, aly. be ae Aly b> | > Ay ~be Ma o ork a | Catching ® 6 a o = x la a2 t+ bd DS ato Pea ta. which ig “tha Keruived Poe [led 2 eg | 4 Scanned with CamScanner % The No. of wbiheg } s Constants 1 Problest Fom a PDE trom oe y hae I Scluticn i Giver: Coe + yg a Die. O Partkially es > 24 4 jbo) \%- The No. of independol Variable . 2 pee ct = 30. Scanned with CamScanner wed Om ondon az i x — On rs és. - ay ae ee eh Sy Oe >” ®-®@, we get 1 +zb - 3 (Pet) (et n ustich 1S sta eel Poe - The 2: Elteinakion f ong fendi [Problem Form 9 PDE Seca L: FORp \s Solution: : i a a Given: Zr: fury) = oO : . DYE © Partially wor be) me | 4 > stb “pa an | 7 ty sot) sO Dig. © ‘partially verve toy | oz ter »> Or yt} 25 FOr lay) WL Sty) +O! “ay be Scanned with CamScanner Comores Enos BIO, Rs is canal sek. -u a oe ay => by = Ryn > Py Day = 0 =) (by*oyy so © which 3S othe Yeayuived (PRE. Feta PH: Segal (ME) oi Solution : : - , x " G Give: 1-¢[3) 9 \ tally (wre ts | my | Dig. © fpoatially ww gi! a2. #(3)- peseme ds) on " Br 2 TS 3 pig? £4 dag ~", > p= (3) (S230) © Die. © Paatrally wh bo Gi BS if ey x vey \ of ze a ay iad)t( aa J atvieni > 4: #(2) (252%) 0 Syom © a: ve ft (x) ty -7yP Sor © J haw 7 ( 3) ‘ t Em =! % % Rigs) ou! eaual DA | ei Scanned with CamScanner sees A Pale As vain’ | Fy-9P 2% x-yy ie. | => plaa-aya) = V049-79) => Plar-wyy) - v9 -*3P) “aa Elimination of Luo’ avbitron uchions « \\ Form a pee by eliminating £ ands $, from Zs FY) + > tryed. j Solution: 1 2 & Gen t= fyy apogee) 30, De. O Petal wen to 7 a 504g! tye ¢ tu BE 38 Dit © ah we boy : = Sy). +O! latyee) woe) | 30. Dig. age wr bom. SI #309 ($e) + Ut » { pNneye (142% = O trey) try 4 ae * y YD blog asyy BY Gayez) Cap) 5b" Cxtygey, (pd 6) Scanned with CamScanner EET: vbally wor: beg pi. ©. Parealye ily a . e ei (: a ve Ze (ad Me) ¢ Cages Wo a = O' Catyead C.D + cep 6 “Gray | a) | S-C9' cnay woce)) = Clep> Cg) p"Oerytz) =, Cle b) C4) bOeeytz) ~ 0 “1 SUPP S[i- 9 mayer 136} O+ =@®' ~ ib t x Tt @ ‘Catgazy J Crap) oT Gyan) SLr- p'eay+ay Crepe ob" Crags) 3m _ 1 CL4PD b 7 . Ss “C144) Ser > r= Cr ps > Cayy— Utpps =O wich is “He funwred — de | ut / {8 po Scanned with CamScanner Elin nakion dtp) =o. Crvet | Wea us ictiay 50, Dist D! Pastiall | uo-v-to SS OW Lo Ot an ORS gat tie. #4 om * ath -g 1) Dies ® pantially. wore J pe = +, oz —n J ey > ou = PALA H 4 Now, na dae |i 3 av fu dn ay > \>*b-3 z-b» a of ‘exbily 9 > CaPay, *) =0 Pantha A | form. a bde by — the dri braey function yom aoe rs Z): FO 24 wes We Lost Diff] Prakally wor de 3 ise an | 3 Oe te =Ppx Jah he | ; DME. © buatidlly wre ‘Sy Ou = ey l= 93, LS a Scanned with CamScanner or (%) Carp -y) = (=) (aza-x) =0 azaby . 4% 9 2 aaa BEAR Yi) > - en a Ca n( met) 20 (math) apm 4 WI page 32a ae a uv x ae Peo . + 2 =e a eee > 7% ay 4 A — ae 2 yy omy = Bey ARETE bo, on OF ipo = acidoypede | 5 rghyes aateytetes 7? wha 16 the Resuired Paes Erde Pde. TBalutien of -OSkudaed’ types of fe Cordnaey Cones) ' Sz Qe Sobubioa Foye r..5 f I a ae on Tatesrating with a bo r es > dn = Soda. e, orfty) | Ci egy = conto a { Solve’ eo .} ; =0 Scanned with CamScanner > dare Syd jo Cr aes) n ) Agar Rnbgraking we bo Ht | | m J 2tays J Suyy da | On | | se Acs mE) +g) oR 2! Solve ZZ .. eginiies . ; oe SA olution Pz gen ys PU | de 2 Qn (32) = ian, | cLankesratt to bom mule (Hae J ends | [eset two perp BEI R | > et Sy COSHH £ C ‘ty: cons Agein Vatesrating cos bom = Se ‘ae fists fede | => Zz — Sinn + vm. fly) +3ayy. \ 3! Solve = nd Solution 2 =o ny J 2 (22). : | dm Lag) =° Scanned with CamScanner torce (tbommVt lartenct Aoimilene dabve deol Ve eetdadle wen bot neal ah J3(55)u = Je® 22. = o+ fey). 3 | Aigo antes aaah jmag = Stondy Te Srooket) y 5 FD the” ; 1) ugg) + Cubbike unckions oF Hees Fy) onl eas ave + cabibreny, 4 nA J om x ‘yespectwely ¢ 1 Re ee le oe Com fakearal : " a Pe oy so wabiek Habs ruber: o bib Constanks 94 eaual to the. numbet of, Twleperdent Variables 1S called >Complebe _Tokegval . FPacticulot Total In Conpake Tote if we jive Partinder Volus of) ta!” Onbitradi} Constante ./ we, get» Sotenel: Sipubor Snbgyral t Bhy F bet Jtasyit, Semen be a), Ls bde whose Complete “nk gral is pou, 1b) | =0 9D Diff. © poetinlly | wr, ko w ond & oe at sO 5 5 te. Hes Gleminatio of a and b is called Figulat Scanned with CamScanner Provided Fla yo ye Solving ish toy b. Hema tio Compler okegral is jt t= angfe +e 1 thes. od, stony 5S the hiionts 15,4 Obtained b Beker! of Jowupd af J | Los ak + gftante J Cink Lhe 2 ual | oe . CA uatiows | ae | =o, = Javpadtn’ 0 de: W peak ie? Compute catayal of ae Vay cl: Solution’ Given Pg) 3 Oj | wrt, “val Belukion 184 LeAaskyte 2 O 9 aS bw wy Oe 2®, 2 Lb Dub , ey ‘ | 3. From © Wwe Bak (Fab) <0 ‘ feos dona Weabdtysc,, will be a Golation FO | —— Scanned with CamScanner &b @® 9 O end re > va aV¥b.,5) Ni s1-Ya | nots on both fides > b = Clea)” The ial OSelubisn,. iS... , > ae axtll- vay y+ ¢ Cie He Compl integral. Find Hu Complete caugel Brat Lapy co Given = Pag =Aby =O Ox the ‘trial efolutin is Z sartby+ © eae bea, Vb >O abshitabey Ox» oO => aap 4ab. =0 ar- kab +h™ 20! ® ,/ ‘| © > be tt vetae Jaa + Ine | a ‘ z « Xa £.4N3)! ee cee ee alc aaiia) RB pe aw to Gedy re which id The Yeawived Completi “ntspral . Bias whee inkegeals pene Scanned with CamScanner -_— ype Clanl few: — a= peta sg lba) The. empl, tatggml iS Za amthy fe) ® ‘| Solve Z= Patyy+ Vapi ' he chip dl 1 as guinea Given tebraay aViapage! SO ~! 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Die © “parti, ev be Atyb adieyal bo > DE _ arxaarb <0 om D> nzaeth=o 3 dos + Cath) = y yoarth be sete t . 4 ie a k ay ab cb = m2 s)pes ioe >@ & : ae VS ane) ie, OO -@ = amahy sy a® aah ab” COT cost te j +(ns)” Oh aun Seen 13 ata hay yneaa® E mya > ak, 4 » ete w 2, aaah 2 MeO 7 —=~ 4 34-3430 2 ae i oh Bm aii ytd ck fash gaa ane Bap Jan gob 2 BMH bby yay? aagdan q ee aah _B Cay- m4) , vs my tight | aye ey Bad is Wa Ofer iti) Scanned with CamScanner ‘ale: | hi ter be ‘¢ tray) be a bel Sebutien of fap, o| : Pate meay cL then = Gls) \ da, pl de Oe du! ‘ an io Ga Oe j dae, p dz diag ae, MH ca. ay YF eae yi QR Satshitahag blank bq iO > St, Ede) 20° ThS 5S con ope of Feat orden. - 5 Soha ee a we get “a o = Ota) te da. os "Tha F elution iS givenby DC a) sur wbich is Phe temple” Tatigel cof @, A). The Fag lag Onc Quel integrals Con be Obkatnack by Usual methods. 4 Scanned with CamScanner 1] incl the Complebs ‘ntl (of Be Pra. Golatien: Gen gt PAH ae Mo | fos of Ba! Sowa FLL, PEG =O» Leb te way) be He bral, OElutin 4D pub we may: wl nen: Da. fy. at ay Digg. poatially wb wank y > 2 aon oy, ye Glee at an oe Oke au 28D as piteorfo L )-8% Na bsp oe -t 36 - Pea | ~ ae 2 oo) d. = dg, | du vthes—shalchow al Oye-0-9X @. { sill %y Wake »® Sabetitabryy (@®yloril Oe 4.0.5 ay 2. dz\2 oe - ys gre &) + bra yia in eG fe ae a ot (#5 «\ Fr r [ D> gry. (48y* Eis €) C' Scanned with CamScanner Raving: Ofeynam., Yok bes Sf rar ha Lee > oa . de , v Naar A wu ‘ } > ax . de al 4 re tot, VAN i Tatesrakiny on BS toda Jweted oa ‘ VJs l T= = Cosh (ay 4 C. eee 7 eb SR + - € a4 ; aE cash Cd 40 Dvds Vir wohich ia Oe Comba intggral . |. Find He C1 of SOP AG) ot), / Gtive: 2 Cpreataiy) z-fw, a Scanned with CamScanner de Ah Hide 2 > Seb Ton da oD dz =e = @ P de oz 2 dz! du de, 2 tm D> eae deh Bu yiSEL. 2 lta ay du -2y du ¥ , 12 bah we / y-1V Oe > oy 2 a. be —&:-! aw Sabet ® “8 nO! 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Scanned with CamScanner ig PoP oo ty t 4. nn wrt pe 38 (ae 88 4b. ® od © WO | | > (Pd 46-8) -0 S Pye cougis of te fe FIP @)s© et teakeabyac be te Mil a 4 ® Lo y Dy. Oo porhally wy. bo mand Y 7 = t hy g of: a} > O =>@ p @ + atb=od Saw 10 »6) [b=-a] >8 “Os B= ar coyeie Les g on a alk) )-al5) te Ls a -S ye. n wich we the Corp Lk. inbipel . ae Scanned with CamScanner FT OO Fe FE 2| Solve’ ate hyza 222%. hel ; Sh: fate on f-- 4 Givens (>b) ay ‘y) z:a7 2 is of He fem Hew? m2 2 F(2, xp gio x OB-)e CI) oer. , pb Xs al”? entre “L Qk - mW CDK he Po 2 aK, Now OZ “Sz OK) ou ax 9H > CLR Cor? +p. -P ay { ap 2-P Sth ® ad © uO SEP + CO)2 Sa2® 2 Ts esa! 5 we dod of te fr £2, Pg) 20 Mak ZS (ROY) ba tte Alun LO DM K+AY od 2s fu > dL) On? 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