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Feature Report

A Holistic Approach for

Pump-System Analytics
A step-by-step approach is presented to address the modern requirements of a
pump-system digital solution
Stylianos Giannoulakis search and development efforts to
Sulzer Management Ltd. cover the remaining two steps. Collect all data m the
n recent years, significant devel­ central cloud database
for doud computing

opments have been achieved in Connectivity
the fields of cloud computing and Different connectivity options are
machine learning techniques. In available today, however the pre­
conjunction with increased aware­ ferred solution will exploit existing
Define the state of
ness regarding the benefits of digi­ infrastructure. Typically, most pump every component at
every moment
tal transformation, from both users systems of medium or high criticality
and manufacturers of industrial are equipped with a certain number
equipment, a unique opportunity is of permanent sensors, registering
emerging. This article describes a values of fluid volumetric flow, pres­
Evaluate impact of
comprehensive solution for address­ sures, density, pump status, vibra­ historical operation
ing pump system monitoring, and tions, temperatures and driver en­ Analyze to performance and
predictive and optimization analytics ergy consumption. All sensor values
in a holistic manner. The target of the are stored in a central local database
proposed approach is to leverage all and can be accessed by the opera­
available system data and infrastruc­ tor. The proposed solution extends Simulate operating
ture and to address issues of tradi­ the process by fetching all required conditions and predict
imminent failures
tional monitoring solutions. Typically, values from the local database and
traditional performance monitoring transferring it to a cloud solution (Fig­
and predictive solutions are simply ure 2). This approach leverages ex­
accepting errors of raw sensor data isting infrastructure, does not disrupt
Minimize energy
or modeling assumptions, or both. existing operations and delivers all consumption and
In addition, any reliability alerts are necessary data to a cloud environ­ maximize reliability
based on thresholds of individual ment, which offers global access to
sensors, which are usually triggered multiple users and leverages modern FIGURE 1. Visual representation of a step-by-step
at the time of failure, providing no re­ techniques of cloud computing. approach for pump system analytics
action time to the user. Raw sensor data are averaged for
As shown in Figure 1, five distinct a short pre-defined time interval (typ­ to push the required data, but at the
steps are defined as part of an inte­ ically in the range of a few minutes) same time ensuring that no access
grated solution: 1) connect remote and a selection of monitored param­ is possible through the firewall. Each
industrial equipment to the internet; eters are concentrated into a file, file pushed from the user includes
2) monitor the state of the equipment; which is subsequently pushed to a sensor values as a representation
3) analyze the operating conditions; secure cloud service. The data trans­ of the equipment’s operating con­
4) predict the behavior of individual fer is only one way, enabling the user ditions for a discrete timestamp. All
components and of the complete
system by training customized mod­ Data Customer Queue Workers Cloud Cloud
push firewall services database
els; and 5) optimize a pump system
at the aspects of performance ef­
ficiency, reliability and profitability.
This article presents the background
of the successful deployment of the □n
first three steps to a major pipeline
operator, along with the current re­ FIGURE 2. This diagram shows the automated data flow of asset-sensor values to the cloud infrastruc­
ture for further evaluation


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data files end up at the cloud land­ information is also stored in the same Physical
ing zone, where they are queued for database, which characterizes the process

the first levels of pre-processing. A different components of the physical

selection process takes place ensur­ process. Such model parameters
ing proper sequencing of data ac­ define the nominal expected behav­ historian
s________ _________ 4
cording to their timestamps. Other ior of the equipment.
standardization layers ensure that The first step of the process is to -
Cloud database
data are converted into default units evaluate the collected data for every Raw sensor values Evaluate
of measure and they are structured timestamp. Targeting to minimize model parameters operation
asset topology
to a relational database. The data both the measurement errors and ------- A --------
are structured following the relations the model uncertainties, a data-
and topology of physical equipment. reconciliation method is employed. conditions

More details on the topic of equip­ Such a method leverages conser­

ment topology are provided below. vation equations and component reconcilliation
modeling, to correct both measure­ ■■ --
Analytics architecture ment values and model parameters. Starting Conected
guesses models
This section discusses the overall The adapted values are stored back ■ ■
data flows and analytics algorithms, to the database and they will be the Simulation
providing a better understanding of basis of all downstream calculations.
the targeted architecture, which is After establishing the monitoring Adjust Conditions

shown in Figure 3. calculation, the user can assess the conditions evaluation

I_______ £
Following the standardization path impact of the validated operating
of the previous section, for every conditions of the asset along with the Optimization

new timestamp, raw sensor values deviation of corrected model param­

are stored in the cloud database. eters by comparison to the nominal FIGURE 3. Shown here Is an overview ot data

Apart from operational data, static ones. The latter can provide insights flows and analytics algorithms

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776 1158
 81185711 1
012212323 45675895

on degradation patterns over time. simulations, to identify the optimal

Corrected model parameters of operating conditions satisfying the Inlet ^ Outlet

recent operation are used to simu­ user's requirements for overall sys­
late the performance of the pump tem performance.
4> ‘

system. Instead of relying on theo­ Downstream calculations are also

retical values, the system perfor­ leveraging the monitoring results.
mance is estimated based on the Deviations from the pump's best ef­ Inlet

latest measurements. Last but not ficiency point (BEP) provide insights
least, an optimization engine triggers to both performance losses and ac-
FIGURE 4. This diagram shows a pump/electrical-
driver system with measurements tor volumetric
flow (0), pressure (Pi, suction, discharge, rotational
speed (/V) and electrical current (/)

r cumulated impact on the pump’s

REDUCE reliability. Finally, machine learning

algorithms are employed to identify
abnormalities in pump operation and
YOUR to notify the user in case of an im­
minent failure.
CARBON From monitoring to analytics
Following a digital-twin monitoring
FOOTPRINT. approach, a physical representa­
tion of the system (in addition to the
sensor data) is required. Input shall
With green hydrogen be provided concerning the system
generated on-demand topology, along with technical char­
acteristics of the individual assets
Nel Hydrogen is leading the global (that is. pumps, drivers, couplings,
decarbonization revolution and can help reduce pipes, valves, sensors and so on).
your carbon footprint, increase plant safety, streamline The combination of operational data
operations and increase your bottom line. and system characteristics offers the
basis for pump-system monitoring.
Alkaline and Proton® PEM electrolysers In a traditional monitoring system,
Safe, clean and cost effective every component is evaluated based
Consistent purity and pressure on nearby sensor measurements
Eliminate hydrogen delivery and storage and the overall performance of the
Scale to match any application system by using a subset of the
local sensors. In the proposed ap­
proach, local raw measurements are
combined with equipment topology
and modeling. This strategy enriches
the available sensor data, imposing
physical and numerical constraints to
the solution.
In detail, a steady-state network
flow approach is followed to con­
struct the analyzed pumping system.
System equipment (pump, pipe,
Visit us on-line or call for a consult valve, electrical driver and so on) are

nel with one of our sales engineers today!

represented as system nodes and
pre defined physical equations de­
scribe their behavior. The combina­
tion of these nodes can represent
complex pumping configurations.
During the digital-twin configuration,
node combinations define the asset
For details visit topology. Furthermore, a number of
model parameters need to be speci-


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Variable Unit Raw Adapted Confidence

0, m3/s 0.120 0.121 0.83% 95%

Pi kPa 100 100 -0.04% 95%

h A 117.0 116.1 -0.77% 95%

1 rpm 3.580 3.580 0.00% 95%

£ L,
P4 kPa 2,600 2,626 1.00% 95%

A Efficiency ’ - 1.0 0.824 -17.60% 80%

A Head1 - 1.0 0.945 -5.50% 80%

1 (superscript) model parameters correcting the nominal pump performance (efficiency and head coefficient)

tied to describe the nominal perfor­ Where, y and z are the raw mea­
mance of the specific equipment. sured and non-measured param­
All required topology and model eters, v and i are the adapted
parameters are stored in a central parameters respectively, A is the in­
cloud database to be accessible by cident and V the variance matrices.
the analytics algorithms. A simplified example is shown
Both process data and equipment in Figure 4, where a number of
modeling suffer from some degree measurements are available for
of error, either random or system­ a pump/electrical driver system.
atic. A data-reconciliation method One can also take into account the 05$ 0
is applied, inspired by applications physical modeling equations that
in chemical and power plants [7]. describe the expected behavior
Such methods are able to evaluate of the system. In such a case, an
non-linear models of equipment. overdetermined system is derived,
They rely on data redundancies (that where measurements will not fit
is, sensor values, equipment topol­ the nominal expected behavior of
ogy and physical equations), to op­ the components. A data-reconcili- VERTICAL DRYERS
timally adjust measured quantities ation method is applied and Table
and model parameters by respect­ 1 illustrates the corresponding re­ FOR SOLIDS
ing problem constraints and con­ sults. It is noted that depending on
servation equations. This method the amount of confidence given to FROM PASTY TO FREE FLOWING
derives the most probable operating measurements and model param­
conditions of both the complete sys­ eters, the adaptation results can
tem and of individual components vary. In this example, higher confi­ ■ MINIMUM POWER INPUT
(pumps, motors, pipes, valves and dence is given to measured values
so on). This global approach reduces and lower to model parameters, ■ GENTLE VERTICAL MIXING
the level of uncertainty for
every evaluated timestamp 150
and derives customized DISTRIBUTION
component characteristics 425

according to the latest sta­ ■ OPTIMIZED FOR MAXIMUM

tus of the equipment. Any DISCHARGE DURING EMPTYING
general data reconcilia­
tion procedure must solve
the following constrained ■b 350

least-squares problem; ze§:

that is, to minimize Equa­ 325

tion (1) subject to the con­ Nominal Curve https:f/www.ekato.comfenjekatogroup|

straint of Equation (2): 300 Best Efficiency Point (BEP)
Preferred Operating Region iPOR) workshops and seminarsl
Allowable Operating Region (AOR>
275 Limited Operating Region (LORI
Minimize: Restricted Operating Region (ROR)
Sensor Data
J(>\t) = <y-y)rV-l(y-y)

(1) 0 00 0-02 0.04 0 06 0 08 0.10 Your fast lane to production:

Flow, m3/s Phone: 1 201 825 4684 Ext.: 205
Subject to; FIGURE 5. This graph shows the comparison between
Ay y + A.J = 0 (2) sensor data and the nominal curve and recommended
operating regions
For detail! visit M*linfc!.che««Tv7 6*64-1*


776 1158
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Inlet Outlet
Variable Unit Nominal Degradation Type
R > -----------
0, m3/s 0.120 0.120 Condition
O, = 0.12 m3/s
P, = 100 kPa « W, = 3.5B0 rpm kPa 100 100 Condition

% A 100.18 114.94 Result

n driver »3 rpm 3,580 3,580 Condition

kW 383.2 439.7 Result

FIGURE 6. This diagram shows a pump/electrlcal-
04 m3/s 0.120 0.120 Result
driver system with volumetric flow (0), suction
pressure (Pi and rotational speed (A/) as system 2.789 2,642 Result
P< kPa
boundary conditions

which corresponds to higher adap­ and this offers greater confidence aging effects of part load recirculation
tations for the model parameters. on the collected data set for analy­ [2). The impact of historical operation
Moreover, the sensor data of the sis. The analysis step will provide a can be analyzed, providing insights
evaluated timestamp, indicate that clear picture of the current and his­ on operational improvements.
the pump performance is deviat­ torical operation of every pump and
ing (18% for efficiency and 5% for the rest of the equipment. For every Performance and reliability
head) from the nominal expected component, the validated operating Greater financial value for the user
behavior. Increasing deviation over conditions can be compared to the can be achieved when predictions
time can be an indication of perfor­ nominal and preferred operation. Ei­ are made concerning the future
mance degradation. ther by using API or a vendor's rec­ equipment operation. Perfor­
Additional constraints can be ommended zones, pump operation mance predictions can offer sig­
added to the system, by increas­ will be evaluated. A visual compari­ nificant insights about the system
ing the number of available sensors son between real operating data and capabilities. The user is able to
and the complexity of the pump­ recommended operating regions is test different operational scenarios
ing system. This leads to a prob­ shown in Figure 5. and assess their impact. This can
lem closer to the scale of modern Conclusions can be drawn con­ improve the scheduling of future
pumping systems and data recon­ cerning the equipment’s perfor­ operation and match demand with
ciliation is proven an appropriate mance and reliability status. Not only supply requirements more accu­
method for reducing measurement performance, but also the pump’s rately. The proposed solution of­
and model uncertainties. reliability are influenced by deviating fers performance predictions for
Every timestamp is evaluated fol­ from best efficiency point (BEP) flow- pump systems by leveraging the
lowing the above methodology, rate, for example through the dam- derived customized equipment
characteristics, as described in the
Start of operation alter maior , > Fwst clear model indication Stop of operation previous paragraph. In combina­
maintenance action of anomalous operation after failure
tion with the system topology and
Time 1
specified boundary conditions,
the user shall trigger simulations
Z to derive the operating conditions
Tram model with Predict failure
Period m advance of failure of individual components and of
marked by model as
healthy data using trained model
anomalous the complete system. The simula­
tion process involves the complete
pump system calculation and the
Train healthy model from
Identify abnormalities
final solution shall fulfill all physical
operation data
04/03/17 00:00 modeling equations.
2,200 2,200
As in the previous section, a simu­
--------- v.
2.100 2.100 lation example of a simplified pump/
2.000 X 2.000 X* \
electrical driver system is shown
31.900 V 3 1.900 %\ in Figure 6 and the correspond­
M * •\
3 1,800 \
ing results in Table 2. Comparison
results are provided by both using
\ x 1,700 \

the nominal pump-performance



1,500 \t characteristics and by applying the

degradation factors, as calculated
700 800 900 IjOOO 1.100 1.200 1.300 700 600 900 1.000 1.100 1.2001,300 11/02717 00:00 in the previous section. As expected
Corrected ttOw. m^/h Corrected flow, nAlti
in comparison to nominal behavior,
FIGURE 7. The sequence at the top shown how an unsupervised machine-learning anomaly-detection
the pump discharge pressure is de­
algorithm works over time. The benchmark model is trained from healthy data (graph, lower left), which
can then be used to identify operational abnormalities (graph, lower right) creased, whereas the power con-


776 1158
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Pipeline model
adaptation sumption is
E/kWh increased.
modeling of
every compo­
nent is similarly
used as in the
data recon­
ciliation step.
The model­
Pump model
♦ adaptation ing equations
describe con­
servation laws
FIGURE 8. Shown here Is a multiple-target optimiza­
tion problem of a pump system. Underlying perfor­
mance models are adapted to represent latest equip­
and the equip­
ment's per­ &
ment behavior
formance. In
comparison to
data reconciliation, where an overdetermined system is
resolved, in simulation, the number of unknowns matches
exactly the available equations. This requirement dictates
the necessary number of parameters that need to be
specified in advance as system boundary conditions (in
this example, it is equal to three). An approach for solving
nonlinear equations is employed [3], by iteratively solving
a system of linear equations:
The powder makes
Solve per iteration:
A. ■ dz = -F (3) the difference
Apply corrections: To make superior powders, look
i = z.+ dz (4)
for a GEA drying system.
Where, z are the original unknown parameters and z
are the calculated parameters by applying the respec­
GEA specializes in industrial drying
tive corrections 8c, Az is the Jacobian and F the re­
systems designed to match your exact
sidual matrices.
product and plant specifications.
Following the proposed methodology, complex
pump systems can be simulated. Where the perfor­ Our comprehensive product range

mance characteristics of each component shall be includes spray dryers, fluid bed

adapted in advance, according to recent sensor val­ systems, Hash and ring dryers, rotary

ues and data reconciliation results. This approach dryers and spray drying absorption

offers a great number of what-if scenarios for evalu­ plants. In house test facilities and
ating the current performance of the pump system. customer-oriented service concepts
The operator shall test the operating requirements guarantee a seamless support for
by performing system simulations, reflecting the dif­ instant productivity and performance.
ferent operating scenarios available. Due to the na­
ture of the approach, boundary parameters can be For contact details:

specified according to the desired operating condi­

tions. In case the throughput is of major interest, the
volumetric flow is provided as a boundary condition ■V

and the system should resolve the other parameters.

Similarly, if discharge head or pump operation close
to BEP are of interest, these are defined as boundary
Concerning reliability predictions, the target of the engineering for
proposed approach alerts the user with sufficient no­
tice, in order to prevent an imminent failure. A clear G£A 9 better worW

benefit is gained through applying corrective mea­

sures before the failure even occurs. It can reduce
For details visit


T.--. --

776 1158
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“ results
does not rely on individual sensors boundary conditions and trigger
threshold values. Instead, multiple simulations of the pump system
--- Pareto front
sensors are combined together, digital twin. The optimizer shall
pump key performance indicators evaluate the simulation results and
are evaluated and compared to their classify them according to the pre­
Distance from BEP, %

expected value. In several cases, defined target or targets. Several

this approach can provide an indi­ simulation optimization methods
cation of the developing issue much are available in the literature (for
earlier than the traditional threshold­ instance, gradient-based search,
monitoring approach. The latter heuristic methods and so on), a

usually triggers an alert only sec­ critical review of available methods

onds before the actual failure. is presented in Ref. 6.
Distance tram throughput target. %
An example of the expected op­
FIGURE 9. Shown here is a pareto front between Optimization capabilities timization results is shown in Figure
two competing targets of a pipeline system By establishing performance and 9. In case of two competing targets
reliability predictions, the next tar­ (that is, maximum system through­
get of this solution is to offer opti­ put and pump operation at BEP), a
the number of catastrophic failures, mization capabilities to the user. An number of optimal solutions formu­
which have a significant impact on optimizer shall trigger simulations late a pareto front. The algorithm of­
repair costs and downtimes. To of the pump system and based fers a number of viable solutions to
achieve this reliability goal, machine­ on an optimization strategy and the operator to choose from. ■
learning techniques are employed. boundary conditions, the opera­ Edited by Gerald Ondrey
More precisely, a combination of tion can be optimized for single or
unsupervised anomaly detection multiple targets. The pump system Note
with pump-physics-driven modeling performance can be optimized, by This article was first presented at the
is selected. While the specificity of ensuring the minimum energy is VDMA’s 4th International Rotating
anomaly detection techniques can consumed for given load require­ Equipment Conference, Wiesbaden,
be inadequate, the problem space ments. Another target can be the Germany, September 24-25, 2019.
may be reduced considerably by operation shift close to preferred
imposing constraints on variables, conditions, achieving also maxi­ References
especially by modeling the correla­ mization of the reliability index. t Romagnt*. j A and Sandie M C. 'Data Piocessng and Rec
cnckafon lor Chemical Process Operations' Academe Press
tions between components [ 4 ] , Furthermore, the use of drag-re­ CaHomo, 2000

The target is to determine if a ducing agents can be optimized, 2. Guteh. JF. 'Centntjgal Pumps' 2nd ed. Sponge* Heidelberg.
Germany. 2010.
pump is operating according to by ensuring at the same time that
3. larock, BE . Jeppson. R W. and Waters GZ, 'Hydraics d
normal operation standards or ab­ the pump system will operate at Pipe*ne Systems' CRC Press Ftenda. 1999

normality evidence is indicating an the desired conditions. It is appar­ 4. Snendsen, N„ WtWwsetr, S, Using ftiysica! Models tot Anomaly
Detection In Control Systems rr Palmer. G. Sbenoi, S. Critical
imminent failure. For that reason, ent that all discussed optimization nlraskucture Protection n HP Adiances n Womnation and

the training data are used to learn a strategies also have a positive im­ Commincabon TedmolOQy, »ol 311 Springer, Berfn. Hedel-
model of the normal behavior. When pact on the financial targets of the 5. Pmentel MAE Ctfwi DA. CHIon. L and Tarassento. L, A
doing inference, new data are com­ system operation. Review ol Novedy Detecaon. Signal Processing, vol 99. pp
pared to the expectation and then An optimization example is 6. Carson. Y and Mara. A. SrrUation Optrv/aton Methods and
classified. A review of common such shown in Figure 8, where compet­ Appkallons Proceertngs ot He 1997 Weller Simutatai Con
lerenoe, Atlanta. Ga, t. pp. 118-126,1998.
methods can be found in Ref. 5. As ing targets are illustrated. A typi­
seen in Figure 7, after every major cal target of a pipeline operator is
maintenance action of the pump, throughput maximization. In addi­ Author
a model representing the healthy tion, any reduction in operational Stylianos Giannoulakis is a data
scientist and machine diagnostics
asset is trained, which is used as costs (that is, electricity or fuel
engineer in the Global Technology
the benchmark model for any future consumption) is of great inter­ division of Sulzer Pumps Equip­

operation. Such models shall rep­ est. Last but not least, ideally all ment (Neuwiesenstrasse 15,
8401 Winterthur, Switzerland:
resent the pump healthy operation pumps shall operate as close as
Email: stylianos.giannoulakis®
at the full range of operating con­ possible to their BEP, to ensure He received a Di­
ditions. For every new timestamp performance and reliability ben­ ploma in Mechanical Engineering
from National Technical University
available, the pump conditions are efits. Based on the established of Athens (NTUA) and an M.Sc. in Energy Science and
compared to the healthy benchmark data reconciliation method, physi­ Technology from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
model and every deviation and ab­ cal pump and pipeline models are (ETH Zurich). He leads data analytics, machine learning
and software development prototyping for pumps
normality is a potential indication of adapted to represent the current equipment. He supervises the complete lifecycle of
a developing issue. equipment behavior. data analytics activities, from research/prototyping to

The key point of the proposed In the proposed approach, an operationalizing new product developments as cus­
tomer products offerings.
solution is that such a method optimization method shall set the


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