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1. Name the gases present in earth’s atmosphere.

a. Nitrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Carbon dioxide
d. All of above

2. The imaginary boundary where the space begins is called____.

a. Ozone layer
b. Karman line
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these

3. Name the missiles developed by DRDO?

a. Agni-1
b. Prithvi-1
c. Dhanush
d. All of above

4. Aparna wants to know which of the following a Cruise Missile is.

a. K-4
b. K-5
c. Nirbhay
d. None of these

5. A satellite in earth’s orbit at a height of 35780 km takes about 24 hours to complete one revolution and the orbit is
called ___.
a. LEO
b. GEO
c. MEO
d. HEO

6. Ram comes to know that there are three types of earth orbits : LEO, MEO and HEO. What is the full form of MEO?
a. Minimum Earth Orbit
b. Maximum Earth Orbit
c. Medium Earth Orbit
d. None of these

7. ____ is a special type of LEO oriented in north-south direction. It is used for remote sensing satellites.
a. Polar orbit
b. Geostationary orbit
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these

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8. Raju tells Seeta that Akash is a Surface-to-Air Missile and its range is____.
a. 100km
b. 70km
c. 30km
d. 110km

9. Name the supersonic cruise missile developed by India in collaboration with Russia?
a. Brah Mos
b. Shaurya
c. Nirbhay
d. Prahaar

10. ______ is a guided missile that remains in earth’s atmosphere throughout flight.
a. Cruise missile
b. Ballistic missile
c. None of these
d. Both (a) and (b)

11. QRSAM is a ___ range surface-to-air missile.

a. Medium
b. Short
c. Long
d. None of these

12. ____ is an example of Anti-Tank Missile.

a. Nag
b. Nirbhay
c. K-4
d. None of these

13. We know that satellites are of two types- Natural and Man made. Which of the following is a man made satellite?
d. All of above

14. Spy satellites are placed in a ____ at an altitude of 300-1200 km.

a. LEO
b. MEO
c. HEO
d. None of these

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15. During flight ____ missile goes up very high ,enter space and re-enter the atmosphere before hitting the target.
a. Ballistic
b. Cruise
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these

16. Which mission was conceived to safeguard our space assets, specially our satellite?
a. Mission Mangal
b. Mission Chanderyaan
c. Mission Shakti
d. Mission Vikram

17. How many types of anti-satellite weapons are there?

a. Two
b. Four
c. One
d. Three

18. Match the column ‘A’ and ‘B’

i) Soft kill a) Missile
ii) Hard kill b) Energy weapons
c) Rocket
a. Soft kill - Energy weapons, Hard kill - Missile
b. Soft kill - Rocket, Hard kill - Missile
c. Hard kill - Energy weapons, Soft kill - Rocket
d. None of these
19. What is the full form of MCC?
a. Mission centre control
b. Mission cable control
c. Mission control centre
d. Mission calling centre

20. When was the ASAT missile launched by DRDO ?

a. 24 Jan 2017
b. 16 Jan 2018
c. 24 Jan 2019
d. 26 Jan 2019

21. Why it was difficult task to make the ASAT missile hit the satellite?
a. Because satellite in orbit moves very slow
b. Because satellite in orbit does not move
c. Because satellite in orbit moves very fast
d. All

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22. At which condition ASAT missile hit the satellite?
a. When path of two intersected
b. When path of two did not intersect
c. When path of two were parallel
d. None of these

23. How many stages did of interceptor ASAT missile have?

a. Two
b. Three
c. One
d. Four

24. What is the function of radar in ASAT system?

a. Radar detects the satellite
b. Radar breaks the satellite
c. Radar blasts the satellite
d. All of the above

25. Write the name of the top portion of ASAT missile which can steer itself and collide with satellite.
a. Kill vehicle
b. Missile
c. Shooter
d. None of the above

26. Our eyes sense the visible light whereas imaging Infra-Red seeker senses the ________ emitted by satellite.
a. UV rays
b. Sun rays
c. Infra-Red
d. None of the above

27. How is IIR seeker helpful for on board computer OBC?

a. By tracking the satellite and passing the information
b. By tracking the satellite
c. By passing the information
d. None of the above

28. In what time limit does OBC command to DACS for moving the kill vehicle into desired direction?
a. 1/100th second
b. 1/10th second
c. 1/1000th second
d. None of the above

29. When was DRDO successfull in testing ASAT missile?

a. 27 March 2019
b. 4 May 2018
c. 10 August 2019
d. 12 January 2018

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30. Is ASAT missile a space based weapon in mission Shakti?
a. Yes
b. No
c. May or May not be
d. None of the above

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