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About the Author

My name is Ashal Lama. I am just a normal human being as you are. However, it seems that I am the
only one writing on this subject matter. Therefore, it is natural for most people though it is not
natural, to ask or question about my eligibility or why should the reader believe in me, Ashal Lama?
If that is in your head, then the answer for me is easy: Do not believe in me. Everything you have
ever done in your life is to believe instead of experiencing and you have known the result pretty
much. I believe that person and he sabotage me, etc. There are a lot of stories like this where you
believe something in your head and expect from others about it. Have your ever even thought that
you do this? If you have even thought about it, you would have the possibility of knowing the
solution to the problems and you would not be telling me about why should I believe you in the first
place. So, before making any assumptions and belief in your head I will mention later on what this
book talks about. Coming to the subject matter on why should you believe me, I should provide you
some context on why does the why occurs in your mind. We human are trained in such a way that
we love to validate and verify things and clarify the doubts and confusion which you yourself has
created in your head. Things are out there and you still ask why, for example: if there is sun out
there, we still ask why there is sun even though the question of why is not relevant here. It is simply
out there because it is. If that is the case, we can ask infinite number of why and you will get
nothing and no any answer about it because the answer is already out there. Nature is not about
why, it is about experiencing and experiencing here strictly means observing the things which exists
naturally out there which needs no any explanation and why question. Therefore, the questions of
why is irrelevant when you are experiencing things directly in the first place. Without the context,
the why become irrelevant. For example: the same words why this suffering can have exactly
different meaning depending on the context. When Buddha ask about why this suffering, he means
that he was not suffering until now but when you are asking why this suffering, you are implying that
you have had enough with this suffering which means that you have suffered your entire life. If you
are suffering your entire life, then why is irrelevant here because you are suffering since child and
why is only relevant when sudden changes happened but, in your case, it has been always suffering.
So, the same question of why has only meaning with context provided to it only when sudden
changes are happening in your life. Up until now you were very happy but suddenly you are getting
physical pain then why is relevant in your question else there is no any relevancy of why in your
question and there is no any answer for it because you are just explaining your observation and
observation need no any why, it is out there because it is. So, I am a normal human being but I do
not validate things from other people and that is how I maintain my stability in life. The only thing
that validate me is the values that is out there, for example: Diamond has values. Even though
people will try to disvalue it since the diamond is in my hand, It will not bother me even 1 % because
it is so simple they are just jealous which is a choice he has made instead of acknowledging me,
there is no any doubt and confusion whether the value of diamond will decrease or not even though
they try to disvalue it. There are a lot of person in fact all of us are like this naturally. I cannot
provide you any kind of certificate which validate you in the first place that I am the person you can
believe in and this book is not about validating you nor provide you with any kind of solace which a
bunch of people facing the same problems and are not finding the solution does. I am strictly here
out providing you the necessary experience, not even conclusion because if I provide you the
conclusion you will be a part of me. Since, everybody is unique and to be unique you just have to
experience without listening to others conclusion. That is how you develop your personality in the
first place by not listening to conclusion and only experiencing the experience. So, as an author of
this book, I am more than privileged to provide you the experience to develop your own personality
so that you can also develop your own religion which creates such person who can make his own

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