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The Blue Print in Action

Our Code of Conduct

Chairman's Message
The Blue Print in Action – Our Code of
Conduct is designed to help you make By following the Blue Print
the right choices and decisions when
conducting business in the oil and gas
in Action we will protect
industry, and to assist you in upholding
the integrity upon which our reputation
and reinforce our identity
is founded. It explains how our actions for the future.
reflect on the company and how
the company is therefore the sum of
our actions.
This document helps to reinforce the
understanding of The Blue Print –
Our Identity, which outlines our
purpose, our ambitions, our values and Paal Kibsgaard
the mindset that we need to succeed. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Schlumberger Limited
Our Code of Conduct details the legal
obligations and regulatory requirements
with which all Schlumberger employees
must comply, and for which we are
all accountable.
Even so, no document can possibly
provide the answers to every dilemma
that we may face in our work at
Schlumberger. If you are still unsure
about what is expected in a particular
situation, you must ask for help.
Above all, if you believe that a violation
of Our Code of Conduct has occurred,
you must raise your concern using the
channels available. Schlumberger will
not tolerate retaliation against anyone
who raises a concern in good faith.

The Blue Print in Action
Our Code of Conduct

Our History, Our My Actions Reflect Our Company Is the

Culture and Values 05 Mindset 07 On the Company 09 Sum of Our Actions 21
Our Mindset Guides Fair and Open Business Maintaining Confidentiality The Blue Print in Action
My Actions Practices Represent Who And Information Security applies to everyone
We Are Protects Our Future at Schlumberger
Commitment to Health,
and, together with
Safety and Protection of the Competing Fairly and Protecting Our Intellectual
Environment is the Platform Ethically Builds Trust other Schlumberger
Property Promotes
For Our Success Technological Innovation requirements, should
Our Relationships with help answer most
Commitment to Quality Others Demonstrate Respect Respecting Copyrights, business ethics
Delivers Excellence Software Licenses and questions. If you are
Our Community Relationships Trademarks Benefits Us All still not sure what to
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest Build on Our Mindset
Shows Commitment do, ask for help.
Managing Business Records
Respecting Immigration Ensures Transparency
Transparent Stock Laws Enables Our Global All employees should
Transactions Support Footprint Rigorous Accounting speak openly and ask
Integrity And Financial Reporting questions about the
Trade Control Compliance Standards Instill Confidence Blue Print in Action or
Good Judgment about Safeguards Our Business any other Schlumberger
Business Entertainment requirements without
Builds Positive Relationships Data Privacy and Protection
Preserves Information fear of retaliation.

Representing Schlumberger
Is a Privilege

Information Technology
Enables Superior Results

03 04
Our History and Culture Our Values
In the Beginning each acquired company has brought As Schlumberger employees, we pride ourselves
its own history, values and principles. on upholding our three long-established values,
Schlumberger was founded at
Our openness to change has provided which will guide the decisions we make as we
the crossroads of innovation and
the framework for the integration pursue our ambitions:
technology. In the early 1900s, Conrad
of these companies and enabled us
and Marcel Schlumberger built the
to strengthen many key Schlumberger
company upon the first method to
simultaneously detect metal ores
underneath the earth’s surface and
Global Commitment to R&D
reveal features about the subsurface
structure. This original innovation Over the course of the last century, People
allowed the brothers to grow we refined our technologies to
Schlumberger into the world’s first help our customers improve their
Our people thrive on the challenge to excel in any
well logging company. industry performance. Our unrivaled environment and their dedication to safety and
commitment to R&D gives us the
The company quickly developed
resources and expertise required to
customer service worldwide is our greatest strength.
international roots and a worldwide
meet the challenges now facing the oil
presence, becoming the leading
provider of subsurface surveys.
and gas industry. Technology
Today Schlumberger is the world’s
largest oilfield services provider,
Building on Core Strengths Our commitment to technology and quality is
with employees representing over Today Schlumberger is a global oilfield the basis for our competitive advantage.
140 nationalities. technology, project management and
information solutions company. We are
Growth through Technology committed to providing services and Profit
products that enhance our customers’
The company is faithful to its legacy of
performance. Our value lies in our global Our determination to produce superior profits
technological innovation. After initially
leading the industry with its subsurface
culture, our deep understanding of is the cornerstone for our future independence
customer processes, and our extensive
survey methods, we now offer a broad
experience in developing and deploying of action and growth.
portfolio of leading technologies to
innovative technology solutions.
meet the needs of our customers in
the oil and gas industry—ranging from Knowledge, technological innovation
well testing and directional drilling to and a truly global workforce remain the
software and information management. symbols of Schlumberger today.
Schlumberger has grown both
organically and through outside
acquisitions. Along with new
technologies and opportunities,

05 06
Our Mindset
Our Mindset summarizes the behavior expected
of every Schlumberger team member, including
attitude, words and actions, as we interact with
each other and with our external stakeholders.

Understand and support Recognize the boundaries

the direction ahead. and have the courage to act
Make a difference. honestly and responsibly.
▪ Service focus Do the right thing.
▪ Continuous improvement
▪ Self-development Commitment Integrity ▪ Decision-making
▪ Responsibility

Take action and have a positive Trust others to do their part

impact on performance.
Achieve excellence.
Drive Teamwork and work together toward
common goals. Help the
▪ Creativity team succeed.
▪ Initiative ▪ Collaboration
▪ Adaptability ▪ Communication
▪ Results focus ▪ Coaching and mentoring
▪ Diversity

07 08
My Actions Reflect
On the Company

Commitment Integrity

Drive Teamwork

Our Mindset Guides My Actions
In Brief If you are in a leadership position, or another relevant function, or assets. Similarly, Schlumberger
you must demonstrate integrity by contact the Schlumberger Limited employees, officers and directors may
▪ I take it upon myself to know
living the Blue Print in Action, and director of compliance. In addition, not purchase stock in companies that
and obey the laws where the
by communicating it to your team you can raise your concern by using are customers of Schlumberger, other
company operates.
members to ensure that they do, too. the QUEST Event Report feature or than as part of a mutual fund.
▪ I do not engage in actions unless the EthicsLine, which provides two
I am sure they are ethical and legal. Commitment to Accountability methods of reporting, via telephone Dealing with Suppliers
▪ I ask questions and raise concerns If we intentionally or unintentionally (888-884-8849) or online
Schlumberger has zero tolerance for
when issues arise and I report violate the rules, we could be subject (
corruption of any kind, and we expect
internally any actual or potential to disciplinary action. We could also For calls outside North America, it may
the same from our contractors and
violation, without fear of retaliation. face personal financial or criminal be necessary to first dial a country
suppliers. We work with our suppliers
liability if we violate applicable laws. access number that can also be found
▪ I am committed to our customers, in a socially responsible and ethical
Schlumberger has adopted progressive at the above link.
treating them in a consistent and manner and continuously seek to
transparent way, and avoiding accountability guidelines as a fair and Any employee who fails to report improve the way we conduct business.
purchase of customer stock, except consistent system for assessing the or provide further information about All suppliers, contractors and agents
through mutual funds. actions of individuals who violate a violation will be subject to must be approved and managed in
the rules. disciplinary action. accordance with the Blue Print in
Any waiver or exception to the rules Action and internal requirements.
Demonstrating Integrity
of the Blue Print in Action must be No Retaliation
Acting ethically involves more than Dealing with International Differences
approved according to Schlumberger Schlumberger prohibits retaliation
simply ensuring compliance with laws
requirements. If no standard applies, for good faith reporting of a potential Schlumberger employees deliver
and regulations. It involves recognition
the Schlumberger Limited director of or actual violation of the Blue Print in high-quality technology and services
that our decisions affect others.
compliance must approve the waiver Action, our internal requirements worldwide, and we are subject to
By keeping this in mind, we earn the
or exception. The board of directors or applicable laws. However, any the laws and customs of different
respect, trust and confidence of our
of Schlumberger Limited must approve employee who intentionally reports countries. Sometimes these laws
customers, colleagues, shareholders
any waiver or exception for executive false information will be subject to vary from place to place and could
and others affected by our operations.
officers or directors. disciplinary action. even conflict. We are responsible
By doing things right the first time, for knowing and following the laws
every time, we enhance our reputation Reporting a Concern or Violation Commitment to Customers and regulations that apply where we
for integrity with these stakeholders. work. When local laws or common
If you know of or suspect a violation Schlumberger is committed to
Individually, we are all responsible for of the Blue Print in Action or applicable practices are not as strict, the Blue
delivering excellence to our customers
adhering to the Blue Print in Action and laws, you must report it internally. Print in Action and other Schlumberger
in everything we do. We treat all
to the internal requirements governing requirements still apply.
Your first point of contact should be our customers in a consistent and
our work. transparent way. As an example of this
your direct or functional manager.
If this is not practical, you may contact commitment, Schlumberger does not
a manager in Personnel, Legal, Finance hold equity stakes in our customers’

11 18
Commitment to Health, Safety and Commitment to
Protection of the Environment is Quality Delivers
The Platform for Our Success Excellence
In Brief An Unwavering Commitment to HSE Driving is the riskiest activity at In Brief
Schlumberger. All employees whose
▪ I do not perform a job without Our company is determined to ▪ I aim to do the right thing
jobs involve driving must comply with
proper training and personal safeguard people’s health and security, the first time, every time.
journey management and specific safe-
protective equipment or while operate the business safely and protect
driving requirements. Schlumberger ▪ I strive to exceed customer
impaired by alcohol, drugs or the environment.
mandates that all vehicle occupants expectations.
controlled substances.
wear seatbelts. Driving under the ▪ I respond to customer requests in
Working Safely
▪ I stop any job at any time if I influence of drugs or alcohol is not a timely and appropriate manner.
believe conditions are unsafe. A safe and productive work environment permitted. Use of mobile phones or
is one that is free from the harmful electronic devices while driving is ▪ I pursue every opportunity for
▪ I always wear seat belts and continuous improvement.
effects of alcohol, controlled not permitted—even if the device is
I do not use mobile phones or
substances and legal or illegal drugs. hands-free. The driver must bring the
electronic devices while driving.
We are prohibited from entering vehicle to a complete stop before The long-term business success of
▪ I minimize our environmental Schlumberger facilities, conducting using any such device. Schlumberger depends on continuous
impact by preventing pollution company business and driving or improvement in the quality of our
and minimizing waste. operating equipment while impaired Protecting the Environment products and the delivery of services
by alcohol, drugs or controlled to our customers. Quality means that
Schlumberger is committed to
substances or while in possession of every employee commits to doing the
Q these substances illegally or without
minimizing its impact on the
job right the first time, every time.
environment. We do this by preventing
What are my options if authorization. We demonstrate our commitment
pollution, reducing emissions,
I feel my working conditions to quality by meeting or exceeding
We must be proactive about our safety consuming fewer natural resources
are unsafe? customer expectations and by avoiding
and that of our team members. Wear all and minimizing waste.
personal protective equipment required nonconformities in our daily activities.
A by the job at hand. Do not perform a To help make continuous quality
You may stop any job job without proper training. Stop any improvements, we should participate
immediately if you feel job at any time if conditions are unsafe in any audits and periodic assessments
conditions are unsafe. and immediately report any unsafe the company requires. We can also
You should also immediately conduct to a supervisor. help to improve quality by addressing
report any unsafe conduct customer feedback in a timely and
to a supervisor. appropriate manner.

13 18
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
Shows Commitment
In Brief ▪ 
I f an employee serves as a director,
officer, agent or consultant of
▪ I do not hold financial stakes in
a company that competes with
companies that do business with
▪ I f the company grants a personal
▪ I put Schlumberger business
loan to an employee
interests first, and do not accept
any improper personal benefit Employees must put Schlumberger
as a result of my position. business interests first, disclose all
conflicts and avoid situations that
▪ I do not use company resources,
create the appearance of a conflict
funds or equipment for personal gain.
of interest. Advance written approval
▪ I disclose all potential conflicts of from the appropriate Area or Segment
interest to my manager. controller is required before an
employee can continue working
A conflict of interest is a conflict while a conflict of interest exists.
between our personal interests and
the interests of Schlumberger or
a customer. A conflict may arise if Q
we have personal, social, financial, My wife works for a
political or other interests that could Schlumberger supplier.
interfere with our responsibilities as Can I recommend her
Schlumberger employees. For example: company’s bid over two
others we are considering?
▪ I f a family member works in an
organization that competes
with Schlumberger A
No. A relationship conflict of
I f we have an active interest in an
interest such as this must be
organization that does business
disclosed to your supervisor
with Schlumberger, including
and you must recuse yourself
customers or suppliers
from the decision-making

Transparent Stock Transactions
Support Integrity
In Brief If we have such information, we
must keep it confidential and we may
▪ I ensure that all non-public
not buy or sell Schlumberger Limited
information to which I have
stock or publicly traded options
access through my work
of Schlumberger stock until the
remains confidential.
information becomes public.
▪ I do not buy or sell stocks or
It can also be illegal to provide non-
securities of Schlumberger or
public information to someone else
other companies based on non-
for them to buy or sell stock or other
public or insider knowledge.
securities, even if we ourselves do
▪ I do not provide insider information not gain financially.
to others, either inside or outside
This prohibition also applies to buying
the company, for them to buy or
and selling the stock or options of other
sell stock or securities.
companies with which Schlumberger
▪ I avoid even the appearance of using does business.
insider information improperly.

In the course of our work, we may

have access to non-public or insider
information that relates to Schlumberger
or its financial position. Examples
include knowledge of unannounced
marketing plans, new product releases,
financial results, changes in dividends
or earnings, planned mergers or
acquisitions, and business strategies.

Good Judgment about Business Entertainment
Builds Positive Relationships
In Brief
▪ I do not offer or accept any business
Apart from its monetary value,
gift or hospitality of more than
is there anything else I should
nominal value (200 USD or any lower
consider before giving or
limit specified locally).
receiving a business gift?
▪ I use good judgment when giving
or receiving business gifts or A
hospitality and never use them
Yes. While the amount should
with the intention of influencing
be below nominal value (200
business decisions.
USD) or properly approved
▪ I recognize and respect our if above that amount, other
customers’ policies regarding factors are equally important.
gifts and hospitality.
You should be sure that any
▪ I always ask my manager if I am proposed business gift is not
unsure whether a particular gift or made too frequently, intended
type of entertainment is appropriate. to influence a decision or made
while a decision is pending.
Accepting or giving business gifts
or hospitality must never suggest an
ability to influence business decisions.
Gifts are items or benefits for which
the recipient does not pay fair market
value. Hospitality includes meals,
entertainment and sporting events.
We must not offer or accept any gift
or hospitality of more than nominal
value (defined as 200 USD or any
lower limit specified locally) to or
from any individual or organization
that does or seeks to do business
with Schlumberger.

Our Company Is the
Sum of Our Actions

Commitment Integrity

Drive Teamwork

Fair and Open Business Practices
Represent Who We Are
In Brief We must never give or receive any Facilitation Payments
kind of bribe or hidden payment to:
▪ We have zero tolerance for Facilitation or expediting payments are
corruption and no employee may ▪ influence someone’s judgment made to speed up routine government
offer or accept bribes in any form about our products and services action such as customs inspections or
or under any circumstance. visa processing. Many countries
gain improper advantage when
prohibit these payments. Schlumberger
▪ We do not use company funds or selling our goods and services
generally prohibits facilitation
assets for political purposes.
influence a government official’s payments and seeks to avoid them
▪ We may engage in direct dialogue use of discretionary authority except in very limited circumstances,
with public policy decision makers such as when health or safety is at risk.
but we do not use lobbyists or seek Government Officials
If a facilitation payment is made, in
to bring about a particular outcome
Payments to government officials are such limited circumstances, it must be
or decision.
forbidden. The term "government official" properly approved and documented in
▪ We avoid facilitation payments, includes officers or employees of any accord with Schlumberger requirements.
making them only in very limited branch of government, the immediate
circumstances, such as when health family members of such an official, Schlumberger Does Not Engage
or safety is at risk, and when we political candidates, and officers or In Political Activity
have obtained proper approval employees of any corporation owned or
Schlumberger is politically neutral and
and documented them according controlled by the government, including
does not make political contributions.
to Schlumberger requirements. national oil companies.
We may not use company funds or
Direct payments are prohibited, as are assets for political purposes.
Bribery and Corruption offers of payment, payments made
With respect to public policy matters
We do not obtain a business advantage through third parties (such as agents)
affecting the company and its
through bribery, improper payments or and reimbursements of payments
shareholders, Schlumberger may
any other illegal means. Schlumberger that we or someone else may have
engage in a direct dialogue with
has zero tolerance for corruption. made personally.
decision makers but does not use
The direct or indirect offer, payment, paid lobbyists or seek to bring about
solicitation or acceptance of bribes in a particular outcome or decision.
any form is strictly prohibited.

Competing Fairly and Ethically
Builds Trust
In Brief manufacture, sale or production of any
product or the provision of any service.
▪ We compete aggressively but fairly.
Whenever we are involved in
▪ We do not win business or maintain
trade association activities or in
customer relationships by acting
other situations where there is
illegally or unethically.
communication among competitors,
▪ We do not enter into agreements that customers or suppliers, we must
can restrict full and fair competition. be especially alert to ethical and
▪ We do not share pricing or bidding legal requirements.
information with competitors or
anyone outside of Schlumberger.
An Honest and Open Approach A friend works at a competitor.
We will both be attending an
Schlumberger competes aggressively upcoming trade association
but fairly. We do not win business or meeting, so I’m going to
maintain customer relationships by request that we are seated at
acting illegally or unethically. Each the same lunch table for both
of us must deal fairly and openly with days. Is this OK?
customers, suppliers and competitors.

Promoting Full and Fair Competition

Yes. However, at trade
As Schlumberger employees, we must association meetings and
not take unfair advantage of a business similar functions one should
situation through abuse of confidential be careful to avoid any
information, misrepresenting material appearance of impropriety
facts or deliberately doing anything when interacting with
that may be viewed as unfair. Any kind competitors. So, at your lunch
of agreement or understanding with you should avoid discussing
our competitors to restrict full and fair Schlumberger or the competitor’s
competition is prohibited. This means business matters because this
we cannot enter into agreements that may create the appearance of
fix or control prices; allocate products, improper collaboration.
markets or territories; or limit the

Our Relationships with Our Community
Others Demonstrate Relationships Build
Respect On Our Mindset
In Brief Contributing to Development and
Communities Worldwide
▪ We encourage fair employment
and offer equal opportunity. Schlumberger employees represent
more than 140 nationalities and live
▪ We do not tolerate harassment
and work in approximately 85 countries
or other offensive behavior.
worldwide. We actively promote health
▪ We recruit, hire and train where and education in our local communities.
we work, and we comply with For example, we sponsor efforts to
local content rules. prevent the spread of malaria.
▪ We promote health and education We contribute to the social
in local communities. development of our communities by
supporting initiatives that improve
Embracing Diversity and Equality youth education and living conditions.
We foster the economic development
One of Schlumberger’s strengths is the
of these communities by recruiting,
diversity of our workforce. Employees
hiring and training where we work,
of many nationalities and backgrounds
promoting from within, and by
work together to achieve common
complying with local content rules.
objectives. As a global company, we
encourage fair employment practices Schlumberger endorses the aspirations
and offer equal opportunities to all of the International Bill of Rights and
our employees. encourages work that augments the
contributions that business can make
Working Together with Mutual Respect to preserve and respect human dignity.
Schlumberger employees are expected
to treat one another professionally and
with mutual respect. Schlumberger
employees must also display respect
when interacting with customers,
contractors and others affected by
our operations. Schlumberger does
not tolerate any form of harassment or
other offensive action.

Respecting Immigration Trade Control
Laws Enables Our Compliance Safeguards
Global Footprint Our Business
In Brief In Brief
▪ We comply with all immigration ▪ We comply fully with all applicable
I will be performing a safety
and employment laws. trade control laws and regulations.
inspection on a deepwater rig
▪ We expect all employees to ▪ We are especially mindful in West Africa. The team
take responsibility for their of technology transfers. on the rig needs equipment
immigration status. for the job. Can I carry it to
▪ We review all shipments for
the rig for them?
▪ We expect all employee dependents compliance before they are
and contractor personnel to abide shipped or released.
by immigration laws. A
▪ We expect all employees to consult
Maybe. Hand-carrying products,
▪ We maintain immigration compliance a trade control compliance manager
software or technical data
programs to ensure that correct on any questionable import or export.
from one country to another
procedures are followed.
is considered an export or
re-export and is subject to
Our business involves the international Schlumberger provides products and applicable trade regulations,
movement of employees. We must services in many countries worldwide. including the proper filing of
ensure that the travel, transfer, Virtually all the countries in which we customs paperwork.
employment and residence of all operate have customs laws and many
personnel comply with applicable have additional trade controls that If the proper procedure is
immigration and employment laws. govern the import, temporary import, not followed, hand-carrying
export or re-export of Schlumberger items to another country
This requirement extends to may subject an employee to
products, services, technology
dependents of our employees and to disciplinary action.
and software.
contractor personnel. Schlumberger
has visa and immigration compliance We must comply strictly with all trade
programs to assist in this effort, control laws and regulations that apply
but we are each responsible for our to us, wherever we do business.
immigration and employment status in
the countries where we work and live.

Data Privacy and Protection Preserves Representing Schlumberger
Information Security Is a Privilege
In Brief These requirements also describe In our daily lives, we interact in a
our expectations for third parties who variety of public forums, such as
▪ We respect the privacy of our
process such data on our behalf. conferences and professional society As a field engineer working
employees and ensure proper
events or through the Internet and on a customer rig, would it
collection and use of personal data The transfer of employee data to third
social media. In these situations, be okay to post on a social
and hold those who handle such parties located in countries that do
we may unintentionally be seen media site photos of me
information accountable for its not have adequate levels of personal
as representing Schlumberger in and my crew at work?
proper use. data protection (e.g. outside the
an official capacity. We represent
European Economic Area) is regulated
▪ We protect the security of personal
more strictly.
Schlumberger whenever we identify A
data and maintain records in ourselves as Schlumberger employees
accordance with regulations. Maybe. Social media should
or affiliates.
not be used to publish, post
▪ We expect employees to refrain Q What we publish externally reflects or discuss Schlumberger or
from discussing other employees or What are some examples of on the entire company. Any profile customer-related information
company business in public forums. employee personal data? and related content that we post on without prior approval. Photos
▪ We require employees to refer personal or social networking web of Schlumberger or customer
all external inquiries for A sites must be consistent with how we equipment, premises or
information to the Legal or are expected to present ourselves products could contain such
Employee personal data
Communications function. to customers and colleagues as proprietary information.
includes an employee’s name,
Schlumberger employees. Refrain from
birth date, address, telephone Also, the presence of other
discussing Schlumberger business
Personal information must be collected number, social security individuals in the photos
or confidential company information
only for lawful business purposes. number, and financial or bank could raise questions about
on these web sites or anywhere else
Schlumberger is committed to account information. data privacy.
outside the company.
protecting and respecting the privacy
Such employee data may be
of any employee or third-party personal
processed only for legitimate
information that it processes. Specific
and appropriate purposes in
internal data privacy requirements
connection with Schlumberger
guide the collection, use, transfer
business activities.
(including transfer across international
boundaries), release, disclosure and
security of such data.

31 18
Information Maintaining Confidentiality
Technology Enables And Information Security
Superior Results Protects Our Future
Schlumberger provides its employees In Brief include tool designs, application source
with a range of information technology codes, marketing plans, customers’
▪ We treat all electronic records that
tools, such as computers, software reservoir data, information stored in the
are created or transmitted using
and networks for business purposes. corporate directory, employee personal
company tools as company property.
Reasonable personal use of these data and financial operating results.
tools is allowed. All electronic records ▪ We allow limited personal use
produced using Schlumberger tools of Schlumberger IT tools, and Protecting Restricted Information
or transmitted using Schlumberger employees should have no
Accidental disclosure of confidential
networks are Schlumberger property, expectation of privacy over any
information can be as harmful as
including email, instant messages and information stored or transmitted
intentional disclosure. If we have access
computer files. using such tools.
to information that is commercially
Schlumberger has the right to review ▪ We take every available measure sensitive or confidential, we may
the information stored or transmitted to preserve the confidentiality of not disclose that information to any
using these tools. Employees should Schlumberger and customer data. unauthorized person, inside or outside
have no expectation of privacy over ▪ We expect each employee to Schlumberger, without obtaining the
any such information, subject to prevent disclosure of confidential necessary prior approvals.
applicable data privacy laws. information and to protect access We need to be particularly careful of
to company property. what we and our family members say
or do in our day-to-day interactions
Information Is the Foundation with customers and other business
Of Our Business associates and in social settings.
Be careful when handling computers,
We must protect important information,
software and data to prevent
whether it belongs to Schlumberger or
inadvertent disclosure of sensitive
to others, such as our customers, who
information. Protect company
have entrusted it to us. We may learn
computers and other data devices
confidential or commercially sensitive
from theft and damage.
information directly from a customer
or while we are performing our jobs. Everyone must obtain the appropriate
Confidential information comes in many management authorization to access
forms, including in conversation, on company property, including buildings,
paper or electronically. equipment and data.

Examples of confidential information

Protecting Our Respecting Copyrights,
Intellectual Property Software Licenses
Promotes Technological And Trademarks
Innovation Benefits Us All
In Brief Schlumberger’s investment in Schlumberger respects copyright and
technology requires strong protection trademark laws and observes the terms
▪ We protect our technology and
of the resulting intellectual property and conditions of software license
intellectual property assets.
assets. Intellectual property is created agreements. Never make unauthorized
▪ We require employees to when a Schlumberger employee makes copies of software, publications or
acknowledge that intellectual a new discovery or conceives of an other copyrighted material. Likewise,
property created while working for idea, device, technique or process never use trademarks without proper
the company belongs exclusively that is related to our business. authorization.
to the company. The invention becomes the exclusive
All the software, copyrighted material
▪ We comply with restrictions on property of Schlumberger. Upon
or trademarks we use must be properly
the installation and use of third- joining the company, all employees
licensed or owned by Schlumberger. We
party software. agree to this concept as a condition
must comply with company restrictions
of employment.
▪ We do not allow employees to on the installation and use of third-
make or use copies of software, The company also protects its party software on company computers.
publications, copyrighted materials intellectual property and confidential
or trademarks without proper information by using non-disclosure
authorization. agreements and confidential disclosure
agreements—before giving third
parties access to such information.

35 18
Managing Business Rigorous Accounting
Records Ensures And Financial Reporting
Transparency Standards Instill Confidence
In Brief so avoid exaggeration, derogatory Complying with Accounting and
remarks, speculation or inappropriate Financial Reporting Standards
▪ We maintain honest and accurate
characterization of people and
business records. All company transactions must be
companies. This applies equally to
described accurately in accounting
▪ We never hide, alter, falsify or instant and email messages, internal
or supporting documents. Employees
disguise the true nature of any memos and formal reports.
with financial reporting obligations
business transaction.
must provide accurate and complete
▪ We comply with accounting and Archiving and Destroying
information to ensure that any
financial reporting standards and Business Records
reporting or disclosure of financial
require employees to comply with Every business unit is responsible for information is full, fair, accurate, timely
internal financial approval limits. ensuring that its records are retained and understandable. Approval by the
▪ We retain or destroy business or destroyed according to local laws appropriate level of financial personnel
records in accordance with and Schlumberger requirements is also required.
local laws and Schlumberger governing document retention
These requirements facilitate the
requirements. and destruction.
preparation of financial statements,
At times, the company may direct us to provide transparency to our
Full and Accurate Accounting retain documents, in electronic or other shareholders, and ensure compliance
Of Our Activities formats, in connection with certain with the U.S. Generally Accepted
specific subjects, such as litigation, Accounting Principles (GAAP).
We must keep honest and accurate
government inquiries or government
business records. The company’s
or customer audits. Failure to retain Making Financial Transactions
ability to make responsible business
documents could result in criminal, On Behalf of the Company
decisions; to meet legal, financial,
civil or administrative penalties or
regulatory and management We must have the appropriate
disciplinary action.
obligations; and to maximize the benefit management authorization for any
of previous experience, depends on transaction that we conduct on
compliance with this requirement. behalf of Schlumberger.

Never hide, alter, falsify or disguise

the true nature of any business
transaction. Business records and
communications often become public,

For more detail, refer to
March 2013. 13-OF-0017

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