Wren EMAIL Pattern PDF

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marie wallin
marie wallin


To fit bust 81-86 91-97 102-107 112-117 122-127 cm
32-34 36-38 40-42 44-46 48-50 in
Baa Ram Ewe Titus
A Endeavour 3 3 3 4 4 x 100gm
B Goathland 1 1 1 1 1 x 10gm
C Bantam 2 2 2 2 2 x 10gm
D Parkin 1 1 1 1 1 x 10gm
E Rhubarb 1 1 1 1 1 x 10gm
F Dalby 2 2 2 2 2 x 10gm
G Chevin 2 2 2 2 2 x 10gm
H Eccup 1 1 1 1 1 x 10gm
I Aire 1 1 1 1 1 x 100gm

Set of 4 double-pointed 2¼mm (no 13) (US 1) needles
Set of 4 double-pointed 3mm (no 11) (US 2/3) needles
2¼mm (no 13) (US 1) circular needle
3mm (no 11) (US 2/3) circular needle
6 markers

29 sts and 34 rows to 10 cm measured over plain st st, 37 sts and 32 rows to 10 cm measured over
patterned st st, both using 3mm (US 2/3) needles.

BODY (worked in one piece to armholes)

Using 2¼mm (US 1) circular needle and yarn A cast on 256 [284: 320: 352: 396] sts.
Taking care not to twist cast-on edge, work in rounds as folls:
Round 1 (RS): *P1, K1; rep from * to end.
This round forms rib.
Place marker between first and last sts of last round – this is centre back.
Cont in rib until work meas 6 cm.
Change to 3mm (US 2/3) circular needle.

© copyright Marie Wallin 2016 Page 1

Next round (RS): Knit.
This round forms st st.
Cont in st st until work meas 30 [31: 32: 33: 34] cm.
Do NOT break yarn, but set this ball of yarn to one side and leave sts on a holder (for yoke).

Using 2¼mm (US 1) double-pointed needles and yarn A cast on 56 [58: 60: 60: 64] sts.
Taking care not to twist cast-on edge, distribute sts over 3 of the 4 needles and, using 4th needle,
work in rounds as folls:
Round 1 (RS): *K1, P1; rep from * to end.
This round forms rib.
Place marker between first and last sts of last round – this is sleeve “seam”.
Cont in rib until sleeve meas 6 cm.
Change to 3mm (US 2/3) double-pointed needles.
Now work in st st throughout as folls:
Work 4 [4: 4: 2: 2] rounds.
Next round (RS): K1, M1, K to last st, M1, K1.
Working all sleeve increases as set by last round, inc 1 st at each end of every foll 6th [6th: 6th: 4th:
4th] round to 88 [94: 100: 66: 70] sts, then on every foll 8th [8th: -: 6th: 6th] round until there are
92 [96: -: 102: 106] sts.
Cont straight until sleeve meas 44 [45: 46: 46: 46] cm.
Next round: K5 and slip these 5 sts onto a holder, K to last 5 sts and break yarn. Slip rem 5 sts onto
same holder as first 5 sts, then leave rem 82 [86: 90: 92: 96] sts on another holder (for yoke).

Using 3mm (US 2/3) circular needle and ball of yarn A set to one side with body, join body and
sleeves as folls:
Next round (RS): K first 59 [66: 75: 83: 94] sts of body, place blue marker on needle, slip next 10 sts
of body onto a holder (for left underarm seam) and, in their place, K across 82 [86: 90: 92: 96] sts of
left sleeve, place red marker on needle, K next 118 [132: 150: 166: 188] sts of body, place second
red marker on needle, slip next 10 sts of body onto a holder (for right underarm seam) and, in their
place, K across 82 [86: 90: 92: 96] sts of right sleeve, place second blue marker on needle, K rem
59 [66: 75: 83: 94] sts of body. 400 [436: 480: 516: 568] sts.
4 markers on needle (2 red and 2 blue) – these markers will now denote “raglan” armhole seams.
Sts between red markers are front sts, sts between blue markers are back sts, and sts between red
and blue markers are sleeve sts.
Work 1 round.
Next round (RS): *K to within 2 sts of marker, K2tog, slip marker onto right needle, sl 1, K1, psso, rep
from * 3 times more, K to end.
Rep last 2 rounds 8 [10: 12: 13: 15] times more. 328 [348: 376: 404: 440] sts.
Remove “raglan” markers.
Next round (RS): K10 [4: 18: 4: 10], M1, (K4, M1) 77 [85: 85: 99: 105] times, K10 [4: 18: 4: 10].
406 [434: 462: 504: 546] sts.
Beg and ending rounds as indicated, using the fairisle technique as described at the end of this
pattern and repeating the 14 st patt repeat 29 [31: 33: 36: 39] times around each round, cont in patt
from chart A, which is worked entirely in st st (K every round), as folls:
Work all 23 rounds of chart A.
PATTERN NOTE: As the number of sts decreases, change to double-pointed needles.

© copyright Marie Wallin 2016 Page 2

Next round (RS): K3 [1: 1: 0: 0], (K3 [11: 4: 6: 9], K2tog, K8 [22: 8: 12: 19], sl 1, K1, psso, K4 [11: 4: 6: 10])
21 [9: 23: 18: 13] times, K4 [1: 1: 0: 0]. 364 [416: 416: 468: 520] sts.
Using the fairisle technique as described below, now place chart B, which is worked entirely in st st (K
every round), as folls:
Next round (RS): *Using yarn I K11, work next 31 sts as row 1 of chart B, using yarn I K10, place
marker on needle; rep from * 6 [7: 7: 8: 9] times more.
This round sets the sts – 7 [8: 8: 9: 10] reps of chart B with st st in yarn I between chart reps.
Keeping sts correct as now set, cont as folls:
Work 1 round.
Next round: *K1, K2tog, patt to within 2 sts of marker, sl 1, K1, psso, slip marker onto right needle; rep
from * to end.
Work 2 rounds.
Rep last 3 rounds 8 times more, and then first of these rounds again, ending after chart round 30.
224 [256: 256: 288: 320] sts.
Work 2 rounds, thus completing all 32 rounds of chart B.
Break off contrasts and cont using yarn I only.
Work 1 round.
Next round (RS): *(K2tog) 0 [1: 1: 0: 1] times, K2 [0: 0: 2: 0], (K3, sl 1, K1, psso, K3, K2tog) 3 times; rep
from * to end. 182 [200: 200: 234: 250] sts.
Work 2 rounds.
Break off yarn I and join in yarn A.
Next round (RS): K2 [2: 2: 4: 0], *sl 1, K1, psso, K2 [2: 2: 3: 2], K2tog, K3; rep from * to last 9 [9: 9: 11: 7]
sts, sl 1, K1, psso, K2 [2: 2: 3: 2], K2tog, K3 [3: 3: 4: 1]. 142 [156: 156: 188: 194] sts.
Change to 2¼mm (US 1) double-pointed needles.
Work in rib as given for lower edge of body for 6 rounds.
Cast off loosely in rib.

Firstly sew in any loose ends to the wrong side of the knitting. Block out each piece of knitting and
then press according to the care instructions stated on the yarn ball bands. Always press using an
iron on the wrong side of the knitting over a protective cloth (this can be damp or dry) and have the
steam setting switched on the iron. Pay particular attention to the sides or edges of each piece as this
will make the sewing up both easier and neater. Take special care with the welts and cuffs of the knit-
ting – this garment is fitted so gently steam the ribs so that they fill out but remain elastic.

Join sets of 10 underarm sts by grafting sets of sts together.

Join underarm and side seams together using mattress stitch.

Fairisle is used when two or three colours are to be worked repeatedly along a row. The colour not
being used is stranded fairly loosely behind the stitches being worked. It is very important not to pull
this stranded yarn too tight as this will pucker your knitting and your stitch tension will be too tight,
make sure to spread your stitches to ensure that they remain elastic. I would recommend that you
carry the stranded or floating yarn over no more than 5 stitches when using a 4 Ply yarn like Titus.
Weave the stranded colour under and over the colour being worked if you have to knit a colour over
more than the recommended amount.

© copyright Marie Wallin 2016 Page 3

A. Endeavour
B. Goathland

C. Bantam

D. Parkin

E. Rhubarb

F. Dalby

G. Chevin

H. Eccup

I. Aire



55 [57: 59: 61: 63] cm

: 46] cm
5: 46: 46
44 [4

44 [49: 55: 60.5: 68.5] cm

© copyright Marie Wallin 2016 Page 4

marie wallin


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