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Legal updates TECHNOLOGY


MACHINE LEARNING a law clerk, Jones

Day, and Michael

Legg is Associate
Professor UNSW Law
and member of the
Law Society’s Future
By Thomas Davey and Michael Legg* Committee.

he decision in McConnell only a few thousand. Studies have
Dowell Constructions (Aust) determined that predictive coding
Pty Ltd v Santam Ltd (No 1) can yield more accurate results than
[2016] VSC 734 (‘McConnell • Predictive coding can offer a exhaustive manual review and, in some
Dowell’) signals the emerging judicial fifty-fold improvement over cases, offer a fifty-fold saving in terms
acceptance of predictive coding and manual review in terms of of documents reviewed manually (see
should encourage practitioners in New efficiency for cases with large Maura Grossman and Gordon Cormack,
South Wales to embrace the technology. quantities of Electronically ‘Technology-Assisted Review in
Predictive coding provides solicitors Stored Information. E-Discovery Can Be More Effective and
with a rare opportunity to dramatically More Efficient Than Exhaustive Manual
improve the time efficiency and cost
• The Victorian decision of
Review’, (2011) 17 Richmond Journal of
effectiveness of court proceedings while McConnell Dowell represents
Law and Technology 11).
also enhancing justice. the first judicial approval of
predictive coding in Australia Has TAR been judicially approved?
Machine learning, predictive and creates persuasive The first judicial decision concerning
coding and technology assisted authority for New South Wales. the use of predictive coding was made
review • Predictive coding better by Magistrate Judge Peck in the United
Predictive coding is the application adheres to the principle of States decision of Da Silva Moore v
of machine learning to the process proportionality than the Publicis Groupe et al (2012) 287 F.R.D
of discovery. It is a process which alternatives in many cases. 182 (‘Da Silva Moore’). In that case,
uses statistical modelling to make Judge Peck held that predictive coding
predictions about the relevance of was better able to process the three
documents in discovery in lieu of human are already held in electronic format million electronically stored documents
review. Predictive coding has been only and individuals within businesses than any of the available alternatives.
frequently referred to as ‘technology will send and receive an average of 140 Statistical evidence examined during the
assisted review’ or ‘TAR’ by the legal emails a day by 2018. trial revealed that the concept of manual
community. Unfortunately, this term review as the ‘gold standard’ was a myth
Predictive coding is concerned with
obfuscates the range of ways in which and computerised searches were ‘at least
the collection phase of discovery in
technology assists in the review process. as accurate, if not more so.’
which documents are gathered and
TAR is frequently and indiscriminately reviewed for relevance. Frequently, Judge Peck criticised the utility of
used to refer to keyword searches, keyword searches (which are widely
the desired documents only make up
concept searching, predictive coding, used in Australia). He stated that such
a small proportion of the documents
or all of the above. In practice, each of searches require guesses to be made by
initially obtained. This process has
these technologies works differently, legal practitioners about which keywords
been traditionally undertaken by junior
produces different results, and achieves might support their clients’ case. The
associates and paralegals who manually
different levels of accuracy. This article results are often inaccurate and, in many
review documents to identify those
champions predictive coding, the most cases, counsel doesn’t know what is in
which may be relevant. Predictive
groundbreaking and disruptive of those its own client’s documents. Keyword
technologies, which is changing the way coding, on the other hand, uses machine
searches frequently achieve a mere 25
in which large scale electronic discovery learning to identify relevant documents.
per cent recall and 25 per cent precision.
takes place. The process sees a senior lawyer or small
In contrast, the machine learning
team review and code a ‘seed set’ of
Predictive coding addresses the technology that underpins predictive
documents. A computer then identifies
challenges posed by electronically coding sees the computer learn from
similarities and patterns within those
stored information (‘ESI’) during the experience over time and produce
documents and attempts to predict the
process of discovery. ESI is the cause results that are better in every measure.
coding for additional samples. When
of significant cost and delay in the When used in discovery, predictive
the coding of the human reviewers and
discovery process due to its volume, coding extrapolates human judgments
the computer sufficiently coincides, to a broad collection of documents,
duplicability, and dispersion. Rapid and
continuing developments in information the computer is able to make confident emulating human decision-making and
technology have increased the number predictions for the balance of the reducing the cost and time of review.
of potentially relevant documents that documents. Similar technology has been used in self-
need to be analysed. Estimates suggest The total number of documents driving cars, language translation, and
that 90 per cent of business records reviewed by the senior lawyer is typically speech and vision recognition.

82 LSJ I ISSUE 32 I APRIL 2017


In what may be a relief to many lawyers, Predictive coding is the ‘technology assisted review will ordinarily
Judge Peck held that the Court should be an accepted method of conducting
be less interested in the science behind application of machine a reasonable search in accordance with
the ‘black box’ of the predictive coding the Rules of Court.’ The note makes
vendor’s software than its production of
learning to the process of direct reference to the decision in Pyrrho
responsive documents with reasonably discovery. It is a process and states that the costs of manually
high recall and precision. searching documents in larger cases may
The Da Silva Moore ruling was made in
which uses statistical not be reasonable and proportionate.
pre-trial discovery proceedings, of which modelling to make The Federal Court and the Supreme Court
Magistrate Judge Peck was supervising. of New South Wales
District Judge Carter went on to affirm predictions about the Given the acceptance of predictive
Peck’s decision stating that it was well
reasoned and considered the potential
relevance of documents in coding in Victoria and across the world,
it is likely that the technology will receive
advantages and pitfalls of the predictive discovery in lieu of human judicial recognition in other Australian
coding software.
review. jurisdictions soon. With judicial approval
From novel technology to black letter law mounting, the relevant practice notes
of the Federal Court of Australia and the
In 2014, the United States Tax Court held
Supreme Court of NSW both appear to
that predictive coding had become a
management of discovery. In answering be broad enough to permit TAR without
widely accepted method for facilitating
the questions, the parties came express judicial intervention. Practice
effective discovery of electronically
together to undertake a ‘due diligence’ Note SC Gen 7 of the NSW Supreme
stored information without undue
examination of predictive coding. The Court and the Technology and the Court
burden (see Dynamo Holdings Ltd.
conclusion of the special referee, the Practice Note of the Federal Court of
P’Ship v Comm’r of Internal Revenue,
parties and the Court was that just, Australia both encourage the use of
2014 WL 4636526). In Rio Tinto PLC v
efficient, timely and cost-effective technology in civil litigation and require
Vale S.A 306 F.R.D 125 (S.D.N.Y. 2015) all parties to consider the prospect of
discovery would be best achieved
(‘Rio Tinto’), three years after Da Silva using technology at various stages of the
through the sophisticated process of
Moore, Judge Peck stated that the use trial. The Federal Court note in particular
predictive coding.
of predictive coding in the United States states that technology should be used to
had become ‘black letter law’. Vickery J held that predictive coding
facilitated a reasonable search for assist in achieving the quick, inexpensive
This string of cases was picked up and efficient resolution of proceedings.
documents and that the costs associated
in Ireland (see Irish Bank Resolution
with doing so were proportionate. Not Opportunities
Corporation Limited v Quinn [2015]
only was the process more sophisticated
IEHC 175) and England (see Pyrrho It may be that solicitors are now under
than a word search facility it was also
Investments Ltd v MWB Property Ltd an obligation to consider predictive
able to dramatically reduce the search
[2016] EWHC 256 (‘Pyrrho’)) where the coding in cases where large quantities
volume and bring it within ‘reasonable
courts acknowledged the connection of ESI exist. Whichever path is chosen,
and manageable bounds.’ The fact that
between the advantages of predictive solicitors will need to satisfy the court
traditional review of the documents
coding and the broader purposes of the that their selected process meets the
would have taken approximately 583
judicial system. Namely, that it provides standards of each jurisdiction. When
working weeks clearly demonstrated that
a proportionate solution to the discovery appropriately implemented, predictive
manual discovery was not appropriate.
of expansive ESI. coding should enable a document
The law as it stands review process that is more just,
Australia’s cautious approach time efficient, and cost effective than
Vickery J’s judgment foreshadowed
Ultimately, it was from the ratio of Pyrrho traditional manual review.
Practice Note SC Gen 5 – Technology
that Justice Vickery drew the majority in Civil Litigation which was issued Justice
of his reasoning in McConnell Dowell. earlier this year. The note states that
In that case, the central issue was how Predictive coding can enhance the just
the use of technology in civil litigation resolution of a dispute by improving
discovery of approximately four million should facilitate the just, efficient,
electronic documents could and should the quality of discovery and, indirectly,
timely and cost-effective resolution of by reducing cost and delay. The quality
be managed consistently with the the real issues in dispute. The Court
principles of proportionality and s 9 of the of predictive coding in relation to large
expects parties to ‘acquit their obligation sets of documents is superior to that of
Civil Procedure Act 2010 (Vic). to ensure costs are reasonable and manual review. As Judge Peck said in Da
Vickery J noted that principles of civil proportionate by employing technology Silva Moore, ‘even if all parties here were
procedure referred to in Pyrrho were to save time and cost wherever possible.’ willing to entertain the notion of manually
closely aligned to those in Victoria. The The note also states that ‘the use of reviewing the documents, such review is
vast quantity of documents and the common technologies is a core skill for prone to human error and marred with
fact that it would be near impossible lawyers and a basic component of all inconsistencies from the various attorneys’
to accurately review them through legal practice’ and that ‘the inability or determination of whether a document is
traditional means also reflected the reluctance of a lawyer to use common responsive.’
issues in Pyrrho. Vickery J appointed a technologies should not occasion
senior barrister as a Special Referee to additional costs for other parties’.
answer questions as to the appropriate In relation to discovery, it states that 
ISSUE 32 I APRIL 2017 I LSJ 83
Legal updates TECHNOLOGY

When it comes to large data sets, coding would cost a mere $50,000 in end, they are duty bound to adhere to
‘technology assisted review using labor as humans review just one fifth instructions of the court, including those
predictive coding is at least as accurate of the original set. In many cases, even contained in practice notes. Interestingly,
as, and, probably more accurate than, the greater savings may be achieved. a recent survey of US Federal Court
manual or linear method in identifying judges revealed a belief that a majority of
relevant documents’. Researchers have Risks lawyers are failing to make proper use of
concluded that human reviewers often technology when it comes to discovery.
suffer from fatigue, inattention and It is likely that this holds true for the
boredom and that predictive coding Like all cloud based technologies, Australian legal profession. This trend
exceeds the effectiveness of human predictive coding presents a cyber poses a risk for lawyers.
security risk. Stacey Blaustein, the head
review with a small fraction of the effort It may be that solicitors are obliged to
of IBM’s eDiscovery program, has noted
(see Maura Grossman and Gordon consider the use of predictive coding in
that the volume and severity of attacks
Cormack, ‘A Tour of Technology-Assisted all cases that have a large amount of ESI.
on ESI has increased exponentially.
Review’ in Jason Baron, Ralph Losey The Supreme Court of Victoria already
According to Blaustein, 80 per cent
and Michael Berman (eds), Perspectives ‘expects parties to be in a position to
of the United States’ largest law firms
on Predictive Coding (American Bar address questions [of technology in
have experienced a data security
Association, 2016) chapter 3). review] at the point at which discovery
incident. The risk can be mitigated
Time efficiency is sought.’ The solicitor’s obligation to
by pre-engagement risk analysis, the
deliver services competently, diligently
The concept of justice is also closely implementation of appropriate cyber
and as promptly as reasonably possible
intertwined with cost and delay. Courts security measures, and the taking out
may encompass an obligation to advise
have long struggled with the causes of of suitable cyber insurance policies
clients of the avenues available to
delay, but have recognized justice is (see: www.insurancelawtomorrow.
manage discovery and their respective
illusory if it cannot be achieved within com/2016/12/how-to-protect-your-
costs. Considering predictive coding is
a reasonable time. In Aon Risk Services business-from-cyber-threats ‘).
often able to provide significant cost
Australia Ltd v Australian National
Procedural risks savings, practitioners may be under an
University (2009) 239 CLR 175 it was held
The overriding purpose of the justice ethical obligation to consider its use. The
that there is ‘an irreparable element of American Bar Association has recently
unfair prejudice in unnecessarily delaying system is facilitated through careful case
management by the presiding judge. In updated their rules to ensure lawyers
proceedings.’ Predictive coding presents keep abreast of benefits and risks of
a solution to delays caused by expansive this regard, predictive coding presents
unique challenges for the judiciary. relevant technology.
discovery. The cost of the computer
Complicated ESI and varied technologies
processing power required to conduct Conclusion
predictive coding has become affordable make case management a difficult
task. There is a risk that the benefits of It is certainly not the case that
to a large percentage of litigants and the predictive coding will be appropriate in
predictive coding will not be realised if
bulk of the time required for it to work all circumstances, but its widespread
judges are unable to encourage parties
can be attributed to the human review adoption suggests that it should be
and their lawyers to cooperate. It is likely
component. With the reductions in seriously considered in cases where
that the parties rather than the judge
human review on offer, predictive coding large amounts of ESI are likely to cause
will be best placed to determine what
is able to significantly reduce the time of significant cost or delay.
procedure is appropriate. In Rio Tinto,
the discovery process. * The views in this article are those of the
the approved protocol incorporated a
Cost effectiveness collaborative process of review which authors and not any organisation they are
associated with.
It is estimated that document review saw both parties check the relevancy
accounts for 70 per cent of all discovery of seed documents. This process
assisted in satisfying the court and the
costs. The suitability of any given
requesting party that the computer
It may be that solicitors are
technology in litigation should be
measured with reference to its ability had been appropriately trained. Such now under an obligation to
to make the proceedings more cost- collaboration may not be common in
effective. Doing so enhances justice for Australian courts; however, it may be consider predictive coding
that documents produced through a
both the participating parties and the
process of predictive coding without
in cases where large
community at large. It prevents premature
settlement and improves access to justice
collaboration are more likely to be quantities of Electronically
challenged. If the judge is unable to
for those who would otherwise be unable
to bear the burden of an ESI discovery.
maintain genuine cooperation between Stored Information exist.
the parties the overriding purpose may
Predictive coding reduces costs by not be met and the benefits of predictive
Whichever path is chosen,
simply reducing the number of hours
needed for fee-earners to review
coding may be lost. solicitors will need to
documents. Using standard rates, it Ethical obligations satisfy the court that their
would take over 1,000 hours and cost The availability of predictive coding
over $250,000 for a human to review presents ethical risks for technophobic
selected process meets
100,000 documents, at a speedy rate lawyers. Solicitors are under a prevailing the standards of each
of 100 documents an hour. The same and paramount duty to the court and
review completed using predictive the administration of justice. To this jurisdiction.

84 LSJ I ISSUE 32 I APRIL 2017

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