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Love has no gender

I suppose because love is ever present in our lives in more ways

than one.

It’s the kind of term people still struggle to define and the term
that mankind hasn’t been able to settle a single definition on.
Everyone’s definition of love varies. In fact, our life is a series of
love taken for granted. The way our mothers introduce us to the
world and run when their ears ring with our infant cries. How
fathers introduce the world to us and give us those long life
important lectures at the dinner table. Love is when the sibling
you usually fight with, comes to console you in your room and
says, “Yeah, don’t worry. I got in trouble for that once too.” It’s
when your best friend picks up your 4 A.M. call to listen to you
cry, or just talk, or say nothing at all.

For others love is God and the world they see around them. It’s
the peace they find when they cry in prayer and have a hope of
light that hugs all around them.

Some fall in love with the sunsets and sunrises, they are in love
with the sound of rain and the cold kiss of snow. Some people fall
in love with the perfume of grass after a storm or scents from
around the globe. People fall in love with the tastes of certain
foods as they hum in delight and try to savor every bite.

Other people fall in love with the transcending levels of music,

how a note of a piano could vibrate in your heart and set off
ripples to far away memories. We fall in love with the smell of
printed book pages, with the new world we get to step into when
we play a video game.
We fall in love with other people. Beautiful souls that fill our life
with episodes of love. With some we share only a few months,
with others we share our whole lives. Love teaches us sacrifice,
how to give something so precious as
our time or efforts, our care and compassion to someone else.

Paulo Coelho writes a perfect heart is not one that lacks a mess of
scars and tears. In fact, a perfect heart has holes with love we’ve
given away, it has mismatched pieces of other people who gave
us a broken piece of their heart, only to fill those very holes left by

Love gives us a perfect heart, a heart that’s selfless, generous,

compassionate, perfect in its imperfection.

Love has no bounds because love is not related or restricted to

any particular thing or person. Love fills the world you breathe in.
It is everywhere and anywhere. The only thing that distinguishes
it, is we all fall in love with different things and have our own
unique way of loving, which is probably why…

Love is the kind of term people still struggle to define. And yes, it
has no bounds for life is an abundance of lov

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