Poverty... in Many Ways Is All in The Mind... As in Socialized Poverty

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Poverty...in many ways is all in the mind...as in socialized poverty.

When we are born into poverty mentality and it gets reflected back to us from
all around us, from the media and the government, it is hard to envision
anything else BUT scarcity, deficiency, debt and taxation. But poverty
mentality is a delusion. The poverty worldview doesn’t even relate to the
natural abundance all around us and the unlimited creative potential for
wealth and well-being in all good things of life. At anytime we can look outside
the box of our time, place and history, see the greater world and know what it
takes to bring heaven into being. Heaven is that condition beyond scarcity
mentality and helplessness. Abundance arises from that sense of
completeness, connection and unity that is prior to our delusion of poverty,
separation and deficiency.

Poverty mentality arose as a chronic social disease, because we lost our

aboriginal soul when we aligned with the exploitive patriarchal or war-culture
(as our politicians preach freedom, democracy and peace). The primate Alpha
dominated pecking order generates a Leviathan, or demigod of culture as a
whole, that acts as a "child eater." In other words, the extrapolation of the
sadomasochism of animal dominance and submission generates an
omnivisereal force, "a sea monster" that oppresses the cosmic genius and the
joyful expression of humanness of "most" individuals within that civilization.
On every level governmental, economic, social, the physical body, on down to
the subatomic and the Unified Field, power abuse distorts the Phi and Flow of
Eros. Fight the leviathan and "it has you in its grasp." It is more effective to
make yourself stronger by fighting to create the world you want, rather than
fighting against that which you feel is holding you down.

Circumstances of childhood poverty and chronic stress inevitably lead to

problems in adulthood with emotional regulation and increased activity in the
amygdala. The brain damaging effects of Poverty in childhood could arise from
a myriad of causes such as substandard housing, crowding, noise, and social
stressors like parental disharmony, family turmoil, violence or family
separation, scarcity mentality, lack of learning skills in planning, forecasting,
strategy, lack of positive emotions like hope, faith, awe, gratitude, sibling
rivalry, nature deprivation, lack of learning resources and intellectual
enrichment, possible impact on childhood friendships, inadequate nutrition,
plus enforced silence, repression and denial rather than talking out problems
and fears.

The culture of Hindbrain power feeds on fear and disease and relegates light,
love and joy into a contagion of dark diminishing returns.

Poverty is most often crippling to the genius of the Muse, largely through lack
of resources for experimentation and time wasted in menial/mindless
employment, without the space and energy to explore our greater purpose in
life. Poverty also keeps us back in the Hindbrain locked into the mediocre,
scarcity mentality, competition, Me, mine and the mundane. Without insight,
initiative, vision, forethought, strategy, planning, execution and follow-through
I am an accomplice to my own enslavement by accepting the unacceptable.
With sovereign distance or transcendence from The Given conditions of
disempowerment we can move on to the ultimate form of exploration…being
the Creatrix of unlimited abundance through visionary play.

The anamnesis or self-forgetting of the spiritual domain, the foundation of

existence, The Source, constitutes a sexospiritual nuturing of the species.
Having lost the thread of divine providence we then have to prostitute ourselves
for wages to pay the taxes, tariffs and the endless purchases necessary to
belong to the death cult. Poverty mentality is a self-reinforcing feedback loop,
because as long as we remain in a non-creative state, we are separated from
the Muse that would manifest the providence by which we would extricate
ourselves out of poverty mentality.

Greed is a symptom of deprivation consciousness...which perpetuates poverty

and the scarcity economy. The ensouled life of the artisan is the opposite of the
consumer hoarder and trinket merchant. Our sovereign work is too important
to waste our lives earning a living. If we didn't get so stressed earning a living,
we could make billions getting a life. Right livelihood brings about the Surplus
Socioeconomy rather than the Scarcity Economy. The Surplus Socioeconomy is
the high road into the future, of fathomless inner resourcefulness.

“Spirituality is ultimate greed. You don’t just want a piece of creation – you want
the source of creation.” Sadhguru

I am lucky to have had a vision of a thousand years hence, which makes me

impatient with the retarded level we are now operating at. However...since we
cannot be responsible for awakening others...we must turn our attention fully
to awakening, en-joying and enthusing ourselves. Only then does our world
change, and by changing ourselves, we gift the world with progress. Those who
have not yet found themselves and their Muse often tend to try to "find
themselves" and create a sense of self through over-extending themselves to
others. In allowing or supporting others in their presovereign infantile
manipulations born of poverty mentality we give ourselves a false sense of
maturity and control. It is poverty mentality to play it small, to be a doormat
and to mother others into incompetency.

Those who were sexually abused as children know full well what a breach of
our sovereign integrity is. It is a wound that perpetually bleeds throughout our
lives, never fully healing. Such wounding to our sovereign integrity is an
inestimatible waste of energy, life and potential. Such spiritual betrayal
however prepares us for the ongoing insults to our dignity and sovereign
integrity through living in the Borg world (of parasites, predators, bullies,
subversives, seductives). Gandhi said that “Poverty is the worst form of
violence.” Just as an abuser violates us when denigrating our sovereign
boundaries, so too to we violate ourselves when we fail to acknowledge the
infinite wealth of our soul and the enormity of our cosmic contribution.

www.saharasia.org/ —James DeMeo's Saharasia is the largest and most in-

depth scholarly study on human behavior and social violence around the

Sovereignty means overcoming poverty mentality and to do that we must deal

effectively with the dragon. I am using the term "dragon" here in the negative
sense of the Hindbrain's addiction to power due to its abdication, negation or
denial of sovereign empowerment. In this sense the dragon is disgruntled,
disruptive and violent because it is trapped in the hot, steamy, autonomic
unconscious. Basically when we fail to take up the sword of clear light…"the
cool blue steel of the conscious cognition," both our dragon and the dragon of
others gets the better of us. Sovereignty is feeling the expansive freedom of
infinite possibility beyond the gravity of negative power and toxicity.

Although I have tolerated my share of toxic people through my own lack of

spine, I am now determined to face the dragon, question the dragon, ask the
dragon why it behaves as it does, then to turn my back on the dragon and to
give it no further energy. We do no one any favors by allowing their dragon to
chew on us, and we certainly don't do ourselves any justice if we allow our own
dragon to eat us up from the inside. There is no security in binding ourselves
to people who see us as less than we are. Toxic bonds breed only
disempowerment and disease. When engaged in entropic relationship we are
not even disappointed, because we know we are only holding ourselves back
using other people as swamps, anchors and prison walls.

Look the dragon in the eye.

Question the dragon.
Understand why it behaves that way.
Act like a Hero.
And create the life of your dreams.

Just as we negate, deny and resist our own sovereignty, we also negate, deny
and resist our own inner wealth. In a commodified culture we were taught we
are only worth what we can offer in services or resources. Ideas, feelings,
sentiments, visions, dreams, psychic abilities and telepathy...and atunement to
the cosmos are ridiculed as worthless...as empty childhood toys. When in
actuality it is these internal gifts that supply richness, meaning and indeed
they constitute our capacity to be human. Thus as we forego our humanness,
we sacrifice true wealth in all its forms. There is no freedom or conscious
choice in that...thus the Borg is doomed to perpetual infancy, flitting from one
hopeful substitute to other, never finding satisfaction, but only pain,
numbness and oblivion.

The terminally deprived state is one of addiction to everything and appreciation

of nothing.
Generation upon generation we break our children instead of making them. We
clip their wings and inflict our own self-hatred onto them. Poverty mentality
begins in the sex act itself, the progeny of which "belong" to their captives, and
act like good little Stockholm babies who employ silence and learned
helplessness in order to glue the family together in mutual dysfunction and
self-destruction. This may sound overly harsh, and yet the more we face hard
truths, the quicker we free ourselves from the chains of eons of betrayal of
sovereignty and the sacred HUman.

When we abandon our soul no amount of riches can make us feel secure!

Borg fatigue…of being a witness to the destruction of humanity and the earth
cuts to the core. Having compassion for our own hypersensitivity and sense of
helplessness allows for a space to heal within the onslaught of aversive sensory
data. When the thing that is stressing us is beyond our capacity to control, we
are a candidate for conditioned defeat, learned helplessness and chronic
depression. Learned helplessness occurs when an organism forced to endure
unpleasant, aversive or painful stimuli, and then becomes unable or unwilling
to avoid subsequent encounters with such stimuli, even if they are escapable,
presumably because it has learned that it cannot control the situation.

Boredom and complaining masks such disgruntled passivity and laziness that
we never set out to explore the realm of possibility. The passive-aggressive
anger of the disenfranchised acts like a consolation prize to those too feeble
and neglectful to try anything new. Perhaps we can make whining an art-form,
but really the expression of helplessness doesn't make us more empowered, it
just dissipates tension and turns others off. Zen Gardner calls for a ruthless
kind of compassionate warrior...meaning we don't have time to mess about
namby pambying ourselves or others. If we consider ourselves already dead,
that is let go of our known self-world, we can become fully alive.

Ordinary consciousness is a fuckfest, so might as well find refuge in mystic


As soon as we get a glimmer of who we really are beyond the fog of war and
separation, we step onto the road to healing from the post-traumatic-stress
disorder and scarcity economics of the patriarchal rape culture. To survive we
must recover our humanity and create a tribe. The universal grace puts us in
touch with our miraculous life-path, to touch also our spiritual family and to
meet the challenge of world change, from the inside out. Beyond the petty
power plays, the sovereign lives in the Kingdom of Heaven within, thus is Fair
Witness and midwife to the emergent wisdom of re-evolution and guardian of
Life and the progress of the Universe! Heaven is that condition beyond scarcity
mentality and helplessness.

Having grown up in self-defeating, poverty-minded homes, the presovereign

adult may be inclined to undervalue “play” by being too focused on lack and
limitation. Being a wage slave barely gives us enough money to live and so the
tendency may be to give up play as we clamp down in survival mode. Positive
play, that is not mere escapism, is the elixir of youth and the greatest source of
inspiration for productivity and happiness. But some of us just keep plugging
away at harsh survival, wasting away while fantasizing about a more exciting
life. However when it comes to play-avoidance, lack of money is a poor excuse.
What really is occurring is a lack of self-respect and a failure of the

Exercise, especially intense bursts of strenuous exercise, provides stress

resistance, anxiety relief and prevents learned helplessness. Since
uncontrollable stress and existential doom interferes with our motor
coordination and motivation, exercise helps to overcome the dissociation and
psychological dislocation associated with being a witness to the hard truths of
human existence.

Toxicity equates with helplessness and futility. The more toxic we become (on
cooked food and poisons), the more helpless we feel and so we look at the world
through a veil of shit. The cooked food culture is entropic, degenerative and
unsustainable...therefore it manifests dis-ease on all levels. The disintegration,
disorder and disempowerment created by the denatured food bodymind is the
greatest obstacle to self-mastery.

Because the denatured bodymind must be eliminated to come into cosmic

atunement Fasting is one of the fastest ways to reboot...fasting, meditating,
exercising and camping in nature gives us a fresh start. The senses need
recharging in nature in order to be renewed and re-enthused (refilled with
God). We become myopic, apathetic, languid, disgruntled, dissociated and
depressed when the time we spend indoors usurps the time we spend

The lower down the meme spiral we go the greater the poverty mentality
because there is less hope, faith, vision and range of skills for dealing with the
reality of causality. We see therefore, the need to find others with a similar
passion for depth, and to join up with sovereigns around the globe to
ultimately create a new society that is not toxic to humanization and the
evolution of consciousness. As we relax into our sovereignty we find them by
magic, and unlimited cocreations rise spontaneously according to the evolution
of group conscience.

Abundance or “spiritual potency” is a life lived true to sovereign intent, for only
the sovereign has enough transcendent or resilient command over tuning their
own frequency - to access the stellar powers of truth and fecundity in the real
earth of the belly. The awakened mind favors “process and being” above
results, and so is freed from attachment cause and effects. By balancing the
masculine principle (matter, result) with the feminine principle (spirit, process)
the awakened mind releases control and simply loves.

The sovereign is clear enough to invest themselves in what they want, and not
simply put up with that which they don't want.

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