Descriptive Analysis

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Descriptive Analysis


1. As per the descriptive analysis, the mean for library is 129896373.30 with a standard deviation
of +-67825160.35.
The skewness of the data is -1.055 (i.e. left skewed) implying that most of the data lies above
The kurtosis is -0.039 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

2. As per the descriptive analysis, the mean for new equipment is 546933899.10 with a standard
deviation of +-617844669.60.
The skewness of the data is 1.462 (i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis 1.049 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

3. As per the descriptive analysis the mean for engineering workshops is 14228943.20 with a
standard deviation of +-29673462.83.
The skewness of the data is 2.867 (i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis is 8.555 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

4. As per the descriptive analysis the mean for other expenditure is 262193605.40 with a standard
deviation of +-279549804.0.
The skewness of the data is 1.583 (i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis is 2.028 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

5. As per the descriptive analysis the mean for salaries is 3306509551 with a standard deviation of
The skewness of the data is 2.013 (i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis is 4.886 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

6. As per the descriptive analysis the mean for maintenance of academic infrastructure is
1553941746 with a standard deviation of +-504716949.30.
The skewness of the data is -0.304 (i.e. left skewed) implying that most of the data lies above
The kurtosis is -0.862 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

7. As per the descriptive analysis the mean for seminars is 133342085.30 with a standard deviation
of +-257959018.80.
The skewness of the data is 2.665 (i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis is 7.301 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

8. As per the descriptive analysis the mean of TLR is 75.30 with a standard deviation of +-6.201.
The skewness of the data is 0.44 (i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis is -0.968 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

9. As per the descriptive analysis the mean of RPC is 69.70 with a standard deviation of +-16.747.
The skewness of the data is -0.619 (i.e. left skewed) implying that most of the data lies above
The kurtosis is -1.045 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

10. As per the descriptive analysis the mean of GO is 84 with a standard deviation of +-9.262.
The skewness of the data is 0.329 (i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis is -0.301 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

11. As per the descriptive analysis the mean of OI is 59.10 with a standard deviation of +-8.333.
The skewness of the data is 0.608 (i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis is 0.654 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.

12. As per the descriptive analysis the mean of PERCEPTION is 71.30 with a standard deviation of +-
The skewness of the data is -0.177(i.e. right skewed) implying that most of the data lies below
The kurtosis is -1.787 which is less than 3. This means that the data is highly dispersed and has a
narrow peak.
H0= There is no significant impact of Financial resources on TLR

HA= There is significant impact of Financial resources on TLR



H0= There is no significant impact of Financial resources on TLR rating

HA= There is significant impact of Financial resources on TLR rating


 The P-value of all the independent variables (i.e. library, new equipment, engineering
workshops, other expenditures, salaries, maintenance of academic infrastructure and seminars)
is more than the significance value (0.05), so we will accept the null hypothesis which means
that there is no significant impact of the independent variables on TLR.
 All the independent variables have a positive correlation with TLR implying that with increase (or
decrease) in independent variables, TLR will also increase (or decrease).



Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics

Square the Estimate R Square F Change df1 df2 Sig. F
Change Change

1 .885a .782 .021 6.137 .782 1.027 7 2 .576

a. Predictors: (Constant), Seminars/ Conferences, Engineering Workshops, Salaries, New Equipment, Other Expenditures,
Library, Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 270.780 7 38.683 1.027 .576b

1 Residual 75.320 2 37.660

Total 346.100 9

a. Dependent Variable: TLR

b. Predictors: (Constant), Seminars/ Conferences, Engineering Workshops, Salaries, New Equipment, Other Expenditures,
Library, Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure
The R square value of TLR with respect to the various financial resources is 0.782, where F
value is 1.027 and statistical significance is 0.576. Since, the level of significance is more
than 0.05, it can be concluded that the all the variables, when considered together, do not
have a significant correlation with TLR and thus the model is insignificant.
Therefore, we will run the multicollinearity test to identify the independent variables which
are highly correlated.


Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Collinearity Statistics

Coefficients Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

(Constant) 83.588 16.284 5.133 .036

Library -2.235E-008 .000 -.249 -.303 .790 .169 5.918

New Equipment 1.009E-008 .000 1.025 1.851 .205 .373 2.683

Engineering Workshops -4.952E-008 .000 -.242 -.599 .610 .703 1.422

1 Other Expenditures -1.357E-008 .000 -.624 -.965 .436 .274 3.654

Salaries -1.152E-009 .000 -.393 -.813 .502 .490 2.041

Maintenance of
-1.196E-009 .000 -.099 -.103 .927 .123 8.108
Academic Infrastructure

Seminars/ Conferences -7.404E-009 .000 -.314 -.531 .649 .326 3.063

a. Dependent Variable: TLR


Sig value of TLR is 0.576 which more than the specified level of significance, so we will be rejecting
null hypothesis which means there is significant difference between TLR and the financial resources.

In the multi collinearity test the VIF value of every independent variable in TLR is more than 2 ,
except workshop, so here the given model is insignificant, as the sample size is small (n=10)

The value of R square is 77% indicating that 77% of variance in TLR can be predicted from
LIBRARY, ,,,,,,,

Regression Analysis of

Interpretation: the significant value is more than 5

% which is ____ hence it is valuable as r square is higher than model so its better
The table below indicates that all the financial resources are unique predictors or have a
significant correlation with TLR since the statistical significance of these variables is more
than 0.05. Maintenance of Academic infrastructure has the highest impact on TLR with
statistical significance of 0.916.

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