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Cercado, Faith Trisha T.

1. Based on the case given, make a two-column table listing down the
development strengths of Brazil on the left column, and the development weaknesses of
Brazil on the right column.

Development Strengths Development Weaknesses

• Referred to by the media and financial analysts as • Incomes continued to stagnate
one of the four most influential countries • Prolonged status as a highly indebted country
• Policies were enacted for equitable and sustained • Remains one of the countries with the highest levels
growth, ranging from active poverty reduction of inequality in the world.
programs to relatively orthodox monetary policies • Erratic economic growth (wide swings – the level of
• Had export policy stressing incentives for economic instability is high)
manufacturing exports, as well as protections for • Continued problems with infrastructure
domestic industry • High and growing taxes may have also slowed
• Its percentage share of manufactured exports in total formal-sector employment growth
exports grew dramatically • High incidence of child labor for its income level
• Democratization proved durable • Corruption and Waste
• Actively working to upgrade the quality and • Quality of primary schools in poor areas remains low
competitiveness of Brazilian industry. • Highly concentrated distribution of income, worsened
• At the cutting edge of agricultural research and by inequitable social spending
extension in commercially successful export crops • Slower improvement in health, education, and
• Officially reported adult literacy rate has now risen to community development
90% • Physical security
• A free press, strengthened basic rights, and a very • Inequality in income and assets
active but peaceful political competition • Unequal land distribution
• Poverty and inequality started to fall • Ignorance of politicians on problems that arise from
destruction of forests
• Rights of indigenous peoples were flagrantly violated
• Problems in the workforce concerning social inclusion

2. How does the Brazil case illustrate the issues and challenges of authentic
development based on our lecture and activities so far? Discuss.
Given the impressive figures on their GDP growth, it is no doubt why analysts are having
high hopes that Brazil will continue to reach new heights and be a global economic player. But
based on our lecture and activities, the increasing numbers in national output alone are not
sufficient to say that there is authentic development. Despite this growth, the gap between the
rich and the poor have continually widened. Authentic Development considers several factors
which makes its measurement not as precise as that of GDPs. Other measures of authentic
development such as level of literacy and education standards, healthcare, land and housing,
environmental standards, and many more, are still moving in a slow rate, if not stagnant. The
issues and challenges then arise knowing that there aren’t any actual improvements in living
standards. The common assumption is that growth in GDP would enable authentic development,
but then proceeds from this could be retained by the small rich elite or go to the pockets of
corrupt politicians. Moreover, government social spending on health, education, pensions,
unemployment benefits, and other transfers are going to the well-off, frequently to those in the
top 20% of income distribution – increasing inequality in Brazil, “growth without development”.

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