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Important Conversion Factors in Petroleum Technology

Table 1 Oil volume and mass
To convert . . . . . . Into
Tonnes (metric) Kiloliters Barrels US gallons Tonnes/yrb
Tonnes (metric) 1 1=SGa 6:2898=SGa 264:17=SGa –
Kiloliters 1 SGa 1 6:2898 264:17 –
Petroleum barrels 0:159 SGa 0:159 1 42 –
US gallons 0:0038 SGa 0:0038 0:0238 1 –
Barrels/dayb – – – – 58:03 SGa
aSG D specific gravity of the oil @ 15:55 ı C
b For converting between mass and volume, some sources use an assume or average density. That can be misleading and is not best

Table 2 Flow/consumption ratios

To convert . . . . . . Into Multiply by
Standard cubic feet per barrel (scf=bbl) Normal cubic meters per cubic meter (Nm3 =m3 ) 0:178

Table 3 Geothermal gradients

To convert . . . . . . Into Multiply by
ı ı
C=100 m F=100 ft 0:549

Table 4 Density
To convert . . . . . . Into Use the formula
API gravity Specific gravity @ 60 ı F ( API gravity D  131:5
Specific gravity @ 60 ı F ( API gravity D 141:5=.API gravity C 131:5/

Table 5 Volume
To convert . . . . . . Into Multiply by
Standard cubic feet (scf) of gas @ 60 ı F and 14:73 psi Standard cubic meters (Sm3 ) @ 15 ı C and 101:325 kPa 0:0283058
Standard cubic meters (Scm) of gas @ 15 ı C Normal cubic meters (Nm3 ) @ 0 ı C and 101:325 kPa 1:0549000
and 1:0325 kPa
In considering industrial gases, especially when negotiating contracts, it is crucial to know the difference between standard and

Table 6 Temperature
To convert . . . . . . Into
ıC ıF K R
Use the Formula
Celsius (ı C) – Multiply by 1.8, Add 273.15 Convert to ı F,
then add 32 then add 459.67
Fahrenheit (ı F) Subtract 32, – Convert to ı C, Add 459.67
then divide by 1.8 add 273.15
Kelvin (K) Subtract 273.15 Subtract 273.15, – Add 273.15,
then convert to ı F then convert to ı F,
then add 459.67
Rankine (R) Subtract 459.67, Subtract 459.67 Subtract 459.67, –
then convert to ı C then convert to ı C,
then add 273.15
1184 Important Conversion Factors in Petroleum Technology

Table 7 Temperature difference


To convert . . . . . . Into Multiply by

ıC ıF 1:8

Table 8 Pressure
To convert . . . . . . Into
bar atm MPa psi Torr mmHg
Multiply by
bar 1 0:986923 0:1 14:5038 750:062 750:062
Atmospheres (atm) 1:01325 1 0:101325 14:6959 760 760
Megapascals (Mpa) 10 9:86923 1 145:038 7500:6 7500:6
Pounds/square inch (psi) 0:06895 0:06986 0:006895 1 51:7149 51:7149
Torr 0:001333 0:001316 0:0001333 0:0193368 1 1
mmHg 0:001333 0:001316 0:0001333 0:0193368 1 1

Table 9 Masses and energy

 1 metric tonne D 2204:62 lb D 1:1023 short tons D 1000 kg

 1 kilolitre D 1 cubic meter D 6:2898 barrels
 1 kilocalorie (kcal) D 4:187 kJ D 3:968 Btu
 1 kilojoule (kJ) D 0:239 kcal D 0:948 Btu
 1 British thermal unit (Btu) D 0:252 kcal D 1:055 kJ
 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) D 860 kcal D 3600 kJ D 3412 Btu

Table 10 Energy equivalenciesa

One tonne of oil equivalent equals approximately:
Heat units 10 106 kcal
42 GJ
40 106 Btu
Solid fuels 1:5 tonnes of hard coal
3 tonnes of lignite
Electricity 12 MWh
106 tonnes of oil or oil equivalent produces about 4400 GWh of electricity in a modern power station.
BP Statistical Review of World Energy (2016)

Table 11 Greek and Roman prefixes

Prefix Factor Power Specific Specific Gravity vs API Gravity
atto 1018 gravity
femto 1015 1.20
nano 1012 1.15
nano 109 1.10
micro 0:000001 106 1.05
milli 0:001
centi 0:01
deci 0:1
deca 10
hecto 100 0.85
kilo 1000 0.80
mega 1 000 000 106 0.75
giga 1 000 000 000 109 0.70
tera 1012 0.65
peta 1015 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
API gravity
exa 1018

Glossary of Defining Terms

A C9 isoparaffins. The process is catalyzed by strong

acids such as sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid.
Absorbent American Petroleum Institute (API)

A material (solid or liquid) able to take in and hold The largest trade association for the oil and gas
(absorb) a gas or liquid. Examples include industry in the United States. API publications include
alkanolamine solutions, which absorb H2 S and CO2 technical standards and online products designed to
from sour gas, and absorbent clays, which pick up oil help users improve the efficiency and
by incorporating the oil into their structure cost-effectiveness of operations, to comply with
Absorption tower legislative and regulatory requirements, to safeguard
A column or tower in which absorption of selected health, to improve safety, and to protect the
components from mixtures occurs environment
Acid gas Amine treating (amine washing)
Natural gas or a gas mixture containing high Used in petroleum refineries, natural gas processing
concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) and/or plants and other industrial facilities to remove acidic
carbon dioxide (CO2 ). Acid gas is a more general components, such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon
term than I sour gas, which contains H2 S but does dioxide, from gas streams by treatment with an
not always contain CO2 alkanolamine
Acid number Aniline point
I total acid number (TAN) The lowest temperature at which aniline is soluble in a
specified amount of oil. The aniline point is
proportional to aromatics content; a low value
A material like activated charcoal, alumina, or silica
indicates high aromatics. The aniline point is a
gel that is used in an adsorption process. Impurities
specification for certain refining processes
selectively attach to its surface
Adsorption A type of fold with an arch-like shape resembling an
A process of removing selected components from a inverted bowl, with the oldest beds at its core. Some
stream by adherence to an adsorbent of the world’s largest oil fields, including many of
Alcohol those in the Middle East and the East Texas oil field,
A chemical compound composed of an alkyl group reside within anticlines
and an OH group. Examples include methanol Antiknock index (AKI)
(CH3 OH) and ethanol (CH3 CH2 OH). In the oil I Octane number
industry, ethanol is used as gasoline additive and API gravity
isopropanol as a solvent Used for expressing density of crude oil. API gravity
Aldehyde is defined as ı API D 141:5=.specific gravity at 60ı F/
A chemical compound in which one carbon atom is 131:5
bound to both DO and H. Examples include Aquifer
formaldehyde, H.CDO/H, and acetaldehyde, A subsurface rock formation (stratum), such as
CH3 .CDO/H. Formaldehyde is a building block in permeable rock, sand, or gravel, which holds water.
the synthesis of many other compounds of specialized An aquifer often underlies a petroleum reservoir
and industrial significance. Acetaldehyde is mainly Archie’s law
used as a chemical precursor, for example to make Named after Gus Archie, this empirical equation
acetic acid, resin, pyridine derivatives, etc. relates the electrical conductivity of sedimentary rock
Alkanes to its porosity and brine saturation. It is used to relate
I Hydrocarbons, paraffins borehole electrical conductivity measurements to
Alkenes hydrocarbon concentration of the material
I Hydrocarbons, olefins Aromatics or aromatic hydrocarbons
Alkylate I Hydrocarbons, aromatic
The main product from an alkylation process unit. Asphalt
Alkylate is a high-octane gasoline blending (1) A dark brown or black cement-like material
component with many desirable properties, such as precipitated from atmospheric residue with aliphatic
zero sulfur, olefins and benzene solvents, usually propane. (2) Often used as a
Alkylation synonym for bitumen. (3) Also used as a feed for
A refining process in which isobutane reacts with C3 coking to increase the yields of more valuable
to C5 olefins to produce alkylate – a mixture of C6 to products
1186 Glossary of Defining Terms

Asphaltene structures Base oil

Archipelago and continental (pericondensed) A blend of one or more basestocks
structures. Surrogate molecules used to model Base stock (Basestock)
asphaltenes are commonly classified based on their Products produced from the lube refinery without any
resemblance to archipelagos and continents additives in the oil. Group I: with saturates < 90%,
Asphaltenes sulfur > 0:03%, and viscosity index 80120.
Polar fraction of petroleum that is insoluble in light Obtained from solvent processing (solvent refining).
alkanes, e.g., pentane or heptane, but soluble in Group II: with saturates > 90%, sulfur < 0:03%, and

aromatic solvents. Asphaltenes do not dissolve in viscosity index 80120. Obtained from
crude oil but exist as a colloidal suspension hydroprocessing. Group III: with saturates > 90%,
Asphaltic crudes (Naphthenic crude) sulfur < 0:03%, and viscosity index > 120. Obtained
I Crude oil, asphaltic from severe hydroprocessing, isodewaxing or
ASTM gas-to-liquid processes. Group IV: made from
ASTM International, formerly known as the American polyalpha olefins (PAO). Group V: Basestocks not
Society for Testing and Materials, develops and included in Groups I–IV, such as synthetic lubricant
publishes consensus standards for materials, products oils
and processes. Basins (sedimentary basins)
Atmospheric distillation Large-scale region of the earth where long-term
I Distillation, atmospheric pressure subsidence has created a depression. Provides space
Atmospheric equivalent boiling point (AEBP) for infilling by sediments and oils
Calculated based on observed boiling points at a Batch processing
reduced pressure, the atmospheric equivalent boiling A noncontinuous process in which material is loaded
point (AEBP) is relevant to compounds for which the into a vessel and given time to react. When the
atmospheric boiling point cannot be measured reaction is complete, the vessel is opened and
because they decompose before they boil products are removed. Examples include delayed
Autothermal reforming (ATR) coking, digestion, batch polymerization, and the
An alternative to traditional steam methane reforming roasting of ores
(I SMR). ATR does not require external heat. It Batch reactor
processes mixtures containing hydrocarbon gases A typical batch reactor consists of a large, sturdy
(primarily methane), steam, and oxygen. In a canister or vessel with its own heating and cooling
combustion zone, partial oxidation generates syngas mechanisms. Sometimes includes a rotating agitator
and heat. The syngas flows to a catalyst zone, where inside the vessel to facilitate mixing
reforming reactions occur, producing mainly
Benfield process
hydrogen. The product can also be syngas with a
A process for removing acid gases (CO2 and H2 S)
specific composition
from natural gas or manufactured hydrogen. The acid
Aviation gasoline (Avgas) gases are adsorbed into molten potassium carbonate
A high-octane blend of hydrocarbons and additives, then recovered in concentrated form during thermal
which meets ASTM Specification D910 or Military regeneration of the carbonate
Specification MIL-G-5572. Used primarily in
airplanes with piston-driven propellers. Often contains Biodiesel
tetraethyl lead (TEL) A fuel comprised of monoalkyl esters. Derived from
the long-chain fatty acids found in vegetable oils or
animal fats
B Material derived from biological sources, such as
bacteria, algae, and vegetables
Barrel (bbl)
In petroleum, a unit of volume equal to 42 US gallons, Biomarkers (petroleum biomarkers)
33:6 Imperial gallons, or 158:9873 liters Organic compounds contained in rocks and petroleum
Barrels per calendar day (BPCD) whose carbon skeletons remain after
The average daily amount of oil produced, transported paleotransformation stages and can be be linked to
or processed in a petroleum facility during one known biological precursors
calendar day. BPCD is less than BPSD, because Biomass
BPCD includes downtime for maintenance Biological organic matter
Barrels per stream day (BPSD) Biomass to liquid (BTL)
The maximum daily amount of oil produced, A process to produce liquid biofuels from biomass,
transported or processed in a petroleum facility when which may include the Fischer-Tropsch process,
the facility is running under normal operating pyrolysis or catalytic depolymerization
conditions, with referal to the feedstock quality, Biopolymer
process operating conditions, and product objectives High molecular weight polymers, such as
Glossary of Defining Terms 1187

carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and lignin, in living and xylenes (C6 H4 (CH3 )2 ). Commonly used as a
organisms solvent or feedstock to chemical plants
Bitumen Bunker oil (Bunker fuel)
A naturally occurring thick, sticky form of Fuel oil used in engines aboard ships. Bunker A
hydrocarbon found in pits or associated with oil sand. corresponds to No. 2 fuel oil, Bunker B corresponds to
It will not flow unless heated or diluted with lighter No. 4 or No. 5 fuel oil, and Bunker C corresponds to
hydrocarbons. It is also the British term for asphalt or No. 6 fuel oil
extra heavy crude oil Butanes: A mixture of two isomers
normal butane and isobutane. Normal butane was used

Blending terminal
A facility used for intermediate storage of refinery as a RVP booster during cold weather prior to the use
products and for blending them with additives. of ethanol. It is isomerized to isobutane. Isobutane is
Gasoline additives might include oxygenates such as an important (key) feed for alkylation
ethanol and detergents to mitigate intake valve (I Hydrocarbons)
deposits. Additives for diesel might include cetane Butene (butylene)
improvers and antioxidants. Oil trucks (lorries) are A colorless alkene with the formula C4 H8 generated
loaded at blending terminals, from which they in refineries or olefin plants by cracking
transport the products to retail filling stations (I Hydrocarbons, olefins)
Blending unit Butyl rubber
A facility in a refinery where streams are A synthetic rubber. Specifically, it is a copolymer
mechanically blended to make finished products. In consisting of about 98% isobutylene with about
the case of US gasoline, the main product is RBOB 2% isoprene. Butyl rubber and halogenated rubber are
reformulated blendstock before gasoline blending used for the impervious inner liner of tubeless tires
Uncontrolled escape of oil or gas from a well C
BMCI (Bureau of Mines Correlation Index)
A method of petroleum classification. Calcining (calcination)
BMCI D 48; 640=TB C 473:7G  456:8, where TB is Decomposition of a solid with heat below the melting
mean average boiling point in K and G is specific or fusing point. Causes loss of moisture and the
gravity at 60 ı F. Also called CI. CI for straight-chain decomposition of carbonates and other compounds
paraffins is 0 and for benzene it is 100. 015 indicates Cap rock (seal rock)
a predominance of paraffinic hydrocarbons; 1550 Impermeable rock that serves as a cap to stop
indicates a predominance either of napthenes or of petroleum migration. A key component of a petroleum
mixtures of paraffins, napthenes, and aromatics. > 50 and/or natural gas reservoir
indicates the predominance of aromatic character. For Carbene
a petroleum fraction, CI correlates with many The pentane or heptane insoluble fraction that is
characteristics, such as crackability, steam cracking insoluble in benzene or toluene but soluble in carbon
feed quality, and aromacity dioxide or pyridine
Borehole logging
The pentane or heptane insoluble fraction that is
I Well log
insoluble in benzene or toluene but also insoluble in
Bottoms carbon dioxide or pyridine
The product coming out of the bottom of a distillation Carbon Preference Index (CPI)
column The ratio obtained by dividing the sum of the odd
Brent crude oil carbon-numbered n-alkanes to the sum of the even
An important group of crude oils produced in North carbon-numbered n-alkanes between C25 and C34
Sea, which is used as a reference crude for CPI D 1=2 Œ.C25 C C27 C C29 C C31 C C33 /=.C24 C
international crude trading C26 C C28 C C30 C C32 / C Œ.C25 C C27 C C29 C
Bright stock C31 C C33 /=.C26 C C28 C C30 C C32 C C34 /. It can
A heavy lube basestock derived from vacuum resid also be used to estimate thermal maturity of organic
after dewaxing matter
British Thermal Unit (BTU) Carbon rejection
The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature Upgrading processes in which coke and other
of 1 pound of water by 1 ı F hydrogen-deficient products are formed. Examples
Bromine number include FCC and coking. Carbon rejection is
The grams of bromine absorbed in 100 g of oil. accompanied by the formation of light products. The
Correlates to the percentage of double bonds in the oil heavy products contain less hydrogen than the feed,
sample while the light products contain more hydrogen than
BTX the feed. Often, molecular hydrogen is one of the
A mixture of benzene (C6 H6 ), toluene (C6 H5 CH3 ), products
1188 Glossary of Defining Terms

Carrier rock Catalytic dewaxing

Permeable rock that allows oil and gas to migrate Catalytic process for converting normal paraffins to
from source to reservoir isoparaffins, usually with a heterogeneous catalyst in
Catagenesis a fixed-bed reactor
A process that consolidates sediment containing dead Catalytic hydrocracking
organic material, water, minerals, and numerous living (I Hydrocracking)
organisms, providing conditions that convert Catalytic hydrotreating
biopolymers to geopolymers (kerogen) (I Hydrotreating)

Catalyst Catalytic reforming

A substance that increases the rate of a chemical A catalytic refining process in which C6 to C12
reaction without itself undergoing any permanent naphthenes and paraffins are converted into aromatics
change while producing hydrogen. The liquid product
Catalyst acidity (I reformate) serves as high-octane gasoline
For heterogeneous catalysts, acidity refers to the blendstock or as a feedstock to aromatics production
number and strength of acid sites per unit of weight or units. Hydrogen purities range from 8090 vol%. This
volume. Includes both Lewis and Brønsted sites; hydrogen goes primarily to hydroprocessing units.
generally, the Hammett function is used instead of pH The three main catalytic reforming processes are
to indicate strength. Relative acidity is determined by semiregen, cyclic, and CCR. In semiregen units, the
adsorption of ammonia or other volatile bases with catalyst occupies fixed-bed reactors and slowly
known acidity. For homogeneous systems, acidity can deactivates. When liquid yields and hydrogen purity
refer either to the strength of the acid itself or to the become unacceptably low, due to increased formation
concentration of acid in the system of C1C5 hydrocarbons, operators shut the unit down
Catalyst activity and regenerate the catalyst. Typical semiregen cycles
Relative rate at which a catalyzed reaction proceeds last six to 12 months. Cyclic reformers include four to
Catalyst coke six reactors. The reactors deactivate sequentially.
Carbonaceous material that deposits on catalysts Every week or so, a reactor goes down for
Catalyst deactivation regeneration as a regenerated reactor returns to
Loss of catalyst activity due to routine fouling, service. With this strategy, a unit can run for years
attrition, or agglomeration (I Catalyst poisoning) without a total shutdown. The most profitable option
Catalyst fouling is CCR – continuous catalyst regeneration – in which
Plugging of catalyst beds with particulates or gums. the catalyst moves through several reactors before
Sometimes used as a synonym for deactivation due to circulating through an online regeneration section and
coking (I Catalyst deactivation) back to the lead reactor. CCR liquid yields are greater,
Catalyst impregnation because they operate continuously, and at lower
A method for adding active metals to a solid catalyst pressure, which favors dehydrogenation. For
support semiregen units, catalysts usually contain both
Catalyst poisoning platinum (Pt) and rhenium (Rh), where the Rh
Partial or total deactivation of a catalyst caused by improves stability. For CCR units, Rh is not needed,
exposure to a range of chemical compounds but promoters such as tin (Sn) are added to improve
Catalyst regeneration selectivity. To provide acidity, chloride is injected into
Restoration of catalyst activity. Heterogeneous the unit at prescribed rates. Chloride promotes
refining catalysts for FCC, hydroprocessing, and important reactions, but too much chloride can lead to
catalytic reforming are regenerated by controlled excessive cracking
combustion, which removes accumulated coke, sulfur, Caustic Wash
nitrogen, and other volatile or flammable materials The process of treating a product with a caustic soda
Catalyst rejuvenation solution to remove minor but especially undesired
Further restoration of catalyst activity via chemical impurities
treatment of a regenerated catalyst. Used (for Cetane index
example) to redisperse active metals on catalysts in Used as an alternative for cetane number. Based on
which agglomeration has occurred density and distillation range.
Catalyst selectivity CI D 420:34 C 0:016 G2 C 0:192 G log M C
Percentage of desired product from a catalyzed 65:01.log M/2  0:0001809 M 2 where G D API
reaction gravity at 60 ı F and M D D86 temperature at 50%
Catalytic cracking volume, in ı F
The conversion of high-boiling feedstocks into Cetane number (CN)
lower-boiling products over a catalyst. Occurs in fixed A measure of the tendency of a diesel fuel to knock
beds or fluid beds, in the absence of excess hydrogen and undergo ignition delay. It is measured in a
(as in FCC) or in the presence of external hydrogen standard diesel engine according to ASTM D613.
(as in hydrocracking) Originally, the CN of a test fuel was compared to
Glossary of Defining Terms 1189

standard mixtures that knocked with the same oxidation. In power plants, some form of sulfur
intensity as the test fuel. The original standards were capture is required to meet current North American
prepared by mixing n-hexadecane (CN D 100) with emission standards
a-methylnaphthalene (CN D 0). In 1962, Coke, green
a-methylnaphthalene was replaced with Uncalcined raw coke from a delayed coker
2,2,4,4,6,8,8-heptamethylnonane, which has a CN of Coke, needle
15 Premium highly crystalline petroleum coke used in the
Characterization factor (UOP K or Watson K, K w ) manufacturing of graphite electrodes of low thermal
A method of petroleum classification.

expansion for arc furnaces in the steel, aluminum and
Kw D .TB/1=3=G, where TB is mean average boiling titanium industries (I Coke, anode grade)
point in K and G is specific gravity at 60 ı F. Kw Coke, shot
ranges from 10:5 for highly naphthenic crude to 12:9 Lowest quality coke from a delayed coker. Typically,
for highly paraffinic crudes shot coke is comprised of small round pellets ranging
Chemical injection 1:54 or 5 mm in diameter, which are loosely bound
A tertiary recovery or enhanced oil recovery method. together in structures roughly the size and shape of
It involves injecting water-soluble polymers, ostrich eggs. Shot coke can disrupt coke drum
surfactants or alkaline solutions into rock to flood the operations by causing blowbacks during the cutting of
formation and drive oil to production wells for coke from drums, plugging of the bottom nozzle of a
recovery coke drum, and fouling of coke handling equipment
Claus process
Converts hydrogen sulfide into sulfur in a two-step Coke, sponge
process. (1) The thermal step entails combustion of a Sponge-like coke from a delayed coker with a
relatively uniform consistency
mixture containing H2 S and air in which the
H2 S:oxygen molar ratio is 2 W 1. The products are Coking
SO2 , water, and unreacted H2 S. (2) The catalytic step A thermal process for continuous conversion of
entails the reaction of SO2 from step 1 with unreacted reduced crude, straight-run residua or cracked residua
H2 S to form elemental sulfur. Named after Carl into hydrocarbon gases, H2 S, NH3 , naphtha, gas oils
Friedrich Claus and petroleum coke. The most common processes are
Cloud point I delayed coking (batch), I fluid coking and
Temperature at which a haze appears in a sample due I Flexicoking (continuous)
to the formation of wax crystals. Determines the Coking, delayed
plugging tendency of a fuel as it flows through small A semicontinuous (semi-batch) process by which
orifices. Particularly import for jet fuel and diesel at residue and other heavy fractions, such as FCC decant
cold operating temperatures oil or coal tar, are thermally decomposed to produce
Coal coke and cracked products. The feed is heated to ca.
A combustible black rock. A solid fossil fuel 500 ı C and sent to large coking (soaking) drums.
comprised of 6595% carbon and different amounts Usually, four or more drums are used so that operation
of hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and ash. It is a can be staggered. Drums are switched every 1824 h.
sedimentary rock formed from peat that is buried Hot oil is added until a drum is full. Cracking begins
under rocks immediately, generating coke and hot cracked vapor.
Coal bed methane The oil stays in the drum for several hours (hence the
Natural gas extracted from natural coal beds. Contains term delayed) until coking is complete. Vapors rise to
fewer C2C hydrocarbons than natural gas from the top, from whence they are sent to a fractionator for
conventional reservoirs separation and recovery. Coker gases and liquids
Coke (petroleum coke) contain sulfur and olefins. The liquids must be
Carbonaceous product generated in refineries by stabilized by hydrotreating or hydrocracking. The
coking processes coke can be used either as a fuel or in other
Coke, anode grade applications such as the manufacturing of andoes for
Calcined petroleum coke, low in sulfur and metals. steel or aluminum production
Primarily used to produce electrodes for steel and Coking, Flexi-
aluminum (I Coke, needle) A combination of continuous fluid coking and
Coke, catalyst oxidative steam reforming, which can upgrade
Undesired carbonaceous material that deposits on virtually any pumpable feed including residual, pitch
catalysts or total crude. Approximately 95 wt% conversion of
Coke, fuel grade feed can be achieved. Products include coke and a full
Calcined sponge coke or shot coke from a delayed range of gas and liquid products. Some of the coke is
coker, with lower quality than anode-grade coke due heated and circulated back to the reactor to supply
to excessive ash or trace metals. Suitable as a process heat. Excess coke goes to a gasifier, where it
replacement for coal in fired boilers in power plants. reacts with air and steam to produce Flexigas. After
Can be a feedstock for gasification with partial treatment to remove particulates and hydrogen sulfide,
1190 Glossary of Defining Terms

the Flexigas is ready for use as fuel in refinery boilers Crude oil
and furnaces and/or for steam and power generation Liquid form of petroleum. A mixture of naturally
Coking, fluid occurring hydrocarbons in (or produced from)
A continuous thermal cracking process for converting underground I reservoirs. It is formed from the
residua to more valuable products, such as gases, a bodies of dead microorganisms, which accumulated
full range of liquids, and coke. The coke is burned or millions of years ago in sediments at the bottoms of
gasified and returned to the main reactor to provide ancient seas and lakes. Deep underground, the
some of the heat required for cracking sediments were subjected to heat and pressure, which
Combined feed ratio (CFR)

converted them into sedimentary rock via diagenesis.

In a process where unconverted feed is recycled, the During diagenesis, the organic matter was
combined feed ratio D (FF C RO)/FF, where FF D transformed into fossil hydrocarbons. Depending on
fresh feed rate and RO D recycle oil rate local conditions, including time, diagenesis produces
Compression ratio natural gas, petroleum, heavy oil, bitumen, or coal.
The ratio of the volumes in an internal combustion Crude oil in reservoirs is associated with dissolved
engine when the piston is at the bottom of the stroke hydrocarbon gases, water, salt, dirt, dissolved light
and the top of the stroke natural gas, CO2 , H2 S, and trace metals such as Fe,
Condensate Ni, V, As, and Hg. When brought to the surface,
Liquids produced during the processing of natural gas. dissolved gases desorb and are collected and
Also referred to as gas condensate, and (historically) processed in associated facilities. Widely construed,
natural gasoline. Includes pentanes and heavier the term crude oil also includes other fossil
hydrocarbons hydrocarbons: bitumen recovered from tar pits by
Conradson carbon residue (CCR) conventional mining, bitumen recovered from tar
Also known as Concarbon. A quantitative sands (oil sands), and liquids produced from the
measurement of carbonaceous residue remaining after kerogen in oil shale. Liquids from natural gas
evaporation and pyrolysis of oil from a sample under processing plants are often included, especially when
controlled conditions. An indication of the they are back-blended with crude oil prior to
coke-formation tendency of the oil being tested transportation. Crude oil is refined into a wide array of
Conversion fuels and other products
In refining, conversion means boiling point reduction. Crude oil, asphaltic
That is: transforming material that boils above a also called naphthenic crudes, containing higher
product cutpoint into material that boils below that concentrations of naphthenes and aromatics than
cutpoint. Most conversion is accomplished by paraffinic crudes
breaking CC bonds. Depending on the feedstock, up Crude oil, conventional
to 15% conversion of material that boils above 700 ı F Oil extracted from the ground by conventional drilling
(370 ı C) can be achieved by other reactions: methods. Includes oil produced with primary,
saturating aromatics and removing heteroatoms secondary, and tertiary recoveries
Correlation index (CI)
I BMCI Crude oil, paraffinic
Crack spread Paraffinic (waxy) crude oils contain relatively high
Expressed as X W Y W Z where X D price of X barrels of concentrations of long-chain n-paraffins. In
crude, Y D price of Y barrels of gasoline, and Z D comparison, naphthenic crudes contain relatively low
price of Z barrels of distillate fuel oil (diesel, etc.). By concentrations of paraffins. Waxy crudes cause
convention, X D Y C Z. Corresponds roughly with problems due to their high viscosity and tendency to
refinery profitability leave deposits in equipment
Cracked gas Crude oil, synthetic
The gas from thermal crackers, steam crackers, Crude oil produced from coal, bitumen or shale oil; in
catalytic crackers and cokers. Depending on the this context, shale oil comes from retorted oil shale.
process and reaction conditions cracked gas is often To make so-called synthetic bitumen (synbit), bitumen
rich in hydrogen and olefins is upgraded by a coker, visbreaker, or hydroprocessing
Cracking unit. To make so-called diluted bitumen (dilbit), the
Breaking down large molecules into smaller bitumen is diluted with cutter stock. The quality of
molecules by heat. Thermal cracking includes steam synbit is much higher than the quality of dilbit
cracking and coking. Catalytic cracking includes FCC Crude oil, unconventional
and hydrocracking Unconventional crude oils include oil and natural gas
Crude assay (crude oil assay) condensates that are not recovered by conventional
A collection of the results of physical tests, which means, such as primary to tertiary recoveries. These
determine key properties (boiling point, density, include oil sand bitumen and syncrude, extra heavy
viscosity, heteroatom contents, acid number, etc.) of a crude oil, and shale oil
crude oil and its fractions. Important for determining Cut
the value and processability of crude oil The portion or fraction of a crude oil boiling within
Glossary of Defining Terms 1191

certain temperature limits. Also called I distillate in have alkyl groups adjacent to the sulfur atom or when
distillation they include fused aromatic rings (I Hydrocarbons,
Cut point heteroatom-containing)
The temperature limit of a cut or fraction, usually (but Diesel
not always) specified on a true boiling point basis Fuel used in compression-ignition (diesel) engines.
Cyclic steam stimulation (CSS) Most diesel (petro diesel) is produced in petroleum
A thermal recovery method for heavy oils, also known refineries from distillation of crude oil and by
as the Huff and Puff method, consisting of three conversion processes such as hydrocracking. Other
stages: steam injection, soaking, and production

sources include biomass, biogas or natural gas. Diesel
is produced from synthesis gas with the
D Fischer–Tropsch process. No. 1 diesel is lighter than
No. 2 diesel (close to kerosene) and with high cetane
Deasphalted oil (DAO) number and volatility, it is better suited for cold
The extract or residual oil from which asphalt and temperatures. No. 2 diesel is less volatile than No. 1
resins have been removed by an extractive (containing heavy gas oil), enabling it to carry heavy
precipitation process called deasphalting loads for long distances at sustained speed. No. 4
Deasphalting diesel fuel is used for low- and medium-speed diesel
A refinery process for removing asphalt from reduced engines and conforms to ASTM Specification D 975
crude or vacuum residua (residual oil) by light alkanes
Dilbit (diluted bitumen)
(propane, pentane, heptane, etc.)
Bitumen diluted with cutter stock to facilitate
Deep catalyic cracking (DCC)
transportation. In refineries, dilbit is processed as if it
A modified catalytic conversion technology that uses
were a conventional heavy crude oil
heavy hydrocarbon feedstocks, such as VGO, VR or
VGO, blended with DAO to produce light olefins Distillate
(ethylene, propylene and butylenes), LPG, gasoline, An overhead or side-draw distillation fraction from a
middle distillates, etc distillation column after cooling
Delayed coking Distillate fuel oil
I Coking, delayed A collective term referring to heating oils for which
Desalting the distillation endpoint is less than about 400 ı C
Removal of salts and other material, such as (750 ı F). No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils are similar
particulates, from crude oil. Usually the first step in to No. 1, No. 2, and No 4. diesel respectively, but with
crude oil refining. The process entails: (1) adding and different (fewer) additives. Used primarily for space
dispersing water, (2) forming an emulsion to expedite heating and electric power generation
the dissolution of salts in the water, and (3) separating Distillation
the emulsion into oil and water phases by electrostatic Process of selective evaporation and condensation to
and/or chemical methods separate substances from a liquid mixture. Primary
Desulfurization means of separation in oil refineries
Removal of organic sulfur compounds by scrubbing,
Distillation, atmospheric
mercaptan oxidation, or catalytic hydrotreating via
Distillation at atmospheric pressure up to 700 ı F or
hydrodesulfurization (HDS)
370 ı C. In petroleum refining, atmospheric distillation
separates crude oil into fractions, which are
A lubricant plant process to remove wax
subsequently transformed into finished products.
(higher-boiling normal paraffins) from oil after
Typical fractions include C1C4 gases, naphtha,
extraction of aromatics. Solvent dewaxing often
middle distillates, atmospheric gas oil, and
employs methylethyl ketone (MEK) mixed with
atmospheric residue
toluene or propane
Dewaxed oil (DWO) Distillation, vacuum
The oil remaining after dewaxing processes for Distillation of crude oil under vacuum or reduced
lubricant oil production pressure, such as 40 mmHg (50 mbar), up to 700 ı F or
Diagenesis 370 ı C. Recovers components that thermally
Formation of sedimentary rocks from sediments or decomposed before they vaporize under atmospheric
from different sedimentary rocks at high temperature pressure
and pressure. Diagenesis occurs at depths reaching Donor solvent process
several kilometers. When the sediments contain A hydrogenation process, such as donor-solvent coal
enough organic matter, kerogen forms. Over time, the liquefaction, in which a hydrogen-rich liquid solvent
kerogen starts evolving into liquid petroleum, various such as tetralin replaces gaseous molecular hydrogen.
ranks of coal, and gases (mostly methane) Much of the hydrogenated coal liquefies; the coal
Dibenzothiophenes liquids are easier to transport and process than solid
A class of sulfur-containing aromatic compounds. coal. Due to the modest pressure of the coal section,
They are difficult to remove, especially when they construction and processing costs are relatively low.
1192 Glossary of Defining Terms

The dehydrogenated solvent is removed by Extra heavy crude oil

distillation, rehydrogenated, and recycled Crude oil with ı API gravity less than 10 (specific
Downhole fluid analysis (DFA) gravity > 1:0). The heaviest of heavy crude oils
Technique to characterize reservoirs and the
distribution of reservoir-fluid properties using optical
spectroscopy F
Business sector in the oil industry for refining crude Facies

oils and purifying natural gas. Includes the marketing Characteristics of a rock expressed by its morphology,
and distribution of refined products composition, and fossil content. Fasces is a Latin term
Drilling engineering for the bundles of sticks carried by lictors in Ancient
A branch of petroleum engineering for designing and Rome
implementing procedures to drill wells safely and Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)
economically Primary constituent of biodiesel, resulting from the
Dry gas transesterification of fats with methanol
Natural gas or refinery gas that does not contain Fault
significant amounts of C2C components Natural fracture in stratum caused by plate tectonics.
Serves as a conduit for petroleum migration or as a
reservoir in the presence of cap rock
E Fold (geological)
A permanent deformation caused when flat
Ebulated bed (e-bed) hydrocracking sedimentary strata are bent or curved by geological
I Hydrocracking forces
Ebulated bed (e-bed) reactor Fischer–Tropsch process
Key part of an ebulated bed unit A series of chemical reactions to convert a mixture of
Engine oils carbon monoxide and hydrogen into liquid
Lubricant oils for internal combustion engines hydrocarbons. The key process in the production of
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) synthetic lubricants or fuels in gas-to-liquid (GTL)
I Tertiary recovery technology
Entrainment Flash point
Entrainment is the carryover of liquid by the vapor The lowest temperature at which vapor of a volatile
phase or of gas by the liquid phase. Liquid may be in material will ignite
the form of a spray, foam or mist Flexicoking
Epimers I Coking, Flexi-
Stereoisomers with different configurations of atoms Flue gas
around one of several asymmetric carbon atoms The exhaust gas from a furnace, boiler, reactor, etc.
(chiral centers). Important isomeric molecule for Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC)
maturity assessment through petroleum biomarkers Catalytic cracking in a fluidized bed reactor. The
EST (ENI Slurry Technology) cracking reaction occurs on high-acidity zeolite
A slurry-phase hydrocracking process licensed by ENI catalysts, which have the consistency of sifted flour.
Exploration (discovery) Reaction products include gases, predominantly C3C,
Searching for oil and gas deposits under the Earth’s which are highly olefinic; high-octane FCC gasoline;
surface. A branch of the petroleum upstream business highly aromatic cycle oils; and coke. The coke goes to
Extract a regenerator, where it is burned in air (or
For solvent refining in general, the extract is the oxygen-enriched air) to produce CO2 , H2 O, and heat.
stream rich in impurities. In solvent extraction for Hot catalyst is mixed with fresh feed and returned to
preparing lube basestocks, the extract is rich in the reactor. FCC produces a significant portion of the
aromatics and other undesirable components. In wax world’s gasoline
deoiling, the extract is rich in oil (I Raffinate) Fluid coking (fluidized bed coking)
Extraction I Coking, fluid
In general, extraction is the process of separating a Fluidized bed reactor
mixture into a fraction soluble in a solvent and an A reactor in which the catalyst bed is fluidized by
insoluble residue. In solvent refining for lube oil upflowing gas. Used in fluid catalytic cracking and
production, the aromatic portion of an oil is separated fluid coking
from the paraffinic and naphthenic portions. This Foots oil
improves the viscosity index, oxidation resistance, and The oil washed out of slack wax
color of the basestock. It also reduces carbon and Formation (geological)
sludge formation. Solvents used include furfural, Stratified sedimentary bed. The fundamental unit of
phenol or N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) petrostratigraphy in geology
Glossary of Defining Terms 1193

Formulated oil molecules inside its cavity. In nature, the gas is mostly
A blend of base oils with special additives methane
Fouling Gas injection (for oil recovery)
The deposition and accumulation of unwanted Gas injection is used both in secondary recovery for
materials such as scale, algae, suspended solids and artificial lift of the oil, and in tertiary recovery. In the
insoluble salts on the internal or external surfaces of latter, carbon dioxide or nitrogen is introduced
processing equipment including boilers and heat through an injection well to sweep the formation for
exchangers remaining oil
Gas oils

I Hydraulic fracturing Distillation fractions boiling between heavy naphtha
Fractional distillation or kerosene and atmospheric residue. They are
Primary means of separating crude oils at refineries obtained from atmospheric distillation as atmospheric
into fractions with different boiling ranges gas oils (AGOs), vacuum distillation as vacuum gas
Fracture oil (VGOs) and coker as coker gas oils (KGOs). Also
A natural or man-made crack in reservoir rock known as middle distillates. After subsequent
Frasch Process processing, gas oils become suitable for blending into
Method to extract sulfur from underground deposits, finished fuel oil and transportation fuel
where superheated water is pumped into the formation Gas oils, heavy coker (HKGO)
to melt the sulfur. Compressed air is used to froth the Heavy gas oil fraction from coker with boiling points
sulfur and bring it to the surface > 650 ı F (340 ı C), which contains very high
Froth treatment concentrations of polycyclic aromatic compounds and
A process of eliminating the aqueous and solid other contaminants, such as metals. If used as a
contaminants from bitumen froth to produce a clean hydrotreating or hydrocracking feed, it is crucial to
bitumen product control endpoint, CCR, and metals to avoid shortening
Fuel ethanol catalyst cycle life.
Ethanol intended for fuel use, as in reformulated Gas oils, heavy straight run (HGO or HAGO)
gasoline. Fuel ethanol in the United States must Liquid petroleum distillates from atmospheric
contain less than 1 wt% water and be denatured with distillation heavier than kerosene with boiling points
> 2 vol% C5C paraffins or conventional gasoline between 600 ı F and 800 ı F (315420 ı C) in the
Fuel oils (heating oils) diesel range
A range of oils used for heating or for locomotion in Gas oils, light coker (LKGO)
ships and locomotives. No. 1 fuel oil is a volatile Highly olefinic middle distillates produced by coking
distillate oil with a boiling range similar to that of units, with boiling points that range from about 400 ı F
kerosene, but a higher pour point and an end point that to 650 ı F (200340 ı C). Highly reactive with air.
is is adjusted to suit vaporizing pot-type burners. No. Hydroprocessing transforms light coker gas oils into
2 fuel oil is a distillate home heating oil, similar to No. diesel blendstocks or heavy naphtha
1. It may contain hydrotreated cracked stock. The Gas oils, light straight run (LGO or LAGO)
chain length of the hydrocarbons ranges from 10 to Liquid petroleum distillates from atmospheric
20. No. 3 fuel oil is for burners requiring distillation heavier than naphtha with boiling points
low-viscosity heating oil, merged with No. 2 in between 400 ı F and 600 ı F (200315 ı C) in the
specifications. No. 4 fuel oil is usually a light residual kerosene and jet fuel range. Also called middle
oil used in a furnace that can atomize the oil and is not distillates
equipped with preheater. The chain length of the Gas oils, vacuum (VGO)
hydrocarbons ranges from 12 to 70. No. 5 fuel oil has Overhead and side-streams from a vacuum distillation
higher viscosities than No. 4. In use, it requires unit. Include light vacuum gas oil (LVGO) and heavy
preheating to 170220 ı F for atomizing and handling. vacuum gas oil (HVGO). A typical VGO boiling
Also known as Bunker B oil. The chain length of the range is 6501050 ı F (340560 ı C). They are
hydrocarbons ranges from 12 to 70. No. 6 fuel oil is a feedstocks for catalytic cracking or hydrocracking
high-viscosity residual oil that requires preheating to Gasohol
220260 ı F for storage, handling and atomizing. Also A mixture of gasoline and ethyl alcohol used as fuel in
specified by navies as Bunker C oil for ships. The internal combustion engines
chain length of the hydrocarbons ranges from 20 to Gasoline
70. Residual fuel oils are the heaviest, including No. 5 A mixture of C5C12 hydrocarbons used as fuel in
and No. 6 fuel oils spark-ignition internal combustion engines. A
high-octane naphtha blend with additives to meet
official specifications for octane number, RVP, and
G other properties as described by ASTM D4814, EN
228, JIS K2202, China V, etc.
Gas hydrate Gasoline, blending
Solid ice-like form of water cage that contains gas Mechanical mixing of motor gasoline blending
1194 Glossary of Defining Terms

components from refinery process units with Hydrocarbons

additives, including oxygenates when required. Final Molecules that contain carbon and hydrogen. The
blends must meet official specifications for octane term is loosely used in the oil industry to include all
number, RVP, sulfur, and other properties compounds containing carbon and hydrogen,
Gasoline, blending components including those that also contain heteroatoms.
Refinery streams containing C5-C12 hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are classified into the following groups:
with suitable properties for blending into gasoline. saturates (paraffins and cycloparaffins), olefins,
Typically, the streams include straight-run naphtha, aromatics (monoring and polyring) and

reformate, FCC gasoline, alkylate, isomerate, polymer heteroatom-containing

gasoline, and others. Oxygenates and other additives Hydrocarbons, acetylene
are included as required or needed Acetylenes have a formula of C2 H2 with a
Gas-to-liquids (GTL) carbon–carbon triple bond. They are not found in
A process for converting natural gas into liquid petroleum or natural gas due their high reactivity, but
hydrocarbons can be manufactured from the hydrolysis of calcium
Gravity drainage carbide, and the partial oxidation of methane, coke, or
The movement of oil in a reservoir due to gravity coal. Acetylene has mainly been used in oxyactylene
Grease welding and as a feedstock for a variety of plastics and
A semisolid lubricant usually prepared by emulsifying acrylic acid derivatives
a lubricant basestock with soap. Greases are highly Hydrocarbons, aromatics
viscous when first applied, but they undergo sheer Aromatics are hydrogen-deficient ring compounds
thinning (their viscosities fall) during operation. with the general formula Cn H2n C z, where z D 6 for
Because they are semisolid, greases stay in place benzenes, 8 for indans, 10 for indenes, 12 for
where liquid lubricants will not. Bearings are typically naphthalenes, etc. The rings are stabilized with
lubricated with grease instead of with less-viscous oil. resonance energy, making them difficult to open with
Some greases act as sealants or waterproofing agents cracking processes. Aromatics are dense and have
Green coke higher boiling points than other hydrocarbons with the
Unprocessed raw coke from a delayed coker (I Coke) same number of carbon atoms. Important examples
include benzene (C6 H6 ), toluene (C7 H8 ), and four
H isomers of C8 H10 : o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene, and
Heating oil Hydrocarbons, diolefins
No. 2 to No. 4 fuel oils (I Fuel oil) Diolefins have two carbon-to-carbon double bonds,
Heavy coker gas oil (HKGO) which are usually conjugated. Butadiene is an
I Gas oils, heavy coker important monomer for making petrochemicals. In
Heavy crude oil refining, due to their high reactivity, diolefins cause
Crude oil with ı API gravity ranging from 10 to 20 storage and processing problems as well as gum
Heavy gas oil (HGO) formation in gasoline engines. Coking units produce
Petroleum distillates with an approximate boiling significant butadienes and pentadienes, which can
range from 500 to 750 ı F (260400 ı C) polymerize at the top of hydroprocessing reactors,
H-Oil producing gums that increase pressure drop and can
An ebullated-bed hydrocracking process licensed by shut a unit down
Axens Hydrocarbons, heteroatom-containing
Houdry process Strict definitions of hydrocarbons exclude compounds
A process invented by Eugène Houdry, a French that contain heteroatoms. However, they are included
chemist. Revolutionized thermal cracking with the use with hydrocarbons in much of the literature because
of a moving bed of catalyst integrated with oxidative their hydrocarbon backbones are the main interest.
regeneration. Produced less gas, higher liquid yields, The most common heteroatom compounds contain
and gasoline with higher octane sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen. They are bad actors, i. e.,
Huff and Puff they cause equipment problems and poison catalysts.
I Cyclic steam stimulation The sulfur compounds include mostly thiols, sulfides,
Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) thiophenes, benzothiophenes, dibenzothiophenes, etc.
Injecting fluid (about 90% water, 9:5% proppant, and The nitrogen compounds include pyrroles, pyridines,
chemical additives) under controlled pressure carbazoles, etc. The oxygen compounds include acids,
intermittently over a short period (three to five days) phenols, furans, etc. Trace metal compounds include
to create fractures in a targeted rock formation. The nickel and vanadyl porphyrins, the removal of which
fracture permits oil or natural gas to flow to the is the subject of intensive research
wellbore. The proppants are small grains of sand, Hydrocarbons, naphthenes (cycloparaffins or
ceramic, aluminum oxide or other particulates to keep cycloalkanes)
the fracture open Naphthenes have the general formula Cn H2nCz where
Glossary of Defining Terms 1195

z D ..number of rings/  2  2/. They contain a fully Hydrocracking

saturated ring comprised of five or six carbons. A group of upgrading processes that convert heavy
Cyclopentane and cyclohexane are the simplest oils into light products in the presence of
naphthenes. Commercially, naphthenes can be high-pressure hydrogen. Hydrocracker (HC) products
prepared by saturating aromatics with hydrogen. are low in sulfur and nitrogen. HC light naphtha can
Cyclohexane (C6 H12 ) is an important solvent and be blended into gasoline. HC heavy naphtha is an
petrochemical excellent feedstock for catalytic reforming. With
Hydrocarbons, naphthenoaromatics (hydroaromatics) certain feeds, HC middle distillates can meet sales

Naphthenoaromatics contain at least one aromatic ring specifications for jet and diesel fuels. HC unconverted
fused to at least one naphthene ring. One example is oil (UCO, also called hydrowax) is a superb FCC feed.
tetralin (C10 H12 ). Alkyl naphthenoaromatics are In some locales, UCO serves as a feedstock for olefin
highly isomeric. The isomers tend to have similar production plants. For lubricant basestock production,
chemical and physical properties and are very difficult hydrocracking replaces the aromatic extraction step by
to separate from each other saturating aromatics to naphthenes and converting the
naphthenes into isoparaffins (I Isodewaxing)
Hydrocarbons, olefins Hydrocracking, ebullated-bed (e-bed)
Olefins (alkenes) have the general formula Cn H2n and Ebullated-bed (e-bed) hydrocracking employs
contain one carbon-to-carbon double bond. Olefins are bifunctional catalysts. E-bed processes can achieve
rare in nature, but they are produced in large quantities significant conversion of vacuum residue. A mixture
by thermal cracking and steam cracking. Examples of catalysts, hydrogen, and resid-containing oil is
include ethylene (ethane), propylene (propene), pumped upwards through a reactor into a reaction
1-butene, 2-butene (butylenes), and isobutylene zone at high temperature and pressure. The mixture
(2-methylpropylene). Far more reactive than paraffins, expands as hydrocracking reactions generate light
olefins have a tendency to polymerize. They serve as molecules. At the top of the reactor, the catalyst is
building blocks of polyethylene, polypropylene, and separated from the product gases and liquids, which
hundreds of other important polymers pass through a series of separators. Hydrogen is
Hydrocarbons, paraffins scrubbed to remove H2 S and recycled. Reaction
Paraffins (alkanes) have the general formula products go through a stripper to a fractionator. The
Cn H.2nC2/ . They can be divided into normal paraffins, catalyst is returned to the reactor with a recirculation
where chains of carbon atoms are straight (linear) and pump at a rate that maintains equilibrium flow inside
isoparaffins, containing at least one branch. The the reactor
lightest paraffins are methane (CH4 ), ethane (C2 H6 ) Hydrocracking, fixed-bed catalytic
and propane (C3 H8 ). There are two stable isomers of Fixed-bed catalytic hydrocracking produces C3C
butane (C4 H10 ), three stable isomers of pentane hydrocarbons from vacuum gas oil and other
(C5 H12 ), five for hexane (C6 H14 ), 75 for decane distillates with similar boiling points. The catalysts
(C10 H22 ), and many, many thousands for C34 H70 . are bifunctional, providing both acid-derived cracking
Light paraffins are highly flammable. Large normal activity and metal-derived hydrogenation activity.
paraffins are waxy. Large isoparaffins are excellent Hydrocracking catalysts are protected by
lube basestocks hydrotreating upstream
Hydrocarbons, polynaphthenes (polycycloparaffins) Hydrocracking, slurry-phase (thermal)
Polynaphthenes contain more than one fully saturated Slurry-phase hydrocracking is thermal, employing
five- or six-membered ring, where at least two of the small-diameter additives, which might or might not be
rings are fused. At high temperatures, polynaphthenes catalytic. In combination with a fixed-bed second
readily lose hydrogen to form naphthenoaromatics stage, slurry-phase processes can achieve 95 wt%
and/or polyaromatics. Examples include cis- and conversion of vacuum residue, FCC slurry oil, and
transdecalin (C10 H18 ). Polynaphthene structures can coal
be three-dimensional, as diamondoid hydrocarbons Hydrodemetalation (HDM)
Hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic (PNA or PAH) Removal of trace metals, such as Fe, Ni, V, As, Hg,
Polynuclear aromatics (PNA) are also known as and Si, in a hydroprocessing unit. HDM is
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). They accompanied by HDS, HDN, and saturation reactions
contain more than one aromatic ring, and at least two Hydrodenitrogenation (HDN)
of the rings are fused. They are more hydrogen Conversion of organic nitrogen compounds into
deficient than benzene. Important examples include hydrocarbons and ammonia in a hydroprocessing unit.
naphthalene (C10 H8 ), anthracene (C14 H10 ), chrysene HDN is accompanied by HDO, HDS, and saturation
(C18 H12 ), pyrene (C16 H10 ), perylene (C20 H12 ), reactions
coronene (C24 H12 ), and ovalene (C32 H14 ). Large Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO)
polyaromatics are difficult to crack and readily form Conversion of organic oxygen compounds into
coke. Many of them are carcinogenic or mutagenic hydrocarbons and water in a hydroprocessing unit.
1196 Glossary of Defining Terms

HDO is accompanied by HDN, HDS, and saturation I

Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) Isobutylene (C4 H8 )
Conversion of organic sulfur compounds into 2-methylpropene, also known as isobutylene. An
hydrocarbons and hydrogen sulfide in a important feedstock for polyisobutylene, butyl
hydroprocessing unit. HDS is accompanied by HDN, rubbers, ethers (e.g., methyl-t-butylether) and
HDO, and saturation reactions antioxidants (e.g., butylated hydroxytoluene).
I Hydrocarbons

A high-pressure hydrotreating process to improve the Isocracking

color and oxidation stability of lubricant oils A fixed-bed hydrocracking process licensed by
Chevron Lummus Global (CLG)
Hydrogen In situ
The lightest chemical element. Molecular hydrogen is In the original place, as within a reservoir or inside a
H2 . In petroleum processing, H2 streams might reactor
contain different amounts of CO, CO2 , N2 , Cl2 , CH4 , Inhibitor
H2 S, and higher hydrocarbons. On-purpose hydrogen A substance that prevents chemical reactions from
is manufactured by steam-hydrocarbon reforming, happening
colloquially called I steam-methane reforming Isodewaxing
(SMR). Coproduced hydrogen comes from catalytic A fixed-bed hydrocracking process licensed by
reformers, olefin manufacturing plants (steam Chevron Lummus Global (CLG). Specifically
crackers), and electrolytic chlorine-production plants. designed to catalytically isomerize n-paraffins with
H2 is consumed in large quantities in hydroprocessing minimal cracking, thereby reducing the wax content
units and pour point of lube basestocks and serve as a
Hydrogen purification replacement for solvent dewaxing
Processes for recovering and purifying hydrogen. Isomerate
Pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) units produce High octane product from an isomerization unit.
hydrogen with 99:99% purity. In hydrotreaters and Excellent for blending into gasoline
hydrocrackers, membrane units can recover > 90% of Isomerization
the hydrogen in high-pressure offgas streams, Refinery processes for isomerizing linear paraffins.
achieving purities > 95%. Benfield units remove CO2 C5 =C6 isomerization converts low octane n-pentane
and H2 S with potassium carbonate. Amine units and n-hexane into high octane i-C5 and i-C6
remove CO2 and H2 S with diethanolamine (DEA), compounds, which are excellent blendstocks for
methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), or similar gasoline. C4 isomerization converts normal butane
compounds. Lean-oil adsorption units remove C3C into isobutane, which is a necessary feedstock for
hydrocarbons. Turboexpanders can separate H2 and alkylation units
methane from other hydrocarbons, and cryogenic Isomers
units can separate H2 from everything Chemical compounds with the same formula but
Hydroisomerization different structures
Isomerization under hydrogen, also known as
isodewaxing in lubricant base oil manufacturing J
Hydroprocessing Jet and turbine fuels
A general term for refining processes in which Middle distillate fuels with boiling ranges of 350 to
hydrogen is consumed. Includes catalytic 550 ı F (175285 ı C). Must meet specifications for
hydrotreating (to remove sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and Jet A, Jet A-1, JP-5, JP-8 and JP-50, and others.
trace contaminants), catalytic hydrocracking (to Prepared from hydrotreated straight-run kerosene and
convert heavy hydrocarbons into lighter hydrocracking. Naphtha-based jet fuel (Avjet) is
hydrocarbons), catalytic saturation of aromatics (to mainly for military usage. Jet A and Jet A-1
produce cyclohexane from benzene), and noncatalytic (Commercial) have been used in the US since the
thermal hydrocracking (to convert vacuum residue) 1950s. Jet A-1 is used in the rest of the world. The
Hydrotreating freezing point of Jet A is 40 ı C, while the freezing
A refining process for removing contaminants from point of Jet A-1 is 47 ı C. Both Jet A and Jet A-1
petroleum fractions in the presence of catalysts and have a flash point higher than 38 ı C (100 ı F) with an
excess hydrogen. Required pressures depend of autoignition temperature of 210 ı C (410 ı F).
feedstock properties. Naphtha hydrotreaters may Kerosene-type jet fuel has a carbon number
operate at 300 psig (about 20 barg) while residue distribution between 8 and 16, similar to JP-8. Jet B
hydrotreaters require 20003000 psig (about (Commercial) is a fuel comprising about 70%
140200 barg). Most hydrotreaters employ fixed-bed naphtha-range material and 30% kerosene-range
reactors. Hydrotreating reactions include saturation of material. It is used for its enhanced cold-weather
olefins and aromatics, HDS, HDN, HDO, and HDM performance. Its lighter composition makes it more
Glossary of Defining Terms 1197

dangerous to handle. Hence, it’s rarely used except in LHSV

very cold climates. Naphtha-type jet fuel has a carbon An acronym for liquid hourly space velocity. LHSV is
number distribution between 5 and 15, similar to JP-4. the ratio of the hourly volume of oil processed to the
JP-4 (Military) is a turbine or propeller fuel, and a volume of catalyst
wide-cut fuel (kerosene-gasoline blend) for broader Light coker gas Oil (LKGO)
availability. JP-6 (Military) is a turbine or propeller I Gas oil, light coker
fuel and a higher cut than JP-4 with fewer impurities. Light cycle oils (LCO)
JP-7 (Military) is a turbine fuel and a high-flashpoint Highly aromatic light middle distillate produced by
specialty kerosene used in advanced supersonic

FCC units, with boiling points that range from about
aircraft. JP-8 (Military) turbine fuel is kerosene 200 to 400 ı C (400750 ı F). Hydrotreaters saturate
modeled on the Jet A-1 fuels used in civilian aircraft much of the aromatics and reduce the amounts of
sulfur and nitrogen. A typical cetane number for LCO
K is < 25, and the sulfur content can exceed 0:5 wt%.
With severe hydrotreating, LCO can be made suitable
Kerogen for blending into diesel. In hydrocrackers, LCO is
A mixture of complex organic compounds and converted into naphtha. LCO is commonly used as a
minerals found in sedimentary rocks. Geologically, cutter stock to decrease the viscosity of heavy fuel oils
kerogen is a precursor to petroleum and natural gas. Light ends
When heated above 510 ı C (950 ı F), kerogen The lowest boiling (lightest) fractions of crude oil.
decomposes into a full range of hydrocarbon gases Note: light ends of oil are not referred to as gases
and liquids, leaving behind trapped oil/gas, Light gas oils
undecomposed geopolymers and minerals. Type I Liquid petroleum distillates heavier than naphtha,
kerogen (sapropelic) has a H W C ratio > 1:25 and an with boiling ranges similar to kerosene
O W C ratio < 0:15. It has a great tendency to produce Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
liquid hydrocarbons. Type II (planktonic) kerogen has Natural gas, mainly methane, which has been
a H W C ratio < 1:25 and an O W C ratio 0:030:18. It liquefied under pressure and supercooling. The
tends to produce a mix of gas and oil. Type III removal of carbon dioxide is critical for dry-ice
(Humic) kerogen has a H W C ratio < 1 and an O W C formation during transportation
ratio 0:030:3. It tends to produce coal and gas. Type Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG)
IV (residue) kerogen has a H W C ratio < 0:5. It has no Liquefied hydrocarbon gases, mainly propane and
potential to produce hydrocarbons butanes. Usually sold as fuels
Kerosene Liquefied refinery gases (LRG)
A fuel with a boiling range between about 150 ı C and Hydrocarbon gas liquids produced in refineries,
275 ı C. Historically, due to its use as an illuminant, it liquefied with pressurization and/or refrigeration.
was called lamp oil. At present, kerosene is widely LRG might include ethane, propane, butanes, and
used to fuel turbine engines, primarily those that refinery olefins (ethylene, propylene, butylene, and
power jet aircraft. It is also a fuel for domestic heaters isobutylene)
or furnaces (I Fuel oil and I Jet fuel) Lithology
Kerosene-type jet fuel The physical characteristics of rocks
I Jet fuel, Jet A and Jet B Lube assay
Similar to a crude assay. Specifically for crude oils or
L distillates intended for production of lube basestocks.
Includes atmospheric distillation, vacuum distillation,
LC fining aromatics content, naphthene content, wax content,
An ebullated-bed hydrocracking process licensed by viscosity, and sulfur content
CB&I and Chevron Lummus Global (CLG). It is a Lubricant (lube)
hydrocracking process capable of desulfurizing, A substance that reduces friction between surfaces in
demetallizing and upgrading a wide spectrum of contact, which ultimately reduces the heat generated
heavy feedstocks. It allows the processing of heavy when surfaces move against each other. The finished
feedstocks, including atmospheric resids, vacuum product is a blend of basestocks with special additives.
resids and bitumen Lubricant base oil is a blend of one or more
LC MAX I basestocks
A CLG process that combines LC-finingand solvent
I deasphalting (SDA) in an integrated M
hydroprocessing configuration. Vacuum residue
conversions ranging from 80 up to 90% can be Magnaforming
attained, even when processing very difficult A semiregenerative catalytic reforming process
high-sediment feeds developed by Engelhard and Atlantic Richfield (now a
Lean oil part of BP). Its characteristic feature is a split flow of
An absorbing liquid (oil) entering the absorption tower recycled hydrogen, with about half going to the first
1198 Glossary of Defining Terms

two reactors, which operate at mild conditions, and LNG, natural gas, and refined petroleum products. In
the other half going to the third reactor, where some companies, midstream includes trading,
conditions are more severe (i. e., temperatures are marketing, and/or retail sales
higher). Initially, it employed a Motor gasoline (Mogas)
monometallic-supported platinum catalyst. More I Gasoline
recently, most units contain Pt-Re catalysts for Motor octane number (MON)
enhanced stability (I Catalytic reforming) I Octane number
Maltenes MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether, (CH3 )3 COCH3 )
An oxygenate initially used in reformulated gasoline.

Solvent-soluble fraction from deasphaltening

MEK Banned in the United States after it leaked into
Methyl ethyl ketone, a commonly used solvent in groundwater from some filling station storage tanks.
lubricant dewaxing units Still used in Europe, where filling station storage
Mercaptan tanks are properly maintained
I Thiols
Merox N
A mercaptan oxidation process developed by UOP for
the removal of odorous mercaptans from LPG, Naphtha
propane, butane, naphthas, kerosene, and jet fuel. The lowest-boiling liquid fractions from petroleum
Mercaptans are converted to liquid disulfides, which distillation
can be processed with hydrotreating Naphtha, heavy (HN)
Metagenesis Heavy naphtha boils between 90 and 200 ı C.
A process that occurs when sedimentary rocks are Constituents have carbon numbers ranging from 6 to
exposed to the influence of magma and hydrothermal 12. The octane rating is usually too low for direct
effects (metamorphism). At this physicochemical blending into gasoline. Therefore, after sulfur
paleotransformation stage, the only remaining removal, HN is generally conveyed to a catalytic
carbon-containing molecules are methane and a reforming unit, which converts it into high-octane
carbon residue reformate (I Catalytic reforming). Small amounts of
Metalloporphyrins hydrotreated HN are used as solvents
Organometallic compounds in which metals such as Naphtha, light (LN)
nickel and vanadium are bound by chelation within a Light naphtha boils between 30 and 90 ı C.
tetrapyrolic structure Constituents have carbon numbers ranging from 5 to
Methanol (CH3 OH) 6. The octane rating of straight-run LN is often
The simplest alcohol. An important source of suitable for blending into gasoline, usually after
petrochemicals. An intermediate to synthetic gasoline treating to remove sulfur compounds (I Merox).
from the Fischer–Tropsch process Treated LN can be used as a solvent
Methanol-to-gasoline (MTG) Naphtha, petrochemical (PCN)
A process that converts methanol to gasoline via the Full-range low-sulfur naphtha that is converted into
initial formation of dimethyl ether (DME) by olefins in steam-cracking plants. Paraffinic naphthas
dehydration, followed by DME dehydration over a are preferred
zeolite catalyst, ZSM-5 Naphthenes
Methanol-to-olefin (MTO) I Hydrocarbons, naphthenes
A process that converts methanol to olefins via the Naphthenic crudes (asphaltic crudes)
initial formation of dimethyl ether (DME) followed by Contain more naphthenes than paraffinic crudes. Good
dehydration over an acidic zeolite catalyst, such as for producing certain lubricant basestocks
H-SAPO-34, to yield ethylene and propylene Natural gas
MIBK A mixture of naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases,
Methyl isobutyl ketone, a commonly used solvent in primarily methane. Used for fuel and to make
wax deoiling units petrochemicals. Merchant natural gas must contain
Microcrystalline wax less than 2 vol% CO2 and less than 4 ppmv hydrogen
Wax derived from vacuum resids, which contains sulfide
mostly cycloparaffins with n-alkyl and isoalkyl Natural gas liquids (NGL)
sidechains Components of natural gas other than methane,
Middle distillates including ethane, propane, butane, isobutane and
Fractions boiling between about 200 and 400 ı C pentanes. Separated from methane by absorption,
(400700 ı F). Middle distillates include kerosene, jet condensation or other methods in a field facility or in
fuel, diesel, and fuel oils a gas processing plant
Midstream Natural gasoline
Business sector in the oil industry that involves bulk A mixture of hydrocarbons, mostly pentanes and
transportation, storage, and distribution of crude oil, heavier, which are extracted from natural gas. To be
Glossary of Defining Terms 1199

transported in common-carrier pipelines, it must meet P

specifications on vapor pressure, endpoint, and
composition set by the Gas Processors Association or PAH
similar organizations I Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
Needle coke Paraffinic (waxy) crudes
(I Coke, needle) I Crude oil, paraffinic
Normal paraffin Paraffins
I Hydrocarbons, paraffins I Hydrocarbons, parraffins

Partial oxidation (POX)
Process for converting coke, coal, or resid into a
O mixture of CO and H2 (synthesis gas) in the presence
Octane number of substoichiometric oxygen and steam
A measure of the burning quality of gasoline (petrol) Petrol
in a spark-ignition internal combustion engine. A A term commonly used in some countries as a
higher octane number (ON) means a fuel is less synonym for gasoline
susceptible to knocking (premature ignition). Petrolatum
Specifically, ON is the percentage by volume of Petroleum jelly derived from dewaxing heavy lube
isooctane in a combustible mixture containing basestocks. Its color is translucent white, amber or
isooctane (ON D 100) and normal heptane (OND0) yellowish. It has no odor or taste. In can be used in
for which the knocking characteristics match those of medicines, ointments and cosmetics, as well as in
the fuel being tested. The octane number tested in a polishes and greases
standard engine at 900 rpm to compare with highway Petroleum
driving conditions is the Motor octane number Generally includes liquid crude oils and condensates.
(MON). The Research octane number (RON) is tested Sometimes includes natural gas and synthetic
in a standard engine at 600 rpm to compare with petroleum. Synthetic petroleum, also known as
low-speed or city driving conditions. The Posted synthetic crude or syncrude, is liquid obtained from
octane number (PON) is defined as (RON C MON)=2 the processing of oil shale, oil sands, and biomass
and is posted on pumps in gasoline filling stations in (I Crude oil). Physical properties of petroleum
North America, where it is also referred to as the include boiling point, density, viscosity, heteroatom
antiknock index (AKI) contents, etc., measured by crude assay tests
Oil sand (tar sand) Petroleum classification
Loose sand or partially consolidated sandstone Petroleum (crude oil) is broadly classified as
containing mixtures of sand, clay, water, and bitumen paraffinic, asphaltic or mixed crudes by Watson
Oil shale Characterization Factor for paraffinicity or Correlation
Organic-rich fine-grained sedimentary rock containing Index for aromaticity (I Crude oil)
kerogen from which liquid hydrocarbons can be Petroleum coke
recovered I Coke, petroleum
Olefins Petroleum components (chemical composition)
I Hydrocarbons, olefins Petroleum is mainly composed of hydrocarbons,
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries which may include heteroatoms of sulfur, nitrogen,
(OPEC) oxygen and metals. Hydrocarbons include saturates,
An intergovernmental organization, founded in 1960, such as paraffins and naphthenes, and aromatics
whose stated objective is to coordinate and unify the Petroleum engineering
petroleum policies of member countries. Founding A field of engineering related to the production of
members include Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, crude oil and natural gas, including drilling
and Venezuela. Other members now include Algeria, engineering, reservoir engineering, production
Angola, Ecuador, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, and the engineering, etc.
United Arab Emirates. Former members are Gabon Petroleum gas
and Indonesia. It is not true that Alberta, a Province of Hydrocarbons that are gases at ambient temperature
Canada, is a member of OPEC and pressure. Includes natural methane and ethane
Outcrop along with C2C4 olefins from refining processes.
A visible exposure of bedrock or ancient superficial May include small amounts of propane and butanes
deposits on the surface of the Earth Petroleum system (hydrocarbon system)
Overburden rock The petroleum system is a unifying concept that
Rock that overlies the source rock, seal rock, and encompasses all of the disparate elements and
reservoir rock of a petroleum system. The weight of processes of petroleum geology, including the
the overburden affects the pressure and temperature in essential physical elements: source rock, in which oil
a reservoir and gas were formed; reservoir rock, in which oil and
1200 Glossary of Defining Terms

gas accumulate; impermeable seal rock (cap rock), PONA or PIONA analysis
which prevents oil and gas from escaping the Distributions of paraffins, isoparaffins, olefins,
reservoir; and overburden rock (I Overburden). It naphthenes, and aromatics
also includes the processes that form traps and enable Pour point
petroleum formation, migration, and accumulation. The lowest temperature at which an oil loses fluidity.
Finally, it includes mechanisms for the movement of Determined as 3 ı C above the temperature at which a
petroleum from reservoirs and other sources into sample no longer moves when inverted. Important
shows, seeps, or accumulations parameter for pipeline transportation and diesel fuel

PIONA Analysis Powerforming

I PONA analysis A semiregenerative catalytic reforming process
Pipe still developed by Esso (now ExxonMobil) (I Catalytic
A distillation apparatus composed of a series of pipes reforming)
used to fractionate petroleum. Synonym for
Pressure swing adsorption (PSA)
atmospheric distillation unit
An adsorbant-based process in which a gas is purified
by differential pressure. In refining, PSA is used for
Materials made of organic compounds, typically
hydrogen purification. Applications include removal
polymers of high mass. Plastics are malleable and can
of CO and CO2 from I SMR product gas, and
be molded into solids
purification of refinery offgas streams. PSA employs
Play or petroleum play
adsorbents, usually activated carbon, silica gel,
A group of oil fields or prospects in a geographic
alumina, and zeolite molecular sieves. The process
region that are controlled by the same set of geological
steps are as follows: 1. At high pressure, dirty gas
circumstances. Usually refers to an area with
containing hydrogen, CO, CO2 , N2 , Ar, light
conditions favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation,
hydrocarbons, and sometimes H2 S, passes over a
including a specific source, reservoir, and trap type
clean bed of adsorbents. The adsorbents remove most
of the nonhydrogen components. The hydrogen
I Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
continues on to a subsequent reactor. 2. In the first
Polyalphaolefin (PAO)
Star-shaped polymer (oligomer) with a central carbon low-pressure step, the reactor is depressured under
concurrent flow, i. e., the gases continue to flow in the
atom connected to four arms (alkyl groups). Derived
original direction. 3. During the second low-pressure
from alpha olefins and used as high-viscosity index
step, clean hydrogen flows across the loaded
lube basestock
Polyester adsorbent in the opposite direction, sweeping the
Polymer with units linked by ester groups. Mainly contaminants into a tail gas stream. When the bed is
used as a resin for making synthetic textile fibers clean, the reactor is repressured with dirty gas. PSA
Polymer gasoline can achieve 8090% hydrogen recovery while
Gasoline product from polymerization of light olefins producing hydrogen with 99:99 vol% purity
Polymerization Primary migration
A chemical reaction in which two or more small The expulsion of newly generated hydrocarbons from
molecules combine to form larger molecules that a source rock and movement into carrier rock
contain repeating structural units of the original Primary recovery
molecules. In oil refining, catalytic polymerization Oil recovery by natural underground pressure, usually
(Catpoly) converts propylene (and sometimes supplied by associated natural gas and evolution of
isobutylenes) into high-octane C6C12 isoparafins dissolved gas (gas drive), or driven by hydrostatic
suitable for gasoline blending. The most common pressure, liquid expansion and expansion of reservoir
catalyst is solid phosphoric acid (SPA). In the water (water drive)
petrochemical industry, polymerization is the key Process control
process for producing high polymers, such as A system of valves, instruments, controllers, and
polyethylenes and polypropylenes computer programs that are used to operate an
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH or PNA) industrial process unit. Advanced process control
Molecules that include at least two fused aromatic (APC) describes a broad range of techniques that
rings (I Hydrocarbons) enhance process control. Applications can reside
Polyolefins within a DCS computer or supervisory computer.
High polymers derived from olefins, such as Advanced regulatory control (ARC) describes
polyethylenes, polypropylenes, ethylane/porpylene techniques including feed-forward, override, adaptive
copolymers, polyisobutylenes, etc. gain, switching logic, and inferentials. It is a catch-all
Polyol Esters term for customized DCS-resident techniques that do
Esters made from polyols (pentaerithritol, trimethylol not fall into any other category. ARCs are typically
propane or neopentyl glycol) with acid. Due to their implemented in the DCS computer. Inferential control
high viscosity indexes (VIs), they are excellent Group calculates a stream property from process
V lube basestocks measurements. Inferentials are developed and verified
Glossary of Defining Terms 1201

with laboratory measurements. They are used to acid-catalyzed alkylation, a solvent in deasphalting, or
replace online analyzers when suitable analyzers to a diluent in catalytic polymerization of propylene
not exist or are deemed to be too expensive to install (I Hydrocarbons)
and maintain. Model predictive control (MPC), also Propylene (C3 H6 )
called multivariable predictive control (MVPC), I Hydrocarbons
manipulates several MVs simultaneously to achieve Prospect
multiple objects. It is based on a matrix of important An individual exploration target. A specific trap that
independent variables (MVs and DVs), a matrix of has been identified and mapped but has not yet been
controlled variables, and a third matrix that captures

dynamic relationships between the other two. Proper Pseudocomponents
matrix identification, for example with manual or Hypothetical components used to model petroleum
automated step tests, is the key to success. An MPC during the design and optimization of equipment and
controller executes on a predetermined schedule, processes. The properties of pseudocomponents are
typically every minute; some controllers in the glass averages of the properties of many individual
industry execute far more frequently compounds with similar boiling ranges. Traditional
Process control, distributed control system (DCS) pseudocomponents do not include molecular
A system in which control elements (controllers) are information, such as hydrocarbon types or
located in many places throughout a system. In concentrations of heteroelements. This makes them
modern facilities, operators in a central control room ill-suited for kinetic reaction models, in which
can operate important control elements from a single conversion, HDS, HDN, and saturation are important
location. Computerized DCS systems include the parameters
ability to host computer programs, including ARC and PVT measurements
APC applications The pressure, volume and temperature of a material,
Process control, proportional–integral–derivative usually a gas
(PID) Pyrolysis
A common type of feedback controller, which Thermochemcial decomposition of organic material at
continuously calculates the difference between a elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen
measurement and a setpoint. The controller calculates
how to minimize the error based on P, I, and/or D Q
algorithms. It then adjusts the relevant MV
accordingly Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR)
Process control, time to steady state (TSS) Correlation or classification that quantitatively relates
The time it takes for a CV to reach a steady value after the response (activity, adsorptivity, etc.) of a group of
an MV is changed chemicals to changes in certain common
Process control, variables physicochemical characteristics (descriptors) of the
The Controlled variable (CV) is the process target constituent species, usually by modeling
achieved by adjusting manipulated variables. The Quench
Disturbance variable (DV) is an independent variable, A relatively cool stream (liquid or gas), which is
such as ambient temperature, which cannot be mixed with hot reactants to control reaction
manipulated. The Manipulated variable (MV) is an temperatures
independent variable that can be used to manage
process performance. The change in the value of a CV
divided by a unit change in an MV is called Gain
Production Raffinate
A branch of upstream petroleum business that In general, the raffinate in a solvent extraction process
recovers gas or oil from reservoirs is the stream from which undesired components have
Production engineering been removed. In lube basestock preparation, the
A branch of petroleum engineering that includes a raffinate is the dearomatized oil. In extractive wax
combination of manufacturing technology, deoiling, the raffinate is the oil-free wax
engineering practices, and management principles Raffinate hydroconversion
related to oil and gas production. A production Hydroconversion of raffinate from solvent extraction
engineer is engaged in reviewing seismic and other processes to produce lubricant basestock with a high
data, designing and executing drilling plans, selecting viscosity index and low volatility
drilling technology (mud weight, bits, piping, Reboiler
centralizers, motors, etc.) and well completion A heater or heat exchanger at the bottom of an
technology, and the handling of produced oil and gas atmospheric distillation tower, which vaporizes a
at the well head portion of the liquid and introduce it several trays
Propane (C3 H8 ) above the bottom to assure some of light components
A three-carbon alkane used as a chillant in sulfuric not carried out with the bottom product
1202 Glossary of Defining Terms

Recycle cut point (RCP) the top product. Reflux is an essential manipulated
In hydrocracking, the recycle cutpoint (RCP) is the variable (MV) for controlling tower temperature
final boiling point of the heaviest product of Reflux ratio
conversion. If it were possible for a fractionator to The ratio of the portion of condensed liquid returning
give square-cut distillation with no overlap, the RCP to the distillation tower to the portion collected as top
would be the initial boiling point of unconverted oil product
(UCO). In many units, the hydrocracker UCO is Reformate
recycled. The analogous term for once-through units, Liquid product from a catalytic reformer. Reformate is

in which there is no recycling, is conversion cutpoint. highly aromatic, and has a high octane number and a
RCP has been applied to delayed coking units in low vapor pressure (RVP). It can be blended into
which heavy liquids are recycled to improve gasoline or converted into solvents and chemical
separation in the fractionator precursors in an aromatics plant
Refinery Reforming, catalytic
An installation that manufactures finished petroleum A catalytic process for dehydrogenating naphthenes
products from crude oil, unfinished oils, natural gas into aromatics. Also converts acyclic paraffins to alkyl
liquids, other hydrocarbon streams, and oxygenates. cyclopentanes and alkyl cyclohexanes, which then
Refinery operations include: planning and scheduling, undergo dehydrogenation. The products are
crude blending, preprocessing in desalting units, high-quality hydrogen and reformate (I Reformate
separation with distillation or extraction, treating and I Catalytic reforming)
(including chemical treatment, mecaptan oxidation, Reforming, thermal
and hydrotreating) conversion (breaking CC bonds) A process to convert low-octane naphtha to
with thermal and catalytic cracking, catalytic high-octane gasoline
reforming (dehydrogenation of naphthenes and Reformulated gasoline
formation of ring compounds; no CC bond Low-emissions gasoline that meets regulations
breaking), alkylation and polymerization (making promulgated by the US Environmental Protection
high-octane C6 to C12 molecules from C3 to C5 Agency (EPA) under Section 211(k) of the Clean Air
molecules), catalytic isomerization, lubricant Act. Specifications include upper limits on RVP,
manufacturing, sulfur removal and recovery, hydrogen olefins, sulfur, air toxics such as benzene, and lower
production, product blending, and environmental limits on oxygen. A gasoline can be designated as
protection reformulated if it meets or exceeds EPA emissions and
Refinery, hydroskimming benzene content standards in engine tests, even though
A refinery with atmospheric distillation, hydrotreating it may not meet all composition requirements (e.g.,
and reforming units designed to produce desulfurized oxygen content). This category includes Oxygenated
fuels, petrochemical naphtha, and high-octane Fuels Program Reformulated Gasoline (OPRG).
gasoline. In many modern hydroskimming refineries, Reformulated gasoline excludes Reformulated
the atmospheric residue goes to an asphalt plant Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending (RBOB) and
Gasoline Treated as Blendstock (GTAB)
Refinery, integrated
Refractive Index
A refinery integrated with a petrochemical
The ratio of the velocity of light of a specific
manufacturing plant wavelength in air to the velocity in a test sample. Used
Refinery, topping (simple) to estimate polynuclear aromatic (PNA) content
A simple refinery that consists of tankage, an Regenerator
atmospheric distillation unit, recovery units for gas I Catalyst, regeneration
and light hydrocarbons and necessary utility systems Reid vapor pressure (RVP)
(steam, power and water treatment plant). Due to tight Common measure of the volatility of gasoline
restrictions on product quality, very few of these are determined at 100 ı F ( 38 ı C) of vapor pressure of
left in developed countries the liquid by ASTM D-323
Refinery yield Research octane number (RON)
The amount of finished product from a refinery I Octane number
divided by the sum of feedstocks (crude oil and other Reserve
imported unfinished oils), expressed either as volume Oil and gas accumulations that have been drilled and
percent or weight percent. The calculation generally can be produced economically
excludes produced sulfur, natural gas liquids, Reservoir (petroleum)
oxygenates and other imported blending components Subsurface pool of oil or gas contained in porous or
Reflux fractured rock formation, broadly divided into
That portion of the condensed top stream from an conventional and unconventional reservoirs. In
atmospheric distillation tower that is returned to the conventional reservoirs buoyant forces keep
tower to provide cooling. Reintroduction of the hydrocarbons in place below a sealing caprock. The
condensed liquid reduces the amount of heavy term unconventional reservoir is used for any
components that otherwise would be carried out with reservoir that requires special recovery operations.
Glossary of Defining Terms 1203

These include tight shale, tight sands, oil shales, catalysts. The rhenium improves catalyst stability
coalbed methane, heavy oil, oil sands, and gas-hydrate (I Catalytic reforming)
deposits Rich oil
Reservoir engineering The absorbing liquid (oil) containing selectively
A branch of petroleum engineering concerned with absorbed components
characterizing and defining oil and gas reservoirs. Rock-Eval pyrolysis
Reservoir engineers work closely with production An analytical method used in petroleum exploration to
engineers as they develop drilling and production measure the quantity, quality, and thermal maturity of
plans. It also deals with drainage problems or other organic matter in rock samples

challenges arising during development and production
Resid S
A term commonly used in the oil industry as a
synonym for residue or residuum. Specifically refers Scrubber
to the residue at the bottom of a distillation after all An apparatus to remove particulates and/or gases from
light fractions distill off process streams, including industrial exhaust streams.
Resid FCC (RFCC) Examples include amine scrubbers, which remove
A version of I FCC designed to process resid. H2 S and CO2 , and flue-gas scrubbers, some of which
Includes provisions to deal with both the high metals remove SOx and NOx
content of resid and its high propensity to form coke. Secondary migration
Typically, most metals are removed in an upstream After primary migration, further movement of the
resid hydrotreater. Remaining metals are hydrocarbons in carrier rock into reservoir rock in a
accommodated with metal-resistant catalysts. When hydrocarbon trap or other area of accumulation
burned in the regenerator, the excess coke on the FCC (reservoir)
catalysts produces more than enough heat to run the Secondary recovery
unit. The excess heat can be removed with catalyst When the natural pressure of a reservoir is low and not
coolers (steam coils) in the regenerator. Another sufficient for oil recovery, surface or submerged
solution is to burn off part of the coke in a primary pumps are used. Alternatively, it is possible to
regenerator and the rest of the coke in a secondary increase reservoir pressure by water injection (water
regenerator flood) and gas injection (gas flood). Chemicals are
Resid hydrocracking (RHC) often applied to free up oils
Hydrocracking processes that convert resids Selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
(I Hydrocracking, e-bed and I Hydrocracking, A catalytic process for removing nitrogen oxides from
slurry-phase) flue gas. The nitrogen oxides are reacted with
Resid upgrading ammonia to produce N2 and water
Processes for upgrading resids, either thermally, Selectivity
catalytically, or with extraction (I Coking The amount (percentage) of a desired product in the
I Hydrocracking, e-bed I Hydrocracking, total product
slurry-phase and I deasphaltening). The choice of Shale gas
technologies depends upon both the quality of the Natural gas trapped within shale formations and
resid stream and the desired quality of the naphtha, recovered by unconventional means, such as hydraulic
diesel, and VGO products. Products from coking and fracturing
solvent extraction require hydroprocessing to remove Shale oil
sulfur, nitrogen, metals, Conradson carbon residue Oil trapped within shale formations and recovered by
(CCR), and any remaining asphaltene unconventional means, such as hydraulic fracturing.
Residual oil supercritical extraction (ROSE) Also refers to oil produced by thermally cracking the
A process for extracting oil from atmospheric and kerogen in oil shale
vacuum resids with supercritical propane, butane or Shell Claus Offgas Treatment (SCOT)
pentane, leaving behind resins and asphaltenes The sulfur compounds in Claus tail gas are converted
Residuum to H2 S by hydrotreating over a Co-Mo catalyst. The
I Resid gas is cooled and contacted with di-isopropanolamine
Resin (DIPA) to recover the H2 S. The sulfur-rich DIPA is
Polar fraction of petroleum isolated by solvent sent to a stripper, where H2 S is removed and sent back
fractionation, containing relatively to the Claus plant. The lean DIPA is recycled to the
high-molecular-weight, polar, polycyclic, aromatic absorber
ring compounds Slack wax
RFCC Raw wax containing oil. A byproduct of solvent
Resid FCC or reduced crude cracking (I FCC) dewaxing during lubricant oil manufacturing
Rheniforming Slurry Reactor
A semiregenerative reforming process developed by Slurry reactors process mixtures of solids, mixtures,
Chevron, which employs bimetallic platinum-rhenium and gases, where the solids are so finely divided that
1204 Glossary of Defining Terms

they behave as part of the liquid. Bubble-point gas is than SMR, because some feeds contain up to 20%
introduced at the bottom of the reactor and reacts with nonmethane hydrocarbons
the slurry as the mixture moves toward the top Steam-methane reforming (SMR)
(I Hydrocracking, slurry-phase) The most common method for producing high-quality
Smoke point hydrogen from methane. The reaction between steam
A test (ASTM D1322) performed to determine the and methane (1 W 1 mole ratio) occurs at 1500 ı F
smoke-forming tendency of jet fuels and kerosene. It (815 ı C) over a nickel catalyst. The main reaction
is the maximum flame height at which a test fuel will products are hydrogen and carbon monoxide (3 W 1

burn without smoking in a standard smoke point lamp ratio). In a downstream high-temperature shift reactor,
and a circular wick made of woven cotton. Smoke CO reacts with water via the water-gas reaction to
points are highest for paraffins and lowest for form CO2 and more hydrogen. In modern units, CO
aromatics and CO2 are removed from the product with a PSA
Solubility unit, which makes hydrogen with a purity > 99:9%. It
The amount of a compound or liquid that can be is common now to send refinery offgas streams to
dissolved in a specific amount of solvent SMR units; in addition to methane, these offgas
Sour crude streams contain hydrogen and C2C3 gases
Crude oil containing > 0:5 wt% total sulfur Still gas (refinery gas)
Sour gas A general term for gases produced in refineries by
Natural gas and any other gas containing more than strippers or distillation units. Depending on
5:7 mg of H2 S per cubic meter (equivalent to 4 ppmv composition, still gas is used as a refinery fuel, a
in methane) source of recoverable hydrogen, or a petrochemical
Source rock feedstock
Rocks containing kerogens that could generate Straight-run
hydrocarbons A fraction taken directly from the atmospheric
distillation unit and not from a conversion process
Strategic petroleum reserve
The sum of SO2 and SO3
Petroleum stocks maintained by the US government
Sponge oil for use during periods of major supply interruption
The liquid used in an absorption tower to soak up the Stratum
constituents to be extracted A layer or a series of layers of rock in the ground
Stabilizer Surfactant
A fractionator used to stabilize products by removing A chemical that reduces interfacial resistance for the
volatile or reactive lighter components. A prominent mixing of oil and water. In oil production, surfactants
example is removal of butane from gasoline range change the wettability of reservoir rock
streams Sweet crude
Steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) Crude oil containing < 0:5 wt% total sulfur
An enhanced oil recovery technology for producing Sweet gas
heavy crude oil and bitumen. A pair of horizontal Natural gas with a low sulfur content (< 4 ppm by
wells is drilled into the oil reservoir. Steam is pumped volume under standard temperature and pressure)
through the top well, where it mobilizes oil with heat. Sweetening
The oil flows down to the bottom well, a few meters A process for improving odor and color in petroleum
below, where it is collected and brought to the surface products by oxidizing or removing sulfur-containing
Steam cracking compounds
A process for converting saturated gaseous or liquid Syncrude (synthetic crude oil)
hydrocarbons – such as ethane, LPG, naphtha, and Crude oil produced from coal, bitumen or shale oil; in
hydrocracker UCO – into olefins. The feed is diluted this context, shale oil comes from retorted oil shale.
with steam and heated to  1050 ı C in Cr-Ni reactor To make so-called synthetic bitumen (synbit), bitumen
tubes, where the hydrocarbons crack into smaller is upgraded by a coker, visbreaker, or hydroprocessing
compounds, primarily olefins; at such high unit
temperatures, olefins are more stable than paraffins. Syngas (synthetic gas)
Reaction time is measured in milliseconds. The A mixture of CO and hydrogen produced by
cracked products exit at around 850 ı C and are rapidly steam-methane reforming, partial oxidation, or
quenched to 300 ı C to improve yields and avoid coke Fischer–Tropsch synthesis
formation. Steam cracking is the principal industrial Synthetic gasoline (note: not syngas)
means of producing ethylene, propylene, and other Gasoline produced from biomass, coal and heavy oil
olefins, which are converted into polyolefins fractions with Fischer–Tropsch or
(polyethylenes, polypropylenes, etc.) methanol-to-gasoline (MTG) processes
Steam-hydrocarbon reforming Synthetic lube basestock (synlube)
(I Steam-methane reforming, SMR). Basestock synthesized from polyalphaolefins. Used to
Steam-hydrocarbon reforming is a more accurate term make lubricants of very high quality, with high
Glossary of Defining Terms 1205

viscosity index (VI), low pour point, low volatility, Toe-to-heel air injection (THAI)
and high thermal and oxidation stability An in situ combustion method for producing heavy
oil, also known as fireflooding. Air is introduced
through a vertical injection well. Oil is produced from
T a horizontal well having its toe in close proximity to
the air-injection well. Combustion supported by air
Tail ends
injection generates a flame front, which pushes oil
The highest boiling components of a mixture
through the horizontal well to its heel, where a
Tank farm

production well conveys the oil to the surface
A collection of tanks at a given location for storing
Toluene (C6 H5 CH3 )
crude oil and products
An aromatic hydrocarbon, used as a solvent or
Tanker and barge petrochemical feedstock (I Hydrocarbons)
Tankers transport crude oil and products over oceans
Topped crude
and seas. The largest supertankers can carry more than
The bottoms of atmospheric distillation of crude oil
three million barrels of crude. Barges transport
after the removal of gas oil and lighter fractions
smaller quantities on rivers or lakes
Tar sand
Removal of light fractions from crude oil by
I Oil sand
distillation (I Refinery, topping)
Tertiary recovery (enhanced oil recovery)
Total acid number (TAN)
Tertiary recovery or enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is
The acidity of a crude oil determined by titration with
designed to reduce viscosity of the crude oil in
potassium hydroxide. Results are expressed as
low-permeability carbonate reservoirs that respond
milligrams of KOH required to neutralize the acids in
poorly to conventional secondary recovery. Three
a gram of oil
primary techniques for EOR are gas injection,
Total boiling point (TBP) curve
chemical injection, and thermal recovery
A distillation curve in which accumulated yield is
Tetraethyl lead (TEL)
plotted against boiling point. Determined from
A nearly extinct gasoline additive used to enhance the atmospheric and vacuum distillation, where vacuum
octane number of gasoline. It is used in avgas and in
distillation boiling points are converted to atmospheric
some countries with loose environmental regulations
equivalent boiling points (AEBP)
Thermal cracking Trap
Breaking CC bonds with thermal energy (heat).
Impermeable rock that enables the accumulation of
Modern thermal cracking processes include
petroleum. Typical petroleum traps include anticline
visbreaking, delayed coking, fluid coking, and one
traps, faults and salt-domes (I Petroleum system)
particular brand of slurry-phase hydrocracking.
Trickle bed reactor
Compared to catalytic cracking, thermal cracking
A fixed-bed reactor containing a packed bed of
makes far more undesirable light ends (methane,
catalyst, in which reacting fluids flow concurrently
ethane) and olefinic naphtha. The advantage of
downwards. Typically used in catalytic hydrogenation,
noncatalytic thermal hydrocacking is the ability to
hydrotreating, and hydrocracking processes
achieve up to 95 wt% conversion of vacuum resid
True boiling point (TBP) curve
Thermal recovery
A distillation curve in which accumulated yield is
Thermal recovery introduces heat into a reservoir with
plotted versus boiling point, determined from
steam, hot water, or hot gas. This increases pressure
atmospheric and vacuum distillation with vacuum
and reduces the viscosity of oil in the reservoir,
distillation boiling points converted to atmospheric
allowing it to make its way to a production well. In
equivalent boiling points (AEBP)
situ combustion, supported by pumping air into an
injection well, is another thermal recovery method
Thermofor catalytic cracking (TCC) U
An obsolete catalytic cracking process, which
contained a moving bed to which regenerated catalysts Ultraforming
were added and from which spent catalysts were A cyclic semiregenerative reforming process
removed. Catalysts were transported by baskets on developed by Standard Oil of Indiana (Amoco, now a
elevators part of BP) in 1954
Thermoplastic Ultralow sulfur diesel (ULSD)
Synthetic resin that becomes plastic on heating and Diesel fuel with sulfur content < 10 ppmw in North
hardens on cooling America, Europe and many other countries. As of
Thiols (mercaptans) January 1 2017, ULSD in populous regions of China
Organosulfur compounds containing an SH group. must contain < 10 ppmw sulfur
Many have strong odor. Some mercaptans, especially Unicracking
t-butyl mercaptan, are used as odorants in natural gas A collection of hydrocracking processes designed and
for leak detection licensed by UOP
1206 Glossary of Defining Terms

Uniflex purpose. The residence time is low to avoid coke

A slurry-phase hydrocracking process licensed by formation. The cracking reaction is quenched before
UOP that achieves higher than 90 wt% conversion of completion to minimize overcracking
vacuum residue and other low-quality feeds. Achieves Visbreaking, coiled cracking
> 60 vol% diesel yield. Uniflex VGO can go to a Occurs in furnace tubes (coils). The quench is
conventional refinery unit, such as FCC or a provided by heat exchange with feed or a stream of
hydrocracker cold oil. Compared with soaker visbreaking, it has
Upstream higher outlet temperatures (885930 ı F or
473500 ı C) and shorter reaction time (13 min)

Business sector in the oil industry. Includes discovery

(exploration) and recovery (production) of crude oils Visbreaking, soaker cracking
and natural gases. Commonly known as exploration Occurs not in the furnace, but in a soaker drum after
and production (E&P) the furnace. Oil is held in the drum for a
Urea dewaxing predetermined time prior to quenching to allow
Using urea to dissolve waxy paraffins for producing cracking to occur. Compared with coiled visbreaking,
low-pour-point oils it has lower outlet temperatures (800830 ı F or
427433 ı C) and longer reaction time
V Resistance of a fluid to shear and/or tensile stress. The
dynamic viscosity is the resistance of a fluid against
Vacuum distillation shearing flows, where adjacent layers move with
I Distillation, vacuum different speeds, parallel to each other. Kinematic
Vacuum gas oil (VGO) viscosity is the ratio of the absolute viscosity of a
I Gas oil, vacuum liquid to its specific gravity at the temperature at
Vacuum residue or vacuum resid (VR) which the viscosity is measured
Resid from a vacuum distillation unit; typically Viscosity index (VI)
everything that boils above about 1050 ı F ( 565 ı C) A measure of kinematic viscosity as a function of
(AEBP). Contains the highest boiling and nonboiling temperature. Higher VI lubricant oils are superior,
components in crude oil because for them the relative change in viscosity with
Van Krevelen diagram temperature is lower
Plots the hydrogen-to-carbon ratio as a function of the
oxygen-to-carbon ratio. Used to assess kerogens and
petroleum W
Vapor lock
A condition under atmospheric conditions of high Water flooding
temperature that causes excessive gasoline vaporize in The injection of water into a reservoir to displace oil
fuel lines, disabling the fuel pump and shutting down for secondary recovery
the engine Water gas shift (WGS) reaction
Veba Combi-Cracking (VCC) Reaction of carbon monoxide (CO) with steam to
A two-stage hydrocracking process developed by produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The second
Veba (now BP) and licensed by KBR. Vacuum reaction step in a steam-methane (steam-hydrocarbon)
residue, FCC slurry oil, coal tar, and coal are reformer
converted into finished gasoline, finished diesel, and Watson (or UOP) characterization factor (K w )
high-quality unconverted oil. Total conversion of I Characterization factor
1050 ı F-plus (565 ı C-plus) can exceed 95 wt%. Wax (petroleum wax)
Slurry-phase hydrocracking occurs in the first stage. A solid or semisolid material consisting of a mixture
The slurry is a mixture of oil, hydrogen, and a finely of hydrocarbons obtained or derived from petroleum
divided additive. Thermal cracking generates light fractions, or through a Fischer–Tropsch-type process,
products and intermediate microcoke, which deposits in which straight-chained paraffins with high carbon
on the additive and undergoes hydrogenation. First numbers predominate
stage products then go to the second stage, which is a Wax deoiling
conventional fixed-bed hydrocracking unit. The A process for making food-grade wax from low-sulfur
hydrogen pressure for both stages is 200 bar. slack wax, which is a byproduct of solvent dewaxing
Temperature in the first stage is about 465 ı C. during lube basestock preparation. Oil is extracted
Second-stage temperatures are lower from the slack wax with solvents such as MIBK
(I Hydrocracking, slurry-phase) (methylisobutyl ketone). The wax is crystalized in a
Visbreaking chiller and recovered by rotary drum filtration
A mild thermal cracking process, which operates at Weathered crude oil
470490 ı C (880920 ı F) and at 3:413:8 bar Crude oil that has lost an appreciable quantity of more
(50200 psi), and reduces the viscosity of fuel oil to volatile components during transportation, handling
acceptable levels. Conversion is not the prime and storage
Glossary of Defining Terms 1207

Weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) and southern Louisiana, which is used as a reference
Weight of feed flow per hour divided by catalyst crude for domestic trading
weight. Units: 1/hr Wet gas
Well completion Natural gas containing C4C and natural gasoline that
In petroleum production, the process of making a well has not been removed
ready for oil recovery or fluid injection. Wells are White oil
completed by casing the well bore with steel pipe and Kerosene or treated kerosene used for pharmaceutical
cementing the casing into place purposes or in the food industry

Well log wppm
A record of chemical and physical measurements Parts per million by weight
along the depth of a well bore. Well logs can be
updated in real time with signals transmitted via wire X
to the surface. An Acoustic well log (Aonic) is a record
of the speed of sound as it travels through rock, and is Xylene (C6 H4 (CH3 )2 )
useful in determining porosity. Electric resistivity well An important aromatic molecule (I Hydrocarbons),
logging records the resistivity of the rock. The used as a solvent or petrochemical feedstock
downbore measurement of various physical
properties, such as porosity, resistivity, mineral Y
contents, etc., versus depth is also often described as
electric resistivity well logging. Well logs augment Yen–Mullins model (modified Yen model)
other geological information and hence are important Describes the predominant molecular and colloidal
in defining a reservoir. Oil-filled sand has higher structure of asphaltenes in crude oil, whether the
resistivity than water-filled sand. A Gravity well log asphaltene molecules form nanoaggregates or clusters.
(or radioactivity well log) is a record of the absorption The model provides a foundation for the development
of gamma radiation through the rock, used to of the first asphaltene equation of state for predicting
determine the rock density. A Magnetic well log is a asphaltene gradients in oil reservoirs
record of the mineral content of rock formations,
especially ferromagnetic minerals Z
Well stimulation Zeolites, synthetic
Performed on oil or gas wells to increase the flow of Microporous, crystalline aluminosilicates used as
hydrocarbons for higher production commercial adsorbents and molecular sieves, and as
Wellhead catalyst components in petroleum refining
Equipment at the surface of an oil or gas well that ZSM-5
provides the structural and pressure-containing Important shape-selective aluminosilicate patented by
interface for the drilling and production equipment Mobil in 1975. Used in numerous heterogeneous
West Texas Intermediate (WTI) catalytic processes, including FCC, catalytic
An important group of crude oils produced in Texas dewaxing, and the conversion of methanol to gasoline

About the Authors

Hendratta N. Ali Chapter B.9

Fort Hays State University Hendratta Ali obtained her PhD in Geology from Oklahoma State University-Stillwater
Dept. Geosciences in 2010. Prior to this, she obtained a Diplôme D’études Approfondie (DEA), MSc
Hays, USA in Soil Science, and a BSc in Earth Sciences, from the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon. She teaches Geosciences and coordinates the Petroleum Geology Program
at Fort Hays State University, Kansas, USA.

Mubarak M. Al-Mujaibel Chapter C.32


Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Mubarak Al-Mujaibel is a Research Technician with over 15 years of experience
(KISR) in various petroleum downstream processes, including pilot unit commissioning for
Environment & Life Sciences Research hydro-cracking and distillation. He graduated from the Technical Studies College of
Center Kuwait, Chemical Engineering Department and before joining the Kuwait Institute for
Safat, Kuwait Scientific Research, where he is still affiliated to this day.

Adel Al-Mutairi Chapter C.21

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Adel Al-Mutairi received his BSc from Clarkson University in 2001.
Petroleum Research Center He works as a Chemical Engineer, focused on heavy oil (AR and VR)
Safat, Kuwait pre-treatment and hydroprocessing using pilot plants at the Petroleum Research Centre (PRC), Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR).

Sultan M. Al-Salem Chapter C.32

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Sultan Al-Salem is a Chemical Engineer with degrees from Kuwait
(KISR) University and a PhD from University College London. His work
Environment & Life Sciences Research experience at a number of institutions has linked him with a strand of
Center projects in the crude oil refining and petrochemicals area, air pollutants
Safat, Kuwait monitoring, dispersion, and chemical mass balance modeling. He is
currently an Associate Research Scientist at the Environment and Life
Sciences Research Center of KISR.

Jan T. Andersson Chapter A.5

University of Münster Jan Andersson obtained his PhD from the University of Lund, Sweden, and moved to
Inst. of Inorganic and Analytical Germany after 2 years of postdoctoral research in USA. He obtained his Habilitation
Chemistry degree in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Ulm and was appointed
Münster, Germany Professor at the University of Muenster in 1991. His research interests center on
separation techniques of supercomplex mixtures like petroleum.

A. Ballard Andrews Chapter A.6

Schlumberger-Doll Research A. Ballard Andrews received his PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from the University
Sensor Physics of Texas at Austin, where he investigated the electronic structure of magnetic thin
Cambridge, USA films. His postdoctoral research at Los Alamos National Laboratory concentrated on heavy fermions. He worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory in computation
and scientific visualization. He now works on laser applications in spectroscopy and
asphaltene science.
About the Authors 1209

Brent E. Beasley Chapter D.33

Brent E. Beasley and Associates, LLC Brent Beasley worked in various capacities for ExxonMobil over a 34-
Consulting, Contracting and Engineering year career, including a decade in conventional lube research, pilot plant
Laguna Woods, USA operations, manufacturing plant troubleshooting, and technical licensing support. Brent is President and CEO of Brent. E. Beasley and Associates,
LLC, a consulting contracting and engineering company.

F. Emmett Bingham Chapter C.23

Haldor Topsoe, Inc. Emmett Bingham is the Manager of Hydroprocesing Technology for
Orange, USA Haldor Topsoe Inc. He has more than 40 years of experience. He
has worked for Topsoe for 10 years, Unocal for 20 years, and Dow
Chemicals for 10 years.

Gary Brodeur Chapter D.38

Intel Corp. Gary Brodeur received his PhD from Florida State University in 2013. He worked
Logic Technology Development at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO, within the National
Hillsboro, USA Bioenergy Center division. He now works as a Senior Process Development Engineer at Intel Corporation in Hillsboro, OR.

Leslie Bromberg Chapter D.40

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr Bromberg received his BS and PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Plasma Science and Fusion Center and He worked at MIT in plasma physics, first on fusion and recently on industrial
Sloan Automotive Laboratory applications of plasmas and microwave based sensors. He has over 70 issued patents
Cambridge, USA and started three companies in the automotive market.

Michael Carpenter Chapter D.40

RTI International Michael Carpenter received degrees in physics and chemical engineering
Energy Technology in 2011 from North Carolina State University. His work at RTI Inter-
Research Triangle Park, USA national focuses on catalysis relevant to the natural gas industry such as GTL and ammonia synthesis. He also has interest and experience in
modeling physical systems and chemical synthesis.

Shengnan Chen Chapter B.14

University of Calgary Shengnan Chen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical

Dept. Chemical and Petroleum and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Calgary. Her major
Engineering interests include the development of unconventional reservoirs, reservoir
Calgary, Canada simulation, and production optimization. Chen holds BSc and MSc
degrees in Petroleum Engineering from China University of Petroleum
and a PhD degree in Petroleum Systems Engineering from the University
of Regina, Canada.

Dennis Cima Chapter C.26

Aspen Technology, Inc.

Houston, USA

Cortis K. Cooper Chapter B.15

Chevron Energy Technology Company Dr Cooper is a Chevron Fellow, one of 27 scientists and engineers recognized
San Ramon, USA by Chevron for their contributions. His primary job is providing wind, wave, and current criteria for Chevron’s worldwide operations. He received a PhD from the
University of Maine in 1987, has published 44 papers, co-authored 8 books, served
on 7 National Academy of Sciences committees and Boards, and advisory panels to
Federal agencies.
1210 About the Authors

M. Andrew Crews Chapter C.24

Chicago Bridge and Iron M. Andrew Crews received his degree in Chemical Engineering from
Houston, USA the University of Arkansas in 1991. He has held various management positions at Chicago Bridge and Iron over the last 25 years. His most
recent assignment was as the Vice President of Operations for CB&I India
and he is currently assigned as the Regional Vice President of Engineering
for the Americas.

Sudhin Datta Chapter D.37

ExxonMobil Chemical Co. Sudhin Datta received his PhD in Chemistry from Harvard University
Global Chemical Research in 1978. He has been at ExxonMobil Chemical Company developing
Baytown, USA new polyolefin polymers and their blends for the last 35 years. He has authored 118 US patents and 13 review chapters on polyolefins. Sudhin
Datta is the recipient of the 2015 Charles Goodyear Medal of the Rubber
Division of the American Chemical Society.

Geoffrey E. Dolbear Chapter C.22

Katy, USA Geoff Dolbear is a Physical Chemist with a BSc from UC Berkeley and a PhD from Stanford. After 24 years in industrial research, he became an independent consultant in
1989, retiring in 2014. His publications and patents describe catalysts and processes,
with particular strengths in hydrocracking, heavy oil, and coal. He is a Fellow of the
American Chemical Society.

Antonios Doufas Chapter D.37

ExxonMobil Chemical Co. Antonios K. Doufas received his PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of
Global Polymer Technology Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2000. He worked at the corporate R&D laboratories
Baytown, USA of the Dow Chemical Company and later in polypropylene product development at Sunoco Chemicals and Braskem Americas. He is currently a Technical Leader in
Global Polymers Technology at the ExxonMobil Chemical Company with interests in
structure properties, rheology, and flow-induced crystallization.

Rudraksha Dutta Majumdar Chapter A.6

University of Toronto Scarborough Rudraksha Dutta Majumdar received his PhD from the University of
Dept. Physical and Environmental Lethbridge, Canada, in 2015, working on asphaltene structure elucidation
Sciences using NMR spectroscopy. His current position as a Postdoctoral Research
Toronto, Canada Associate at the University of Toronto Scarborough is focused on
developing novel comprehensive multi-phase NMR and in vivo NMR
spectroscopic techniques for materials and organisms of environmental

David Fiscus Chapter D.37

ExxonMobil Chemical Co. David M. Fiscus received his PhD from the Ohio State University
Global Research Product Development in 1985. He has run technical programs in research, manufacturing,
Baytown, USA and customer support positions mainly related to polyethylene resins and products. He currently worksfor ExxonMobil Chemical Company
in Global Product Research supporting the development of new
metallocene catalyzed polyethylene resins.

Go Fujisawa Chapter A.7

Schlumberger Gould Research Go Fujisawa received his Master’s degree in Applied Physics from Osaka University.
Cambridge, UK Since he joined Schlumberger in 1999, he has worked on various projects related to spectroscopic downhole fluid analysis for oil field wellbore applications as Engineer,
Scientist, and Project Manager in engineering and research organization.
About the Authors 1211

Graham Ganssle Chapter B.12

Sandstone Oil&Gas Graham Ganssle received his PhD from the University of New Orleans. He is the
New Orleans, USA Owner and Principal Geoscientist of Sandstone Oil & Gas, a petroleum exploration company operating in the North America, South America, and Africa. His research
interests are in the fields of acoustic imaging and digital signal processing, specializing
in optimization methods for seismic data migration.

Adam A. Gentile Chapter D.40

Freedom Energy Tech, LLC Adam A. Gentile has served as Lead Research Analyst of the Prism
Clermont, USA cold plasma catalytic partial oxidation technology for use with various hydrocarbon feed stocks producing high quality synthesis gas for the
purpose of synthetic fuel production using Fischer–Tropsch processes. He
currently works as a Scientist and Analyst in a GLP compliant bioanalyt-
ical laboratory on the development and validation of immunoassays for
clinical and non-clinical drug studies.

Pierre-Yves le Goff Chapter C.18

Axens SA Pierre le Goff holds a PhD from the Ecole de Chimie de Mulhouse and
Rueil-Malmaison, France an MBA from Sorbonne University. He started his career in the field of inorganic chemistry. He joined Axens in 2000 and was involved in
reforming and hydrotreating activities. Since 2013 he has been in charge
of the R&D program covering reforming, isomerization, and aromatics.

Martin R. Gonzalez Chapter C.31

BP Martin R. Gonzalez received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Univer-
Refining Technology and Engineering sity of Wisconsin, with research in heterogeneous catalysis. In his 20-year career
Naperville, USA with Amoco and BP, he has held positions in R&D, process design, and refinery operations, including commissioning and start-up of hydrotreaters for BP’s North
American heavy-oil project. He is currently Discipline Leader for Hydroprocessing
and Reforming technologies.

Lamia Goual Chapter A.6

University of Wyoming Lamia Goual received her PhD in Petroleum Engineering from Imperial College, UK,
Dept. Petroleum Engineering in 2003. She worked at the University of Alberta and the Enhanced Oil Recovery
Laramie, USA Institute. She is currently an Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Wyoming. Her research interests include interfacial phenomena with
applications to energy and environment. She holds an NSF CAREER award on
remediation of oil-contaminated aquifers.

Nick Hallale Chapter C.25

AspenTech Nick Hallale holds BSc and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering from
Warrington, UK the University of Cape Town. He has experience across the academic, consulting, and industrial sectors.

Thomas Hantschel Chapter B.11

Schlumberger Aachen Technology Center Thomas Hantschel is the Manager of the Schlumberger Technology
Aachen, Germany Center for Exploration Geology, in Aachen, Germany. He is a physicist with a focus on basin modeling simulations related to heat flow,
pore pressure and stress evolution, and multiphase fluid-flow. He has
worked as a peer reviewer for more than 100 exploration projects and
applications worldwide related to petroleum systems modeling and
1212 About the Authors

Yalin Hao Chapter D.34

Chevron Lubricants Yalin Hao joined Chevron as a Research Engineer after receiving her PhD from
Chevron Base Oils University of California, Davis in 2008. Her work focused on process/catalyst studies
Richmond, USA for base oil and fuel hydroprocessing. Since she joined Chevron Base Oils in 2012, she has been responsible for providing technical support for Chevron’s Group II Base
Oil Slate and other key marketing activities.

Paul Hazendonk Chapter A.6

University of Lethbridge Paul Hazendonk is an Associate Professor at the University of Lethbridge. He

Dept. Chemistry and Biochemistry obtained his MSc at the University of Manitoba and received his PhD from McMaster
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada University. An expert in NMR spectroscopy, Paul specializes in solid-state NMR, developing experimental techniques particularly suited to complex organic-inorganic
mixtures and fluorine containing systems. His current projects include the investigation
of nano-structural motifs in fossil fuel materials.

Donald G. Hill Chapter B.13

University of Southern California Donald G. Hill is a Consulting Petrophysicist and Adjunct Professor of
Walnut Creek, USA Petrophysics at the University of Southern California. He holds a PhD in Geology and Exploration Geophysics. Over 40 years he has been in
developing and conducting innovative projects in petroleum, mining, and
geothermal exploration and production worldwide.

Suzzy C. Ho Chapter D.35

Exxon Mobil Research & Engineering Co. Suzzy Ho is a Senior Research Associate at ExxonMobil’s Corporate
Corporate Strategic Research Department Strategic Research. She received her PhD in Organic Chemistry from
Annandale, USA the California Institute of Technology in 1986. After a postdoctoral position at Princeton University, she joined ExxonMobil and has
worked primarily in the area of lubricant base stocks ranging from
research to product, processes, and new market development.

Teh C. Ho Chapter C.27

Bridgewater, USA Teh C. Ho received a BSc degree from Tunghai University, Taiwan, and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware. He is an independent
consultant, having retired from ExxonMobil’s Corporate Strategic Research Labs. in
2013. He received Wilhelm and Evans Awards of the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Allegra Hosford Scheirer Chapter B.11

Stanford University Allegra Hosford Scheirer is a Research Geophysicist at Stanford University specializ-
Dept. Geological Sciences ing in basin and petroleum system modeling. Allegra’s obtained her PhD degree from
Stanford, USA the MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography. Prior to joining Stanford, Allegra was a member of the Geophysical Unit of Menlo Park and
the Energy Resources Program at the US Geological Survey, where she constructed
three-dimensional geologic models for use in the resource assessment process.

Chang Samuel Hsu Chapters 1, A.3, A.4, C.16, C.17, D.38 For biographical profile, please see the section “About the Editors”.

Manhoi Hur Chapter A.4

Iowa State Unviersity Manhoi Hur received his BS from PaiChai University, Korea, in 2002. At
Genetics, Development and Cell Biology the Korea Basic Science Institute he improved the performance of FT-ICR
Ames, USA mass spectrometers. Since 2008, his research focuses on the development of novel statistical models and software for petroinformatics. His work
at the Iowa State University also includes bioinformatics and big-data
integrative analysis of multi-omics data.
About the Authors 1213

Maurice D. Jett Chapter C.28

BP Refining Maurice Jett received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Rice
Refining Technology & Engineering University in 1991. He spent more than 19 years at Aspen Technology
Houston, USA executing reactor modeling and real-time optimization projects for a wide range of refinery and petrochemical processes. He is currently
employed by BP, building and deploying high fidelity operator training

Sriganesh Karur Chapter C.28

Katy, USA Sriganesh Karur received his DSc in Chemical Engineering from Washington University in Saint Louis. He worked with Aspen Technology Inc. as Optimization
Engineer for 10 years before joining Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc., where at present
he heads the Process Engineering and Supply Chain Applications group.

Sunghwan Kim Chapter A.4

Kyungpook National University Sunghwan Kim received his PhD from the Ohio State University in 2003. He has
Dept. Chemistry worked at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Florida State University
Buk-Gu Daegu, Korea and at the Korea Basic Science Institute. He is an Associate Professor at Kyungpook National University. His research focusses on understanding the chemical composition
of crude oil at the molecular level.

William Kostka Chapter C.18

Axens North America Bill Kostka received his PhD from Purdue University in 1981. He worked
Houston, USA at Mobil Research and Development Corporation in Paulsboro, NJ and ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company in Fairfax, VA. After
retirement from ExxonMobil, he came to Axens North America in
Houston, TX as a Technical Advisor for reforming and isomerization.

Stephen K. Lee Chapter D.34

Lee Associates Stephen Lee has a BS and an MS in Chemical Engineering. He

Oakland, USA worked 36 years at Chevron Corporation in process engineering, project engineering, refinery planning and operations, capital projects, and
new technology development. Stephen is an expert in the manufacture
of premium lube base oils using hydroprocessing technology. He has
extensive experience in technical consultation and process design of
base oil plants.

Guan-Dao Lei Chapter D.34

Chevron Energy Technology Company Guan-Dao Lei received his PhD from the University of Houston. He worked at
Downstream Technology and Service Honeywell International, in Illinois, US and Süd-Chemie Inc. in Kentucky, US. He
Richmond, USA now works on hydroprocessing catalyst and process development at the Chevron Energy Technology Company in California, US.

Zaiting Li Chapter D.36

Research Institute of Petroleum Processing Zaiting Li studied Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University and Petroleum
Beijing, China Processing at China University of Petroleum. She worked at the Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, SINOPEC. She is the inventor of the deep catalytic cracking
(DCC) technology for the production of low-carbon olefins from heavy oil.
1214 About the Authors

Bruce R. Locke Chapter D.41

Florida State University Bruce Locke earned his degrees in Chemical Engineering from Vanderbilt
Dept. Chemical and Biomedical University, University of Houston, and North Carolina State University.
Engineering He serves on the Faculty of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering as
Tallahassee, USA a Distinguished University Research Professor at Florida State University.
His research interests include plasma reaction engineering for chemical
synthesis and environmental pollution control.

Shuji Luo Chapter D.35

Exxon Mobil Research & Engineering Co. Shuji Luo received her PhD in Organometallic Chemistry from the
Corporate Strategic Research Department University of Chicago in 2007. Since 2009, she has worked in the
Annandale, USA Corporate Strategic Research Laboratory of ExxonMobil Research and Engineering company in Clinton, NJ, conducting research related to
performance fluids and polymers. She currently holds the position of

Research Associate.

Xiaoliang Ma Chapter C.32

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Xiaoliang Ma received his PhD from Kyushu University in 1995. He has worked at the
(KISR) China Coal Research Institute, the National Institute for Resources and Environment in
Petroleum Research Center Japan, Pennsylvania State University, and the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research.
Safat, Kuwait He works on petroleum refinery processes and fuel science, focusing on hydrotreating,
adsorption, and separation in clean fuel production.

Ekaterina V. Maksimova Chapter B.15

University of South Florida Dr Maksimova is an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow affiliated with the University of South
College of Marine Science Florida and Florida State University (FSU). Her interests are in fundamental physical
St. Petersburg, USA processes that govern ocean dynamics. She is a recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Gold Medal for Academic Excellence from Moscow State University,
an O’Brien Graduate Fellowship from FSU, and an Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral
Fellowship from NSF.

Abdulazeem M. J. Marafi Chapter C.21

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Abdulazeem M.J. Marafi received his PhD from the University of
Petroleum Research Center Oklahoma in 1996. He works as a Senior Research Scientist, focused
Safat, Kuwait on petroleum refining (heavy oil hydroprocessing) and kinetics at the Petroleum Research Center (PRC), Kuwait Institute for Scientific
Research (KISR).

Blaine McIntyre Chapter C.28

Calgary, Canada

Milo D. Meixell Chapter C.29

Aspen Technology, Inc. Milo D. Meixell, Jr. is a chemical engineer. He worked with Exxon Chemical Company
Professional Service in the area of agricultural chemicals and with Dynamic Matrix Control Corporation,
Houston, USA before joining Aspen Technology, Inc. in 1996. His area of expertise is real time and plant-wide optimization using large-scale, high-fidelity models, reactor modeling,
kinetics, simultaneous, matrix-based modeling, and optimization.
About the Authors 1215

Isao Mochida Chapter C.21

Kyushu Environmental Evaluation Isao Mochida received his PhD from the University of Tokyo in 1968. He was
Association Professor at Kyushu University for 22 years and has been Professor Emeritus since
Fukuoka, Japan 2004. He is now a consultant to Kyushu Environmental Evaluation Association and works in applied chemistry on petroleum refining, coal conversion and carbon
materials for environmental protection.

Ian Moore Chapter C.25

Jacobs Consultancy Ian Moore has over 30 years’ experience in engineering services,
Power and Energy modeling, optimization, and capital project development for the refining
Stockport, UK and petrochemicals industries. He has led hydrogen management studies in North America, Europe, and Asia. He is an expert in the application
of pinch analysis in energy-intensive industries, and executes energy
improvement, power generation, carbon management, and GHG reduction
studies worldwide.

Daniel Morton Chapter C.23

Haldor Topsoe Inc. Daniel Morton received his degree in Mechanical Engineering from
Refinery and Chemicals Auburn University. He worked in various industries, including paper-
Houston, USA mills, steel fabrication, and building maintenance and construction. In 2009 he joined Topsoe and has since been involved in the design and
sale of much of the proprietary hardware in the company’s refinery and
chemical business.

Dale R. Mudt Chapter C.28

Suncor Energy Products Partnership Dale R. Mudt is the Process Automation Manger at the Suncor Energy Products
Sarnia Refinery Refinery. For the last 30 years he has implemented and maintained DMC controllers
Sarnia, Canada and closed-loop real-time optimizers, and managed the Process Automation group at the Sarnia Refinery. Dale was a key contributor to the development of the online
version of Sun Oil Company’s hydrocracker model, which is now marketed worldwide
as AspenHydrocracker.

Oliver C. Mullins Chapters A.6, A.7

Schlumberger-Doll Research Dr Oliver C. Mullins, Science Advisor at Schlumberger, is the primary originator of
Cambridge, USA downhole fluid analysis (DFA) in well logging. Dr Mullins also leads an active research group leading to the Yen–Mullins model of asphaltenes and the Flory–Huggins–Zuo
EoS. His current interests include utilizing DFA technology and new asphaltene
science for reservoir evaluation and clarifying reservoir fluid geodynamic processes.

Douglas E. Nelson Chapter C.23

Haldor Topsoe, Inc. Douglas E. Nelson is the Engineering Manager for Haldor Topsoe Inc.
Orange, USA He has worked for more than 38 years in refinery hydroprocessing for
Unocal, Fluor, and now at Haldor Topsoe. Doug has a BSc in Chemical
Engineering from Oregon State University.

Joo-Il Park Chapter C.21

Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Joo-Il Park received his PhD from Kyushu University in 2012.
Petroleum Research Center He worked at Kyushu University as an Associate Professor from
Safat, Kuwait 2012–2015. Since 2015 he has been researching heavy oil upgrading, focused on the advanced characterization and catalysis of heavy oil at
the Petroleum Research Center (PRC), Kuwait Institute for Scientific
Research (KISR).
1216 About the Authors

Clifford C. Pedersen Chapter C.28

Pedersen Enterprises Inc. Clifford (Cliff) C. Pedersen is regarded as one of the pioneers of computer process
Sarnia, Canada control in the oil refining industry. His career in the oil refining industry has spanned technical and management leadership positions with NWR, Suncor Energy,
Shell Canada, and Imperial Oil in plant automation and information technology.
He is currently President of Pedersen Enterprises Inc., an independent consulting
agency specializing in advanced process control, real-time optimization and systems

Kenneth E. Peters Chapter B.11

Schlumberger Ken Peters is Science Advisor for Schlumberger, where he uses geochemistry and
Mill Valley, USA basin modeling to study petroleum systems and teach or consult with external clients.
Stanford University He has 37 years of experience with Chevron, Mobil, ExxonMobil, USGS, and
Geological Sciences Schlumberger and teaches geochemistry and basin modeling throughout the industry

Stanford, USA
and at various universities, including UC Berkeley and Stanford. Ken has a PhD in
Geochemistry from UCLA.

Andrew E. Pomerantz Chapter A.6

Schlumberger-Doll Research Andrew E. Pomerantz received a PhD in Chemistry from Stanford

Cambridge, USA University in 2005. His research focuses on developing and applying novel techniques to characterize the structure of kerogen and asphaltenes,
including methods in mass-spectroscopy, and IR-spectroscopy. That
information is used to understand fundamental processes in petroleum
such as asphaltene compositional grading and hydrocarbon transport in

Subramanian Ramakrishnan Chapter D.38

Florida A&M University/Florida State Subramanian Ramakrishnan received his PhD from the University of
University Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2001. After a postdoctoral appointment
Dept. Chemical and Biomedical at Princeton and then at the University of Illinois, he joined FAMU-FSU
Engineering College of Engineering in 2005, where he currently works on biofuels
Tallahassee, USA production and processing of complex fluids. In 2016 he was a Visiting
Professor at Harvard University.

Henrik Rasmussen Chapter D.39

Haldor Topsoe Inc. Henrik Rasmussen graduated from the University of Copenhagen in 1989 with
Houston, USA a degree in Chemical Engineering before relocating to the US in 1991. He has worked at Haldor Topsoe for over 25 years, holding numerous technical and management
positions for all Topsoe’s business units. Mr Rasmussen is currently Vice President of
Catalyst and Technology and responsible for catalyst and license technology business
for USA, Canada, and the Caribbean.

Paul R. Robinson Chapters 1, .2, C.16, C.17, C.20, C.22, C.25, C.26, C.28 For biographical profile, please see the section “About the Editors”.

John M. Rosenbaum Chapter D.34

Chevron Lubricants John Rosenbaum has a PhD in Materials Science and Mineral Engineering from UC
Chevron Base Oils Berkeley and retired in 2015 after 34 years working for various Chevron Companies in
Santa Cruz, USA minerals processing, petroleum hydroprocessing, catalyst development, and lubricant base oil product technology.
About the Authors 1217

Joseph Ross Chapter C.18

Axens North America Joseph Ross is a graduate from Princeton University with a degree in
Princeton, USA chemical engineering. He has over 30 years of commercial experience in the field of transportation fuels including engineering design, R&D, and
process licensing. He is a Technology and Marketing Manager for Axens
North America specializing in fluid solid systems, heavy oil upgrading,
FCC, and catalytic reforming.

Yosadara Ruiz-Morales Chapter A.6

Mexican Petroleum Institute Yosadara Ruiz-Morales received her PhD in Theoretical Chemistry from
Mexico City, Mexico the University of Calgary in 1998. Since 1999, she has been working at the Mexican Petroleum Institute. She is a pioneer in the application of
electronic structure calculations to elucidate the asphaltenes’ aromatic
core and inventor of the Y-rule for asphaltene stability. In her current

research on oil rheology, she investigates asphaltene interfacial activity
using particle dynamics.

Marco A. Satyro (deceased) Chapter A.8

Oliver Schenk Chapter B.11

Schlumberger Aachen Technology Center Oliver Schenk is a Geologist and received his PhD from RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany (2006), focusing on the influence of fluids on recrystallization and the deformation behavior of rocks. Since 2006 he has been working for Schlumberger, specialized
on multi-dimensional applications of basin and petroleum system modeling (BPSM).
Since 2007, he has been Research Affiliate at Stanford University, lecturing and
mentoring graduate students in BPSM.

John M. Shaw Chapter A.8

University of Alberta John M. Shaw obtained his PhD from the University of British Columbia in 1985
Dept. Chemical and Materials Engineering and was a Professor at the University of Toronto, before joining the University of
Edmonton, Canada Alberta, in 2001, where he holds a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Chair in Petroleum Thermodynamics. His
research focuses on experimental methods development, and thermophysical property
measurement and prediction of hydrocarbon resources.

B. Gregory Shumake Chapter C.24

CB & I Greg Shumake is the Director of Engineering for the Engineered Products
Engineered Products business group within CB&I. He has over 20 years of experience in
Tyler, USA the hydrogen and synthesis gas industry. He has a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Arkansas. He has published several
articles on various aspects of hydrogen plants.

James G. Speight Chapter C.19

CD&W Inc. Dr James G. Speight has degrees in Chemistry, Geological Sciences,

Laramie, USA and Petroleum Engineering and is the author of more than 60 books in petroleum science, petroleum engineering, and environmental sciences.
He has more than 45 years of experience in the petroleum industry
and has taught at various universities worldwide. Among other honors,
he received the Scientists without Borders Medal of Honor (Russian
Academy of Sciences) and the Einstein Medal.
1218 About the Authors

Dennis Vauk Chapter C.25

Phillips 66 Dennis Vauk received a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Idaho. He
Refining Business Improvement worked as Senior International Expert for Air Liquide, where he conducted hydrogen
Houston, USA optimization studies for refineries worldwide. He is currently Hydroprocessing Technology Director for Phillips 66. He started his career doing research, process
design, and technical services for hydrotreaters and hydrocrackers at Unocal.

Clifford C. Walters Chapter B.10

ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Co. Clifford C. Walters received his PhD in Geochemistry from the University of Maryland
Corporate Strategic Research in 1982. Since then, he has been a Research Geochemist with Gulf, Sun, Mobil, and
Annandale, USA ExxonMobil with efforts focused on petroleum biomarkers, models of generation and reservoir transformations, and geomicrobiology.

Robert J. Wandell Chapter D.41

Florida State University Robert J. Wandell studied Chemical Engineering at Florida State Univer-
Dept. Chemical and Biomedical sity. His research interests include the study and development of electrical
Engineering discharge plasma rectors for synthesis of useful chemical species, as well
Tallahassee, USA as transfer of university technologies into commercial markets.

Xieqing Wang Chapter D.36

Research Institute of Petroleum Processing Xieqing Wang received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Merse-
Beijing, China burg University of Applied Sciences in 1961. His work at SINOPEC’s Research Institute of Petroleum Processing concentrates on petroleum
refining, with a special focus on catalytic cracking.

Keith Wisecarver Chapter C.30

University of Tulsa Keith Wisecarver is Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Tulsa. He
Dept. Chemical Engineering received his PhD from the Ohio State University in 1987 and has been on the faculty
Tulsa, USA at Tulsa since that time. He has been doing research in the field of delayed coking since 1999, as co-PI of the Tulsa University Delayed Coking Joint Industry Project.

Margaret M. Wu Chapter D.35

Exxon Mobil Research & Engineering Co. Margaret Wu received her PhD from the University of Rochester at Rochester in 1976.
Corporate Strategic Research Department She worked at ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Co. for 32 years, conducting
Annandale, USA research related to synthetic lubricant products and processes and was the author or co-author of numerous patents and publications. Since her retirement in 2009, she
holds the position of Emeritus Senior Scientific Advisor for the same organization.

Björn Wygrala Chapter B.11

Schlumberger Aachen Technology Center Björn Wygrala received his PhD in Petroleum Geology from the Uni-
Aachen, Germany versity of Cologne in 1989. He has worked for Uranerz in Australia, for Integrated Exploration Systems (IES) in Germany, and for Schlumberger
in Germany. He currently works on global business development for soft-
ware and services related to exploration risk and resource assessments.

Chaogang Xie Chapter D.36

Research Institute of Petroleum Processing Chaogang Xie received his MSc from Tianjin University in 1987. He
Beijing, China works at the SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing. His research centers around catalytic cracking processes, focusing on the
production of light olefins.
About the Authors 1219

Harvey W. Yarranton Chapter A.8

University of Calgary Harvey Yarranton is a Professor of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering and the
Dept. Chemical and Petroleum NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Heavy Oil Properties and Processing. He
Engineering received his PhD degree from the University of Alberta in 1997. His research interests
Calgary, Canada are the phase behavior and properties of heavy oils and the fundamentals water-in-oil
emulsions, with application to heavy oil and oil sands processes.

Richard N. Zare Chapter A.6

Stanford University Richard (Dick) Zare is the Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science at
Dept. Chemistry the Department of Chemistry of Stanford University. He works in the area of physical
Stanford, USA and analytical chemistry with an emphasis on the development of new methods and; new instrumentation.

Genquan Zhu Chapter D.36

Research Institute of Petroleum Genquan Zhu received his PhD from China University of Petroleum
Processing in 2001. He works at the SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum
Beijing, China Processing. His research centers around catalytic cracking processes, focusing on the production of light olefins.

Subject Index

1-D BPSM 385 – behavior 855 APPI mode 180

2-D BPSM 387 – model 679 approximate lumping 852
4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene aggregation 679 aqueous phase reforming (APR)
(4,6-DMDBT) 728 air induction system 553 1117, 1128–1130
4-methyldibenzothiphene (4-MDBT) air quality 77 – model 299
699 air/fuel ratio (AFR) 553 AR hydrotreatment 700
5-ethylidene-2-norbornene (ENB) airgun 421 Arabian
1110 airlift thermofor catalytic cracking – heavy gas oil (AH-GO) 678
5-lump FCC model 852 625, 640 – light gas oil (AL-GO) 678
algae 1118 – medium gas oil (AM-GO) 678
A alkane 327 Archie formation factor 462
alkyl substitution 688 Archie resistivity index 462
abatement technology 135 alkylated aromatic base stock 1059 Archie’s equations 451, 462
absolute permeability 344 alkylation (ALKY) 43, 59, 575, Archimedes buoyancy 262
Subject Index

acceptor 681 676, 717 archipelago model 230, 371

acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) 584 all glass heated inlet system (AGHIS) ARDS process 939
acid 155 aromatic 327, 676, 700, 918
– deposition 665 alumina 684, 694, 698, 705 – content 684
– gas 656 – support 705 – ester 1055
– gas enrichment 660 American Petroleum Institute (API) – ring 687, 696
– gas removal (AGR) 936, 942 328, 385, 447, 526, 722, 939, 1044 – species 693
– mine drainage (AMD) 669 American Society for Testing and aromaticity 684
– rock drainage (ARD) 669 Materials (ASTM) 34, 164, 186, aromatics 559, 1017
– -soluble oil (ASO) 44, 576 563, 639, 868, 958 – alkylation 598
acidity 684, 696 amine treating 657 – complex 592
– control 603 amine unit 818 – saturation (ASAT) 23
acoustic borehole imager 489 aminocyclopentene dithiocarboxylic Arps relationships 460
acoustic impedance 427 acid (ACDA) 211 array laterolog tool (ALT) 483
acrylonitrile (AN) 87 ammonia destruction 661 array sonic log (AST) 448
– –butadiene–styrene terpolymer ammonia formation 806 arsenic 682
(ABS) 1098 ammonium nitrate explosion 103 artificial lift 508
– styrene (AS) 87 Amoco Cadiz 103, 140 Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM)
activated carbon 700 amorphous silica alumina (ASA) 825
active continental margin 351 43, 713, 734 Aspen hydrocracker 870
activity amplitude variations with offset asphalt 72
– catalytic 634 (AVO) 426 – residual treating (ART) 642
– coefficient 301 analytical instrumentation 151 asphaltene 152, 162, 225, 621, 675,
additive 630 angular unconformity 341 679, 702
adiabatic prereformer 897 annular flow 504 – cluster 240
adsorption 289, 675, 685, 698, 931 anticline trap 26 – cluster accumulation 241
advanced anti-knock index (AKI) 563 – contamination 1009
– fluidized (AF) 1071 API 309 – Hansen solubility parameter 244
– process control (APC) 834, 835 – gravity 328 – Hildebrand solubility parameter
– regulatory control (ARC) 768, apparent conversion 722 244
833 apparent water resistivity Rwa 488 – intermolecular interaction 243
aggregate appearance 332 – molecule 226, 228
– asphaltene 682 APPI data 179 – nanoaggregate 236
Subject Index 1221

– polymer 681 barrel of oil equivalent (boe) 325 biomass 1117, 1121, 1126–1128,
– precipitation 920 barrels per day (BPD) 590 1130
– Yen–Mullins model 222, 252, basal heat flow 394 – conversion 1118
262, 371, 681 base metal catalyst 1040 – feed 1127
ASTM D1655-15 34 base oil oxidation stability test – fractionation 1117, 1120,
ASTM D4814–14b 34 1023 1127–1130
Athabasca bitumen 277 base stock 1015 – lignocellulosic 1118, 1127–1130
Athabasca vacuum residue (AVR) – categories 959, 1018 – processing routes 1120
277 – group II 1017 – -to-liquid (BTL) 1118, 1120,
atmospheric – group III 1017 1125, 1130
– distillation 545, 937 – impurities 1022 bio-oil (biomass oil) 1117, 1120,
– distillation unit (ADU) 541, 656, 1126, 1130
– properties 959
717 – hydrotreated 1127
basic sediment and water (BSW)
– equivalent boiling point (AEBP) – lignocellulosic 1127
544 biorefinery 1117, 1130
– gas oil (AGO) 21 Biot coefficient 391
– fill 382
– pressure chemical ionization bitumen 20
– modeling 74 – -derived crude 922
(APCI) 160, 163, 174 basin and petroleum system
– pressure chemical ionization mass – diluted (Dilbit) 29
modeling (BPSM) 381 – non-Newtonian behavior 275
spectrometry (APCI MS) 243 – three-dimensional model 387 blending optimization 585

Subject Index
– pressure gas chromatography – two-dimensional model 387
(APGC) 163 blendstock 552
– workflow 382 block dewaxing 1037
– pressure ionization 159, 160
Beavon sulfur removal (BSR) 662 block hydrocracking 1030
– pressure laser ionization (APLI)
bed axial temperature rise blowout preventer (BOP) 28, 354
– average 724 blowout well failure 27
– pressure photo ionization (APPI)
– max 724 boiling
160, 163, 174
bed pressure drop 723 – point reduction 23
– residue (AR) 21, 546, 679, 683,
Benfield process 659 – range 676, 683, 700
705, 717, 943
benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) – -water reactor (BWR) 105
– residue hydrodesulfurization
591, 1063, 1069 Boolean relation matrix 844
(ARDS) 936
benzothiophene 202, 688, 689, 692 borehole
atomic emission detector (AED)
best available control technology – compensated (BHC) 447
154, 214
(BACT) 805 – diameter 469
automatic transmission fluid (ATF)
Bhagyam field 268 – environment 252
958, 1016
biaxially oriented PP (BOPP) 1103 – fluid 470
automation infrastructure 838
bimolecular second-order reactions – gravity meter (BHGM) 448
automotive engine oil 1019 – imager 488
autothermal reformation (ATR) 858
binder 61 – televiewer (BHTV) 443
793, 879 bottom dead center (BDC) 554
– plant 794 biochemical 1130
bottom-hole temperature (BHT)
autothermal reforming (ATR) 787, – process 151
1150 biodiesel 1118
bottom-of-the-barrel cut 32
average bioethanol 1133
bottoms stripping section 968
– absolute relative deviation (AARD) biofuel 1117, 1130
boundary conditions 395
308 – 1st generation 1118 Branch and Bound algorithm 853
– bed bottom temperature 724 – 2nd generation 1117, 1121, 1130 branched hydrocarbon 1171
– bed top temperature 724 – 3rd generation 1118 breakdown
– molecular weight (AMW) 230 – 4th generation 1118, 1122 – petroleum product 4
aviation gasoline 552 – catalyst 1137 British Petroleum (BP) 12, 324
biogas 1122 – Texas City isomerization unit 114
B biogenic methane 395 British Standards Institution (BSI)
biomarker 359, 372 958
Bakken Formation 409 – analysis 155 British thermal unit (BTU) 325
1222 Subject Index

Brønsted acid (B-acid) 1065 carbonate compensation depth catalytic cracking 617, 619, 676,
brominated butyl rubbers (BIIR) (CCD) 392 1128
1112 carbonate mineral 332 – airlift thermofor 625, 640
brown coal briquettes (BKB) 936 carbonyl sulfide (COS) 659 – batch reactor 618
BSR reaction 662 cascaded arc 1144 – catalyst 617
BSR-Beavon sulfur removal 662 catagenesis 326, 367, 395 – chemistry 617, 619
bubble cap 541 catalyst 1066 – deep (DCC) 640, 1063, 1078
bubble flow 504 – acidity 603 – feedstock 617
bulk – activity 684, 699, 703 – fluid 618
– compressibility 390 – aggregation 704 – heavy oil 617
– dewaxing 1037 – average temperature (CAT) 724 – Houndry process 618
– capacity 694 – orthoflow fluid-bed process 639
– hydrocracking 1030
– characterization 700 – process options 617
– kinetic model 398
– coking 848 – reactor design 617
– polymerization 1084
– contact time 629 – resids 617
– properties (petroleum) 153
– coordination 683 – S and W process 643
– property 722 – suspensoid 626, 641
bulked continuous filament (BCF) – cycle 614, 740
– cycle life 724 – Thermofor 580, 640
1101 – thermoform 618
butadiene rubber (BR) 1105 – deactivation 635, 686, 873
– deactivation rate 724 catalytic reforming 44, 57, 589,
Butler equation 999 818, 848, 941
Subject Index

butyl rubber 1112 – degradation 682

– commercialization 607
– demetalization 683
butylene oxide (BO) 1057 – cyclic 608
– design 632
– main reaction 590
– manufacture 634
C – –oil ratio 628, 635
– reaction 595
– semiregenerative 572, 608
– poisoning 887
C5 =C6 isomerization 569 – unit (CRU) 717, 865
– reclamation 745
calcination 653 caustic scrubbing 46
– regeneration 57, 571, 590, 599,
calcining 739 cellulose 1117, 1119, 1129
613, 744
caliper (CAL) 443 cementation exponent 451
– regenerator 624
capacity 685 characterization 707
– rejuvenation 744
capillarity 347 – heavy oil 287
– relative activity 882 – scheme 1130
carbenium ion 696 – residence time 629
carbohydrate sugars (xylose, sucrose, Chemec 986, 989
– stripping 636 chemical
glucose) 1119, 1128 – support 704
carbon – engineering 151
– testing 639 – ionization (CI) 160
– –carbon (C–C) 714 – -to-oil (CTO) 854 – kinetic 1150
– deposition 698 – transfer line model 870 – process 151
– dioxide 931 – treatment 636 – property 152, 332
– –hydrogen–nitrogen–sulfur – weight ratio 629 chemical reaction
contents (CHNS) 153 – Ziegler–Natta 1090 – hydrocracking 731
– mitigation technique 931 catalytic – matrix representation 843
– monoxide (CO) 89, 631, 666, – conversion 1127 chemistry
763, 940 – dewaxing (CDW) 60, 717 – heavy oil 288
– nanotube (CNT) 932 – hydrocracking 731 Chernobyl 104
– number 681, 707 – hydrotreating 777 chilling rate 983
– on regenerated catalyst 632 – NOx removal 47 chloride control 615
– preference index (CPI) 373 – oxidation (Cat-Ox) 136 chloride trapping 615
– sequestration 659 – partial oxidation (CPOX) 1141 chloriding roasting 653
– storage 931 – pyrolysis process (CPP) 1063, chlorin 682
carbon capture 950 1069–1071, 1078 chlorinated butyl rubbers (CIIR)
– and sequestration (CCS) 659 – selective reduction (SCR) 47, 1112
– and storage (CCS) 29, 931 137, 657, 805 chlorine plant 818
Subject Index 1223

chloro sulfonated rubber (CSM) – heavy oil production with sand conventional hydrocarbon potential
1112 (CHOPS) 512 521
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) 91, 134, – high-pressure separator (CHPS) conversion 934
666, 1059 723 – parameter 722
chromatography 153, 207, 222 – wash distribution 997 – processes 153
chromium catalyst 1090 collisional activated dissociation copolymer
circumferential acoustic scanning (CAD) 230 – monomer sequence 1086
tool (CAST) 449, 489 combination trap 348 co-processing, biomass oil and
clarified slurry oil (CSO) 629 combined feed ratio (CFR) 722 petroleum oil 1117, 1127, 1129,
Claus combined heat and power (CHP) 1130
– process 46, 78, 660 951, 1124 core measurement 460
– tail gas recovery 46 combustion corona discharge 1145
clean air acts 128 – air preheat unit (CAP) 790 correlation 309
clean fuel 830 – product 684 – diagram 184
– rigorous model 868 comfort cooling tower (CCT) 134 – study 183
Cleveland open-cup method (COC) common midpoint (CMP) 424 corrosion 695
1052 – gather 424 cracking unit 818
closed-loop real-time optimization CoMo 676, 685, 700 critical clustering concentration
(CLRTO) 879 compact microimager (CMI) 491 (CCC) 240
cluster analysis 852 compaction 389 critical nanoaggregate concentration
(CNAC) 238

Subject Index
CO2 – correction 452
– emission factor 936 cross cutting 338, 339
compensated neutron logs (CNL)
– recycle 794 cross direction (CD) 1104
– sequestration 1118 crude
completion 356
– compatibility 920
coal 9, 19 component lumping 74
– desalting 917
– asphaltene 226 composition
– distillation tower troubleshooting
– bed methane (CBM) 374 – -based modeling 843
– mining 102 – petroleum 7
– extra heavy 917
– -to-liquids 1121 compound
– fractionation 915
co-hydrotreatment 1127 – identification 160, 166
– gas oil 919
coil outlet temperature (COT) 975 – -type analysis 159, 166 – vanadium nickel 919
coke 71, 607 – -type separation 159 crude assay 153
– deposition 885 comprehensive two-dimensional gas – fraction 22
– drum 906 chromatography (GCGC) 154, – lube 964
– formation 599, 621, 909 157, 676 – report 21
– formation induction time 842 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) crude oil 20, 327, 533
– sponge 909 842, 854 – assay 72
coker 590 computer-aided engineering (CAE) – bulk physical property 20
– furnace 905 1104 – bulk property 22
– naphtha 593 condensate 655 – complex 223
– naphtha hydrotreating 593 connected pores 344 – cracking catalyst 632
coking 36, 598, 682, 685, 707, 885 Conradson carbon residue (CCR) – distillation (COD) 47, 541, 936
– /decoking cycle 905 705, 722, 875, 908, 959 – distillation unit (CDU) 35, 533,
– cycle 905 – catalytic reforming 574 865, 936
– drum 905 consumer gas 655 – property 328
– flexi- 51, 903, 912 contaminant 604, 675 – selection 1025
– fluid 903, 912 – removal 623 – sour 329
cold continental drift hypothesis 350 – sulfur-containing compound 692
– -bed adsorption (CBA) 654, 662 continuous – sweet 329
– box 795 – filament (CF) 1101 crustal thinning 352
– crank simulator (CCS) 959, 1016, – stirred tank reactor (CSTR) 761, cubic equation of state (CEOS)
1034, 1050 858, 1048, 1095 293, 297
– dilution ratio (CDR) 1006 controlled rheology (CR) 1097 cubic plus association (CPA) 294
1224 Subject Index

Cyber Service Unit (CSU) 448 desulfurization 205, 645, 1138 direct digital logging (DDL) 448
cyclic – reactivity 689 disconformity 340
– catalytic reforming 608 desulfurizer 643 DISTACT fraction 162
– hydrocarbon 1171 dewaxed oil (DWO) 973 distillate 675, 681, 687, 708
– steam stimulation (CSS) 100 dewaxing 978, 1033 – chemical composition 676
cyclization 621, 1128 – aids (DWA) 1007 – fuel 549
– catalytic (CDW) 60, 717 distillation 36, 537
D – cloth 994 – data 290
– DILCHILL™ 981 – fraction 153
Dalton’s law 537 – filter media 994 – ideal 537
Darcy flow migration 399 – ketone 980
– yield 22, 548
Darcy’s law 502 – VI reduction 1034
distillation tower 48
deactivation 676, 682, 684 diagenesis 326, 365, 395
– sidestream 965
dead oil 277 dialkyl fumarate-vinyl acetate
distributed control system (DCS)
– density 283 (DAFVA) 1008
833, 834, 865
– heavy 283 dibasic ester 1055
dibenzothiophene (DBT) 202, 678, disturbance variables (DV) 834
– viscosity 309 disulfide 662
deasphalted oil (DAO) 49, 292, 685, 688–690
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane donor 681, 697
548, 958, 1019 double-bond equivalent (DBE) 174,
deBoer plots 276 (DDT) 88
dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) 184, 681, 692
Subject Index

decarbonylation 1128 double-focusing sector mass

1146, 1171
decarboxylation 1127, 1128 spectrometry 164, 165
diesel 67
decoking 907 down-draft gasification unit (system)
– additive 67
decompaction 392 1122
– cetane 918
deep downhole fluid analysis (DFA) 251
– deep hydrodesulfurization 699
– catalytic cracking (DCC) 640,
– fuel 1133 – hardware 257
1063, 1068, 1078
– renewable 1135 – operation 260
– conversion 934
diethanolamine (DEA) 136, 657, downhole plunger pumb 508
– desulfurization 873
943 downstream 14, 151–153, 167
Deepwater Horizon 116
diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) drill stem test (DST) 385
degradation 686 240 driller’s logs 436
dehydration 1120, 1122, 1127 diffusivity 707 drilling 354
dehydrocyclization 602 diglycolamine (DGA) 657 drillship 525
dehydrogenation 602, 621 di-isopropanolamine (DIPA) 945
delayed coking 50, 903, 916 droplet–catalyst collision 855
diluent phase behavior 278 dry methane reformation (DMR)
– process diagram 904 dilute sulfur acid (DA) treatment
– reactions 907 1150
1129 dual treatment (DAWNT) 1129
– unit (DCU) 740 diluted bitumen (Dilbit) 29
demet 637 Dubbs process 903
dilution 363
demetalization 702 dynamic porosity 344
– ratio 984
denitrification 1138 dynamite source 421
dimension reduction 847
density 283 dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) 736,
– functional theory (DFT) 846, 744 E
1066 dimethyl ether (DME) 77, 582,
– logs 472 1077 ebullated bed (e-bed) 55, 713
deoiling 1003 dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) 87 – hydrocracking 55, 761
deoxygenation 1128 dimethyldibenzothiophene eccentric shaft 557
deposition 686, 694 (DMDBT) 685 effective
depositional environment 155, 359, dimethylsulfide 206 – gas radiating 889
363 Diophantine algorithm 166 – permeability 344
desalter 717 dip moveout correction (DMO) 426 – porosity 344
desalting 36, 542, 682 direct current (DC) 164, 1144, – stress 390
desorption 681 1164 effectiveness factor 881
Subject Index 1225

elastomer 1105 – –propylene rubber (EPR) 1100, Fenske equation 539

– thermoplastic (TPE) 1108, 1110 1105 fermentation 1120, 1124, 1127,
electric arc furnace (EAF) 911 – –propylene–diene terpolymer 1130
electrical (EPDM) 1100 fiber industry 1129
– microimaging (EMI) 490 – vinyl acetate (EVA) 1008 field desorption (FD) 155, 160, 164
– submersible pump (ESP) 509 ethylene–propylene rubber (EPR) field ionization (FI) 159–161
– survey (ES) 451 1109 filler 61
electron Euro V automotive 67 filter 993
– cyclotron resonance (ECR) 1144 eustatic correction 393 – cloth 996
– -impact ionization (EI) 156, 160 euxinic conditions 363 – drip pipe 995
– spin resonance (ESR) 683 Evans–Polanyi correlation 848 – feed rate (FFR) 997
electronic fuel injection (EFI) 553 evaporative low-angle light scattering – hot washing 1000
electrospray ionization (ESI) detector (ELSD) 154 – master valve 994
160–163, 174 exploration 322, 353 – media 995
electrostatic desalting 543 – and production 152, 433 – spray 995
emergency depressuring (EDP) 52, exponential residence time – support grid 995
110 distribution 858 – wax scroll 995
emulsion polymerization 1085 export steam 798 filtration rate 984
EN 590 67 – credit 813 finite element analysis (FEA) 1104
engine oil blending 1019 expulsion model 370 first pretreat (PT) 55
enhanced coal-bed methane (ECBM) Fischer–Tropsch (FT) 19, 1041,

Subject Index
extended legal continental shelf
932 521 1120
enthalpy 304 extinction 343 – synthesis 1117, 1120,
– hydrotreating 745 extraction 704 1124–1126, 1130
entropy 304 – process variable 973 five-stacked sand reservoir 268
environmental 151, 167 fixed-bed
– solvent 972
– agencies 126 – catalytic hydrocracking 54
extra-heavy crude
– laws 88 – hydrocracker 713
– characterization 917
enzymatic hydrolysis 1120, 1129 – hydrocracking 754, 758, 760
– processing 917
enzyme 1129 – hydroprocessing 755, 777
extratropical storm 526
Eocene 268 – trickle-flow reactor 572
extrusion surging 1100
eon 342 – unit 743
Exxon Valdez 109
equation of state (EoS) 222, 251 flame ionization detector (FID) 73,
– cubic 293, 297 154, 156, 174, 290
– Flory–Huggins–Zuo (FHZ) 222, F flares carbon emission (FCE) 947
246, 251, 262 flash point 1018
– Langmuir 222 fabric 346 flexicoking 51, 903, 912
– Peng–Robinson 298 fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) flexural subsidence 382
– statistical associating fluid theory 1133 floating
(SAFT) 294 fault 26 – liquid natural gas (FLNG) 525
– van der Waals 222, 252 faunal succession 339 – production system (FPS) 524
equilibrium 688 feed – production, storage and offloading
– composition 282 – aggregation 707 (FPSO) 524
equivalent NaCl salinity 460 – -forward (FF) 834, 867 – storage and offloading system
Ergun relationship 880, 890 – polymerization 707 (FSO) 525
E-shaft 557 – preheat exchanger 967 – storage unit (FSU) 525
ethanol 1121, 1122 – preparation unit (FPU) 1029 Flory–Huggins–Zuo (FHZ) 222,
ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) 64 feed/effluent exchanger (F/E) 122 243, 251
ethylene 1064, 1072, 1077 feedstock 683, 707 – equation of state 222, 246, 252,
– /propylene ratio 1063 – characteristics 592 262
– glycol (EG) 87 – hydrotreating 623 flow
– oxide (EO) 87, 1057 – molecule 719 – distribution 804
– -propylene monomer (EPM) – quality 622 – -induced crystallization (FIC)
1109 feel 332 1101
1226 Subject Index

– -path migration modeling 400 Fourier-transform ion cyclotron – -tandem mass spectrometry
– time 502 resonance mass spectrometry (GC-MS-MS) 156
flue gas (FT-ICR MS) 154, 160, 165, – -time of flight (GC-TOF) 675
– desulfurization 135 173, 200, 224, 275, 679, 690 gas oil conversion
– emission 804 fracking 14, 100 – high aromatics content 918
– scrubbing 657 fraction 679, 707 gas oil hydrotreater (GOHT) 34
fluid fractional conversion 393 – fouling 921
– -bed 624 fractionation 1120, 1127, 1129 gaseous hydrocarbons 326
– coking 903, 912 – packing 967 gasification 1117, 1120–1123,
– saturation 346 fractionator 907 1126, 1129
fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) 15, fracturing fluid 514 gasifier 1124
36, 49, 51, 89, 549, 581, 590, 618, Frasch sulfur 652 gasifying zone 1123
637, 656, 677, 713, 818, 836, 841, free radical polymerization 1083 gasoline 64, 551
915, 933, 941, 1064, 1127 friction theory 310 – additive 65, 584
– 5-lump model 852 fuel delivery system 552 – blend stock 64, 552, 567
– 10-lump model 841 fuel gas 818 – engine 552
– catalyst 637 fuel/air equivalence ratio 553
– chemical composition 637 – pool composition 591
fugacity coefficient 296 – production 564
– conversion 876 fugitive emission 79, 100
– entrance cracking 855 – property 559
functionalization 1163, 1168, 1173 – specification 563
– feed injection zone 855
Subject Index

fused aromatic ring (FAR) 226 gas-to-oil ratio (GOR) 224, 251,
– feedstock 623
– gasoline 915 385, 723
– hydrotreating performance 875
G – crude oil 246
– nomenclature 638 gel permeation chromatography
gamma (GPC) 208
– organonitrogen poisoning of
– distribution 856 general purpose rubber (GPR) 1112
catalyst 846
– ray (GR) 443 genetic algorithm 853
– pretreat 915
– ray neutron tool (GNT) 447, 475
– process 1066 geocatalysis 370
– process flow 51 gas
geochemical information 152, 155
– properties 638 – composition 723
geochronology 341
– reactor 631 – concentration unit (GCU) 945
geophone 421
– residue (RFCC) 162, 582, 622, – hydrates 374
geophysical well logging 353
641, 715, 1069 – lift 501, 506
geopolymer 365
– Shell process 643 – oil desulfurization (GOD) 945
glow discharge 1144
– SOx transfer additives 136 – slippage 504
glucose 1129
– two-zone model 855 – sour 326, 655
grain shape 346
– unit (FCCU) 944, 1066 – sweet 326
grain size 346
– zeolite 638 – -to-liquid (GTL) 19, 1015, 1041,
1121 graphical user interface (GUI) 834
fluidization 706
gas chromatographic distillation gravity-based structure (GBS) 524
fluorapatite 664
(GCD) 959 grease 71
flushed zone 470
gas chromatography (GC) 73, 153, greek fire 9
fold associated trap 348
fold change (FC) 187 174, 223, 268, 289, 677, 704, green river oil shale 19
formation 1018, 1135, 1157 greenhouse gas (GHG) 92, 931,
– evaluation (FE) 435 – -atomic emission detection 1117
– micro-imager (FMI) 448 (GC-AED) 675 Gulf oil 324
– tester (FT) 443 – -flame ionization detection Gulf residuum process 640
Forristall distribution 527 (GC-FID) 206
fouling 905 – -inductively coupled plasma-mass H
– resistance 889 spectrometry (GC-ICP-MS) 675
– resistance, steam reforming 879 – mass spectrometry (GC-MS) 155, halobutyl rubber 1112
Fourier-transform ion cyclotron 157, 163, 174, 200, 223, 289 hazardous air pollutant (HAP) 129
resonance (FT-ICR) 675 – specific detector 154 health and safety (H&S) 476
Subject Index 1227

health, safety, environment (HSE) – -resolution transmission electron hydrocracking (HC) 23, 55, 590,
87 microscopy (HRTEM) 242 597, 676, 695, 697, 706, 713, 856,
heat – -temperature shift (HTSR) 1151 941, 1127, 1128
– balance 630, 887 – -temperature shift converter – catalytic 731
– capacity 284, 304 (HTSC) 799 – chemical reaction 731
– conduction 394 – -throughput experimentation – chemistry 1023
– convection 394 (HTE) 860 – ebullated bed 55, 761
– flow 384 – -voltage EI (HVEI) 165 – fixed-bed 54, 754, 758, 760
– flux 802 higher hydrocarbon reformation – poly-ring compound 732
– loss 890 1160 – process variable 722
– transfer rate 887 Hildebrand solubility parameter – selective 695
– -up rate 698 243 – thermal 766
heating oil 69 Hingle plot 488 – unit (HCU) 33, 714, 740
heavy homogeneous model 504 – zeolite-containing catalyst 738
– coker gas oil (HCGO) 50, 919 homologous series 844 hydrodearomatization (HDA) 684,
– crude processing 915 hopane (triterpane) 156 1023
– cycle oil (HCO) 51, 581, 945, hot hydrodemetalation (HDM) 36, 40,
1067 – high-pressure separator (HHPS) 582, 675, 683, 684, 694, 698,
– duty engine oil (HDEO) 1020 924 700–706, 708, 725, 730, 920, 1138
– feedstock 707 – low-pressure separator (HLPS) – activity 694
– HC fraction 328 924 – catalyst capacity 704

Subject Index
– key 540 – spots 906 – chemistry 694
– naphtha (HN) 66, 717 – -water extraction process (HWEP) – reaction rate 683
– straight run (HSR) 942 921 – residual 704
– vacuum gas oil (HVGO) 21, 938 Houdresid catalytic cracking 641 hydrodenitrogenation (HDN) 23,
heavy oil 20, 273, 278 – process 626 36, 39, 110, 675, 725, 730, 846,
– equilibrium composition data 282 Houdriflow catalytic cracking 641 857, 871, 920, 1023, 1127, 1138
– rheology 285 – process 626 – reaction 694
– treating (HOT) 642 Houdry cracking unit (HCC) 865 hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) 36, 40,
helicon discharge 1144 Hue-gamma ray zone (Hue-GRZ) 675, 725, 730, 1128, 1135
Helmholtz energy 300 404 – rate constant 702
hemicellulose 1117, 1119, hybrid migration 400 – reaction 694
1128–1130 hydraulic hydrodesulfurization (HDS) 23, 36,
Henry’s Law 805 – fracturing 29, 514 37, 202, 590, 622, 641, 675, 676,
heteroatom 676, 679, 681, 683, 691 – jet pumping 511 684, 687, 688, 699, 725, 727, 841,
– ring-compound 721 – piston pumping 511 856, 872, 873, 919, 949, 1023,
heterophasic copolymer (HECO) hydride abstraction 848 1127, 1135
1094 hydrocarbon 322, 620, 676, 677, – chemistry 687
hexose 1119, 1129 681, 695–697 – continuum model 856
hierarchical clustering analysis – analysis 160 – inhibition 691
(HCA) 173, 175 – aromatic 677 – rate constant 701
high – fossil orgin 18 – sulfide catalyst 686
– -density polyethylene (HDPE) – ring compound 720 – two-stage process 699
1089 – saturated 1163 hydrodynamic trap 348
– field pressure 1145 hydrocarbon reservoir fluid hydrofinishing 676, 717, 961, 1039
– melt strength (HMS) 1099 – Vis/NIR spectroscopy 254 – catalyst 1040
– -molecular weight nonvolatile hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) hydrofluoric acid (HF) 513, 575
material 622 1059 – alkylation (HFA) 44, 576
– -pressure low-density polyethylene hydrocracker (HYC) 715, 867 hydrogen
1090 – catalyst 1026 – and CO co-production (HYCO)
– pressure separator (HPS) 871 – conversion 1025 794
– -Q ultrasonic 238 – fixed-bed 713 – available on demand 819
– -resolution mass spectrometry – performance 829 – bonding 681
164 – process condition 1027, 1032 – composite curve 823
1228 Subject Index

– consumption 818 – FCC performance 875 International Organization for

– feedstock 787 – process 676, 683 Standardization (ISO) 34, 563,
– generation flow rate 823 – process variable 722 959
– index (HI) 365, 385, 475 – residue 698 intrinsic low dimensional manifold
– long 819 – unit (HTU) 31 method 854
– network optimization 826 hydrotreating catalyst 684 intrusion 338
– partial pressure 723 – activity 686 invaded zone 470
– pinch point 824 – deactivation 686, 698 invariant subspace 850
– pressure 1024 – regeneration 686 invasion percolation (IP) 387, 402
– production 787, 818, 938, 939 
ion mobility analyzer 166
hydroxyl radical ( OH) 1167
– purification 799, 818 ion trap 166
– purity 723 ionic polymerization 1083
– short 819
ionic-liquid alkylation 578
– source 818
igneous rock 331 ionization technique 154, 160
– spillover 686, 697
ill-defined heavy oil 282 island model 230, 371
– supply 916
immiscible operation 982 isobutane-to-olefin (I/O) 44
– surplus diagram 824
in situ fluid analyzer (IFA) 258 isobutylene–isoprene rubber (IIR)
– thermodynamics 788
inclusion 338 1105, 1112
– -to-carbon (H/C) 41
– -to-oil ratio (H2OR) 723, 741 inductively coupled plasma-mass isolated pores 344
hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) 90 spectrometry (ICP-MS) 676 isomerization (ISOM) 58, 676,
Subject Index

– desorption 693 inflow performance relationship 685, 688, 717, 818

– explosive range 90 (IPR) 501 isostatic subsidence 382
– removal 136 – curve 502 isotactic polypropylene (iPP) 1104
hydrogenation 676, 684, 687, 691, – partial two-phase oil reservoir isotope pattern computation 166
694–696, 702, 704 503
– olefin 36, 725 – single-phase reservoir 502 J
hydrogenolysis 598, 685, 689, 694, – two-phase reservoir 503
696, 1120, 1128 infrared (IR) 93 jacket 522
hydroisomerization dewaxing 1034 – spectroscopy 153 jack-up 523
– catalyst poison 1035 initial boiling point (IBP) 546 Jacobian matrix 853
hydrolysis 1117, 1120, 1126, injection molding 1104 jet fuel 918, 1128
1128–1130 injection production well 29 – production 924
hydrophone 422 inlet diffuser device 777
hydroprocessing 52, 676, 700, 714, K
inside-battery limits (ISBL) 762
in-situ adaptive model reduction
– catalyst 736 Kendrick mass scale 160
– flow scheme 1022 kero hydrotreater (KHT) 33
instantaneous mean effective cylinder
– fuel production 718 kerogen 19, 361, 365
pressure (IMEP) 561
– kinetic 747
instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP) – decomposition 369
– reaction 748
515 – formation 365
– reactor design 777
insulator catalysts 632 – –oil interaction 370
– thermochemistry 745
integration point 867 – type 367
– unit 715
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate kerogen decomposition
hydroskimming 934
hydrostatic pressure 343 Change (IPCC) 4, 92, 931 – kinetic model 369
hydrotreater 715 interlocking crystal 331 kerosene desulfurization (KD) 945
hydrotreating (HDT) 37, 53, 590, intermediate asymptotics 857 kerosene jet fuel 68
675, 676, 730, 1023, 1127 intermediate fuel oil (IFO) 70 kinetic
– AR 700 internal combustion engine (ICE) – analysis 700
– catalytic 777 551, 1141 – lumping/aggregation 841
– chemical reaction 725 internal rate of return (IRR) 810 – modeling 167
– coker naphtha 593 International Energy Agency (IEA) kinetic relationship
– enthalpy 745 6, 324, 950 – methane steam reforming 881
Subject Index 1229

– naphtha steam reforming 882 – naphtha (LN) 66, 717 – sample preparation 283
– steam reforming 879 – olefin cracking 1064 – viscosity 286, 309
kinetics – vacuum gas oil (LVGO) 21, 938 loading
– -hydrodynamics tradeoff in FCC – -water reactor (LWR) 105 – sedimentary 352
854 light gas oil (LGO) 1138 – volcanic 352
– optimization 398 – hydrocarbon type 752 local grid refinement (LGR) 387
– steam reforming 880 lignin 1117, 1119, 1129, 1130 logging while drilling (LWD) 435,
Kuwait export crude (KEC) 700, limited steam export 790 441
947 linear loil train derailment 118
Kyoto Protocol 127 – alkyl benzene (LAB) 87 London force 679
– alpha-olefin (LAO) 1047 long-chain branching (LCB) 1099
L – free energy relationship (LFER) long-time asymptotic kinetics 856
846 low
laboratory information management – low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) – -density polyethylene (LDPE)
system (LIMS) 839, 865 1089, 1100 1089
Lakeview blowout 102 – paraffin cracking 846 – -dimensional model 849
Langmuir – paraffin isomerization 597 – field pressure 1144
– –Blodgett film 229 – program (LP) 32, 819, 865 – GOR fluid 246
– equation of state 222 liquefaction 1127 – -GOR reservoir 263
liquefied natural gas (LNG) 655 – -pressure separator (LPS) 871
– –Hinshelwood adsorption 882
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 6, – -sulfur diesel (LSD) 867

Subject Index
– –Hinshelwood/Hougen–Watson
64, 549, 564, 627, 643, 655, 717, – -sulfur fuel oil (LSFO) 938
(LHHW) 749, 872
825, 933, 1069 – -temperature shift (LTSR) 1151
Larson–Miller equation 807
liquid – -temperature shift converter
laser desorption ionization (LDI)
– chromatography (LC) 153 (LTSC) 799
174, 230
– chromatography-mass – temperature viscosity 1044
– mass spectrometry (LDI MS)
spectrometry (LC-MS) 154, 158, – -voltage EI (LVEI) 165
229, 243
163 lower far crude (LFC) 701
laser desorption, laser ionization
– distribution tray design 778 lower heating value (LHV) 792,
mass spectrometry (L2 MS) 225
– feed rate 722 936
laser induced acoustic desorption
– holdup 504 lube
(LIAD) 163
– hourly space velocity (LHSV) – base 70
– mass spectrometry (LIAD-MS)
722, 874 – base stock manufacturing 958
– hydrocarbon 1169, 1173 – crude approval (LCA) 963
laser-assisted ionization 163
– infusion 162 – crude assay 964
laterolog (LL) 443 – injection field desorption/ionization – crude selection 963
LBC correlation 309 (LIFDI) 164 – deasphalting unit (LDU) 1009
Le Chatelier principle 596 – –liquid extraction 206 – oil 959, 960, 972
lean oil recovery (LOR) 818 – –liquid–vapor (LLV) 281 lubricant base oils 153
length-to-diameter ratio (L/D) 1092 – petrol 327 lubricant base stock
levelness sensitivity 780 – phase Newtonian viscosity – all-hydroprocessing route 1021
Leverett J-function 463 correlation 307 lumping
levigation 653 – redistribution tray 778 – continuum approximation 855
Lewis acid (L-acid) 1065 – space velocity (LSV) 910 – matrix 852
ligand 683, 704 – water plasma 1173 – nonlinear kinetics 853
ligand-exchange chromatography lithodensity identification (LID) – structure-oriented (SOL) 74, 167,
(LEC) 209 482 750, 843
light lithodensity matrix identification
– coker gas oil (LCGO) 50, 1173 (LID) trimineral plot 482 M
– crude oil 328 lithology tool 480
– cycle oil (LCO) 51, 581, 676, lithospheric thickening 352 maceral 332, 365
870, 945, 1067 lithostatic pressure 343 macrofossil 340
– -emitting diode (LED) 258 live oil 277 magnetic resonance imaging log
– key 540 – density 283 (MRIL) 478
1230 Subject Index

magnetic roasting 654 metal 681, 684, 694, 702–704, 708 microkinetic modeling 847
makeup gas compressor (MUGC) – capacity 675, 703, 705 microlaterolog (MLL) 443
759 – complex polymerization 1083 microresistivity scanner (MRS) 488
maltene 292 – deposition 698 microscale sealed vessel pyrolysis
– asphaltene 842 – extraction 683 (MSSV) 398
– fraction 292 – function dehydrogenation catalyst microspherically focused log
manipulated variable (MV) 834, 602 (MSFL) 443, 492
867 – ion 683, 694, 698, 704 middle vacuum gas oil (MVGO)
marine diesel oil (MDO) 70 – porphyrin 682 938
marine gas oil (MGO) 70 – product 705 middle-of-run (MOR) 755
mass chromatogram 156 – removal capacity 704 mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIR)
mass spectrometer – support 708 254
– component 154 metallocene catalyst 1090 million standard cubic feet per day
– magnet sector 164 metal–organic framework (MOF) (MMSCFD) 820
mass spectrometry (MS) 73, 152, 932 million tonnes of oil equivalent
154, 164, 679 metamorphic rock 331 (Mtoe) 325
– data interpretation 166 metamorphism 326 Mina Abdulla spill 109
– reference spectra 154, 160, 166 methane minimum export steam 792
– resolution 707 – hydrates 374 mini-rotary viscosity (MRV) 1034
– tandem (MS/MS) 156, 164 – production reaction 1123 Miocene 268
material safety data sheet (MSDS) – reformation 1147 miscible operation 982
Subject Index

127 methanol-to-gasoline (MTG) 7, mist flow 504

mathematical programming 853 582, 1124 mixed integer nonlinear program
matrix 61 methanol-to-olefin (MTO) 1065, (MINLP) 951
– acidizing 512 1077 mixed oxide 633
– -assisted laser methyl mixing equipment 1085
desorption/ionization (MALDI) – diethanolamine (MDEA) 136, Mobil Lube Dewaxing (MLDW™)
163, 164, 208 657, 943 1033
– component 202 – ethyl ketone (MEK) 50, 959, mobile offshore drilling unit
– representation of reactions 843 1020 (MODU) 522
maximum recording thermometer – isobutyl ketone (MIBK) 50, 959, modal analysis 851
(MRT) 471 1020 model IV fluid-bed catalytic cracking
maya crude oil 277 – isocyanate (MIC) 103 639
McCabe–Thiele method 538 – isocyanate leak 103 modeling
m-chloroperbenzoic acid (MCPBA) – tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 7, 129, – Darcy flow 403
204 567, 942, 1070 – flow-path 403
McKenzie thermal model 394 methylation 205 – hybrid migration 403
mean average boiling point (MABP) methylcyclohexane (MCH) 695 – invasion percolation 403
623 methylcyclohexanethiol (MCHT) model-predictive control (MPC) 1,
mean diameter formula 807 695 833, 835
measurements while drilling (MWD) methylcyclohexene (MCHE) 695 modified Claus process 660
25, 435, 441 methylcyclo-hexylamine (MCHA) modular formation dynamic tester
mechanism reduction 845 694 (MDT) 252
mechanistic modeling 847 methylcyclopentadienyl manganese Mohr circle 411
medium cycle oil (MCO) 677 tricarbonyl (MMT) 562 molecular
melt flow rate (MFR) 1094 metric matrix identification (MID) – -based modeling 151, 167
melt-blown nonwoven 1102 482 – characterization 152–154, 166
mercaptan conversion 662 met-x 637 – composition 152, 676, 679, 722
mercaptopropyl silica gel (MPSG) micro-carbon residue (MCR) 722, – engineering 151, 167
213 908, 959 – level 676, 681
mercury 207, 682 microcylindrically focused tool – management 151, 167
Merichem LO-CAT process 661 (MCFT) 484 – orbital calculation 227
Merox reaction 662 microfibrils 1119 – structural vector 167
metagenesis 326, 365, 395 microfossil 339 – structure 151–153
Subject Index 1231

– type 972 – ratio range 794 nuclear instrument module (NIM)

– weight (MW) 847, 1082, 1097 – rubber (NR) 1107 453
– weight distribution (MWD) 1045, natural gas 326 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
1097 – dry gas 19 73, 153, 175, 205, 222, 441, 443,
molecule characterization 679, 707 – processing 655 599, 1168
monoethanolamine (MEA) 657, – sour gas 19 – logs 477
799, 943 – water removal 656 numeric dating 341
monomer insertion 1086 needle coke 909
montmorillonite clay 632 neopentylglycol (NPG) 1055 O
Montreal Protocol 91 net
Moody friction factor 505 – effective overburden (NEO) 461 ocean current 528
motor octane number (MON) 64, – present value (NPV) 810 octane 64
559, 871 – reaction stoichiometry 881 – rating 559
moving neural network 847 – -upgrade unit 916
– -bed process 625, 640 neutron lifetime logs (NLL) 447 octane number 559
– -belt LC-MS interface 159 neutron porosity log 474 – motor 559
mud acid 513 Newtonian viscosity correlation – prediction 158
mud logs 439 – full phase 309 – research 559
mudcake 470 NH3 desorption 685 offshore drilling 517
Mukluk prospect 405 nickel 681, 700, 704 – mobile unit (MODU) 522

Subject Index
multi-azimuthal seismic data NiMo 685, 696 offshore oil
recording geometry 422 nitric oxide (NO) 90 – collection 519
multicomponent kinetic model 397 nitrogen 675, 681, 684, 688, 693, – main production region 522
multicomponent methodology 825 698, 703 oil
multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) – chemiluminescence 676 – /wax-solvent recovery 1001
165 – chemiluminescence detector – abiogenic 359
multizone circulating reactor (NCD) 154, 676 – -based mud (OBM) 254, 256, 479
(MZCR) 1096 – oxides (NOx) 47, 90, 1149 – biogenic 359
mutual diffusion coefficient 286 – phosphorus detector (NPD) 154 – clarified slurry (CSO) 629
– slip (N slip) 722 – composition 372
N nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen (NSO) – deasphalted (DAO) 49, 292, 548,
382 958, 1019
NaCl equivalent concentration 460 N-methyl morpholine N-oxide – dewaxed (DWO) 973
nanoaggregate (NA) 237 (NMMO) 1129 – –gas contact (OGC) 347
– asphaltene 236 – pretreatment 1129 – heating 69
naphtha 618, 624, 717 N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) 50, – heavy duty engine (HDEO) 1020
– light (LN) 66, 717 959, 1020 – industry sector 151
– nitrogen 926 – plant corrosion 978 – –oil and oil–rock correlation 155
– properties 592 noble metal catalyst 1040 – origin of 359
– side draw 907 noble metal hydrocracking catalyst – -soluble PAG (OSP) 1057
– sulfur removal 926 744 – unconverted (UCO) 6, 713, 757,
naphtha hydrotreater (NHT) 592, nonane reforming 852 1019
828 nonconformity 340 – -water contact (OWC) 268, 347
– fouling 925 noncubic equations of state 299 – well logging 255
naphtha, kerosene and distillate fuel non-Newtonian behavior oil spill 100
oil (NKD) 34 – bitumen 275 – clean up 137
naphthene 327, 560, 1017 non-noble-metal catalyst 743 olefin 199, 559, 676, 679
– dehydrogenation 595 nonrandom two liquid (NRTL) 294 – catalytic cracking (OCC) 1075
– isomerization 597 nonwoven filter media 995 – conversion technology (OCT)
naphthenic 620 normal moveout (NMO) 424, 430 1075
naphthenoaromatic 328 normal paraffinic, branched paraffinic – cracking mechanism 1064
natural (iso-paraffins), naphthenic, and – feedstock 1082
– butyl rubber (NBR) 1109 aromatic (PINA) 883 – hydrogenation 36, 725
1232 Subject Index

– production plant 818 – dehydrogenation process (PDH) – mass spectrometry 152

– thermoplastic (TPO) 1100 1075 – middle distillate 857
oligomerization 621 – isomerization 46, 597 – migration accumulation 399
on-stream catalyst replacement paraffins, olefins, naphthenes, and – nonfuel product 6
(OCR) 705 aromatics (PONA) 842, 871, 942 – origin 326, 359
opening position (OP) 834 parametric effect 599 – preindustrial use 323
operating paraxylene (PX) 591 – product 63, 694
– cost (OPEX) 958 partial combustion 1122 – refining chemistry 36
– mode 1070 partial least squares (PLS) 256, 847 – research and development 152
– stability 780 partial oxidation (POX) 787, 793, – system 359
optical density (OD) 254 818, 1122, 1142 – trap 347, 361
– catalyst 1149 – trap assessment 348
optical spectroscopy 227
– plant 794 – wax 71
– reaction 789 petroleum production
problem 853
particulate matter (PM) 89, 135, – pollution 89
orbitrap 166
665 petroleum refinery 715, 1118, 1127
order reduction 849
partition-based and total lumping – CO2 emission 943
organic 841 petrophysics 435
– carbon redox cycle 364 passivation 645 Phanerozoic 343
– -rich sediments 362 passive continental margin 351 phase behavior 277
– sulfur 664 pathways modeling 848 – correlation 294
Subject Index

Organization of the Petroleum pendant-core model 908 – prediction 303

Exporting Countries (OPEC) 13, Peng–Robinson equation of state phase composition measurement
324, 520, 944 298 277
orthorhombic sulfur 650 pentaerythritol (PE) 1055 photodetector (PD) 258
oscillatory shear 285 pentose 1119, 1129 photo-electric factor (PEF) 441,
Otto-cycle engine 554 peracid 204 473, 481
overall lumped kinetics 855 period 342 photoionization (PI) 160
overburden rock 361 periodate 204 phytane (Ph) 156
over-cracking 628 Perkins–Kern–Nordgren (PKN) Pickett plot 488
overhead pressure 969 515 pinch analysis 823
overhead valve (OHV) 1156 permanent poison 607 pinch point
oxidation 203, 1171 permeability 343 – hydrogen 824
oxo-alcohol synthesis gas steam permeability, porosity, saturation PIONA-type characterization 295
reformer 897 (KPS) 461 pipe corrosion 682
oxone 205 permissible exposure limit (PEL) pipe failure analysis 113
oxy fuel combustion capture 932 127 pipestill furnace 967
oxychlorination 614 peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) 90 pipestill troubleshooting 970
oxygen 675, 681, 683, 693, 703 peroxybenzoyl nitrate (PBN) 90 piston engine 554
personal protection equipment (PPE) plant performance 808
– content 1119
125, 763 plantwide system 817
– enrichment 660
PetroFCC 1071, 1078 plasma
– plasma 1169
petroinformatics 173 – catalysis 1151
ozone generation 1165
petroleomics 158, 167, 174, 225, – discharge 1167
359, 371 – -generated radical species 1168
P petroleum 675, 676, 681, 694, 700, – polymerization 1165
707 – processing 1163, 1165
paleobathymetry 392 – accumulation 343 – properties 1164
paleomagnetism 350 – asphaltene 236 – radical chemistry 1167
paleowater depth 387 – biomarker 152, 155 – torch 1145
paraconformity 340 – cycle 322 – type 1144
paraffin 620, 1017 – engineering 151 plate tectonic 349
– cracking 846 – exploration 419 platform as a service (PaaS) 194
– dehydrocyclization 596 – geology 322 point adjustment 23
Subject Index 1233

polar–polar interaction 681, 698 precombustion capture 932 proppant 514

polyalkyl acrylate (PAA) 1008 precondenser 969 propylene 1064, 1072, 1077
polyalkyl meth acrylate (PAMA) predistillation processing 541 – catalytic cracking (PCC) 1074
1008 premium base stock performance – oxide (PO) 1057
polyalkyleneglycol (PAG) 1043, 1019 propylur process 1072
1057 prereforming 879 protolytic cracking 848
polyalphaolefin (PAO) 71, 959, pressure 628 proton affinity (PA) 846
1018, 1043, 1047 – drop (dP) 723, 725, 1137 proton precession magnetometer
polyaromatic condensation 727 – drop calculation 869 (PPM) 477
polybutadiene (PBR) 87 – filter 993 pseudo first-order approximation
– synthesis 1106 – prediction 388 (PFOA) model 747
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) – swing adsorption (PSA) 42, 795, pseudomolecular ion 160
108 801, 818, 932, 1151 pseudosteady-state flow 502
polycyclic aromatic (PCA) 1024 pressure, volume, temperature (PVT) pulp and paper industry 1121
– hydrocarbon (PAH) 204, 221, 387, 460 pumparound 967
254, 257, 681 pressurized heavy-water reactor purge stream 818
– sulfur heterocycle (PASH) 202 (PHWR) 105 purification 824
polydispersity index (PDI) 1009, pressurized water reactor (PWR) purified terephthalic acid (PTA) 87
1099 105 P-wave 419
polyethylene (PE) 87, 1082, 1088 pretreatment 1117, 1120, 1127, pyrolysis 1117, 1120, 1125–1127,
– processing 1091 1129

Subject Index
– ultrahigh molecular weight – -hydrolysis 1120 – catalytic (CPP) 1063, 1069, 1078
(UHMWPE) 1089 primary – fast 1126
– very low-density (VLDPE) 1089 – energy 3
– oil 1126
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 7, – migration 370
– slow 1126
87, 591 – porosity 344
polyisobutylene (PIB) 1046, 1058 – productivity 362
polymer electrolyte membrane – reformer 895
(PEM) 1151 principal component
quadrupole mass analyzer or
polymeric molecule 681 – analysis (PCA) 173, 175, 845,
spectrometer (QMS) 164
polymerization 579 846
quadrupole time-of-flight mass
– free radical 1083 – regression (PCR) 256
spectrometer (QTOF MS) 165
polyol ester 1055 PRISM reactor 1154
polyolefin 1081 pristane (Pr) 156 quantitative comparison (QC) 190
polypropylene (PP) 87, 1094 – /phytane ratio 373 quantitative structure–reactivity
– fabrication 1098 process relationship (QSRR) 846
– injection-molding conditions – controller 850 quasi-equilibrium approximation
1105 – -derived fuel (PDF) 1159 (QEA) 845
– rheology 1099 – value (PV) 834 quasi-steady state approximation
polystyrene (PS) 87, 1105 product 683 (QSSA) 845
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 7, 87, – cracked 679 quench
138 – hydrogenated 697 – injection device 778
pore diffusion effect 847 – specification 675 – mixing chamber 778, 781
pore-pressure formation 391 programmable logic controller (PLC) – temperature difference 724
porosity 343 834 quinolone 729
– tool 471 progressing cavity pump 511
porphyrin 682, 702, 704 projective transformation 851 R
postcombustion capture 932 propane
pot still 534 – dehydrogenation 1075 R2R process 643
pour point 329, 1017 – deoiling 1007 Rackett equation 297
– giveaway 985 – dewaxing 1005 radial flow reactor 573, 609
– reduction 1038 – filter hot wash 1007 radial temperature difference 724,
power-recovery turbine (PRT) 871 proportional-integral-derivative (PID) 784
precipitation 739 834 radioactivity 341
1234 Subject Index

radiogenic heat 394 refinery research octane number (RON) 56,

radiological dispersion device (RDD) – fuel gas 717 559, 592, 871
477 – gasoline-production 915 reservoir crude oil 223
raffinate hydroconversion (RHC) – intermediate stream 923 reservoir rock 329, 361
1040 – software 834 resid conversion 927
Raman spectroscopy 153 – solid wastes 141 resids (residua) 152, 163
Raney nickel 205 – wastewater treatment 137 residual HDM 704
Raoult’s law 537 – -wide optimization (RWO) 865 residual oil 842
rapeseed oil 1135 refining 322, 675, 699 residue fluid catalytic cracking
– hydroprocessing 1136 – process 152, 167, 1021, 1128 (RFCC) 162, 582, 622, 641, 715,
rapid sedimentation 394 – research and development 153 1069
rate reflection coefficient 427 residue hydrotreatment 703
– constant 687, 702 reformat yield 594 resonance enhanced multiphoton
– of penetration (ROP) 435 reforming 676, 684, 1128, 1130 ionization (REMPI) 234
Raymer–Hunt–Gardner (RHG) – catalyst contaminants 605 retrofit 826
porosity 492 – Motor Gasoline Pool 590 return on investment (ROI) 1137
reactant-type distribution function – reaction 594, 880 revolutions per minute (RPM) 558
856 reformulated gasoline 65, 583 Rice–Herzfeld mechanism 845
reaction – before oxygenate blending (RBOB)
– catalytic reforming 572 rigorous kinetic modeling 828
65 rigorous model
– limited aggregation (RLA) 240
Subject Index

refractive index (RI) 154 – clean fuel 868

– network 599
refractory 685, 688, 691, 693, 701, ring-opening 694–696
– rate relationships 881
703 – hydrocracking 695
– rules 844
– character 629 Rio Earth Summit 134
– time 629
regeneration 686
– trajectory 852 riser 627
reactivity 151, 152 – model 868
– air rate 631
reactor – outlet temperature (ROT) 51, 581
– cyclone model 870
– apparatus 1153 – pipe cracking 627, 639
– freeboard model 870
– average pressure 723 – reactor 627
– model 870
– axial temperature rise 724 risk analysis 388
– CAT 724 regular solution theory 294
– dilute phase model 869 Reid vapor pressure (RVP) 59, 64,
– deformation 351
– effluent air cooler (REAC) 754 129, 561
– failure 410
– inlet temperature (RIT) 57, 573 relative
– catalyst activity 882 – poroelastic stress modeling 409
– pressure drop 723 – stress 388
– temperature 628, 723 – dating 338, 340
– permeability 344 Rock–Eval measurement 365
– WABT 724
remotely operated vehicle (ROV) rotary
– wall corrosion 706
421, 525 – engine 556
reactor design 624
removal of nickel by hydrotreatment – gas lift system 507
– hydroprocessing 777
(HDNi) 702 – vacuum filter 993
reactor internal
removal of vanadium by rotating pressure vessel oxidation test
– performance 783
hydrotreatment (HDV) 702 (RPVOT) 1050
– revamp 783
real-time optimizer (RTO) 74, 747 renewable diesel roundness 346
recommended exposure limits (REL) – dewaxing 1139 Royal Dutch 324
127 – feed 1135 – Shell 12
recycle gas compressor (RGC) 120, – product 1135 rubber
755, 759 – reaction pathway 1135 – butadiene (BR) 1105
recycle rate 628 renewable feed – butyl 1112
reduced crude 624 – catalyst 1137 – chlorinated butyl (CIIR) 1112
– conversion (RCC) 643 – hydrotreating 1134 – ethylene–propylene (EPR) 1100,
reduction roasting 653 – triglyceride structure 1135 1105, 1109
refined wax production 962 renewable fuel 1133 – natural (NR) 1107
Subject Index 1235

– natural butyl (NBR) 1109 selective hydrocracking 695 sol-gel process 686
– styrene–butadiene (SBR) 1105 selectivity solid
RxCat technology 1071 – catalytic 634 – -phase oxidation 1123
– strategy 1166 – phosphoric acid (SPA) 579
S self-contained breathing apparatus – waste handling 79
(SCBA) 90 – waste recovery 141
S and W catalytic cracking process semiregenerative catalytic reforming solubility 289
643 608 – -based lumping 843
safety critical reactor axe man semi-submersible 524 solution polymerization 1084
(SCRAM) 107 semisynthetic catalysts 633 solvent 704, 708
salt 332 sensitivity analysis 846 – and hydroprocessing comparison
– -dome trap 27 separated flow model 505 1020
sandstone 336 sequential quadratic programming – contaminant 973
saturated hydrocarbon 1163 (SQP) 880 – deasphalting 49
saturates, aromatics, resins, and SETatWork 4 – deasphalting (SDA) 57
asphaltenes (SARA) 175, 208, shale 337 – dehydration 1001
282, 382, 679, 702, 908 – gas 374 – desphalting 962
– analysis 291 Shell FCC process 640, 643 – dewaxing 50, 960, 979, 1033
– kinetic model 397 shielding cone (SC) 237 – extraction 50, 960, 971
saturation shift converter 796 – fractionation 289
shot coke 909

Subject Index
– exponent 451 – loss 975
– pressure 299 Si–Al ratio (SAR) 734
– neutral oil (SNO) 1012
side wall core (SWC) 443
– reaction 36, 725 – plant with hydroprocessing 1040
side-stream stripper 969
– tool 483 – recovery 974
silica-alumina phosphate (SAPO)
Saybolt universal seconds (SUS) – -refining processes 153
46, 713
959, 970, 982, 1016 – splitter 1002
silicate mineral 332
Schlumberger 449 sorting 346
silicon 682
scraped surface sour crude oil 329
silver ion 207
– chiller (SSC) 980, 983 sour gas 326, 655
simulated distillation (SimDist) 291
– exchanger (SSE) 980, 985, 993 source rock 329, 359, 361
single photon ionization (SPI) 230
– supplier 986 – generative potential 367
single-event theory 848
seal 347 sour-water stripper (SWS) 659
single-phase reservoir IPR 502
– rock 361 single-stage once-thru hydrocracker space velocity 629, 722
secondary (SSOT) 1027 spacing density 780
– energy 3 single-stage with recycle spar 524
– migration 370 hydrocracker (SSREC) 1027 spark-ignited (SI) 1148
– porosity 344 singlet oxygen 205 Spearman’s rho 183
– reformer reactions 891 singular and regular perturbation special core analysis laboratory
sedimentary methods 850 (SCAL) 461
– basin 382 sinter roasting 654 speciality oil 71
– rock 331, 334, 336 sintering 686, 698, 703 sphericity 346
– structure 335 SiO2 685 split-flow enrichment 660
seismic skin factor 502 sponge coke 909
– activity 419 sludge 142 spontaneous polarization (SP) 480
– method 353 slug flow 504 stability 1018
– wave 419 slurry-phase 706 standard (temperature and pressure)
seismic data – distillate (SPD) 19 original gas in place (SCFOGIP)
– acquisition 420 – hydrocracking 57, 761 436
– deconvolution 423 small angle Standard Oil Company 11, 324
– interpretation 426 – neutron scattering (SANS) 236 standard temperature and pressure
– processing 423 – oscillatory shear (SAOS) 1105 (STP) 460, 746, 936
selective catalytic reduction (SCR) – x-ray scattering (SAXS) 236, 279 staple fiber (SF) 1101
47, 137, 657, 805 sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) 664 start-of-run (SOR) 741, 1032
1236 Subject Index

statistical associating fluid theory sulfated ash, phosphorus, and sulfur syngas 19, 1121, 1124
(SAFT) 294 (SAPS) 1019 – -to-gasoline plus (STG+) 582
– equations of state 301 sulfide catalyst 698 – -to-liquids (STL) 1015
steady-state heat flow 394 sulfiding 736 synthesis 1106
steam sulfur 681, 683, 687–689, 691, 694, – gas 19
– /carbon ratio 802 699–701, 703 synthetic 1018
– -assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) – chemiluminescence 676 – automotive engine lubricant 1052
1, 27, 100, 274, 921 – chemiluminescence detector (SCD) – base stock 1043
– ejectors pump 969 154, 676 – catalyst 633
– methane reforming (SMR) 19, – compound 199, 201 – diesel fuel 1133
42, 740, 787, 790, 799, 818, 867, – -containing polycyclic aromatic – fuel 1125
934, 939, 1041, 1147 compound (S-PAC) 212 – gasoline 582
– methane reforming combined with – coordination 688, 693 – industrial lubricant 1052
oxygen secondary reforming – lubricant 1043
– extraction 688
(SMR/O2 R) 793 – seismogram 428
– oxides (SOx) 54, 642, 876
– reformer model 880 synthetic crude (syncrude) 1
– pollution 665
– stripping 906 – hydrocarbon type 752
– production 651
steam reforming 879, 1123, 1125 – production 903
– kinetic relationship 879 – recovery 78, 928
sterane 156 – recovery unit (SRU) 654
steric hindrance 687, 688, 694, 700 – refractory species 684, 693 T
Subject Index

stock tank original oil in place – slip (S slip) 722

– source 651 tail-gas treating 662
(STOOIP) 435
– strategy 654 – unit (TGTU) 47, 654, 662
straight run (SR) 592
t-amyl methyl ether (TAME) 64
– gas oil (SRGO) 677 sulfur removal 654
tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS)
– light gas oil (SR LGO) 1135 – capacity 699
156, 164
Stratco effluent refrigeration process – rate 687
tandem triple-stage quadrupole mass
578 sulfuric acid alkylation (SAA) 43,
spectrometer 165
strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) 577
teletype (TT) 447
13 – unit (SAAU) 576
temperature gain 724
stratigraphic trap 348 sum frequency generation (SFG)
temperature indicator (TI) 111, 723
stratospheric ozone 91 245
strike-slip fault 348 temporary poison 604
Suncor refinery 866
strip logs 436 – coke 607
supercritical tension-leg platform (TLP) 524
stripper 627 – fluid chromatography (SFC) 153
structural trap 347 Terzaghi rock stress modeling 389
– fluid extraction (SFE) 141 Terzaghi-compressibility 390
structural vectors (for molecules) – -water reactor (SCWR) 105
167 tetraethyl lead (TEL) 65, 551
SUPERFLEX 1072 Texaco 324
structure-based lumping (SBL) 750
support 676, 684, 695, 698, 704, thermal
structure-oriented lumping (SOL)
708 – conductivity 394
74, 167, 750, 843
– alumina 684 – conductivity detector (TCD)
– kinetic modeling 167
– material 685 1159
study-state flow 502
styrene supported catalyst 1090 – conversion 1128, 1130
– butadiene resin (SBR) 87 surface-assisted laser desorption – cracking 41, 618, 842, 903
– –butadiene rubber (SBR) 1105, ionization (SALDI) 235 – hydrocracking 766
1107 suspension polymerization 1084 – modeling 393
– monomer (SM) 87 suspensoid catalytic cracking 626, – partial oxidation (POX) 793
subduction zone 350 641 – plasmatron 1145
subsea system 525 S-wave 419 – process 676
substitution 688, 690, 694 sweet – processing 903
– nucleophilic 694 – crude oil 329 – reforming 618
sucker rod pumping 508 – gas 326 – stability 1128
sucrose 1128 – –sour petroleum refinery 915 – subsidence 382
Subject Index 1237

thermal/oxidative stability 1044 – overhead pressure 969 upflow 706

thermochemical route 1127 – pressure survey 970 upgrading process 151
thermodynamic – wash section 967 upstream 14, 151–153, 167
– analysis 261 TPR model 504 USY 696
– constraints and consistencies 845 trace contaminant 720 utility 931
– equation 296 transformation 322
Thermofor catalytic cracking (TCC) – ratio (TR) 387, 397 V
580, 640 transient flow 502
thermoforming 1103 transient heat flow 394 vacuum
thermogenesis 370 trap 343 – distillation 546, 965
thermophysical property – anticline 26 – distillation unit (VDU) 541, 568,
measurement 283 – salt dome 27, 332 717, 865, 951, 958, 960
thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) – stratigraphic 348 – gas oil (VGO) 22, 167, 548, 568,
1108, 1110 – structural 347 622, 713, 841, 865, 936, 1019,
thermoplastic olefin (TPO) 1100 treatment 916 1072, 1127, 1130
thermospray (TSP) 162 – catalyst 636 – pipestill (VPS) 958, 960
thin-layer chromatography (TLC) trimethylolpropane (TMP) 1055
209 – residue (VR) 21, 36, 546, 679,
truck tape recorder (TTR) 448 684, 706, 717
thin-wall injection molding (TWIM) true
1104 – residue upgrading 716
– boiling point (TBP) 67, 718, 870 – residuum 904
thiol 202

Subject Index
– conversion 722 – -ultraviolet laser light (VUV) 164
thiophene 202, 678, 687–690
– vertical depth (TVD) 263 validity condition for asymptotic
third-stage separator (TSS) 135
tube metal temperature (TMT) 897 lumped kinetics 858
threshold limit values (TLV) 127
turbine 557 van der Waals
Tianjin 118
– oil stability test (TOST) 1059 – condition 297
tight oil plays 374
two-dimensional heteroatom single
time – equation of state (EoS) 222, 252
quantum coherence (HSQC) 228
– interval 343 van Krevelen diagram 192, 368
two-phase reservoir
– -of-flight (TOF) 679 vanadium 681, 700, 704
– IPR 503
– -of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF vapor pressure osmometry (VPO)
two-stage dewaxing 1002
MS) 165 163, 226
two-stroke engine 555
– -resolved fluorescence vapor-lift tray (VLT) 780
depolarization (TRFD) 226 – distributor performance 781
– scale separation 849 U vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE)
– to steady state 724 538
TiO2 686 ultra-deep hydrodenitrogenation for
vertical seismic profiling (VSP)
tons per annum (tpa) 934 hydrocracking 857
top dead center (TDC) 554 ultra-deep hydrodesulfurization of
very low-density polyethylene
top liquid distribution tray 778 diesel 856
(VLDPE) 1089
topping 934 ultrahigh molecular weight
polyethylene (UHMWPE) 1089 vibrational spectroscopy 153
tornado diagram 388
ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD) 38, vibroseis 421
tortuosity coefficient 451
729, 836, 916, 1134 vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) 87
Tosco Avon Hydrocracker 110
– production 916 vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) 87
ultra-stable (US) 61 Vis/NIR spectroscopy 252
– acid number (TAN) 20, 153, 183,
186, 199, 722, 917, 1059 unconformity 341 – hydrocarbon reservoir fluid 254
– depth (TD) 441 unconverted oil (UCO) 6, 713, 757, visbreaking 50, 903, 912
– dissolved solids (TDS) 487 1019 viscosity 1016, 1044
– isomerization process (TIP) 59, uninvaded zone 470 – blend index (VBI) 308
571 unit of measure (UOM) 722 – dynamic 959
– organic carbon (TOC) 365, 385 UOP – grade (VG) 1048, 1053
tower – fluid-bed catalytic cracking 640 – heavy oil 307
– flash zone 967 – Merox process 662 – kinematic 959
– fractionation 967 – Selectox process 661 – modifier (VM) 1017
1238 Subject Index

viscosity index (VI) 70, 329, 959, water-based mud (WBM) 253 wireline log 439
1016, 1044 wax 1125 World Petroleum Council (WPC)
– droop 1031 – crystal 982 1068
– loss 1038 – hydrocracking 1033 Wyllie’s time-average equation 452
visible ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy weight hourly space velocity
683 (WHSV) 722, 1073 X
vitrinite reflectance 397 weighted average bed temperature
volatile organic compound (VOC) (WABT) 724, 784 x-ray fluorescence spectrometry
65, 90, 130, 563, 665, 1146 weighted average reactor temperature (XRF) 637, 639
volatile products 910 (WART) 829, 873 x-ray powder diffraction (XRD)
volatility 1017, 1045 well 639
volatilizing roasting 653 – bore 501 xylose 1128
vortex separation system (VSS) – completion 28
1071 – failure blowout 27 Y
– log 436, 445, 466
W – log analysis 435 yankee whaling 9
– site 465 Yen–Mullins 371
Wankel engine 556 – stimulation 512 – model 252, 262, 681
wash West Texas intermediate (WTI) 30,
– acceptance 998 922 Z
– efficiency 998 wet
Subject Index

– oil 967 – flue-gas desulfurization 657 zeolite 61, 685, 695

waste heat recovery (WHR) 801 – gas 655 – catalyst 633
waste product 322 – -gas scrubbing (WGS) 135 – catalyzed alkylation 579
wastewater 100, 806 – sulfuric acid 663 Zeolite Socony Mobil–5 (ZSM-5)
– treatment 79 wetting 347 1033, 1064, 1128
water gas reaction (WG) 1123 whole-oil Zero-Zero-Zero campaigns 86
water gas shift (WGS) 789, 1123, – gas chromatograms 372 Ziegler–Natta catalyst 1090
1135, 1147 wide angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) zig-zag mechanism 727
– reaction 789, 1124 279 zinc-/calcium-aluminate 1076
water phase behavior 280 wireline formation tester 491 zonal reaction 1154

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