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Delphi XE5: REST Client Library

09/24/2013 Vlad 33 Comments Delphi in Web , Delphi Components 

As I mentioned earlier  , among other innovations in Delphi

XE5 adds support for authentication protocols OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0,  and with this
opportunity, and a new library called REST Client Library.  Since most of my work
have to deal with the writing of components and modules to work with various API -
Google and Facebook to Live Connect and Dropbox API, then, of course, this new lib
could not be left without my attention.

And check the usability of the new library, I decided on services, with whom I worke
recently, namely one of the API Google - Drive API. Running a little ahead, I will say
the components of the library can also be used in the development of mobile applicati
 but first things first.

Components REST Client Library

So all the work of the library is based on the use of three main components:

1.  Client (TRESTClient) 

2.  Request (TRESTRequest) 
3.  Answer (TRESTResponse) 

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 Since most Web services require prior authorization of the user before the API to prov
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their resources in use, the REST Client Library also has four components for authenti

 Início and user authentication:

 Salvos 1.  TSimpleAuthenticator 

2.  THTTBasicAuthenticator 
3.  TOAuth1Authenticator  
4.  TOAuth2Authenticator 
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Finally, as an additional component can be identified
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component TRESTResponseDataSetAdapter,
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Entrarin some cases can be
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Por 30 Dias to c

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Immediately it should be noted that the basic data format for REST Client Library
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 Podcasts Consider the work of some components of the library with Google Drive API. 

Log in Google Drive API. Testing connection.

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To get started with Drive API, we need to create a new project in the Console Google
get the values Client ID andClient Secret.  To learn how to do it, I say, for example, i
article " 
" Testing requests to API Google means Delphi.Component for Delphi XE
OAuthClient - XE3 
XE3 ". We assume that this time
ti me the work was carried out successfully
successfull y
you have the necessary information to get started with the service, and along with
wi th the
components of REST Client Library.

 Now create a new project Delphi XE5 and threw it on the main form
components TRESTClient, TRESTRequest, TRESTResponse and
TRESTResponse and TOAuth2Authenticat

Você está lendo

 Now we define the necessary parameters, uma amostra test the connection to G
and simultaneously
Drive API. Torne-se um membro do Scribd para ter acesso
total. Seus primeiros 30 dias são gratuitos.
Keys API access to the Design-Time 

Continue lendo com o teste

Choosing to form component OAuth2Authenticator1 and Object Inspector'e click on
link «Configure ...«: 

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 Revistas In the window that opens, select the following values for the following fields:

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   Token-Endpoint:  
   R edi r ct
ctii oon-E nd
ndppoi nt
nt::  urn: ietf: wg: oauth: 2.0: oob 
   Client-ID: Client ID value of your project
   Client-Secret:  Client Secret value of your project
   Access-Scope:  

As a result, the settings window component takes the following form:

 Now you can test the connection. Click the button Authorize

button Authorize and
 and if all the data are cor
will open Google confirmation of access to resources API:

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Continue lendo com o teste

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and after the access to the Settings window will be filled with fields group «Codes &
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 Now you can press «Apply»

«Apply» then
 then all the set values will be transferred to the component
 properties (including the values obtained from the Codes & Tokens).

Basically, now we can go to work with

wit h the resources API, because necessary access keys
we already have. However, when working with the library, we will most likely
likel y need to
obtain access keys in run-time,
run-ti me, and therefore, in this part of the article should consider
getting access keys without using the assistant discussed above.

Keys Access Run-Time  

For access keys in run-time, we need:

1.  Cause the window in which the user confirms the right of access
acces s to resources
2.  Get the value of code Você está lendo uma amostra
3.  Exchange code on Acess Token
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total. Seus
In principle, these steps I saw a bunch primeiros
of times in the30 dias Now
blog. são gratuitos.
reproduce them using
features REST Client Library.
Continue lendo com o teste
Plug-in uses
uses the
 the main module of our application
module R E ST
ntii ca
cattor .OA
bF or m.Wi
n.  This module contains a
form Tf
Tfrr m_OA
bF or m, which can be used to authenticate the
user. Tfrm_OAuthWebForm contains TWebBrowser and the Close button in the designer
and looks as follows:

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 Snapshots In form, the following new developments:

 Documentos property OnAfterRedirect: TOAuth2WebFormRedirectEvent read FOnAfterRedirect write FOnAfterRedirect;

property OnBeforeRedirect: TOAuth2WebFormRedirectEvent read FOnBeforeRedirect write FOnBeforeRedirect;

property OnTitleChanged: TOAuth2WebFormTitleChangedEvent read FOnBrowserTitleChanged write FOnBrowserTitleChanged;


TOAuth2WebFormRedirectEvent = procedure (const AURL: string; var DoCloseWebView: boolean) of object;

TOAuth2WebFormTitleChangedEvent = procedure (const ATitle: string; var DoCloseWebView: boolean) of object;

OnBeforeRedirect  and
 and OnAfterRedirect  triggered
 triggered before and after we redirect to another
URL in the browser.OnTitleChanged 
browser.OnTitleChanged  triggered
 triggered when the browser changes the properties
of Title.

According to the 
the documentation on the Google OAuth 2.0. 
2.0. , after the user gives permission
to access your data, Google will return us the value AuthCode, which we have to be

exchanged for an access key. Meaning AuthCode also issued

is sued in Title as a string
strin g
type «Success code = ... ..«. 

Thus obtaining access to key API Google Drive in run-time can be as follows:

var wf: Tfrm_OAuthWebForm;

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// Create the window with the browser to redirect the user to the Google homepage

wf: = Tfrm_OAuthWebForm.Create (self); Continue lendo com o teste


// Define event handler change Title

wf.OnTitleChanged: = TitleChanged;

// Show the window opens in the browser URL to access a form of confirmation

wf.ShowModalWithURL (OAuth2Authenticator1.AuthorizationRequestURI);




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Interesses relacionados

Interface De Programação De Aplicativos Transferência De Estado Representacional

Biblioteca (Computação) Rede Mundial De Computadores Tecnologia

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