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States of Matter

Holiday Homework

1. Name the inter molecular forces operating in the molecules of:

a) HCl gas b) NaCl and H2O c) Water d) Noble gases
2. i) State Boyle’s Law.
ii) Sketch the p vs V graph for a gas at constant temperature.
3. i) Sketch Charles’ Law.
ii) Sketch the V vs T graph at various pressures for a gas, illustrating absolute zero.
4. Write the expression for:
i) Ideal gas equation.
ii) Combined gas law.
Explain the symbols involved.
5. i) What is Critical temperature?
ii) Critical temperature for Carbon Dioxide and Methane are 31.1 0C and -81.90C respectively.
Which one of these has stronger intermolecular forces?
6. Three liquids A, B and C have their vapour pressures 1 bar, 2 bars and 2.5 bars at room
temperature. Arrange A, B and C in the increasing order of their boiling points.
7. i) State Dalton’s law of Partial Pressures.
ii) What is Partial Pressure?
8. Density of a gas is found to be 5.46gL-1 at 270C. What is its density at STP?
9. A mixture of dihydrogen and Dioxygen at 1 bar pressure contains 20% by weight of
dihydrogen. Calculate the partial pressure of dihydrogen.
10. The molar masses of water and ethyl alcohol are 18g mol -1 and 46g mol-1 respectively. Yet
the B.P. of water is 373K and that of alcohol is 340K respectively. Give reason.

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