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CB460 ililllililililtillillllilllllllll Y-584

SI.No" 0004 TotalNo.ofPages:2

II Semester B"Sc. Examination, Septemb er - 2420

(Semester Scheme : CBCS) (2016-18 Batch)
Mulberry Cultivation and Silkworm Rearing (Paper - II)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
fnstructions : 1) AII questions are compulsory.
2) Write diagrams wherever necessary.

I. Answerthe following questions: [5 x I- 5]

1) Define soil

2) What are fertilizers?

3) Mention two sources of irrigation

4) Write the orientation ofrearing houses.

5) Define incubation.

il. Write short notes on any five of the following : [5 x 3 - 151

6) Soil pH.

7) 'T' budding

8) FarmyardManure

9) Blackboxing

10) Formalin
11) Spacing

12) Transportation of cocoons"

CB46O Y-584
IIII. Answer any five ofthe following : [5 x 4 :201
13) Explain the different types of soil in India.
14) Give an account ofbiofertilizers.
15) Explainmulching practices.

16) Explain the uses ofrearing appliances.

1l) Explainbedcleaning

18) Give an account of harvesting of cocoons.

IV. Answer anythree ofthe following: [3 x 10 - 301

19) Explain different methods ofgrafting.

20) Explain the role of Macro and Micro nutrients for the growth of mulberry

2l) Explain:

The different methods of Irrigation

b) The different types of soil

22) Define brushing. Explain the different methods of brushing

23) Give an account of late age silkworm rearing.



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