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America’s last line of defence against communism. WHO ARE THE MINUTEMEN? The Minutemen are a national or ganization of patriotic Ameri- cans who are preparing themselves as a last line of defense a- gainst communism. To many people this may seem ridiculous. ‘What good’, they might ask, ‘could a bunch of amateurs do if the might of the pro- fessional armed forces are defeated or rendered helpless?’ To answer this question we can quote no less an authority than the 1960 Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities, as follows: ‘Events of the past year have provided convincing evidence that the American people cannot rely completely on this country’s armed forces to protect themselves from communist domination and slavery. This is not because our military forces lack the power or the will to defend this country, but rather because the nature of the attacks being made on the United States by its major and only sig- nificant enemy are so designed as to render conventional military forces as ineffective as possible for defense pur- poses.” In June 1960 a group of ten sportsmen leased a small lake in Missouri and organized a duck hunting club. The next Sunday they started building duck blinds around the lake. Someone mentioned the current international crisis and another man said jokingly, ‘Well, if the Russians invade us, we can come up here and fight on as a guerrilla band’. It would have probably ended right there but one of the mem- bers who had special forces training remarked that it might not hurt Americans to know a little more about defending themselves if this war ever degenerates to a last ditch stand. The next Sunday he brought along some of his training manuals that were read with interest by the other members. Slowly the joke turned into a ser- ious project. IS AMERICA IN DANGER? Give careful thought to the following statement made by Dimitri Manuilski, Soviet official (and one time presiding officer of the United Nation’s Security Council) as he spoke to the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow: ‘War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable... To win we shall need the element of surprise. The bourgeois will have to be put to sleep. So 1 we shall begin by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard-of concessions. The capitalistic countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice-to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them with our clenched fists.’ We have been ‘put to sleep’. A frightening majority of our citizens are completely unaware of the dangers we face. This is especially true regarding the de- gree of subversion within our own government. Our nation’s news media have been so infiltrated by communists and their fellow- travelers that most citizens have little opportunity to learn the real facts. We are now in the midst of this ‘most spectacular peace move- ment on record.’ Over three hundred different organizations have been formed in the United States that are helping to spread this communist spon- sored peace movement. Even President Kennedy, shortly before his death held a special news conference with magazine editors to urge them to get behind the peace campaign. Many of our citizens are indeed rejoicing ‘to cooperate in their own destruction’. Many Americans see ‘nothing wrong’ in sending our wheat to the Soviets thus supporting their inefficient communist economy and freeing them to use money and machinery to make armaments that they might otherwise be required to spend on agriculture. We have recently signed a test-ban treaty with the Soviets which will completely prevent us from ever actually testing the atomic warheads on our intercontinental missiles. This was done in spite of warnings by reputable scientists that cheating an the part of the Soviets was clearly possible and could give them a deadly advantage over us in the arms race. This was done in spite of the fact that the United States has, during the past 25 years, entered into 52 major agreements with the Soviet communists and the commu- nists have already broken 50 of them. In November 1961, President J.F. Kennedy signed into effect Public Law 87-297 setting up the United States Disarmament Agen- cy, supposedly to find new ways of negotiating for a gradual end of the arms race. Little known to the American public is the fact that 2 this law also gives the Disarmament Agency authority to transfer our entire armed forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and all atomic weapons) over to the United Nations. Our ‘guard is down’. Under the direction of Secretary of Defence, Robert McNamara, our nation is being systematically disarmed. Our strategic air command is being dismantled— all production of manned bombers has been stopped. Our present stocks of B-36’s, B-52’s, and B-56’s will soon be worn out. Production of the B-70 was discontinued before a worthwhile number had been built. The number of Atlas missiles originally scheduled to be built this year was cut down from 180 to 15. The number of Minuteman missiles originally scheduled for production this year was cut down from 950 to 125. Our enemy stands ready to smash us with their ‘clenched fists’. For months prior to the short-lived ‘blockade’ of Cuba there had been reports smuggled out of that country by the Cuban Anti- Communist Underground (including photographs) of long range mis- siles being shipped into Cuba from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. These reports described in detail the kind and location of 31 missile launching sites. This information was given to proper government authorities. The Minutemen as well as several other patriotic organizations published these reports and demanded proper attention by our gov- ernment. Finally this material was officially presented before the United States Senate. Suddenly and without warning a high Air Force officer ordered photo-reconnaissance planes to sweep over Cuba where they photo- graphed 28 missile launching sites completed or near completion. It is rumored that this Air Force officer is still in the ‘dog house’ for taking this action without authority from the White House. In any event our government was no longer able to hide the truth from the people. The existence of the 28 launching sites was officially ad- mitted. After the ‘blockade’ was ended Secretary of Defence Mc- Namara went on television to assure the American people that all eight launching sites had been destroyed. What happened to the other twenty? According to reliable underground sources, they are still there; armed with atomic war- heads capable of killing 20 to 40 million American citizens with a single blow. AMERICA, WAKE UP! Starting from nothing 44 years ago, communism now rigidly controls one-third of the human race and has subverted to varying degrees the remaining two-thirds. More than twenty sovereign nations have been captured— near- ly all by intemal subversion or ‘negotiation’. There is not one of these countries in which the communists tule by the consent of the people. Everywhere they must perpetuate themselves by terror. They remain in power only through the use of the most brutal police state tactics. The communist manifesto sets forth the communist objectives of world conquest— the blueprint they have followed faithfully to this day. We must not make the mistake of under-rating their strategy for armed conquest and violent revolution. We must stop wondering if and when World War III will start. It’s already started! We’re in it up to our ears! WHY ARE THEY WINNING? The communist world revolution began in poverty— no guns, no ammunition, little food or clothing. It was many years before they attained the beginnings of an army and decades before they had any worthwhile navy or air force. Perhaps, for these reasons the commu- nist mind has always placed military conquest secondary to political and psychological conquest. The communists consider their party workers and fellow trave- lers not simply as an accessory to armed conquest but as the actual spearhead of any invasion into new territory. From this point of view the United States was ‘invaded’ by Soviet troops more than 30 years ago. It has been authoritatively estimated that the communists now have an army of 500,000 individuals already landed on American shores and already working by the most insidious means to destroy our American way of life. This invasion has not been haphazard or unplanned. To the contrary, this army now working in our midst long ago sct them- selves specific targets. These key targets included infiltration and control of such fields as: education, psychiatry, entertainment, communications, religion, government, and the news media. By working through these critical areas the communists plan has been to influence, control and finally dominate the thought processes of the American people. This is psychological warfare carried to its ultimate extreme. Communist brainwashing flows steadily into our children’s minds through slanted textbooks, drops from the smooth tongued oraters that we find in some of our churches and seeps into our homes like a deadly fog through the channels of our television sets and the pages of our newspapers. 4 This has not been open brazen communist propaganda— the communists are much too smart for that. They know full well that Propaganda which is recognizable as such loses its value. All the communists need do in order to defeat us is to convince the American people that the difference between communism and indi- vidualism is not important enough to fight over. Evidence of communist activity in these fields have been reported by the FBI, by the investigative committees of Congress and has been studied by committees of the American Legion and other patriotic groups. The people themselves provide the most vivid proof of the communist success in these endeavors. The comparatively small number of American people that actually realize the degree to which our nation has been sold out to its enemies have had to ferret out the truth from a limited supply of uncensored congressional reports and the research work done by a few dedicated conservative researchers. The large bulk of the American people, dependent as they are upon the common news media, have not only been left uninformed but have been greatly misinformed as to the state of their country and the world. Few of us doubt that the American people would demand a complete change in their government’s foreign and domestic policies relating to communism and national survival if they only knew the facts. Of one thing we can be certain: Unless some means is found of loosen- ing the communist strangle hold on the minds of the American people, then this nation will soon cease to survive as a constitu- tional republic. The communists realize that their control over the American news media is a weapon more powerful than their mechanized troops, and more essential in their war against freedom than their atomic bombs. They are well entrenched and we can expect that they will fight to the bitter end before they will allow this noose to be tom away from the throat of America. Although a large percentage of today’s journalists have had their share of socialist indoctrination in college, the majority prob- ably think of themselves as loyal Americans. They are like most people— brainwashed toward the left just enough that they can’t rec- ognize communist propaganda when they see it. The chances are they don’t read the ‘Worker’ or ‘Peoples World’. They don’t know what the current communist line is. Therefore they are in no position to realize that their own paper may follow this basic ‘line’ everyday. Under these circumstances a single communist ‘re-write’ man or junior editor can slant the entire paper to the left— not be- cause he has so much strength but simply because he has NO oppo- sition. By the same principle, a single communist advertiser can bring what seems like enormous pressure against a radio or tele- vision station if NONE of the other advertisers object. 5 The very fact that the American people will now stand idly by while their nation is ridiculed throughout the world, while their government brazenly negotiates away their means of national de- fense and even their constitutional rights is proof enough that the communists brainwashing techniques have had a devastating effect. There are many other reasons why the communists seem to be winning so easily. For one, they are waging total war. against free- dom. All of their resources, every weapon they can muster and every dirty trick they can devise is being used right now in their all-out effort to enslave all the world. Incredible as it seems the communist drive for world conquest has been financed almost entirely by the capitalistic system. Dur- ing his first years as President, Franklin D. Roosevelt repeatedly saved the communist regime in the USSR from bankruptcy with large ‘loans’ while our own country was in the depths of a de- pression. Since World War II, our government has spent over one hundred billion dollars on ‘foreign aid’. A fair and objective anal- ysis will prove that most of this money has served to advance the communist-socialist conspiracy in the areas where it was spent. The manner in which the communist-socialist movement in the United States has been financed, directly or indirectly by the Amer- ican tax-payer is a study in itself. Another contributing factor to the rapid growth of international communism has been the friendly cooperation they have received from highly placed officials in the United States Government. Many such individuals have, in the past, been proven to be communists and forced to resign. A great many more are still employed in sen- sitive and influential jobs in our government with apparently no- thing being done to get rid of them. Space does not permit even a brief resume of the names and deeds of such people. It would take a large volume to list even the specific actions of our last four presidents that have directly aided or cooperated with our commu- nist enemies. Just for the record we will mention one or two easily proven examples in each case. Roosevelt— At the time he met with Stalin and Churchill at the Yalta Conference our production of the atomic bomb was nearly complete. The war in the Pacific was going entirely in our favor yet Stalin’s armies were still hard pressed by the German Wehr- macht. The supposed purpose of the Conference was to settle the boundaries of the European countries when the war was over. At that time with our great military advantage, Roosevelt could have easily insisted that Poland (over which the war started) be given complete freedom at the end of hostilities. Instead, without the people involved having any voice in the matter at all, Roosevelt 6 gave to the communists all the countries of Eastern Europe in- cluding not only Poland but Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kast Ger- many, Hungary, Bulgaria with parts of Austria and Czechoslavakia. Truman— After confirming the give-away terms of the Yalta Conference at his Potsdam meeting with Stalin, Truman became a party to the deliberate refusal to accept the surrender of Japan till after the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There is now documentary proof that the Japanese government tried through several different channels to negotiate a surrender on ex- actly the same terms that were finally accepted. Stalin, however refused to permit their surrender until his troops were in position to occupy Manchuria, until the Chinese communists were in position to seize most of the Japanese arms left in China and until the Jap- anese were given a permanent Anti-American bias by the unnecess- ary use of the atomic bombs on helpless civilians. Truman obvious- ly went along with Stalin’s wishes with the result that additional thousands of American Servicemen needlessly lost their lives for an ideal that had already been betrayed. During all the time he was President, Harry Truman covered up for communist agents within our government. Testifying before the Senate Sub-Committee on Internal Security, J. Edgar Hoover stated that the FBI had sent Truman three separate written warnings to the effect that Harry Dexter White was a communist. Truman not only refused to remove White from his important government position but actually promoted him. Eisenhower— By his own authority as supreme Military Com- mander in Europe, General Dwight Eisenhower stopped the advance of allied forces so the Russians could capture Berlin and occupy the area of Germany that included vitally important missile produc- tion and research centers. By his own authority Eisenhower ordered allied forces to actually withdraw from areas of Czechoslovakia containing rich Uranium deposits so these critical areas could be occupied by communist troops. Shortly before Eisenhower became President, the Senate Sub- Committee on Internal Security had exposed two communist spy cells involving top government officials and reported progress to- ward the exposure of two additional spy cells thought to include at least one cabinet member and members of the presidential office staff. As one of his first official acts President Eisenhower passed down an ‘executive order’ which exempted all federal employes from answering any questions about their communist affiliations. This act completely stopped any further effective investigation of commu- nist subversion within our own government. At a time when Khrushchev’s international ‘popularity’ was at an all-time low and when he was faced with acute dissatisfaction 7 from his own countrymen, he was invited by Eisenhower to visit the United States. International news coverage of his grand tour boosted Khrush- chev’s prestige greatly, mystified our allies and made our country the laughing stock of the so-called neutral nations. Photographs of Eisenhower and Khrushchev throwing their arms around each other were shown throughout the Soviet Union to throw cold water on the hopes of the Russian people that they might receive help from Am- erica in throwing off their oppressors. Kennedy— Even though he is being eulogized as a martyr the record of John F, Kennedy speaks for itself. He brought with him to the White House an entire crop of pinks and ultra-liberals in- cluding Press Secretary Pierre Salinger whose mother Jehanne B. Salinger joined Harry Bridges in organizing a communist youth camp in Califomia just before World War II, and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. (whose father belonged to at least 19 different communist front organizations) who wrote an article in the May-June issue of ‘Par- tisan Review’ which is a virtual blueprint for turning our Constitu- tional Republic into a Socialist Police State. Literally dozens of members of the ultra-liberal ADA held important posts under the Kennedy Administration (most of them still do) including: Theodore C. Sorensen, Special Adviser to the President. Harrison L. Wooford, Special Assistant to the President on Civil Rights. Chester Bowles, Undersecretary of State. Mrs. Katie Louchheim, assistant to Mr. Bowles. G. Mennen Williams, Assistant Secretary of State. Philip H. Coombs, Assistant Secretary of State. Jonathan B. Binham, U.S. Representative on the UN Trus- aship Council. J. Kenneth Galbraith, Ambassador to India. James Loeb, Jr., Ambassador to Peru. Adlai Stevenson, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (Not a member, but ADA World identifies him as a founder). Arthur Goldberg, Secretary of Labor. Frank W. McCulloch, Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board. George L.P. Weaver, Assistant Secretary of Labor. Esther Peterson, Assistant Secretary of Labor. Charles Donahue, Labor Department Solicitor. Abraham Ribicoff, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Wilbur J. Cohen and Mrs. Jim G. Aken, Congressional Liaison Officers for Department of Health, Labor and Welfare Orville Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture. Charles Murphy, Undersecretary of Agriculture. Robert G. Lewis, Deputy Administrator of Price Supports. John L. Baker, Director of Agricultural Credit Services. Henry H. Fowler, Undersecretary of the Treasury. Frederic C. Belen, Assistant Postmaster General. Charles H. Stoddard, Director of the Interior Department’s Review Staff. Archibald Cox, Solicitor General of the United States. William Taylor, Special Assistant to the Director of the Civil Rights Commission. Thomas K. Finletter, U.S. Ambassador to NATO. Robert C. Weaver, Housing and Home Finance Administrator. a ee T. Conway, Deputy Housing and Home Finance Adminis- ‘ator. Sidney H. Woolner, Commissioner of Community Facilities. Howard Morgan, Federal Power Commissioner. Philip Elman, Federal Trade Commissioner. George Docking, Director of the Export-Import Bank. It has since been officially admitted that Kenn sonal]. withheld the promised air support for the Cuban eae Bet though the military Chiefs of Staff telephoned the White House re- peatedly until 3:00 o’clock in the moming requesting permission to proceed according to the original plans. If space permitted we could list and document dozens and dozens of additional actions taken by Kennedy that directly aided the communists. _ Johnson— Although President Johnson has not (at the time of this printing) definitely established a ‘record’ of his political ide- ology, he has already promised a continuation of the ‘Kennedy Program’. He has, at least so far, kept in office the same group of ‘no-win’ social planners under which our national sovereignty suf- fered so greatly during Kennedy’s stay in the White House. WHERE DO WE STAND? __ After a careful study of both open and confidential information available to us the Executive Council of the Minutemen Organiza- tion has arrived at the following conclusions: 1. Our diplomatic war against communism has already been lost by bunglers or traitors within our own government. Our enemies have been strengthened through unnecessary lend lease and foreign arrangements. Our traditional allies have been snubbed and aliena- ted from us. 2. This diplomatic war has been and continues to be lost by appointed government officials beyond the reach of public opinion. 3. We cannot win a diplomatic war against communism abroad until we first establish a genuinely pro-American government here at home. 4. A pro-American government can no longer be established by normal political means. There has not been one presidential elec- tion since World War II where the American public has had an oppor- tunity to vote for a real American. There have been times when the candidates were built up by big public relations campaigns that sold them to the American people but when they were once in office they failed to act in their nation’s best interest. Even the defeated candidates for president have shown by subsequent events to be little or no better than those elected. 5. The minority vote blocks, controlled labor unions and corrupt political machines so completely monopolize the American political scene that there is no chance for the average Anierican citizen to regain control of his own destiny at the ballot box. All the media of mass communication are effectively controlled by the enemy so they can make the people think whatever they want them to think. Even if we could awaken enough Americans to the te facts and get out the vote for a really patriotic candidate then we must expect from past lessons that those votes would be stolen. 6. Having come to these conclusions it is obvious that any further effort, time or money spent in trying to save our country by political means would be wasted and that we would be better off spending these limited resources on something that actually had a little chance of victory. 7. The leaders of most other conservative organizations pri- vately agree that it is politically impossible to elect a really ‘pro-American’ government. Many of them, however, continue to hope that they can build up ‘public opinion’ into such a strong force that it will prevent our elected government officials from actually selling us out to the enemy. Here again it should be ob- vious that further efforts to alert public opinion will be largely wasted. A politician cares nothing about public opinion except as it may bring him votes or lose him votes. If he has enough votes guaranteed by political and minority interests, then he doesn’t give a hoot about public opinion and will not be restrained by it. Suppose even that we could somehow win by peaceful politi- cal means. Is it logical to assume that a group of people who have come this close to conquering the world will give up and*withdraw simply because they lose an election? If we do not fight them, then they will certainly fight us. Therefore, the objectives of the Minutemen are to abandon wasteful, useless efforts and begin immediately to prepare for the day when Americans will once again fight in the streets for their 10 lives and their liberty. We feel there is overwhelming evidence to prove that this day must come. WHAT COMES NEXT? According to Marxist doctrine there are three possible methods by which the communists can take over the United States: Direct Armed Invasion Violent Internal Revolution Non-violent Political Take-over The first alternative, according to the communist program is to be used only if the second and third alternatives prove impossible. Even then, military action is to be directed against the continental United States only after extensive provisions by intemal subversion and sabotage. The communist party of the United States is definitely pur- suing this third alternative. By getting secret communists and their fellow travelers elected or appointed to high government posts, they can promote waste, inefficiency, delay defence prep- arations and turn our own foreign policy against us. By gradually selling the American public on the idea of social- ism, the communists hope to ‘alter the economic system of the United States in such a manner that it may be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union’. Marx, speaking in 1872 on the methods by which communists could achieve control in different nations stated the following: *— we do not deny that there are countries like America and Bri- tain— in which the communist workers can achieve their goals by peaceful means.’ Khrushchev now says just the opposite. We must be careful that this is not just another one of their tricks. The threat of Soviet armed might may be primarily a diversion to tum our attention from the enemy within. There is nothing that the communist will not do to achieve these aims. The communist party platform first proclaimed by Lenin in 1919 contains this sentence: ‘We will use any ruse, dod- ges, tricks, cunning, unlawful methods, concealment and veiling of the truth.’ When Nikita Khrushchev recently amended and re-stated the party platform, he left standing the doctrine quoted above. As Minutemen we must be equally prepared to defend our per- sonal and national freedom from all three communist plans: Armed Attack by Communist Forces Surprise Atomic Attack In the event of atomic attack, the communists doubtlessly realize that they must avoid a prolonged exchange of atomic wea- 11 Pons which would leave both nations devastated. To make a ‘ , I : a ‘nu- clear Pearl Harbor’ effective they would probably try to seize quite control of the country by having communist subversives seize what- ever rrimiaar vend a law enforcement facilities might remain in operation— ai perhaps by guerrilla for i ‘ici tg a rces quickly transported To prepare for this Possibility the Minutemen must: (a) Make all possible Preparations depending on the ue ex area to insure personal survival. et Prepared to cooperate with loyal government f to maintain order and authority following any such attack. a eral rh coed ins further subversion including possible mical or biological weapons by c i the civilian population. a ONE ie Se a ne (d) Assist in care of wounded. (e) Organize other survivors fi fer Set or defense against further (f) Conduct suitable defensive and offensi - gainst enemy invasion forces, Rh diese a eae by Conventional Forces. _It must assumed that any widespread i i - ventional armed forces will come only after ne epee ies economically and militarily debilitated by long and costly wars in other parts of the world or during such time as most of our own forces were held down in some other area. In this case the Minutemen must be prepared to. (b) Remain hidden when in th e then ae behind the enemy lines. care meme intonce ) : es cae ie teat raids against enemy supphes, support forces (d) Sabotage enemy communications and i ny transportation. (e) Confuse and misdirect the enemy by false neat, ba iy Those Minutemen in territory held by U.S. Forces must guard against sabotage or guerrilla activity by communist agents. ated Violent Intemal Revolution lough it may seem impossible now we must i the possibility of communist inspired revolution Sina perount eae Korea and Cuba are just two examples where the esta- a government commanded armies larger by far in Proportion to the size of the country than is the U.S. Army in relation to the 12 United States. Yet both govemments were overthrown by forces of less than one-tenth of one percent of the population. The government of Japan felt itself unable to protect ex- president Eisenhower from mobs of civilians armed with no more than sticks and stones. The real objective behind the recent stu- dent riots, in San Francisco was a desire by the communists to test their tactics in the United States and make certain they would ac- tually work here. Of course, the Califormia students didn’t realize (and many still can’t believe) that their leaders were known communists. If our Republic is threatened by wild civilian mobs we can assume they will be equally misguided. Throughout the United States other student riots are taking place almost every week. Few of them are openly political. Most are, however, communist inspired. By getting students in the habit of rioting now, it will be easier for them to trigger widespread political riots when it suits their purpose. In this second event the Minutemen can take the following action: (a) Make certain that we ourselves are not deceived. (b) Try to identify the leaders of such mobs or similar threats to constitutional government. (c) By joining such mobs in civilian clothes we can silence the leaders and disperse the unlawful easier than a whole division of uniformed troops naturally reluctant to fire on their misguided fellow Americans. (d) We must try to expose communists for what they are and distribute the true facts to the people. (e) We must study and practice anti-riot tactics. (f) When our constitutional government is threatened we are morally justified in resorting to violence to discourage commu- nists and their fellow travelers. (g) Should a communist revolution assume the proportions of guerrilla warfare we must be prepared to take appropriate anti- guerrilla action. Non-Violent Election At first glance it might seem ridiculous to suggest that the American people would elect a communist to office. Of course, we would not knowingly do so but consider this. What do you really know about the State Senator or State Representative from your dis- trict? Could any of these men have been indoctrinated in communist ideology at some time in their career or past education? There are several men who are now known communists who once served as U.S. Senators or Representatives and were in all probability communists all the time. How can we be sure that the many past ‘mistakes’ in our for- 13 eign policy that delivered Poland, China, Cuba and a dozen other nations to the communists on a silver platter were actually ‘mis- takes’ at all? How do we know but what they were the result of deliberate action by secret communists in our own government? This third Possibility may present the greatest actual threat because it would be the hardest for the American public to detect in time and the hardest to fight effectively. In this third event the Minutemen must: (a) Be willing to continue the fight for liberty even though we no longer have the legal support of established authority. (b) Keep faith with our ideals and with our fellow pa- triots even though we may be hunted like animals and called even worse. (c) Find effective means of reaching the minds of our fellow Americans to defend our own position, convince them of the facts, combat communist propaganda and rally them to the cause of freedom. (d) Prepare ourselves to take any action that may be required to renew the Protection of the United States Constitution for future generations. THE UNITED NATIONS Many of our citizens realize that we are losing the war a- gainst communism but have little Opportunity to learn how or why this is happening. In the Present atmosphere of planned confusion it is easy for our people to accept anything that is offered to them as a simple solution to our nation’s problems. For years the people of the United States have been syste- matically ‘sold? on the idea of the United Nations. We are told that the UN is the only hope for peace— that it can reduce tensions by serving as a forum for discussion of world prob- lems— that it can settle disputes that might otherwise lead to war— that it has helped control the spread of communism, (1) When the UN was formed the communists controlled 200 million people— now they control over 950 million people. (2) The UN was Stalin’s idea ‘sold’ to Roosevelt (with the help of Alger Hiss) at the Yalta Conference. (3) The UN Charter was written jointly by Alger Hiss (con- victed of perjury for denying under oath that he was a communist spy) and Leo Pasvolsky (born in Russia of communist parents— infiltrated our government in 1934 and became ‘Special Assistant’ to the Secretary of State in 1935). Parts of the Charter were copied word-for-word from the so-called ‘Constitution’ of the Union of Sov- 14 é wise lice ie Sip The evi Union has three votes (plus those of her captive satellites) whereas the U.S. and all other countries have ‘only one ve ey led by a voting licies of the UN are firmly control ry g Ae ee of the Soviet Union, her satellites, and pro-commu- eye ee, always will be under the pet ae ere or ‘cabinet’ positions in the Uni- ted Nations. Most important is that of Assistant apoerpepety for Security Council Affairs. This office involves political and mili- “a Fine is commander-in-chief of U.N. military sree An unofficial agreement was made by the Big Five meml a including the United States, at the time the U.N. was nis ee ized. A Russian was to have this all-important post. The marae engineered by the cumming Andrei Vishinski, and agreed to by U.S. delegate Edward Stettinius. The idea soems to have been to keep Bear h: ‘for the sake of world peace’. - No time limit was set for this arrangement. But rare fuer Soviet Union assumes it is permanent, because the Assis 2 retary-General for Security eos ATES hee slvr ae oa ian. (A discussion of this can be foun 4 bs Cane of Peace’ by the late Trygve Lie, first secretary-general of the U.N., The MacMillan Company, 1954, pp 45-46.) Here is the roster of Assistant Secretaries-General for Secur- ity Council Affairs since the beginning: - 49 Arl S. Sobelov, USSR 1900 = Fe rae Zinchenko, USSR 1954 - 57 Ilya Tchernyshev, USSR 1957 - 60 A. Dobrynin, USSR 1960 - 62 George P. Arkadev, USSR 1962 - - - Eugeny D. Kiselev, USSR i in Korea? Is it wonder we couldn’t win the war in : () The UN has consistently supported the spread of commu Bons ka atta ea mrU Sl Newt aad Reel Report that the limitations placed on his command were ‘an enormous handicap i cedent in military history’. = it . Bieorietecsaary objective and result of UN Se eee ee it of Moise jombe, were to remove the lawful government @ aveeain anti-communist friend of the United States and force 15 ena s BS : ‘ . Re ga into a coalition government friendly to international social- nitrate plant in Cuba. Although this plant was al ii U.S. newspapers as a “fertilizer plant’ it ie are iene Ronee Plant’ it could just as well be used (8) The UN has consistently failed to uph indivi v c iphold individual fr dom. The UN did nothing but talk while Hungarian citizede ee uary 21, 1962 complained of an ‘ultra-hate campaign to di United Nations’. The following week The Worker of iaaileat os 1962 again denounced ‘reactionary foes of the UN" g To this day nearly every issue of eve i i ¢ Ty official communist newspaper praises the work of the UN id ridi, ‘Ti ii arena tal epee and ridicules the Tight wing (10) The UN is a hot-bed of espionage and treason, i Ahan Bae ae ces employes of the UN were questioned b w York Gran ury. On December 2, i ji issued the following statement: Rca une eed ee ‘This jury must advise the court that startli i dence has disclosed infiltration into the United Nations of an overwhelmingly large group of disloyal United States citizens, many of whom are closely associated with the During hearings of the Senate Sub-Committee on I Security in regard to the UN twenty seven United States Acie wane UN invoked the fifth amendment when asked the ounce ‘Are You presently engaged in espionage against the United Strict to far ae is known, none of these People have been removed from eir jobs. : It is an essential part of their plan to take this I ie country intemal subversion. Proof that the UN was organized Ee oy 16 nists, is staffed largely by communists and is working to promote communism is absolute once a person knows the facts. Instead of offering a solution to the communist threat, the UN is the greatest single menace to American freedom that we face today. THE CHALLENGE That the American people will refuse to protect the freedom of their own children is a terrible disgrace. That we have purposely tumed our backs on those who have already been enslaved makes this disgrace compounded. Just consider these facts— Throughout the communist coun- tries, Russia, China, Yugoslavia, etc., over 100 million people live in slave labor camps. These poor souls exist in unheated barracks, eat slop unfit for pigs and work their hearts out— for the rest of their lives— till finally they will die of exhaustion and malnutrition. During the short time it will take you to read this small book- let some human being will die in agony in one of the thousands of torture chambers scattered throughout the communist empire. We cannot in good conscience forget these people. The great challenge of our age is to free the people of the captive nations; to open the gates of the slave camps and torture chambers. Our challenge is not only to protect our own personal and national free- dom but also to renew the dignity of man throughout all the world. WHAT CAN BE DONE? The first thing that American patriots must do is to avoid wishful thinking and face the facts! We must clearly separate the impossible from the possible. Remember that the UN Charter was ratified as a treaty ob- ligation by the U.S. Senate with only two dissenting votes. To rectify this terrible damage would require that every single senator up for re-election in the next four years be replaced by a real pa- triot. To get this number of patriots even nominated under the Present political control is obviously impossible. It is also im- possible to change a politicians vote by public opinion when he knows ahead of time that his re-election is virtually assured by the special interests he now caters to. To fight communism by writing letters to your Congressmen is like fighting a forest fire with an eye dropper. We must stop wasting time, money and energy on programs that might have been effective if used thirty years ago but are to- tally useless under present circumstances. We must probe for our enemies’ weak spots. Although the communists have been fairly successful in controlling underground 17 organizations in the countries they now occu ipy they ha een able to destroy them. This has been true eae thom ee pave tnd all the advantages working in their favor. e one and only thing that the communists reall: 2 : I ly fear (a cong ie ce own literature) is the development of a strong a ommunist underground army in the Uni Seen nited States before they take When an army occupies a certain territo: my © ry the number of troops necessary to maintain control over the civilian population is called the occupation density. This can be measured in two ways either as the number of troops per square mile or as the number of occupa- tion troops per 1000 population. ae in each 24 hour period. ie German Army occupied Norway with a force jal armed soldiers for every 1000 of the enemy population. Ih, ae that Norway, where there had been little restriction on person: firearms required an occupation density 100 times as great as 3 necessary in France where all civilian arms were registered and thus capable of being quickly empounded by the occupation troops, Now apply these same facts and figures to our own situation. would require an army of 12 to 40 million men. The difference between these two figures, 12 million or 40 armed before such an occupation is attem ii e h 0 ic pted. For the communist world, the first figure is Possible, the second is virtually Tage: ayes No wonder the communists in this country are the first to sup] every new law that is ed i ivili Sano Sie ae Proposed to further restrict civilian At the present time it is estimated that the civili i h 4 € ‘an. population of the United States has in their possession over 50 million iste rifles and shotguns with over three billion rounds of ammonite Dan Smoot, a former agent of the F.B.I. and administrative assis- year. Third, we must use our enemies own tactics against them. 18 Today’s wars are not being won by massed armies or atomic bombs. They are being won by psychopolitical weapons, by infiltration, subversion and espionage. If we allow our enemies to maintain a monopoly in these areas then we are resigning ourselves to ultimate defeat. If we tefuse to use such methods just because they do not seem proper and polite by our standards of social acceptance, then we will be selling our people into slavery for generations to come. This is the greatest:crime we could possibly commit. THE MINUTEMEN PROGRAM 1. To prepare the means of personal defense and survival in case of enemy attack. 2. To resist and expose the spread of communist influence and propaganda within our own national boundaries. 3. To investigate, by means of our own secret memberships, the possible infiltration of communist sympathizers into American organizations of government, business, labor, religion and educa- tion. 4. To detect and expose waste, corruption or disloyalty in any American enterprise or activity that might subvert the defense effort. 5. To resist by all legal means the passage of laws which regulate the private ownership of firearms or which detract from the individual’s ability to defend his own family and personal property. 6. To promote knowledge and skill in the use of arms by our own members and by the general public. 7. To form in advance of actual need a secret underground organization equipped to spy upon, harrass and destroy troops of any foreign power that might occupy United States territory. 8. To extend this organization, wherever possible into other nations besieged by the threat of communist expansion or subver- sion. 9. To lend assistance and support of such kinds as our own government cannot officially extend to underground organizations now operating in Cuba and other communist occupied nations. 10. To pursue these programs as private citizens motivated only by patriotism and to remain entirely free of government sub- sidies or control. YOU ARE NEEDED To be successful, a patriotic resistance movement needs five secret members in the underground apparatus for each active combatant. Such people are needed to alert the combatants to the 19 approach of enemy troops, to carry messages, to operate communi- cations equipment, to repair clothing, to provide safe hiding places Right now we need hundreds of People who are not generally known as ‘right-wingers’ to infiltrate communist fronts; to learn their plans and identify their real leaders. We need people all over nists; looking them up in local phone books and analysing their Propaganda, We need radio Tepairmen and operators, mechanics, truck- drivers to act as Couriers, waitresses to act as ‘message drops’, businessmen, Students to train as intelligence and espionage a- gents; typists to help carry our heavy load of correspondence; salesmen to help recruit others to the cause, housewives that will share the chores of baby sitting thus freeing some other house- wife for other work, farmers to provide space for rifle ranges and training areas. We need weapons instructors, photographers, first aid instructors, pilots and many others. Who do you know that will help? Which will you wear~ a soldier’s pack or a slave's chains? If these dead could speak from their graves, they would utter a warning: a a. "You who are yet free must behold the awful truth. no cma eee with communism; unless it is overcome and vanquished it will destroy you, too. “Minutemen” P.O. BOX 5394 SAN DIEGO 5, CALIFORNIA

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