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1) What problem your business is solving?

 The harsh winter is big problem for us. In winter season the production capacity and
distribution of dairy products reduce rapidly. We are managing these problems by
using our knowledge and expertise.
2) How old is your business?
 Our business is 7-years-old
3) What is your business operating model?
 We are offering the different product of dairy value chain
 We are also facilitating the progressive farmers by giving quality feeds, fodders
 We are the milk producers and also collecting the fresh milk from progressive
4) What is the uniqueness of your business?
 We are providing the home delivery service
 Transformation of fresh milk into yogurt, cheez by using latest technologies
5) List down the products/services and revenue breakup of each product/service?
 Milk @ 100/kg
 Yogurt @ 120/kg
 Butter @ 1500/kg
 Cheez @ 1500/kg
 Wheat Straw depend on current market rate
 Feeds depend on current market rate
6) Who are your customers and who are your most important customers?
 Households (most important customers)
 Hotels
 Hostels
 Bakeries
7) What is the segmentation of your customer?
a) Age group
 Child
 Adult
b) Income Level
 Low
 Middle
 high
c) Demographic
 Skardu MC Area
 Shigar
 Kharmang
 Ghanche
8) What is the customer breakup percentage (Local and Tourist - Local tourist/foreign tourist)
 100% local customers
9) Where does your customer exist most? What is the population of your targeted
10) What is the ratio of repetitive and first-time customers?
 5:1
11) Why do customers prefer to buy your product/service?
 Customers are preferred to buy the fresh dairy products as compared to tetra packs
or dried milk.
12) Brief analysis fo ccompetitors? (Local/National/International)
a) Price difference
 Price of tetra pack is Rs 130/ltr and the price of fresh milk is Rs. 100/kg
b) Services/products
 Fresh milk
 Yogurt
 Butter
 Cheez
c) Locations (Region/city)
 Competitors of local dairy sectors are Nestle, Engro Foods, Haleeb, and other dried
milk powder producers of down cities.

d) Market Share
 Market share of tetra and dried milk is large as compare to fresh dairy products.
e) Marketing strategy
 Using marketing techniques like branding and packaging materials, promotion on
local and national level print and electronic media.
13) What are the required certifications/approvals have your business received till now or
planning to get in future?
 Currently we are not certified our products from PCSIR or other testing labs. In
future we are planning to certify our dairy products from PCSIR Baltistan.
14) Any financial Statements? if you have audited financial statements please share that.
 N/A
15) What are your current marketing strategies?
 Door to door marketing
 Branding and packaging
 Promotion on Cable and social media networks
16) How seasonality affect your business and how much does your business operates during
the year (Months)?
 We are operating round the year and the winter season affect our business rapidly
due toe snowfall and low temperature.
17) How can you say that your business will grow in the future? With justified numbers and
 The population of Skardu is increasing day by day, and the demand of dairy products
increasing day by day. There is huge gape between supply and demand.
18) What are your current and future biggest challenges for your business and mitigation
strategy for those?
 Shortage of fresh fodder, and lack of new technologies is big challenge for us. We
are focusing on stock of silage and wheat straw in summer season. Also focusing to
purchase new technologies to improve the quality of dairy products.
19) What is the major cost of your business? Breakdown of costs?
 Our major cost on business is purchase of fodder, fresh milk from progressive
farmers. The major portion of cost spend on the purchase of fodder and
approximately more than two million purchases round the year.
20) What are your customer relationship and retention strategy?

 We are maintaining good customer relationship by focusing on quality and timely

home delivery. Our retention strategy is to give the customers with good quality
dairy products on low price as compared to tetra packs.
21) What is your organogram?
General Manager

Manager and marketing Sales Officer
Farm Labor
Finance Officer

22) What is your business operating model?

 Production of milk at farm
 Collection of milk from progressive farmers
 Distribution of dairy products at door step
 Provide quality fodders and feeds on low price to progressive farmers
23) Please provide detailed utilization plan of AP Loan? And to what extend AP loan will help
your business to grow?
Utilization plan Grow indicator
Purchase of new breads Increase in production capacity
Purchase of new technologies Increase the product range
Purchase of packaging materials Increase the customers
Hire of new staffs Increase employment opportunity
Introduction of Point of Sale Improve data management

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