Section 14: Bearings

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Section 14


14.1 SCOPE Knuckle Bearing—A bearing in which a concave metal

surface rocks on a convex metal surface to provide ro-
This section contains requirements for the design and tation capability about any horizontal axis.
selection of structural bearings. Longitudinal—The direction associated with the axis of
The selection and layout of the bearings shall be con- the main structural trusses or girders in the bridge.
sistent with the proper functioning of the bridge, and shall Metal Rocker or Roller Bearing—A bearing which carries
allow for deformations due to temperature and other time vertical load by direct contact between two metal sur-
dependent causes. faces and which accommodates movement by rolling
of one surface with respect to the other.
The loads induced in the bearings and structural mem-
Movable Bearing—A bearing that facilitates differential
bers depend on the stiffnesses of the individual elements
horizontal translation of abutting structural elements in
and the tolerances achieved during fabrication and erec- a longitudinal and/or lateral direction. It may or may
tion. These influences shall be taken into account when not provide for rotation.
calculating design loads for the elements. Plain Elastomeric Pad (PEP)—A pad made exclusively of
Units used in this section shall be taken as KIP, IN, elastomer.
RAD, °F and Shore Hardness, unless noted. Pot Bearing—A bearing which carries vertical load by
compression on an elastomeric disc confined in a steel
cylinder and which accommodates rotations by defor-
14.2 DEFINITIONS mations of the disc.
PTFE Sliding Bearing—A bearing which carries vertical
Bearing—A structural device that transmits loads while load by contact stresses between a PTFE sheet or woven
facilitating translation and/or rotation. fabric and its mating surface, and which permits move-
Bronze Bearing—A bearing in which displacements or ro- ments by sliding of the PTFE over the mating surface.
tations take place by the slip of a bronze surface against Rotation about the Longitudinal Axis—Rotation about an
a mating surface. axis parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bridge.
Cotton Duck Reinforced Pad (CDP)—A pad made from Rotation about the Transverse Axis—Rotation about an
closely spaced layers of elastomer and cotton duck, axis parallel to the transverse axis of the bridge.
bonded together during vulcanization. RMS—Root mean square.
Sliding Bearing—A bearing which accommodates move-
Disc Bearing—A bearing which accommodates rotation
ment by slip of one surface over another.
by deformation of a single elastomeric disc, molded
Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Bearing—A bearing made
from a urethane compound. It may contain a device for from alternate laminates of steel and elastomer, bonded
partially confining the disc against lateral expansion. together during vulcanization.
Double Cylindrical Bearing—A bearing made from two Translation—Horizontal movement of the bridge in the
cylindrical bearings placed on top of each other with longitudinal or transverse direction.
their axes at right angles to each other, in order to pro- Transverse—The horizontal direction normal to the lon-
vide rotation about any horizontal axis. gitudinal axis of the bridge.
Fiberglass Reinforced Pad (FGP)—A pad made from dis-
crete layers of elastomer and woven fiberglass, bonded 14.3 NOTATIONS
together during vulcanization.
Fixed Bearing—A bearing which prevents differential A  Plan area of elastomeric bearing (in2)
longitudinal translation of abutting structure elements. B  length of pad if rotation is about its transverse
It may or may not provide for differential lateral trans- axis, or width of pad if rotation is about its longi-
lation or rotation. tudinal axis (in)

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c  Design clearance between piston and pot wall LW

 for rectangular bearings without
(in) 2hrmax (L W)
D  Diameter of the projection of the loaded surface of
the bearing in the horizontal plane (in)  for circular bearings without holes
Dd  Diameter of disc element (in) 4hrmax
Dp  Internal pot diameter in pot bearing (in) tw  Pot wall thickness (in)
D1  Diameter of curved surface of rocker or roller unit W  Width of the bearing in the transverse direction
(in) (in)
D2  Diameter of curved surface of mating unit w  Height of piston rim in pot bearing (in)
(D2   for a flat plate) (in)   Effective angle of friction angle in PTFE bear-
dj  Diameter of the jth hole in an elastomeric bearing ings  tan1 (Hm/PD)
E  Young’s modulus (ksi) O  Maximum service horizontal displacement of the
Ec  Effective modulus in compression of elastomeric bridge deck (in)
bearing (ksi) s  Maximum shear deformation of the elastomer
Es  Young’s modulus for steel (ksi) (in)
e  Eccentricity of loading on a bearing (in)   Instantaneous compressive deflection of bearing
Fsr  Allowable fatigue stress range for over 2,000,000 (in)
cycles (ksi) m  Maximum compressive deflection of bearing (in)
Fy  Yield strength of the least strong steel at the con-   Instantaneous compressive strain of a plain elas-
tact surface (ksi) tomeric pad
G  Shear modulus of the elastomer (ksi) i  Instantaneous compressive strain in ith elastomer
Hm  Maximum horizontal load on the bearing or re- layer of a laminated elastomeric bearing
straint considering all appropriate load combina-  Component of maximum service rotation in di-
tions (kip) rection of interest on an elastomeric bearing under
load for Article
hri  Thickness of ith elastomeric layer in elastomeric
D  Maximum rotation due to dead load (rad)
bearing (in)
L  Maximum rotation due to live load (rad)
hrmax  Thickness of thickest elastomeric layer in elas-
m,x  Maximum rotation considering all appropriate
tomeric bearing (in)
load and deformation combinations about trans-
hrt  Total elastomer thickness in an elastomeric bear-
verse axis (rad)
ing (in) m,z  Maximum rotation considering all appropriate
hs  Thickness of steel laminate in steel-laminated load and deformation combinations about longi-
elastomeric bearing (in) tudinal axis (rad)
I  Moment of inertia (in4) m  Maximum design rotation considering all appro-
L  Length of a rectangular elastomeric bearing (par- priate load and deformation combinations includ-
allel to longitudinal bridge axis) (in) ing live and dead load, bridge movements, and
Mm  Maximum bending moment (K-in) construction tolerances (rad)
n  Number of interior layers of elastomer
 Coefficient of friction
PD  Compressive load due to dead load (kip) D  Average compressive stress due to dead load
PTL  Compressive load due to live plus dead load (kip) (ksi)
PL  Compressive load due to live load (kip) L  Average compressive stress due to live load (ksi)
Pm  Maximum compressive load considering all ap- TL  Average compressive stress due to total dead plus
propriate load combinations (kip) live load (ksi)
R  Radius of a curved sliding surface (in) m  Maximum average compressive stress (ksi)
R0  Radial distance from center of bearing to object,
such as an anchor bolt, for which clearance must 14.4 MOVEMENTS AND LOADS
be provided (in)
S  Shape factor of one layer of an elastomeric Bearings shall be designed to resist loads and accom-
bearing modate movements. No damage due to joint or bearing
Plan Area movement shall be permitted under any appropriate load

Area of Perimeter Free to Bulge and movement combination.

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

Translational and rotational movements of the bridge ings shall have lateral strength adequate to resist all ap-
shall be considered in the design of bearings. The se- plied loads and restrain unwanted translation.
quence of construction shall be considered and all critical Combinations of different types of fixed or moveable
combinations of load and movement shall be considered bearings should not be used at the same expansion joint,
in the design. Rotations about two horizontal axes and the bent or pier unless the effects of differing deflection and
vertical axis shall be considered. The movements shall in- rotational characteristics on the bearings and structure are
clude those caused by the loads, deformations and dis- accounted for in the design.
placements caused by creep, shrinkage and thermal ef-
fects, and inaccuracies in installation. In all cases, both 14.5.1 Load and Movement Capabilities
instantaneous and long-term effects shall be considered,
but the influence of impact need not be included. The most The movements and loads to be used in the design
adverse combination of movements shall be used for de- of the bearing shall be clearly defined on the contract
sign. All design requirements shall be tabulated in a ratio- drawings.
nal form such as shown in Figure 14.4.
14.5.2 Characteristics
14.4.1 Design Requirements
The bearing chosen for a particular application must
The minimum thermal movements shall be computed have appropriate load and movement capabilities. Those
from the extreme temperature defined in Article 3.16 of listed in Table 14.5.2-1 may be used as a guide. Figure
Division I and the estimated setting temperature. Design 14.5.2-1 may be used as a guide in defining the different
loads shall be based on the load combinations and load bearing systems.
factors specified in Section 3 of Division I. The following terminology shall apply to Table 14.5.2-1:
The design rotation, m, for bearings such as elasto-
meric pads or steel reinforced elastomeric bearings which S  Suitable
do not achieve hard contact between metal components U  Unsuitable
shall be taken as the sum of: L  Suitable for limited applications
R  May be suitable but requires special considera-
—the dead and live load rotations. tions or additional elements such as sliders or
—an allowance for uncertainties, which is normally guideways.
taken as less than 0.005 rad. Long.  Longitudinal axis
Trans.  Transverse axis
The design rotation, m, for bearings such as pot bearings,
Vert.  Vertical axis
disc bearings and curved sliding surfaces which may de-
velop hard contact between metal components shall be
14.5.3 Forces in the Structure Caused by Restraint
taken as the sum of:
of Movement at the Bearing
—the greater of either the rotations due to all applicable
Horizontal forces and moments induced in the bridge
factored loads or the rotation at the service limit state.
by restraint of movement at the bearing shall be taken
—the maximum rotation caused by fabrication and in-
into account in the design of the bridge and the bear-
stallation tolerances, which shall be taken as 0.01 rad
ings. They shall be determined using the calculated
unless an approved quality control plan justifies a
movements and the bearing characteristics given in
smaller value.
Article 14.6.
—an allowance for uncertainties, which shall be taken
as 0.01 rad unless an approved quality control plan jus- Horizontal Force
tifies a smaller value.
Horizontal forces may be induced by sliding friction,
14.5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR rolling friction or deformation of a flexible element in the
BEARINGS bearing. The force used for design shall be the largest one
Bearings may be fixed or movable as required for the Sliding friction force shall be computed as
bridge design. Movable bearings may include guides to
control the direction of translation. Fixed and guided bear- Hm 
Pm (

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Table 14.5.2-1 Bearing Suitability

Rotation about bridge

Movement axis indicated Resistance to Loads

Type of Bearing Long Trans Trans Long Vert Vert Long Trans

Plain Elastomeric Pad S S S S L L L L

Fiberglass Reinforced Pad S S S S L L L L
Cotton Duck Reinforced Pad U U U U U S L L
Steel-reinforced Elastomeric Bearing S S S S L S L L
Plane Sliding Bearing S S U U S S R R
Curved Sliding Spherical Bearing R R S S S S R R
Curved Sliding Cylindrical Bearing R R S U U S R R
Disc Bearing R R S S L S S R
Double Cylindrical Bearing R R S S U S R R
Pot Bearing R R S S L S S S
Rocker Bearing S U S U U S R R
Knuckle Bearing U U S U U S S R
Single Roller Bearing S U S U U S U R
Multiple Roller Bearing S U U U U S U U

FIGURE 14.5.2-1 Typical Bearing Components

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Hm  maximum horizontal load (kip)

 coefficient of friction
Pm  maximum compressive load (kip) The stress increases permitted for certain load combi-
nations by Table 3.22.1A of this specification shall not
The force required to deform an elastomeric element shall apply in the design of bearings.
be computed as:
14.6.1 Metal Rocker and Roller Bearings
Hm  GAs /hrt (
where: General Design Considerations
G  shear modulus of the elastomer (ksi)
The rotation axis of the bearing shall be aligned with
A  plan area of elastomeric element or bearing (in2)
the axis about which the largest rotations of the supported
s  maximum shear deformation of the elastomer (in)
member occur. Provision shall be made to ensure that the
hrt  total elastomer thickness (in)
bearing alignment does not change during the life of the
Rolling forces shall be determined by test. bridge. Multiple roller bearings shall be connected by
gearing to ensure that individual rollers remain parallel to Bending Moment each other and at their original spacing.
Metal rocker and roller bearings shall be detailed so
The bridge substructure and superstructure shall be de- that they can be easily inspected and maintained.
signed for the largest moment, Mm, which can be trans-
ferred by the bearing. Materials
For curved sliding bearings without a companion flat
sliding surface, Mm shall be estimated by: Rocker and roller bearings shall be made of stainless
steel conforming to ASTM A 240, or of structural steel
PmR (
conforming to AASHTO M 169 (ASTM A 108), M 102
and for curved sliding bearings with a companion flat (ASTM A 668), or M 270 (ASTM A 709) Grades 36,
sliding surface, Mm shall be estimated by: 50 or 50W. Material properties of M 169 (ASTM A 108),
M 102 (ASTM A 668), and M 270 (ASTM A 709) steel
Mm  2
PmR ( are given in Tables 10.2A and 10.2B.
where: Geometric Requirements
Mm  maximum bending moment (K-in)
R  radius of curved sliding surface (in) The dimensions of the bearing shall be chosen taking
For unconfined elastomeric bearings and pads, Mm into account both the contact stresses and the movement
shall be estimated by: of the contact point due to rolling.
Each individual curved contact surface shall have a
Mm  (0.5 EcI) m/hrt ( constant radius. Bearings with more than one curved sur-
face shall be symmetric about a line joining the centers of
where: their two curved surfaces.
I  moment of inertia of plan shape of bearing (in4) Bearings shall be designed to be stable. If the bearing
m  maximum design rotation (rad) has two separate cylindrical faces, each of which rolls on
Ec  effective modulus of elastomeric bearing in com- a flat plate, stability may be achieved by making the dis-
pression (ksi) tance between the two contact lines no greater than the
sum of the radii of the two cylindrical surfaces.
The load deflection curve of an elastomeric bearing is
nonlinear, so Ec is load-dependent. However, an accept- Contact Stresses
able constant approximation is:
The maximum compressive load, Pm, shall satisfy:
Ec  6GS2 (
• for cylindrical surfaces:
G  shear modulus of elastomer (ksi)  WD1  Fy
Pm ≤ 8   (
S  shape factorn  1 − D1 D 2  E s

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• for spherical surfaces: Curved metallic surfaces shall not exceed 16 micro in RMS.
2 3 Other surface finishes may be employed if the coefficient of
 D1  Fy
Pm ≤ 40  ( friction is substantiated by test results. The mating surface
 1 − D1 D 2  E s 2 shall be large enough to cover the PTFE at all times.
where: Minimum Thickness Requirements
D1  the diameter of rocker or roller surface (in), and
D2  the diameter of the mating surface (in). D2 shall PTFE
be taken as: For all applications, the thickness of the PTFE shall be
• positive if the curvatures have the same sign
at least 1 ⁄ 16 inch after compression. Recessed sheet PTFE
• infinite if the mating surface is flat
shall be at least 3 ⁄ 16 inch thick when the maximum dimen-
Fy  specified minimum yield strength of the least
sion of the PTFE is less than or equal to 24 inches, and
strong steel at the contact surface (ksi) 1 ⁄ 4 inch when the maximum dimension of the PTFE is
Es  Young’s modulus for steel (ksi)
greater than 24 inches. Woven fabric PTFE which is me-
W  Width of the bearing (in)
chanically interlocked over a metallic substrate shall have
14.6.2 PTFE Sliding Surfaces a minimum thickness of 1 ⁄ 16 inch and a maximum thick-
ness of 1 ⁄ 8 inch over the highest point of the substrate.
PTFE, polytetrafluorethylene, may be used in sliding Stainless Steel Mating Surfaces
surfaces of bridge bearings to accommodate translation or
rotation. All PTFE surfaces other than guides shall satisfy The thickness of the stainless steel mating surface shall
the requirements of this section. Curved PTFE surfaces be at least 1 ⁄ 16 inch when the maximum dimension of the
shall also satisfy Article 14.6.3. surface is less than or equal to 12 inches and 1 ⁄ 8 inch when
the maximum dimension is larger than 12 inches. PTFE Surface Backing plate requirements are specified in Article
The PTFE surface shall be made from pure virgin
PTFE resin satisfying the requirements of ASTM D 4894 Contact Pressure
or D 4895. It shall be fabricated as unfilled sheet, filled
sheet or fabric woven from PTFE and other fibers. The maximum contact stress, m, between the PTFE
Unfilled sheets shall be made from PTFE resin alone. and the mating surface shall be determined with the max-
Filled sheets shall be made from PTFE resin uniformly imum compressive load, Pm, using the nominal area.
blended with glass fibers or other chemically inert filler. The average contact stress shall be computed by divid-
The maximum filler content shall be 15%. ing the load by the projection of the contact area onto a
Sheet PTFE may contain dimples to act as reservoirs plane perpendicular to the direction of the load. The contact
for lubricant. Their diameter shall not exceed 0.32-in at stress at the edge shall be computed by taking into account
the maximum moment, Mm, transferred by the bearing as-
the surface of the PTFE and their depth shall be not less
suming a linear distribution of stress across the PTFE.
than .08-inch and not more than half the thickness of the
Stresses shall not exceed those given in Table
PTFE. The reservoirs shall be uniformly distributed over
Permissible stresses for intermediate filler contents
the surface area and shall cover more than 20% but less
shall be obtained by linear interpolation within Table
than 30% of it. Lubricant shall be silicone grease which
satisfies military specification MIL-S-8660.
Woven fiber PTFE shall be made from pure PTFE Coefficient of Friction
fibers. Reinforced woven fiber PTFE shall be made by
interweaving high strength fibers, such as glass, with the The design coefficient of friction of the PTFE sliding
PTFE in such a way that the reinforcing fibers do not ap- surface shall be determined from Table Inter-
pear on the sliding face of the finished fabric. mediate values may be determined by interpolation. The
coefficient of friction shall be determined by using the Mating Surface stress level associated with the maximum compressive
load, Pm. Lesser values of the coefficient of friction may
The PTFE shall be used in conjunction with a mating sur- be used if verified by tests.
face. Flat mating surfaces shall be stainless steel and curved Where friction is required to resist applied loads, the
mating surfaces shall be stainless steel or anodized aluminium. design coefficient of friction under dynamic loading may
Flat surfaces shall be a minimum #8 mirror finish Type 304 be taken as not more than 10% of the value listed in Table
stainless steel and shall conform to ASTM A 167/A 264. for the bearing stress and PTFE type.

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TABLE Limits on Contact Stress for PTFE

Ave. Contact Stress (KSI) Edge Contact Stress (KSI)

Material Dead Load All Loads Dead Load All Loads

Unconfined PTFE:
Unfilled sheets 1.5 2.5 2.0 3.0
Filled sheets—These figures 3.0 4.5 3.5 5.5
are for maximum filler content
Confined sheet PTFE 3.0 4.5 3.5 5.5
Woven PTFE over a metallic 3.0 4.5 3.5 5.5
Reinforced woven PTFE over 4.0 5.5 4.5 7.0
a metallic substrate

TABLE Design Coefficients of Friction

Coefficient of Friction

Type of PTFE Pressure (psi) 500 1000 2000 >3000

Temperature (°F)

Dimpled Lubricated 68 0.04 0.03 0.025 0.02

13 0.06 0.045 0.04 0.03
49 0.10 0.075 0.06 0.05
Unfilled or Dimpled 68 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.03
Unlubricated 13 0.20 0.18 0.13 0.10
49 0.20 0.18 0.13 0.10
Filled 68 0.24 0.17 0.09 0.06
13 0.44 0.32 0.25 0.20
49 0.65 0.55 0.45 0.35
Woven 68 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.045
13 0.20 0.18 0.13 0.10
49 0.20 0.18 0.13 0.10

The coefficients of friction in Table are mating surface so that interface corrosion cannot occur.
based on a #8 mirror finish mating surface. Coefficients of The attachment shall be capable of resisting the maximum
friction for rougher surface finishes must be established friction force which can be developed by the bearing
by test results in accordance with Division II, Section 18. under service loads. The welds used for the attachment
shall be clear of the contact and sliding area of the PTFE Attachment surface. PTFE 14.6.3 Bearings with Curved Sliding Surfaces

Sheet PTFE confined in a recess in a rigid metal backing
plate for one half its thickness may be bonded or unbonded. Bearings with curved sliding surfaces shall consist of
Sheet PTFE which is not confined shall be bonded by two metal parts with matching curved surfaces and a low
an approved method to a metal surface or an elastomeric friction sliding interface. The curved surfaces shall be
layer with a Shore A durometer hardness of at least 90. either cylindrical or spherical. The material properties,
Woven PTFE on a metallic substrate shall be attached to characteristics, and frictional properties of the sliding
interface shall satisfy the requirements of either Article
the metallic substrate by mechanical interlocking which
14.6.2 or Article 14.6.7.
can resist a shear force no less than 0.10 times the applied
compressive force. Geometric Requirements Mating Surface
The radius of the curved surface shall be large enough
The mating surface for flat sliding shall be attached to to assure that the maximum average bearing stress, m, on
a backing plate by welding in such a way that it remains the horizontal projected area of the bearing at the maxi-
flat and in full contact with its backing plate throughout mum load, Pm, shall satisfy the average stress require-
its service life. The weld shall be detailed to form an ef- ments of Article or Article The maxi-
fective moisture seal around the entire perimeter of the mum average bearing stress shall be taken as

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• For cylindrical bearings and

Ψ = sin −1 
L 
Pm (
σm = (  2R 
• For spherical bearings
Hm  maximum horizontal load.
4 Pm L  projected length of the sliding surface perpen-
σm = ( dicular to the rotation axis.
πD 2
PD  compressive load due to permanent loads.
where R  radius of the curved sliding surface.
w  length of the cylindrical surface.
D  diameter of the projection of the loaded surface   angle between the vertical and applied loads.
of the bearing in the horizontal plane (in) m  maximum design rotation angle. See Article
W  length of the cylinder (in) 14.4.1.
PTFE  maximum average contact stress permitted on
The two surfaces of a sliding interface shall have equal radii. the PTFE by Table
Ψ  subtended semi-angle of the curved surface. Resistance to Lateral Load
14.6.4 Pot Bearings
In bearings which are required to resist horizontal
loads, either an external restraint system shall be pro- General
vided, or for a cylindrical sliding surface the horizontal
load shall be limited to Where pot bearings are provided with a PTFE slider to
provide for both rotation and horizontal movement, such
Hm  2RW PTFE sin(Ψ    m) sin  ( sliding surfaces and any guidance systems shall be designed
in accordance with the appropriate Articles 14.6.2 and 14.6.9.
and for a spherical surface the horizontal load shall satisfy The rotational elements of pot bearing shall satisfy the
requirements of this section. They shall consist of at least
Hm  R2 PTFE sin2(Ψ    m) sin  ( a pot, a piston, an elastomeric disc, and sealing rings.
For the purpose of establishing the forces and defor-
mations imposed on a pot bearing, the axis of rotation
H  shall be taken as lying in the horizontal plane at mid-
β = tan −1  m 
 PD  ( height of the elastomeric disc.


Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

The minimum vertical load on a pot bearing should not under compressive load and simultaneously applied
be less than 20% of the vertical design load. cyclic rotations. The seals shall also be adequate to pre-
vent escape of elastomer under compressive load and si- Materials multaneously applied static rotation.
Brass rings satisfying the requirements of either Arti-
The elastomeric disc shall be made from a compound cle or may be used to satisfy the
based on virgin natural rubber or virgin neoprene. Its above requirements. The Engineer may approve other
nominal hardness shall lie between 50 and 60 on the Shore sealing systems on the basis of experimental evidence.
‘A’ scale.
The pot and piston shall be made from structural Rings with rectangular cross-sections
steel conforming to AASHTO M 270 (ASTM A 709)
Three rings shall be used. Each ring shall be circular in
Grades 36, 50 or 50W, or from stainless steel conform-
plan, but shall be cut at one point around its circumfer-
ing to ASTM A 240. The finish of surfaces in contact
ence. The faces of the cut shall be on a plane at 45° to the
with the elastomeric pad shall be smoother than 63
vertical and to the tangent of the circumference. The rings
micro-in rms. shall be oriented so that the cuts on each of the three rings
Sealing rings satisfying Articles and are equally spaced around the circumference of the pot. shall be made from brass conforming to ASTM The width of each ring shall be equal to or greater than
B 36 (half hard) for rings of rectangular cross-section, the larger of 0.02 Dp or 1 ⁄ 4 inch, but it shall not exceed 3 ⁄ 4
and Federal Specification QQB626, Composition 2, for inch. The depth of each shall be equal to or greater than
rings of circular cross-section. 0.2 times the width. Geometric Requirements Rings with circular cross-sections

The depth of the elastomeric disc, hr, shall satisfy One circular closed ring shall be used with an outside
diameter of Dp. It shall have a cross-sectional diameter not
hr  3.33Dp m ( less than the larger of 0.0175 Dp or 5 ⁄ 16 inch.

where Pot

Dp  internal diameter of the pot (in)
The pot shall consist at least of a wall and base. All com-
m  maximum design rotation specified in Article
ponents shall be designed to act as a single structural unit.
14.4.1 (rad)
The minimum thickness of the base shall exceed 0.06
The dimensions of the components shall satisfy the fol- Dp and 3 ⁄ 4 inch when bearing directly against concrete or
lowing requirements under the least favorable combina- grout, and shall exceed 0.04 Dp and 1 ⁄ 2 inch when bearing
tion of maximum displacements and rotations: directly on steel girders or load distribution plates.
The pot walls shall be thick enough to resist all the
• the pot shall be deep enough to permit the seal and forces induced in them. In lieu of a more precise analysis,
piston rim to remain in full contact with the vertical this requirement may be satisfied for unguided sliding pot
face of the pot wall. bearings by using a minimum wall thickness such that
• contact or binding between metal components will
not prevent further displacement or rotation. Dp
tw ≥ σm (
1.25Fy Elastomeric Disc
and tw  3 4
The maximum average stress on the elastomer shall
not exceed 3.5 ksi. To facilitate rotation, the top and bot- where
tom surfaces of the elastomer shall be treated with a lu-
bricant which is not detrimental to the elastomer, or thin tw  pot wall thickness (in)
PTFE discs may be used on the top and bottom of the elas- m  maximum average compressive stress (ksi)
tomer. Fy  yield strength of the steel (ksi) Sealing Rings Piston

A seal shall be used between the pot and the piston. The The piston shall have the same plan shape as the inside
seals shall be adequate to prevent escape of elastomer of the pot. Its thickness shall be adequate to resist the

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law. DIVISION I—DESIGN 395

loads imposed on it, but shall not be less than 6.0% of the Material Properties
inside diameter of the pot, Dp, except at the rim.
The diameter of the piston rim shall be the inside di- The elastomer shall have a shear modulus between
ameter of the pot less a clearance, c. The clearance, c, shall 0.08 and 0.175 ksi and a nominal hardness between 50
be as small as possible in order to prevent escape of the and 60 on the Shore A scale.
elastomer, but not less than 0.02 inch. If the surface of the The shear modulus of the elastomer at 73°F shall be
piston rim is cylindrical, the clearance shall satisfy used as the basis for design. If the elastomer is specified
explicitly by its shear modulus, then that value shall be
 D pθ m  used in design and the other properties shall be obtained
c ≥ θm  w −  ( from Table If the material is specified by its
 2 
hardness, the shear modulus shall be taken as the least
favorable value from the range for that hardness given in
Table Intermediate values shall in all cases be
Dp  internal diameter of pot (in) obtained by interpolation.
w  height of piston rim (in) For the purposes of bearing design, all bridge sites
m  design rotation specified in Article 14.4.1 (rad) shall be classified as being in temperature Zones A, B, C,
D or E. Characteristics for each zone are given in Table In the absence of more precise information, Lateral Loads Figure may be used as a guide in selecting the
zone required for a given region.
Pot bearings which are subjected to lateral loads shall Bearings shall be made from AASHTO low tempera-
be proportioned so that the thickness, t, of the pot wall and ture grades of elastomer as defined in Section 18 of Divi-
the pot base shall satisfy sion II. The minimum grade of elastomer required for
each low temperature zone is specified in Table
40 H m θ m
t> ( Any of the three design options listed below may be
For pot bearings which transfer lateral load through the
piston • specify the elastomer with the minimum low tem-
perature grade indicated in Table and de-
termine the shear force transmitted by the bearing as
2.5H m
w≥ ( specified in Article
D p Fy • specify the elastomer with the minimum low tem-
perature grade for use when special force provisions
and w  1 8 are incorporated in the design and provide a low fric-
tion sliding surface, in which case the special force
where w is the rim thickness of the piston which is in con- provision is that the bridge components shall be de-
tact with the pot wall. signed to withstand twice the design shear force
specified in Article, or
• specify the elastomer with the minimum low tem-
14.6.5 Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings— perature grade for use when special force provisions
Method B are incorporated in the design, but do not provide a
low friction sliding surface, in which case the com- General ponents of the bridge shall be designed to resist four
times the design shear force as specified in Article
Steel reinforced elastomeric bearings shall consist of
alternate layers of steel reinforcement and elastomer,
bonded together. Tapered elastomer layers shall not be Table Elastomer Properties At Different
used. All internal layers of elastomer shall be of the same Hardnesses
thickness. The top and bottom cover layers shall be no
Hardness (Shore ‘A’) 50 60 70
thicker than 70% of the internal layers. In addition to any
internal reinforcement, bearings may have external steel Shear modulus at 73°F (psi) 95–130 130–200 200–300
Creep deflection at 25 yrs
load plates bonded to the upper or lower elastomer layers 25% 35% 45%
Instantaneous deflection
or both.

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

Table Low Temperature Zones and Elastomer Grades

Low Temperature Zone A B C D E

50 year low temperature (°F) 0 20 30 45 all others

Max. no. of days below 32°F 3 27 14 N/A N/A
Low temp. elastomer grade 0 22 23 24 5
without special provisions
Low temp. elastomer grade 0 20 22 23 5
with special provisions

FIGURE Map of Low Temperature Zones Design Requirements Compressive Stress

In any bearing layer, the average compressive stress Scope
(ksi) shall satisfy the following:
Bearings designed by the provisions of this section
shall be subsequently tested in accordance with the re- • for bearings subject to shear deformation
quirements for steel reinforced elastomeric bearings of
Article 18.7 of Division II of this Specification. Steel re- TL  1.6 ksi
inforced elastomeric bearings may also be designed under TL  1.66 GS (
the provisions of Article 14.6.6. L  0.66 GS

1600 1600
Shape factor 12 9 Shape factor 12 9
1400 6 1400
60 durometer 50 durometer
Compressive stress (psi)

Compressive stress (psi)

1200 5 1200
reinforced reinforced
bearings bearings 5
1000 1000
800 800 4

600 3 600
400 400

200 200

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Compressive strain (%) Compressive strain (%)

FIGURE Load Deflection Behavior of Elastomeric Bearings

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law. DIVISION I—DESIGN 397

• for bearings fixed against shear deformation hrt  total elastomeric thickness (in)
s  maximum service shear deformation of the
TL  1.75 ksi elastomer (in)
TL  2.00 GS (
L  1.00 GS Combined Compression and Rotation
Rotations shall be taken as the maximum possible dif-
L  average compressive stress due to the live load ference in slope between the top and bottom surfaces of
(ksi) the bearing. They shall include the effects of initial lack-
TL  Average compressive stress due to total dead of-parallelism and subsequent girder end rotation due to
plus live load (ksi) imposed loads and movements. Bearings shall be de-
G  shear modulus of elastomer (ksi) signed so that uplift does not occur under any combina-
S  shape factor of the thickest layer of the bearing tion of loads and corresponding rotation.
All rectangular bearings shall satisfy Compressive Deflection
θ  B
≥ 1.0GS m   
Deflections due to total load and to live load alone shall
σ TL (
be considered separately. A maximum relative deflection  n  h 
of 1⁄8 inch across a joint is preferred.
Instantaneous deflection shall be calculated as follows: A rectangular bearing subject to shear deformation shall
also satisfy Equation (; those fixed against
  ihri (
shear deformation shall also satisfy Equation (
where:  θ  B 
σ TL ≤ 1.875GS1 − 0.200 m     (
i  instantaneous compressive strain in the i elas-
  n  h  
tomer layer of a laminated elastomeric bearing
hri  thickness of ith elastomeric layer in elastomeric  θm   B  
σ TL ≤ 2.250GS1 − 0.167
bearing (in)
  n   h   (

Values for i shall be determined from test results or by

rational analysis. The effects of creep of the elastomer
shall be added to the instantaneous deflection when con- B  length of pad if rotation is about its transverse
sidering long-term deflections. They should be computed axis, or width of pad if rotation is about its lon-
from information relevant to the elastomeric compound gitudinal axis (in)
used. In the absence of material-specific data, the values G  shear modulus of elastomer (ksi)
given in Article shall be used. In the absence of hri  thickness of the ith layer of elastomer (in)
information specific to the particular bearing to be used, n  number of interior layers of elastomer, where in-
Figure may be used. terior layers are defined as those layers which
are bonded on each face. Exterior layers are de- Shear
fined as those layers which are bonded only on
The horizontal movement of the bridge superstructure, one face. When the thickness of an exterior layer
0, shall be taken as the maximum possible displacement of elastomer is more than one-half the thickness
caused by creep, shrinkage, post-tensioning, combined of an interior layer, the parameter, n, may be in-
with thermal effects computed in accordance with this creased by one-half for each such exterior layer.
Specification. The maximum shear deformation of the S  shape factor of the thickest layer of the bearing
bearing, s, shall be taken as 0, modified to account for m  component of maximum service rotation in di-
the pier flexibility and construction procedures. If a low rection of interest (rad)
friction sliding surface is installed, s need not be taken
TL  average compressive stress due to the total
larger than the deformation corresponding to first slip.
dead plus live load (ksi)
The bearing shall be designed so that
All circular bearings shall satisfy
hrt  2s ( 2
θ  D
σ TL > 0.75GS m    (
where  n  h 

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

A circular bearing subject to shear deformation shall also and

satisfy Equation (; those fixed against shear
deformation shall also satisfy Equation ( 2.0 h r max σ L
hs > (
 θ  D 
σ TL < 2.5GS1 − 0.15 m     (
  n  h   where
hs  thickness of steel laminate (in)
 θ  D 
σ TL < 3.0GS1 − 0.125 m     ( Fsr  allowable fatigue stress range for over 2,000,000
  n  h   cycles (ksi)

where If holes exist in the reinforcement, the minimum thick-

ness shall be increased by a factor of 2(gross width)/(net
D  diameter of pad (in) width). Stability 14.6.6 Elastomeric Pads and Steel Reinforced
Bearings shall be proportioned to avoid instability. If Elastomeric Bearings—Method A General
3.84 ( h rt /L ) 2.67
≤ (
S 1 + 2 L/w S(S + 2)(1 + L 4 w) This section of the specification covers the design of
plain elastomeric pads, PEP, pads reinforced with discrete
the bearing is stable for all allowable loads in this speci-
layers of fiberglass, FGP, and pads reinforced with closely
fication and no further consideration of stability is required.
spaced layers of cotton duck, CDP and steel reinforced
For rectangular bearings not satisfying Equation
elastomeric bearings. Layer thicknesses in FGP may be
(, an additional check involving σTL shall be
different from one another. For steel reinforced elas-
made in accordance with Equation ( or 3. A
tomeric bearings designed in accordance with the provi-
negative or infinite limit from Equation ( indi-
sions of this section, internal layers shall be of the same
cates that the bearing is stable and is not dependent on σTL.
thickness and cover layers shall be no more than 70% of
the thickness of internal layers.
• if the bridge deck is free to translate horizontally
G Material Properties
σ TL ≤
 3.84( h rt L ) 2.67 
 − 
 S 1 + 2 L W S(S + 2)(1 + L 4 W )  The materials shall satisfy the requirements of Article, except that the shear modulus shall lie between
( 0.080 and 0.250 ksi and the nominal hardness shall lie be-
• if the bridge deck is not free to translate horizontally tween 50 and 70 on the Shore ‘A’ scale. This excep-
tion shall not apply to steel reinforced elastomeric bear-
G ings designed in accordance with the provisions of this
σ TL ≤
 1.92( h rt L ) 2.67  article.
 − 
 S 1 + 2 L W S(S + 2)(1 + L 4 W )  Design Requirements
If L is greater than W for a rectangular bearing, stabil- Scope
ity shall be checked by the above formulas with L and W Plain elastomeric pads, fiberglass reinforced pads and
interchanged. cotton duck reinforced pads shall be designed in accor-
For circular bearings, stability may be evaluated by using dance with the provisions of this article. Steel reinforced
the equations for a square bearing with W  L  0.8 D. elastomeric bearings designed in accordance with the
provisions of this article shall qualify for the test require- Reinforcement
ments appropriate for elastomeric pads.
The thickness of the reinforcement, hs, shall satisfy the The provisions for FGP apply only to pads where the
requirements fiberglass is placed in double layers 1 ⁄ 8 inch apart.
The physical properties of neoprene and natural rubber
3.0 h r max σ TL used in these bearings shall conform to the following
hs > (
Fy ASTM requirements, with modifications as noted:

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law. DIVISION I—DESIGN 399

Neoprene: D4014 hrt  10s for CDP (

Natural Rubber: D4014 Rotation
The rotation about each axis shall be taken as the max-
(1) The Shore A Durometer hardness shall lie within imum possible rotation between the top and bottom of the
the limits specified in Article pad caused by initial lack of parallelism and girder end ro-
(2) Samples for compression set tests shall be pre- tation.
pared using a Type 2 die. PEP and CDP Compressive Stress The shape factor of CDP shall be defined as 100 for use
The average compressive stress, TL, in any layer shall in Equations ( and ( They
satisfy shall satisfy:

• for PEP, TL  0.80 ksi, and TL  0.55GS • for rectangular pads

• for FGP, TL  0.80 ksi, and TL  1.00GS
• for CDP, TL  1.50 ksi  L
σ TL ≥ 0.5GS  θ m , x or
 h rt 
In FGP, the value of S used shall be that for the great-
est distance between the mid-point of double reinforce-  W
ment layers at the top and bottom of the elastomer layer. σ TL ≥ 0.5GS  θ m , z (
 h rt 
For steel reinforced elastomeric bearings designed in
accordance with the provisions of this article TL  1.00
• for circular pads
ksi, and TL  1.0 GS where the value of S used shall be
that for the thickest layer of the bearing. These stress lim- 2
 D
its may be increased by 10% where shear deformation is σ TL ≥ 0.375GS  θ m
 h rt  (
prevented. Compressive Deflection FGP and Steel Reinforced Elastomeric

The provisions of Article shall apply. Ap-
propriate data for PEP, FGP and CDP may be used to es- They shall satisfy:
timate their deflections. In the absence of such data, the
compressive deflection of PEP and FGP may be estimated • for rectangular pads or bearings
at 3 and 1.5 times the deflection estimated for steel rein-
 L  θ ,x
forced bearings of the same shape factor in Article, respectively. σ TL ≥ 0.5GS  m or
 h ri  n
CDP are typically very stiff in compression and the
provisions of this article may be considered as satisfied on  W  θ ,z
the basis of past experience, and no calculations need be σ TL ≥ 0.5GS  m (
done, provided the provisions of Article are met.  h ri  n Shear • for circular pads or bearings

 D θ
The horizontal bridge movement shall be computed in
σ TL ≥ 0.375GS  m
accordance with Article 14.4. The maximum shear defor-  h ri  n (
mation of the pad, s, shall be taken as the horizontal
bridge movement, reduced to account for the pier flexi- where
bility and modified for construction procedures. If a low
friction sliding surface is used, s need not be taken larger n  number of interior layers of elastomer, where in-
than the deformation corresponding to first slip. terior layers are defined as those layers which
The pad shall be designed as follows: are bonded on each face. Exterior layers are de-
fined as those layers which are bonded only on
hrt  2s for PEP, FGP and steel reinforced elastomeric one face. When the thickness of an exterior layer
bearings of elastomer is more than one-half the thickness

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

of an interior layer, the parameter, n, may be in- Rockwell hardness value at least 100 points greater than
creased by one-half for each such exterior layer. that of the bronze.
hri  thickness of the ith layer of elastomer (in) Copper alloy 913 or 911 or copper alloy plates,
AASHTO M 108 (ASTM B100), shall be used unless oth- Stability erwise specified.

To ensure stability, the total thickness of pad shall not Coefficient of Friction
exceed the least of L/3, W/3, or D/4.
The design coefficient of friction shall be determined Reinforcement by applying an appropriate safety factor to the measured
coefficient of friction obtained using a rational test proce-
The reinforcement in FGP shall be fiberglass with a
dure. In lieu of such test data, the design coefficient of
failure strength in each direction of at least 2.2 hri K/in of
friction may be taken as 0.1 for self-lubricating bronze
width. For the purpose of this article, if the layers of elas-
components and 0.4 for other types.
tomer are of different thickness, hri shall be taken as the
mean thickness of the two layers of the elastomer bonded Limits on Load and Geometry
to the reinforcement. If the fiberglass reinforcement con-
tains holes, its strength shall be increased over the mini- The nominal bearing stress due to combined dead and
mum value specified above by two times the gross width live load shall be no greater than 2.0 ksi.
divided by net width.
Reinforcement for steel reinforced elastomeric bear- Clearances and Mating Surface
ings designed in accordance with the provisions of
this article shall conform to the requirements of Article The mating surface shall be steel which is accurately machined to match the geometry of the bronze surface and
provide uniform bearing and contact. Resistance to Deformation
14.6.8 Disc Bearings
The shear force on the structure induced by deforma-
tion of the elastomer shall be based on a G value not less General
than that of the elastomer at 73°F. Effects of relaxation
shall be ignored. For the purposes of establishing the forces and defor-
If the design shear force, Hm, due to pad deformation mations imposed on a disc bearing, the axis of rotation
exceeds one-fifth of the minimum vertical force, the pad may be taken as lying in the horizontal plane at mid-
shall be secured against horizontal movement. height of the disc. The urethane disc shall be held in place
The pad shall not be permitted to sustain uplift forces. by a positive location device.
The disc bearing shall be designed for the design rota-
14.6.7 Bronze or Copper Alloy Sliding Surfaces tion, m, defined in Article 14.4.1.

Bronze or Copper Alloy may be used in Materials

• flat sliding surfaces to accommodate translational The elastomeric disc shall be made from a compound
movements, based on polyether urethane, using only virgin materials.
• curved sliding surfaces to accommodate translation The hardness shall lie between 45 and 65 on the Shore D
and limited rotation, scale.
• pins or cylinders for shaft bushings of rocker bear- The metal components of the bearing shall be made
ings or other bearings with large rotations. from structural steel conforming to AASHTO M 270
(ASTM A 709) Grades 36, 50, or 50W, or from stainless Materials steel conforming to ASTM A 240.

Bronze sliding surfaces or castings shall conform to Overall Geometric Requirements
AASHTO M 107 (ASTM B 22) and shall be made of Alloy
C90500, C91100 or C86300 unless otherwise specified. The dimensions of the components shall be such that
The mating surface shall be structural steel which has a hard contact between metal components which prevents

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law. DIVISION I—DESIGN 401

further displacement or rotation will not occur under the Design Loads
least favorable combination of design displacements and
rotations. The guide or restraint shall be designed using the max-
imum load combinations for the larger of Elastomeric Disc
• the horizontal design load, or
The elastomeric disc shall be held in location by a pos- • 10% of the maximum vertical load acting on all the
itive locator device. The disc shall be designed so that bearings at the bent divided by the number of guided
bearings at the bent.
• its instantaneous deflection under total load does not
exceed 10% of the thickness of the unstressed disc, Materials
and the additional deflection due to creep does not
exceed 8% of the thickness of the unstressed disc; For steel bearings, the guide or restraint shall be made
• the average compressive stress due to the maximum from steel conforming to AASHTO M 270 (ASTM A 709)
load, Pm, on the disc does not exceed 5.0 ksi. If the Grades 36, 50 or 50W, or stainless steel conforming to
outer surface of the disc is not vertical, the stress shall ASTM A 240. The guide for aluminum bearings may also
be computed using the smallest plan area of the disc. be aluminum.
The low-friction interface material shall be approved
If a PTFE slider is used by the Engineer.

• the stresses on the PTFE slider do not exceed 75% Geometric Requirements
of the allowable values for average and edge stresses
Guides shall be parallel, long enough to accommodate
given in Article 14.6.2. The effect of moments in-
the full design displacement of the bearing in the sliding
duced by the urethane disc shall be included in the
direction, and shall permit a minimum of 1 ⁄ 32-inch and a
stress analysis.
maximum of 1 ⁄ 16-inch free slip in the restrained direction.
Guides shall be designed to avoid binding under all design Shear Resisting Mechanism
loads and displacements, including rotations.
In fixed and guided bearings, a shear-resisting mecha- Design Basis
nism shall be provided to transmit horizontal forces between
the upper and lower steel plates. It shall be capable of re- Load Location
sisting a horizontal force in any direction equal to the larger
of the design shear force and 10% of the design vertical load. The horizontal load acting on the guide or restraint
The horizontal design clearance between the upper and shall be assumed to act at the centroid of the low-friction
lower components of the shear-restricting mechanism shall interface material. Design of the connection between the
not exceed the value for guide bars given in Article 14.6.9. guide or restraint and the body of the bearing system shall
take into account both shear and overturning moment. Steel Plates Contact Stress
The thickness of the upper and lower steel plates shall The contact stress on the low-friction material shall not
not be less than 0.045 Dd if the plate is in direct contact exceed that recommended by the manufacturer. For PTFE,
with a steel girder or distribution plate, or 0.06 Dd if it the stresses due to the maximum loads, Pm and Hm, shall
bears directly on grout or concrete. not exceed those given in Table under sustained
loading or 1.25 times those stresses for short-term loading.
14.6.9 Guides and Restraints Attachment of Low-Friction Material General
The low-friction material shall be attached by at least
Guides may be used to prevent movement in one di- two of the following three methods:
rection. Restraints may be used to permit only limited
movement in one or more directions. Guides and restraints • mechanical fastening
shall have a low-friction material at their sliding contact • bonding
surfaces. • mechanical interlocking with a metal substrate.

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

14.6.10 Other Bearing Systems Computations of the strength of steel components and
beam stiffener requirements of steel girders shall be made
Bearing systems made from components not described in conformance with Section 10 of Division I of these
in Articles 14.6.1 through 14.6.8 may also be used, subject specifications.
to the approval of the Engineer. Such bearings shall be ad- In lieu of a more precise analysis, the load from a bear-
equate to resist the forces and deformations imposed on ing fully supported by a grout bed may be assumed to
them without material distress and without inducing defor- spread out at a slope of 1.5:1, horizontal to vertical, from
mations large enough to threaten their proper functioning. the edge of the smallest element of the bearing which car-
The dimensions of the bearing shall be chosen to pro- ries the compressive load.
vide for adequate movements at all times. The materials
used shall have sufficient strength, stiffness, and resis- 14.7.2 Tapered Plates
tance to creep and decay to ensure the proper functioning
of the bearing throughout the design life of the bridge.
If, under full dead load at the mean annual temperature
The Engineer shall determine the tests which the bearing
for the bridge site, the inclination of the underside of the
must satisfy. The tests shall be designed to demonstrate any
girder to the horizontal exceeds 0.01 rad, a tapered plate
potential weakness in the system under individual compres-
shall be used in order to provide a level load surface to be
sion, shear or rotational loading or combinations thereof.
Testing under sustained or cyclic loading shall be required. placed on the bearing.


All load distribution plates and all bearings with exter-
14.7.1 Plates for Load Distribution nal steel plates shall be positively secured to their supports
by bolting or welding.
The bearing, together with any additional plates, shall All girders shall be positively located on their support-
be designed so that ing bearings by a connection which can resist the horizon-
tal forces which may be imposed on it. Separation of bear-
• the combined system is stiff enough to prevent dis- ing components shall not be permitted. A connection,
tortions of the bearing which would impair its proper adequate to resist the least favorable combination of loads,
functioning; shall be installed wherever necessary to prevent separation.
• the stresses imposed on the supporting structure sat-
isfy the limits specified by the Engineer. Allowable
stresses on concrete and grout beds shall be assumed 14.8 CORROSION PROTECTION
to be based on the maximum compressive load, Pm,
on the bearing; All exposed steel parts of bearings not made from stain-
• the bearing can be replaced within the jacking height less steel shall be protected against corrosion by zinc me-
limits specified by the Engineer without damage to the tallization, hot-dip galvanizing or a paint system approved
bearing, distribution plates or supporting structure. If by the Engineer. A combination of zinc metallization or
no limit is given, a height of 3 ⁄ 8 inch shall be used. hot-dip galvanizing and a paint system may be used.

Copyright 2002 AASHTO. All rights reserved. Duplication is a violation of applicable law.

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