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So in the previous meeting we tackled on the first part the

unpacking of MELCS in which sharing of ideas is highly observed

just for the betterment of the group. Sir Paulino then presented the
module, entitled “designing instruction in the different learning
modalities particularly lesson 1 “Understanding the different
The different Distance Learning discussed are as follows
1. Modular Distance Learning that refers to a learning delivery
that is in the form of individualized instruction where learners
use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format,
2. Online Distance Learning Online Distance Learning refers to a
learning delivery modality where the teacher facilitates
learning and engages learners' active participation using
various technologies connected to the internet while they are
geographically remote from each other.
3. TV-based instruction/Radio-based instruction refers to the use
of television or radio programs on channels or stations
dedicated to providing learning content to learners as a form
of distance education
4. Blended Distance Learning: Any combination of the above DL
types. Thus:
 MDL and ODL
“Consideration of the Screen Time Guidelines by Age
Synchronous and asynchronous online teaching in”
a) Key Stage 1 (K to 3): At most, one hour daily for Kindergarten
and one hour to 1.5 hours for Grades 1 to 3
b) Key Stage 2 (Grades 4 to 6): Up to two hours
c) Key Stage 3 (Grade 7 – 10): Up to two hours for Grades 7-8 and
up to four hours for Grades 9-10 (two hours in the morning and the
other two hours in the afternoon)
d) Key Stage 4 (Grades 11 to 12): At most four hours (two hours in
the morning and the other two hours in the afternoon)
After it
Then after that Sir Richard Paulino presented topics that covers to
the module 3A, he then proposed possible answers to the different
activities to the MODULE 3A. Module 3A also covers different
articles to read like for example ,Guidance on Distance Learning,
Non-Negotiable Minimum Requirements for Distance Learning.

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