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Wideband transmit beamforming using in Fig.

1, these start time differences (corresponding to the residual

integer-time-delayed and phase-shifted fractional delays) imply extensions or truncations at the beginning of
the generated waveforms, and are compensated by another set of trun-
waveforms cations or extensions at the end of the generated waveforms, to maintain
Yang Gao✉, Defu Jiang and Ming Liu a constant pulse duration. The effective intervals between the generated
waveforms and the reference used to synthesise the signal power are also
shown in Fig. 1.
A method for wideband transmit beamforming using integer-
time-delayed and phase-shifted waveforms is proposed. Unlike
traditional true-time-delayed digital methods, which employ variable
fractional delay filters or discrete Fourier transforms to create fractional reference s0(t)
time delays, the proposed method uses only integer-time-delayed
truncation effective duration extension
waveforms with phase shifts corresponding to fractional time delays.
Furthermore, the shifted phase can be directly generated; this gener- sk(t)
ation can be simply achieved by controlling the parameters of a Tk
direct digital synthesiser. A beam pattern simulation confirms that Dk
the integer-time-delayed and phase-shifted waveforms are capable of
synthesising wideband transmitting beam patterns. Finally, a power
synthesis efficiency analysis demonstrates that the synthesis loss extension effective duration truncation
caused by phase shifting is negligible.
Introduction: In antenna array applications, the generation of Dm
true-time-delayed (TTD) waveforms to feed the antenna elements is tm
an essential requirement for successful transmit beamforming and 0 Ik· Ts Im· Ts T t
power synthesis, when using wideband signals [1, 2]. The required
delay can in general be divided into integer and fractional parts relative Fig. 1 Waveforms generated using the proposed method, with both positive
to the processing clock. The integer delay can be easily achieved and negative fractional delays
through digital processing. The fractional delay is, therefore, the critical
element in wideband transmit beamforming. Two digital methods can be The transmitting waveform s0(t) of the reference element 0 can be
used to obtain fractional delays in wideband waveforms. One is a time- expressed as:
domain method using variable fractional delay (VFD) filters to calculate  
arbitrary inter-sample values [3–5]. The other is a frequency-domain   t − T /2
s0 (t) = a0 (t) exp jw0 (t ) · Rect (4)
method using discrete Fourier transforms (DFTs), and is based on the T
time-shifting property of the Fourier transform [6]. Although both
methods are effective in producing arbitrary delays, they have very Here Rect{t} = 1 when −1/2 ≤ t ≤ 1/2, or 0 when others; T is the
high computational complexity [7, 8]. Consequently, implementing duration of the transmitted waveforms, and a0(t) and w0(t) are the
fractional delays using these methods requires large amounts of envelope and phase of s0(t), respectively. Waveform sm(t), which has
resources, especially hardware multipliers. In this Letter, we propose a both an integer delay and a phase shift, can be written as:
new method to generate waveforms for wideband transmit beamforming  
   t − T m − T /2
using both phase shifting and integer delays. The main feature of the sm (t) = a0 (t − Dm ) exp jw0 (t − Dm ) · Rect
proposed method is the direct generation of the shifted phase corre- T

sponding to the fractional delay, which can be further simplified by con-   t − T /2
trolling the parameters of a programmable digital waveform generator or = a0 (t − tm ) exp jw0 (t − tm ) · Rect ⊗ d( t − T m )
direct digital synthesiser (DDS). Therefore, no hardware requirements
for VFD filters or DFT modules exist in this method.
In the following sections, the proposed global approach to delayed where ⊗ denotes convolution. The generation of sm(t) can be divided
waveform generation is first presented. The proposed method is into two steps. The first step is the generation of the integer delay,
described in detail and illustrated using linear frequency modulated which can be easily implemented by simply waiting an integer
(LFM) waveforms, to show how the parameters of a DDS can be con- number of Ts periods during processing. The second step generates
trolled to meet fractional delay requirements. For validation, a wideband the delayed envelope a0(t−τm) and phase w0(t−τm) directly, instead of
transmit beam pattern is simulated using a set of delayed LFM wave- using the traditional digital VFD filters or DFT modules to delay
forms generated with the proposed method. Finally, the power synthesis s0(t). In the particular case of LFM waveform transmission, the envelope
efficiency is discussed, to evaluate the synthesis loss caused by phase and phase of s0(t) are:
a0 (t) = A
Waveform generation using the proposed method: Assume that Dm is w0 (t) = 2pf0 t + pm0 t2 + u0
the mth transmitted waveform (sm(t)) time delay required to steer the
maximum transmitting beam power in a desired direction θt [9]. Here, where A is the LFM waveform constant amplitude, µ0 is the frequency
m = 0, 1, …, M − 1, and M is the number of antennas. This delay can modulation slope, f0 the starting frequency, and θ0 the initial phase.
be divided into integer and fractional delay terms, using the processing Therefore, the delayed envelope and phase of sm(t) to be generated in
interval Ts: the proposed method’s second step are:

Dm = Tm + tm (1) ⎨ a0 (t − tm ) = A
w (t − tm ) = 2pf 0 (t − tm ) + pm0 (t − tm )2 +u0
where the integer delay Tm and fractional delay τm are given by: ⎩ 0 = 2p f0 − m0 tm t + pm0 t 2 + pm0 t2m − 2pf0 tm + u0
Dm (7)
T m = Round · Ts = I m · Ts (2)
and the sm(t) parameters µm, fm, and θm should be chosen as:
tm = Dm − Tm (3) ⎧
⎨ mm = m0
Here, Im is an integer and Round(·) denotes rounding to the nearest fm = f0 − m0 tm (8)

integer. A diagram of delayed waveforms generated with the proposed um = pm0 t2m − 2pf0 tm + u0
method is shown in Fig. 1. In this figure, sm(t) has a τm with the same
sign of Dm, while sk(t) has a τk with a sign opposite to that of Dk. In summary, using the true delay Dm required for beam steering and the
Compared with the reference waveform s0(t), the starting times of pre-selected Ts, we can derive the required number of waiting cycles Im
sm(t) and sk(t) are delayed only by integer multiples of Ts, and not by and the fractional delay τm shown in (2) and (3); then, using τm and the
the nominal delay times (Dm and Dk) of TTD waveforms. As shown reference parameters µ0, f0, and θ0, we can calculate parameters µm, fm,

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 16th March 2017 Vol. 53 No. 6 pp. 376–378

and θm using (8), and thus generate the phase-shifted waveform sm(t) The common effective interval in the entire waveform set is the
using a DDS [10, 11]. minimum value of Te, and the worst case is when τm approaches Ts/2
For other waveforms, parameters µm, fm, and θm must be obtained and τk approaches −Ts/2. That is,
differently. For example, for phase-coded waveforms with carrier
frequency fc and phase set P, we can obtain the parameters for all Te min ≥ T − Ts (13)
code elements using µ0 = 0, f0 = fc, and θ0 = P{Ck} for the kth code Assuming that all transmitters have equal, constant power during the
element. Here, Ck is the phase code of the kth code element. For a transmission, the power synthesis efficiency of the wideband waveform
more complicated example using non-LFM (NLFM) waveforms with beamforming satisfies:
frequency modulation function f(t) = f0 + k(t)t, where k(t) is the
modulated frequency slope, we can obtain parameters µm, fm, and θm Te min T − Ts
h. ≥ (14)
using µ0 = k(t−τm), f0 = fc−B/2, and θ0 = 0. Here, B is the waveform T T
bandwidth. The implementation cost required to obtain k(t−τm) using Generally, Ts is <1 ns, while T is in the order of several microseconds.
the same method used for w0(t−τm) in (7) depends on the computational For instance, the efficiency η calculated with the parameters shown in
complexity of k(t). Table 1 is 0.999917. Therefore, the synthesis loss caused by phase shift-
ing is negligible.
Wideband beam pattern validation: According to (5), sm(t) can be
further expressed as: Conclusion: The method for wideband transmit beamforming using
sm (t) = [s0 (t) exp {j(w0 (t − tm ) − w0 (t))}] ⊗ d(t − Tm ) (9) integer-time-delayed and phase-shifted waveforms proposed in this
Letter was shown to be very effective. The phase-shifted waveforms
where w0(t−τm) – w0(t) = [−2π·µ0·τm·t + w0(−τm) – w0(0)] when using could be conveniently generated using a programmable DDS. Even
the phase expression of LFM. Assume that S0( f ) is the Fourier though the LFM waveform was used as an example, other waveforms,
domain representation of s0(t). Applying basic Fourier transform such as NLFM and phase-coded waveforms whose instantaneous
properties, the corresponding frequency domain expression of sm(t) phases can be explicitly obtained, can also be generated using the
can be expressed as: proposed method for transmit beamforming.
Sm (f ) = S0 f + Dfm exp −j2pf · Tm exp w0 (− tm ) − w0 (0) (10)
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017
where Δfm = µ0·τm. The beam pattern formed by the LFM waveform set Submitted: 8 December 2016 E-first: 20 February 2017
{sm(t), m = 0, 1, …, M − 1} is given by: doi: 10.1049/el.2016.4479
 2 One or more of the Figures in this Letter are available in colour online.
M −1 
 Yang Gao, Defu Jiang and Ming Liu (Laboratory of Array and
G u, f =  Sm (f )dm (f ) (11)
 m=0  Information Processing, Hohai University, Nanjing, People’s Republic
of China)
where dm( f ) is the mth factor in the array steering vector, and dm( f ) =
✉ E-mail:
exp{−j2πf·ΔΓm}. Here, ΔΓm = m·d·sin(θ)/c for an arbitrary direction θ, c
is the speed of light, and d is the inter-element spacing in a uniform
linear array.
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Spatial power synthesis efficiency: Considering two arbitrary wave-
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ELECTRONICS LETTERS 16th March 2017 Vol. 53 No. 6 pp. 376–378

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