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Why it’s time to update your bedroom windows

Upgrading your bedroom windows can change the look and feel of your
bedroom, making your sanctuary at the end of the day. The bedroom is a
place of relaxation and solace which is why everything inside it must be
curated to make you feel cozy and comfortable.

Importance of Good Bedroom Windows

Good bedroom windows should give you a great view of the outside world as
well as protection and privacy when you need it. It should also give you a
good night sleep as well as a well-lit and pleasant morning.

Well-maintained bedroom windows can give you good ventilation and access
to solar heating while helping you save energy. It can also give you much
needed privacy anytime while enhancing your home’s appearance.

However, windows are subject to wear and tear and can deteriorate after a
few years. Upgrading your bedroom windows may cost you some money but
is a good investment and the results are priceless.

Reasons why you should update your bedroom windows

The following are reasons why it’s time to update your bedroom windows.

 Be more energy efficient

Replacing your bedroom windows with energy efficient ones can help lower
your energy consumption. During summer, energy efficient windows can
protect your house from the sun’s heat. With increased insulation, you can
use your AC or fans less thus lowering your electricity bill.

Aside from upgrading your windows, you can also install solar sun screens.
Solar sun screens can be the roll- up or fixed panel type and they function to
reduce the absorption of solar heat on your windows.

Alternately, energy efficient windows can also prevent heat from seeping out
during winter so your home stays warm. Also, with these windows, you can
prevent condensation from the inside of your home which can result to mold
and mildew.

 Enhance your home’s design

Your windows play a big role in the overall design of your house. Windows
should blend well with the interior and exterior of your house. Drab and plain
windows can affect the general ambience of your home. Your windows should
blend well with the architecture and the interior of your home. Upgrade your
windows and experiment with the different options like window frames, glass
and glazing.
Additionally, you can incorporate decorative glass panels to make your
windows look elegant and fancy. You can check out modern window trends
such as tinted windows and bay windows and see what fits well with your
design aesthetic.

 Make your windows weather-resistant

Extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes accelerate window

deterioration and when you are ill prepared for it, they can put your home in
danger. If you live in an area where extreme temperatures are the norm,
consider upgrading your windows. Weather conditions should not be taken
lightly and it’s better to equip your home with the high quality protection.

Before the hurricane season starts, check your windows for damages or leaks
to give you enough time to upgrade your windows. Opt for storm windows that
have better insulation.

During winter, windows are also more prone to damage especially its parts
that are not water-resistant. Upgrade your windows as a precautionary
measure for the winter season by installing weather strips to seal air leaks.

 Make your bedroom conducive to sleeping

Your bedroom thermal environment has a significant effect in your sleep.

When you settle down to sleep, your body temperature loses heat and your
temperature drops to an optimal temperature. When your room is too hot or
too cold, your body will have a hard time achieving this ideal temperature. The
ideal room temperature for sleep, according to sleep experts is 60 to 67
degrees Farenheit.

To ensure that your room maintains the ideal temperature for sleeping, make
sure your windows are well-insulated so that heat does not escape during
winter time and the cold air stays in during summer

 Improve ventilation

Proper bedroom ventilation is beneficial to your health and well-being. If you

upgrade to larger windows, and open your windows everyday for a certain
period of time, you can enjoy the flow of outdoor air and its benefits.

Through improved ventilation, you can keep pollutants and moisture at bay,
therefore lessening the chance of diseases. High humidity can lead to the
growth of dust mites, bacteria and molds, all of which can be harmful to your

In addition, too much moisture can affect the structure and interior of your
house. It can deteriorate your walls, floors, and ceiling, which can result to
expensive repairs. By upgrading to large windows and opening them
everyday, you can let fresh air in and decrease indoor humidity.

Trust Glass King for Home Glass Services

If you need the professional service of glass experts to help you upgrade your
bedroom windows, set an appointment with Glass King today. Glass King
specializes in home window repair and glass replacement services in the
Phoenix Metro area. Contact us today for a free quote!

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