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New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology – Chapter test Answers

Chapter 24

Section A Multiple-choice questions (10 m, 1 m each)

1 B 2 C 3 D 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 C 8 B 9 B 10 D

Section B Conventional questions (20 m)

1 a Walking barefoot on the side of public swimming pools. /
Sharing of unsterilized towels, footwear or equipment in foot-caring services. 1m
b Keratin in the skin cells 1m
Organic materials in sweat 1m
c The fungi causing athlete’s foot grow rapidly on moist and warm skin. 1m
Wearing sandals keeps the skin of the feet dry and cool. 1m
2 a A vector is an organism which carries pathogens to a new host. 1m
b i Malaria / dengue fever 1m
ii For malaria / dengue fever:
Mosquitoes take in the pathogens when they suck blood from an infected person. 1m
The pathogens reproduce inside the body of these mosquitoes . 1m
When these mosquitoes bite other people, the pathogens are transmitted to these people through
the mosquitoes’ saliva. 1m
3 a The pathogens present in faeces 1m
may contaminate food / drinking water / people’s hands through shaking hands. 1m
Other people are infected by consuming contaminated food / contaminated drinking water / putting fingers
contaminated with pathogens into their mouths. 1m
b Wash hands with liquid soap and water before eating or handling food. /
Cook food thoroughly. /
Avoid raw or semi-cooked food. /
Drinking water should be boiled. (any two) 1mx2
c i Chemicals produced synthetically or naturally from microorganisms. 1m
They can kill or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. 1m
ii The bacteria cannot produce bacterial enzymes and proteins. 1m
Thus they can no longer multiply / their growth is inhibited. 1m
The existing bacteria are killed by the body’s defence mechanisms. 1m

Section C Higher order thinking question (5 m)

4 a Viruses use the resources and machinery of the host cell to produce the viral materials to form new viruses.
The resources of the host cell are exhausted 1m
and the host cell is finally ruptured by newly formed viruses. 1m
b Antibiotics kill or inhibit the growth of cellular microorganisms only. 1m
Viruses are not cells, so antibiotics have no effect on viruses. 1m
Chapter 25

Section A Multiple-choice questions (10 m, 1 m each)

1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 C 6 D 7 D 8 A 9 A 10 D

Section B Conventional questions (20 m)

1 When fatty substances, e.g. cholesterol, deposit on the inner wall of the coronary arteries, 1m
they will harden and narrow the arteries. 1m
This reduces the amount of blood flowing to the cardiac muscles and causes coronary heart disease. 1m
2 a allergens 1m
b dust mites 1m
c overreaction 1m
d mucus 1m
e constriction 1m
f bronchioles 1m
g inherited 1m
3 a Leukaemia patients have more white blood cells because cancer cells divide much faster than normal cells.
The white blood cells produced from the cancerous bone marrow are all abnormal cells. 1m
They cannot function normally or carry out body defence. 1m
b The cancer cells will spread to other parts of the body 1m
through the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. 1m
At the new sites, the cancer cells develop, causing damage to other organs and even death. 1m
c Leukaemia occurs more frequently in males than in females. 1m
The death rate of leukaemia increases from 45 to 75 years of age. 1m
d To kill all the cancer cells, 1m
so that the healthy bone marrow to be transplanted can function properly. 1m

Section C Higher order thinking question (5 m)

4 a The modified segments of DNA can no longer carry out their normal function 1m
and cells start to divide uncontrollably to form a malignant tumour. 1m
b It is non-invasive. / It is simple. / Urine samples can be obtained easily. 1m
c Treatment for kidney cancer is available. /
This screening method is accurate / reliable / safe. /
This screening method is effective in reducing the death rate of kidney cancer. /
Kidney cancer is common in the population. (any two or other reasonable answers) 1mx2
Chapter 26

Section A Multiple-choice questions (10 m, 1 m each)

1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 D 7 B 8 D 9 A 10 C

Section B Conventional questions (20 m)

1 a Pathogens are microorganisms or viruses that can cause diseases to the host. 1m

number of appearance of
pathogens symptoms


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
days of disease 1m
c O, P 1m
d Both the number of pathogens and days of disease will be reduced because 1m
there will be a secondary immune response to fight against the second invasion of the pathogens. 1m
2 a The rhesus antibodies bind to the rhesus antigens, 1m
causing the red blood cells to stick together. 1m
b The rhesus antigens in the rhesus positive blood attach to the antigen receptors of B cells 1m
and the B cells are activated. 1m
The activated B cells multiply and differentiate into plasma cells which produce the rhesus antibodies. 1 m
3 a 5 weeks 1m
b The injection contains live and weakened pathogens / killed pathogens / parts of pathogens. 1m
c If a person does not receive the 2nd injection, he/she cannot develop immunity to the disease. 1m
Once infected, he/she will suffer from the disease. 1m
d After one year, the level of antibodies will drop below the immune level 1m
and the body will no longer be immune to the disease. 1m
The person should receive a third injection to boost up the level of antibodies above the immune level to
maintain the immunity. 1m
e Compared to a single large injection, the second injection, even small, will initiate a secondary response
and result in a much higher level of antibodies and more killer T cells. 1m
This gives greater and longer protection against the disease. 1m

Section C Higher order thinking question (5 m)

4 a Helper T cells are necessary to activate B cells and T cells to carry out immune responses to fight against
pathogens. 1m
With a low level of helper T cells, only a small number of plasma cells and killer T cells are produced. 1 m
This results in a weakened immunity. 1m
b Since the immune system of AIDS patients is damaged by the virus causing AIDS, 1m
antibiotics are given to kill the bacteria which may cause any diseases. 1m
Chapter 28

Section A Multiple-choice questions (10 m, 1 m each)

1 B 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 A 10 C

Section B Conventional questions (20 m)

1 a A + C = T + G or A + G = T + C 1m
b [100 – (14 x 2)]% / 2 = 36% 1m
2 a ribosome 1m
b anticodons 1m
c tRNA 1m
d stop 1m
e polypeptide 1m
c Met–Ala–His 1m
4 a Mutations are sudden and permanent changes in DNA / genetic material. 1m
b The mutation is caused by a mutagen. 1m
c X-rays and gamma rays 1m
d i 750 per 104 gametes 1m
ii No effect 1m
iii There is no safe dosage of the ionization radiations 1m
because any dosage of radiations can cause mutations that are harmful to the fruit flies. 1m
e i DNA replication occurs during gamete formation. Mistakes occur more easily during formation
of new DNA. 1m
ii Mutations occurring in gametes affect not only the organisms themselves. 1m
They can also affect individuals of further generations since the mutations are inheritable. 1m

Section C Higher order thinking question (5 m)

5 a … Lys–Ser–Pro–Ser–Leu–Asn–Ala … 1m
 = A has been deleted 1m
G = G has been added 1m

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