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Nama : Hans Daniel William Tucunan

NPM : 1910631250046
Prodi : Sistem Informasi
Kelas : 2B

Question :
a. What do you know about interpreting?
b. What is the difference between interpreting and translation?
c. What things should you prepare when you want to interprete the text?
d. In your opinion, which one is harder, interpreting or translating? Give your reason?
Answer :
a. Interpreting is person who speak to other person/organization but not always precisely
because they have to immediate transfare it communication between users of different
languages. Interpreters work in a wide range or different settings – from international
conferences and business meetings to courts and doctors’ surgeries.
b. The different betweens translator and interpreter is translator is reads and writes and
interprenter is listen and speak. So when translator got documents read it and write it in other
language then when interpreter he listen to the person and speak with other language to the
other person.
c. Nothing, because when meeting is done so is the work. Maybe you just need bring some
paper for note, and important thing is you must be creative.
d. In my opinion Interpreting, because you have to listen what the speaker saying and
immediately tell the to the other person, so you must focus and can work fast its diffrents with
the translator because they can have time to translate document and the interpretes not.

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