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The Art of Sacred Sex

Start very simply. Set aside about 15 minutes several times a

week to practice getting in tune with your body and with your
partner's body. Think of it as your private time to explore and
discover. Okay, it sounds crazy -- where in the world will you
find the time? But if you want to make a commitment to Sacred
Sex, you'll need to make your relationship a priority. And that's
a good thing!

Before you start, here are a few pointers:

Make sure you're at a basic level of fitness.

Go slowly. Rest when your body is tired. Your stamina will

increase with regular practice.

Wait awhile after eating before you start the exercises.

Practice in a warm room with indirect sunlight.

Know your limits. Never force your body beyond its capacity.

Create a welcoming environment -- incense, soft music,

candles, etc.

Unplug the phone. Turn down the lights. Lock the door. Slip

Rest a bit after you finish. Take some time to transition before
heading back to your day-to-day life.

Ready to Begin?

a. Appreciate Your Partner

b. Harmonized Breathing

c. Two Bodies as One

Appreciate Your Partner

Sit quietly, cross-legged, facing each other. Breathe softly but

deeply. Rest your hands on your knees, palms up.

Look into, but focus beyond, your partner's eyes. Keep your
eyes wide open throughout this practice. Eyes are the windows
to the soul, and the key to achieving true intimacy.

Become conscious of your breathing, and that of your partner.

Try to breathe comfortably at the same pace, moving the air
slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep
eye contact while you breathe together.

After you've practiced for a few weeks and feel comfortable

appreciating your partner in this way, try staying in the
position for 15 minutes steady. Simply keep eye contact with
your partner, and do nothing else. Think of yourselves as two
people who have been together for so long that there's nothing
left to say or do. Try not to fall asleep or daydream. Don't give
in to the urge to smile, be cute or funny. If you do laugh or
giggle, start over. Hold the position for 15 minutes, then relax.

Harmonized Breathing

You and your partner lie on your left sides, facing in the same
direction (some call it spooning). Whoever feels more stressed
should take the inside position. Both of you close your eyes and
relax. Begin by focusing on your own breathing. When you're
ready, move your attention to your partner's breathing.

Now you can get your breathing in synch. Inhale together, hold
the breath, then exhale together. Repeat for five to ten

Variation: Sit cross-legged, facing each other, and look into

your partner's eyes. Press your foreheads together.
Synchronize your breathing.
Slowly inhale and fill your chest with air -- as much air as you
can take in. Contract your genital muscle when you feel as if
your lungs are full.

Now, lift your chin and bring your mouth to your partner's,
piercing his or her lips with your breath. Release the air gently,
yet suddenly.

Synchronize your breathing again. Now, let your partner take in

the breath and release it into you.

Two Bodies As One

Lie flat on your back, feet to feet with your partner. Now, bend
your knees, and interlock your legs as if you were forming a
single body with a head on either end. Once in position, don't
move. Begin by focusing your attention on your own body,
starting from your head and moving to your toes. Separate the
sensation of your body from your partner's.

Next, start noticing your partner's body, imagining it as part of

your own. Create the vision of yourself as having one large
body with a head at each end, four arms, interlocking legs in
the center. Hold this position for 15 minutes.

Variation: Sit upright, facing each other, instead of lying down.

Hold your hands facing up on your partner's knees. Relax your
back and neck, loosen your facial muscles. You can close your
eyes or keep them open and press your foreheads together.

Advanced Variation: Once you've mastered the exercises

described here, you may be ready for "Riding the Wave of
Bliss." You and your partner come together and lock in a
mouth-to-mouth, genital-to-genital embrace. Create a
continuous flow of energy following the oval shape formed by
your torsos. Imagine that your physical body, personality, and
gender have vanished, leaving only the flow of energy.
Concentrate on the energy, enjoy the flow.

Copyright © 1977, 1992, 2003 by Church of Y Dynion Mwyn. All rights reserved.

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