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Nama : Nurhasanah

Nim : 1814201117

My dream
Assalamualaikum mam, I don't know where to start, in the beginning I don't want to be a nurse
so my dream is to work in a bank. Because of support for my parents finally me to be a nurse,
actually being a nurse is a dream from my mom,because of the economic situation my mom
failed to achieve her dream of to be a nurse . So, i Will continue his dream to be a nurse. But,
the longer I study the world of nursing, i am interested in to be a nurse. I'm happy to be able to
communicate with many people,I learned a lot from the world of nursing. after I graduated
from S1 I want to try to get into the health office and that I really want to make a food business,
because I like cooking and baking hufftt,, after that i became a successful young entrepreneur
aminnn. one of them I want to make my parents proud of me,I want to make my parents happy
take her around the world. my dream is simple I want to see the people I care about happy and
proud of me.

Vocabullary :

The beginning : awalnya

actually being : sebenarnya menjadi

achieve : Meraih

The longer : Semakin lama

interested : Tertarik

I learned : aku pelajari

became : Menjadi
one of them : salah satunya

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