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Directions: Read carefully each of the following questions/statements and write the letter of the
correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following best defines “Art”?

a. Art refers to any skill or mastery that is manifested in the outstanding product of an
endeavour which is an expression of man’s ideas and emotions?
b. Art is a process that involves arranging the aesthetic elements in an artistically interesting and
appealing manner.
c. Art is a reflection of a mirror of reality.
d. All of the above

2. In what concept art is considered as product?

a. Art includes human creations, different activities, and manners of expression.
b. The language of art is diverse.
c. Art is an imitation of life throughout the ages, material world, and unavoidable truth.
d. All of the above

3. Which among the following encompasses acts, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, designing
buildings and using the camera to create?
a. ability
b. process
c. product
d. beauty

4. Through Art, we gain awareness that the people during the Old Age Stone live in caves and that
they manifested their artistry by the way of showing their goals and aspirations in life. Which one
supply its meaning?
a. That art reflects the characteristics of a period.
b. That it shows the manner of existence of the people of long ago.
c. Art is a representation of reality.
d. Art is a process or a product of creative skill and mastery.

5. What period does art characterize the idealistic search for truth and the realization that it is not
attainable but is manifested by the varied experimentations of artistic expressions?
a. medieval period
b. renaissance period
c. modern period
d. none of these

6. How does contemporary art differ from traditional art?

a. Contemporary art is learned from family or community members and is passed along
through generations, while traditional art are transferred through words within cultural group.
b. Contemporary art emerged after World War II and is the time that gave birth to the idea that
“less is more” to purity and simplicity. Traditional art otherwise is folk and rich in culture.
c. Contemporary art is not bounded by any rule or standard, while traditional is a culture bound.
d. b and c only

7. Contemporary art, unlike traditional art, can be found anywhere like schools, side streets, train or
bus stations and even shopping centers or parks.
a. True
b. False
c. Neither true nor false
d. Either true or false
8. If traditional artist’ art consisted of portraits, landscapes, still life and human interest, mostly as
naturally as possible, the contemporary artists’ artistic works are
a. expressions of freedom.
b. experimentations and exploration of patterns, figures, and objects.
c. combinations of mixed styles, materials, techniques and concepts.
d. All of these

9. In shaping every creation or work of art has a subject. Which of the following could be anything that
is described or depicted in an art work where ignite an artist’s imagination or creation?
a. form
b. medium
c. technique
d. subject matter

10. When an artist knows uses and selects his medium in achieving what he wants and specific effects
in his creation, he has probably?
a. form
b. medium
c. technique
d. subject matter

11. What refers to the relative lightness or darkness in anything that is visible and has something to do
with the amount of light in an artwork?
a. Space
c. color
d. value
e. texture

12. When creating your own pieces of art, which among the following are necessary to understand and
put into practice?
a. Elements of art
b. Composition of art
c. Principles of design
d. All of these

13. In the principles of design, what concerned the relationship of one part to another and of the parts to
the whole?
a. emphasis
b. rhythm
c. proportion
d. unity and variety

14. Which one best shows the significance of rhythm in an art work?
a. creates a sense of movement
b. unites a composition and establishes a pattern or texture
c. creates order or development
d. All of these

15. Which of the following is not a kind of rhythm?

a. Flowing Rhythm
b. Alternating Rhythm
c. Progressive rhythm
d. Temporary Rhythm

16. How representational art can be identifiable?

a. when see figures or objects
b. when even abstract art depicts recognizable objects
c. when objects is realistically presented
d. a and b
17. What best describes “unity and variety” in an art work?
a. unity is the coherence of the elements of a work to the whole, while variety refers to the
diversity of a work of art.
b. unity is achieved when all design elements and principles work harmoniously together,
however, variety are produced to prevent monotony and uniformity in the design.
c. a and b
d. none of these

18. In what composition of art is “ what you see is what you get”. It is just what it is and nothing else.
a. content
b. form
c. medium
d. technique


a. Choreography c. Cinema e. Literary compositions g. Musical

b. Musical instruments d. Theatrical performance f. Visual design

19. It is the art of dancing that is composed f a series of dance steps and movements to create a story.
20. It is any tool or device that produces sounds which consists of an array of shapes and styles from
the simple to complex.
21. These are written works meant to be read, sung or delivered in a play.
22. Works are notated or represented by musical symbols.

23. It is a composition or layout of lines, shapes, and color to form patterns on paper, textile, or any
piece for that matter.
24. It refers to a public presentation of a dramatic or musical entertainment.
25. It is the most popular of the art forms, yet the youngest of all which is characterized that is seen on
a flat screen.

26. Which of the following refers to a Filipino citizen who has been given the rank and titles in
recognition of his her significant contributions to the development of Philippine arts and letters?
a. Order of National artist
b. National Artists
c. GAMABA awardees
d. b and c

27. Where do Artists who have greatly contributed to the promotion and preservation of our cultural
heritage belong to?
a. Order of National artist
b. National Artist
d. b and c

28. Those who have been proclaimed are given grand collar symbolizing their status, rank, title, and
wearable award. What does it represent?
a. Those who have made distinct contributions in the field of arts and letter.
b. Highest national recognition
c. Those individuals with highest ideals in humanism and aesthetic expressions
d. All of these
29. The insignia of the order of the National Artists is composed of a grand collar with a central badge
medallion divided into three colors and three K’s. Which one does not stand for the KKK?
a. “Kagandahan”
b. “Karangalan”
c. “Katotohanan”
d. “Kabutihan”
30. When was the order of the National Artist Award Created?
a. It was established by virtue of presidential proclamation No. 2001, s. 1972
b. It was institutionalized by virtue of presidential proclamation No. 1001, s. 1792
c. It was April 1992 under the Republic Act no. 7355
d. None of these
31. Which among the following does not show the criteria for the order of National Artists?
a. Living artists who are Filipino citizens at the time of nomination, as well as those who
dies after the establishment of the award.
b. Artists who, through the content and form of their works, have contributed in building a
Filipino sense of nationhood.
c. Artist who have pioneered in a mode of creative expressions or style, thus earning
distinction and making an impact on succeeding generations of artist.
d. Artists who enjoy no acceptance of critical acclaim and/or review of their works.
32. What does R.A. 7355 envision?
a. “Manlilikha ng Bayan”/ “National Living Treasures Award”
b. shall mean a citizen engaged in any traditional art uniquely Filipino.
c. envisioned those who have reached such high level of technical and artistic excellence.
d. All of the above
33. How much do the GAMABA Awardees receive aside from specially designed medallion/plaque?
a. 100,000.00 And 14,000.00 lifetime stipend per month.
b. A cash award of 75,000.00
c. 100,000.00 net of taxes with 10,000 monthly allowances
d. All of these
34. An artist must have exceptional qualities to become a “Manlilikha ng Bayan”, which one does not
belong to the following criteria?
a. The artist should be an inhabitant of an indigenous/traditional cultural community
anywhere in the Philippines that has preserved indigenous customs, beliefs, rituals, and
b. The artist must have engaged in a folk art tradition that has been in existence and
documented for at least fifty years.
c. The artist must be inconsistently performed or produced works of superior and distinctive
quality over a significant period.
d. The artist must possess a mastery of tools and materials needed by the art, and must
have an established reputation in the art.
35. What is the role of National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) in the administration and
implementation of the Award?
a. As the highest policy making and coordinating body for culture and the arts, conduct the
search for the finest traditional artists of the land.
b. Adopt a program a program that will ensure the transfer of their skills to others.
c. Undertake measures to promote a genuine appreciation of and instil pride among our
people about GAMABA.
d. All of these
II. Complete the table below by giving the name of the artists, art forms, and their significant contributions
in the development of Phil. Art.
National Artist/s Categor Contribution/s GAMABA Awardee/s Craft/Contribution/s

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II Principal I

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